
kwhat4Do I need to use a different pkg-config to find i386 stuff?00:01
rfmTrace_, if you put the local nameserver in the netplan, netplan should have put them in the systemd network config.  "systemd-resolve --status" should show the local named (in the Link section) l00:23
oerhekskwhat4, did you add :i386 ? sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 & sudo apt update00:26
lamiastellahow can I change the image size in KB/MB without changing its dimension/resolution?00:27
Trace_rfm I ended up installing bind9, then had to disable DNSSEC as my local DNS doesn't have it. Then it would resolve local zones. Now just trying to figure out why DNS lookups to the keepalived to local zones aren't resolving.00:29
Trace_Thanks for the help00:29
oerhekslamiastella, most image apps can set compression, this can touch image quality, gimp can do this pretty neat.00:29
lamiastellawhat about using terminal oerheks I need to do this for like 20 images00:30
sarnoldprobably imagemagick can do it00:30
oerhekslamiastella, maybe imagmagick is your tool, not that easy to use00:30
sarnoldor graphicsmagick, whatevver you've got installed00:31
kwhat4oerheks, yes, I specified in a pervious post.00:31
oerheksand how would you check for quality on comandline?00:31
kwhat4do i need to install pkg-config:i386 or something?00:33
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oerhekskwhat4, no, just run sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38600:33
oerheksthen you can install whatever you want00:34
kwhat4yah thats what i did00:34
oerheksif you are pointing to :i386 as extention, yes.00:34
kwhat4cmake's pkg-config is not finding xtst:38600:34
=== jje_ is now known as jje
oerheks!find  xtst00:35
ubottuFound: libxtst-dev, libxtst-doc, libxtst600:35
oerheksi guess you want the -dev00:35
kwhat4its installed00:36
InteloI am using xfce. How to make desktop temperature green (like redshit makes it yellow/red)?00:42
InteloI am using xfce. How to make desktop temperature green (like redshift makes it yellow/red)?00:42
oerheks!find zoom01:19
ubottuFound: libnet-z3950-simple2zoom-perl, libnet-z3950-zoom-perl, node-d3-zoom, ruby-zoom, xzoom01:19
k_szeHow long does it usually take for an LTS upgrade path to be ready?01:29
oerheksthere is guide to that; hours, days, weeks; it is ready when it is ready (tested)01:32
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:32
leftyfbk_sze: t should have been available with the release of 20.04.1 but it's still not ready for some reason. We do not know why.01:39
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:26
oerheksare you looking for !ltsupgrade ?02:27
jjbuggleya.  Wondering why it isn't offered yet02:27
jjbuggleoh, I get you02:27
oerhekshours, days, weeks; it is ready when it is ready (tested)02:27
InteloI am using xfce. How to make desktop temperature green (like redshift makes it yellow/red)?02:37
=== disillusion is now known as CaptainCringe
Jordan_UI'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and every time I connect an HDMI monitor all of my other audio outputs go away. They simply disappear from pavucontrol, even after I disconnect the monitor again. They are still available in alsamixer, but I don't know how to get pulse to actually route sound to them. My other outputs in this case are my sound card's analog output and a USB headset output. Inputs seem to be02:55
Jordan_Uunaffected. When I disconnect the HDMI output I'm only left with "Dummy Output" in pavucontrol.02:55
=== catman370 is now known as catman
=== catman is now known as catman370
ouyeshello, How could I get the pid of a process by its name?03:09
oerheks pidof firefox03:09
oerheksps aux | grep -i firefox03:09
oerhekspgrep firefox03:10
oerheksmany ways..03:10
leftyfbouyes: sudo killall firefox03:12
ouyesleftyfb, thanks a lot, the thing is the process is started by python's Process(target, name) I what to know if the process is running03:15
oerhekstop will show all ..03:16
InteloActually in any ubuntu flavor,  how to make desktop temperature green (like redshift makes it yellow/red)?03:18
leftyfbIntelo: why?03:18
oerheksgnome3 has that build in.03:18
leftyfboerheks: green?03:18
Inteloleftyfb: good for eyes?03:19
Inteloleftyfb: same reason why people use redshit03:19
leftyfbIntelo: that would be red/yellow, not green03:19
Inteloleftyfb: or warm temperature mode03:19
Inteloleftyfb: yes, green is also good for eyes. Its a matter of taste maybe?03:19
oerheksnot sure what colour you get..03:19
Intelooerheks: what do you mean?03:19
Intelooerheks: what color I get from where?03:20
leftyfbIntelo: since blue light is bad for your eyes and green is closer to blue than yellow or red, I'm going to go with green is not all that good for you03:20
Inteloleftyfb: correct, blue is bad03:20
oerheksthe nightshift thingy in gnome makes colours softer, not green, red or whatever03:20
Intelobut green is good I heard. Its of trees. Doctors say watch greenery03:20
Intelooerheks: I seek a command line tool as it would work for all desktop evns03:21
Intelooerheks: or one that works with xfce and kde03:21
leftyfbIntelo: you heard wrong03:21
Intelothats what I use03:21
Inteloleftyfb: are you 'sure'?03:21
leftyfbIntelo: not for a computer screen03:22
leftyfb"Thus to select the best value we will need to select the value with lowest blue light and highest green light, but green light should also be reduced for best eye protection and sleep."03:22
Inteloleftyfb: can you share any authoritative link03:22
Inteloleftyfb: some medical one like pubmed /nih.gov03:22
Inteloleftyfb: oh so it says 'higest greenlight'03:22
Inteloso, how to make thing green ? :O03:23
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oerheksinstall a green theme?03:23
leftyfbIntelo: whatever, do what you want. I'm going with it's a bad idea, based on an article from experts on light and how it affects the eyes and some common sense. You're going based on doctors telling you to watch folliage03:24
Inteloleftyfb: ok, well why not try and see the effect? if eyes get tired soon, green is bad.03:26
Inteloleftyfb: oerheks good discussion though but as for the tech question, what are the ways I can make color green instead of yellow/red (like with redshit)?03:26
leftyfbIntelo: because I know enough about the problem to understand your test isn't valid since eye fatigue is only part of the problem/symptoms from staring at a computer screen03:27
oerhekssome choose a dark theme..03:27
Intelooerheks: already have, with yellow redhift. Facing headaches03:28
Intelowell was facing. Not now03:28
Intelobut want to experiment further03:28
Intelothis dark yellow is good so far03:28
leftyfbIntelo: then go do something else, away from a screen. Changing to green is going in the wrong direction03:28
Intelolet me try03:29
Intelohow can I do it green?03:29
leftyfbIntelo: changing to green is going closer to blue and away from red03:29
InteloOk. what other colors are good for eyes?03:29
Inteloleftyfb: ?03:32
leftyfbIntelo: the closer to red the better03:32
leftyfbIntelo: hence the name, redshift03:33
Intelohow about gryscale?03:33
oerheksalternativeto.net gives lots of options for redshift03:34
leftyfbIntelo: the point is to take the blue out of the whites. If you are greyscale, you still have bright white(blue)03:34
Inteloleftyfb: good point03:35
Intelooerheks: ok03:35
Inteloleftyfb: if we exclude blue from grayscale, what will be left?03:35
Intelooerheks: cannot find a valid thing that makes color change to another color than yellow/red03:43
oerheksi have no idea either, gnome3 just alters the Kelvin value.03:46
Intelooerheks: how can I alter things my self? like the gammar or xrandr or something (whatever its called)?03:49
oerhekslook at alternativeto.net for a commandline tool that works on all linux version?03:50
Intelooerheks: yes03:56
Intelooerheks: cannot find a valid thing that makes color change to another color than yellow/red <03:56
Inteloleftyfb: https://imgur.com/3mnr6ij.png04:00
tatertotzIntelo: just develop your own custom redshift like application, and share it with the open source community. You'd be like a national hero.04:04
aumhi all -- are there any ubuntu-based apps (or stacks of apps) people recommend for building an easy-to-manage firewall/router on Ubuntu, to replace a VyOS router? VyOS is ok-ish, but I'd prefer to have a box that does the routing, but can run other software04:07
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo04:08
leftyfboerheks: I'm not sure how well ufw can be used to manage gateway services04:09
leftyfbaum: https://medium.com/@exesse/how-to-make-a-simple-router-gateway-from-ubuntu-server-18-04-lts-fd40b7bfec904:10
oerheksa simple netplan as router https://www.ascinc.com/blog/linux/how-to-build-a-simple-router-with-ubuntu-server-18-04-1-lts-bionic-beaver/04:10
aumI want to set up PPPoE VLAN connection direct to ISP, basic firewall, routing based on ports, NAT based on origin and/or destination IPs/ports04:10
oerheksoh, maybe the same info04:10
leftyfbaum: buy Unifi gear04:11
tatertotzaum: Pfsense04:12
aumthanks folks04:12
Intelotatertotz: so in short, there is no way existing that makes green instead of warm desktop?04:21
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tatertotzIntelo: it'll exist after you develop it, name it "greenshift".05:47
Intelotatertotz: ok :)05:49
Intelooerheks: leftyfb redshift -g 2:4:0.1 ?  works but does not changes the white screen. `redshift -O 2000 does makes it yellow though.05:50
=== oerheks is now known as DT_oerheks
=== DT_oerheks is now known as oerheks
ravisankarHi, in my laptop I was able to enter into bios by f2 key while booting... But after installing Ubuntu and then windows, now I couldn't get into bios, now if I press f2 key while booting it shows only os selection option... Could anyone help me to sort it out???07:34
EriC^^ravisankar: what laptop model?07:34
thyriaenHi there, i would like to change my default file manager in ubuntu 20.04 which is nautilus i believe, now the thing i am curious about how i change the window which pops up when i need to select a location for another application, for example when i select a download directory or a place where my program should save something07:35
ravisankarSamsung np300e5x07:35
oerheksthyriaen, changing filemanager is easy. the window where to put files is basicly the same07:36
EriC^^ravisankar: try to make a bios update07:36
thyriaenoerheks, so how do i change the default file manager ? ( i checked "default applications" in the settings, and there is no spot for it )07:37
EriC^^ravisankar: also try pressing esc, f10 or f407:37
EriC^^more info here ravisankar https://superuser.com/questions/656956/i-can-t-access-the-bios-setup-using-f2-key-on-samsung-np270e5v-laptop07:38
oerheksthyriaen, tons of guides online, from nautilus > nemo ;  https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/07/how-to-replace-nautilus-with-nemo-file.html07:38
thyriaenoerheks, i did this: with xdg-mime https://askubuntu.com/questions/84929/how-to-set-up-dolphin-as-default-file-manager but it didn't change it07:38
oerheksor dolphin; xdg-mime default org.kde.dolphin.desktop inode/directory07:38
oerheksbasicly the same07:38
oerheksafter this, logout/login07:38
thyriaenoerheks, ah, damn i am dumb07:39
thyriaenok thanks ill relog :p07:39
ravisankar@EriC^^: if I press esc it shows minimal bash like line editing07:40
ravisankarOther keys shows only the options to choose os07:40
thyriaenturns out i cannot really remove nautilus without removing gnome-desktop is there a way around that ?07:58
lotuspsychjethyriaen: nautilus is nicely integrated in ubuntu-desktop these days, if you dont like nautilus, dont use it, or choose another !flavour of ubuntu?08:14
thyriaenlotuspsychje, yea, i keep clicking around and it is integrated all over the place - i think im gonna get used to it08:15
lotuspsychjethyriaen: another way around is installing another DM ontop your existing ubuntu-desktop and use the file manager there08:16
thyriaenlotuspsychje, i really enjoy gnome, i just didn't like nautilus and the terminal :)08:17
lotuspsychjethyriaen: but we usually advice when liking a flavour, to install it clean08:17
BaltecoTrollguys? what should i do with no system tray and "this plugin is compiled against incompatible Plasma version 346368 This build is compatible with 5 .0.0 ( 327680 ) to 5.72.0 ( 346172 )"?08:17
oerheksremove plugin, reboot08:19
tatertotzBaltecoTroll: restore from the backup you took yesterday08:21
BaltecoTrollanother bright ideas?08:29
tatertotzreinstall the operating system08:30
tatertotzor use virtualbox and create a VM taking advantage of snapshots that way next time you get yourself in a similar situation you can revert to a snapshot08:32
BaltecoTrolltatertotz: or just downgrade the package needed08:32
tatertotzBaltecoTroll: good luck with that08:33
CymewHi, I've tried to use this preseed, and it is totally ignored! Have something happened with how you use pre-seeding to partition disks in 18.04? https://askubuntu.com/questions/694395/partman-preseed-partitionning-error08:42
ouyeshow can you locate a process by its name?08:43
tatertotzouyes: are you using 20.0408:43
oerheksouyes, top or htop ?08:43
Cymewouyes: What do you mean "locate"? Do you want to know if it's running? "ps -ef | grep <name>" shows it if it's running.08:43
ouyestatertotz, 18.04 I am an old school08:43
oerheksCymew, a 4 year old preseed, pre systemd era..08:44
tatertotzouyes: use the GUI system monitor08:44
tatertotzouyes: its in your menu08:44
oerheksdid you try the top preseed, or the 1st answer with green icon?08:45
Cymewoerheks: Exactly, so many things maight have changed. Has it? How do you do now?08:45
ouyesCymew, here is the real situation, I am using Python multipleprocess.Process to create a process with name parameter(say "myprocess") how can locate this process ?08:45
Cymewoerheks: The answer, as that was confirmed to be working. Back then at least.08:45
Cymewouyes: If you want to find it using python, I'm of no help. Sorry.08:46
ouyesCymew, thanks08:46
oerheksCymew, if the partman LVM example should work, compare it with outher ones, like https://gist.github.com/lorin/514002908:48
oerheksand/or https://gist.github.com/CalvinHartwell/f2d7f5dedbfee2d7d47c583539a1085908:48
Cymewoerheks: I tried Calvin's example, but it wont boot after install. I will test the other link and see if that work better. Never examples are always preferable. It feels like subtle things have changed lately, which makes some d-i attributes not work, and I can't find any good docs on it. It's all end-user facing...08:51
Cymewoerheks: Thanks for the links. Rebooting my vm now with the first example, will see how that goes.08:55
Cymew*sigh* that one does not boot, either. :(09:04
CymewSomething about grub seems to have changed, but what?09:04
EriC^Cymew: what's the problem?09:05
BaltecoTrolltatertotz: done with 4:5.19.4-0ubuntu109:16
tatertotzBaltecoTroll: awesome09:17
CymewEriC^: After the system installed, it rebooted fine but then it wont come up. It looks like something is wrong with grub, as it's not even showing the boot menu.09:20
EriC^Cymew: what happens if you hold shift when you turn the pc on?09:21
CymewEriC^: It's a vm, so I don't know if that's special, but nothing differs.09:30
CymewEriC^: i.e. it still wont boot or even show grub.09:30
CymewIt seems different attributes for d-i stops working in different ubuntu releases, and I see no rhyme or reason to it.09:35
elias_aHas anyone else have problems with 20.04 claiming that bluetooth chip does not exist?09:47
CymewHmm. Adding "grub-installer/bootdev=/dev/sda" to the kernel line did force it to actually install grub. It did also actually create a lvm volume, but skipped one lvm. Odd. But, it's progress!09:47
elias_aI'm using a thinkpad T450s and it mos definately has a BT chip...09:48
CymewI really get the impression very few ubuntu users use debian installer to do anything but automatic partitioning...09:48
tatertotzelias_a: that doesn't mean it's got a "supported" bt chip09:48
elias_atatertotz: Quite right! Is there a list of supported chips somewhere?09:50
jeremy31elias_a: post URL from terminal for>  lsusb | nc termbin.com 999909:54
elias_ajeremy31: Here you go! https://termbin.com/i3u409:55
oerheksinternal would be lspci09:56
elias_alspci output here: https://termbin.com/2yik09:58
jeremy31elias_a: did BT work on a different OS?09:59
oerheksIntel Corporation Wireless 7265 is a double chipset, wifi and bt09:59
oerheksso, i wonder..09:59
elias_ajeremy31: Not yet. Will test in a minute.10:00
oerhekswhat gives: rfkill list all10:00
jeremy31They make the 7265 with or without bt10:00
elias_aI think this has to do with the problem: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/365395/linux-bluetooth-driver-for-lenovo-thinkpad-t470s10:00
oerhekssudo rfkill unblock bluetooth10:00
oerheks3 years old, forget that post10:00
jeremy31elias_a: The forth item listed in lsusb results on that question is the bluetooth chipset10:01
elias_ajeremy31: So I thought.10:01
oerhekshuh ? this one? Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04f2:b449 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Integrated Camera10:02
elias_aI'll test with proprietary OS...10:02
jeremy31Bus 001 Device 004: ID 8087:0a2b Intel Corp.10:02
jeremy31From unix.stackexchange link10:03
oceanelias_a: see what oerheks wrote.. try the rfkill commands10:03
oerhekshttps://devicehunt.com/view/type/usb/vendor/8087Integrated Hub10:05
jeremy31list of Intel BT devices supported by kernel https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bluetooth/bluetooth-next.git/tree/drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c#n33710:06
agopoAfter having a lot of trouble with radicale (CalDav server), which caldav server do you recommend? I'm on ubuntu 16.04 LTS, no webserver installed10:23
oerheksagopo, 16.04 only has 1 year support left, i would switch to 20.04 .. some tutor https://wissel.net/blog/2020/01/running-a-caldav-server-on-ubuntu.html10:25
agopooerheks, I fear breaking my server apps (Minecraft server, TeamSpeak server, Syncthing) by upgrading. Or is that an irrational fear?10:26
oerheksthose are doable .. but you need to make the switch to systemD and Netplan and such10:27
agopoconsidering autostarts?10:28
oerheksyes, managing services and networking10:28
agopoif I do dist-upgrade, won't it use my current config?10:29
agopoif so everything should work right away shouldnt it10:29
tatertotzthat's why having a backup is so important10:30
oerheksread the releasenotes first https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes10:30
tatertotzif disaster strikes, restore from backup10:30
oerhekslots of things changed.10:30
elias_ajeremy31, oerheks  - Seems like this laptop does not have BT chip after all. Windows could not find it either.10:32
elias_aThat is really odd as manufacturer spec lists BT in all configurations... https://psref.lenovo.com/syspool/Sys/PDF/ThinkPad/ThinkPad_T450s/ThinkPad_T450s_Spec.PDF10:34
jeremy31And Lenovo has BIOS whitelist, you just can't drop any wifi card with BT in it10:36
BluewolfGood day. I've a dual boot Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 on two separate disks. Upon boot up, my machine loads directly into Ubuntu and isn't picking up Windows - The grub installation didn't fail?10:50
BluewolfI initially had Windows 10 as the primary drive with the boot menu on its disk. Then when I swapped disks and put in a new one for ubuntu I set it to the primary, installed and then added in the windows drive and updated grub through the terminal.10:52
tatertotzdid you update grub yet?10:52
BluewolfYes I rebooted and updated grub10:53
oerheksi think windows ( on UEFI) does not like to be changed10:54
tatertotzBluewolf: in terminal>    sudo update-grub2 &> ~/nip.pir10:55
tatertotzBluewolf: you may not see any output let me know when done10:55
Bluewolfoerheks: I've always had windows as the primary drive. But because I was installing on two different drives, I wasn't sure how to run the installation. I was told to do the above instead.10:57
Bluewolftatertotz: Its completed and no output10:57
oerheksso, if windows is installed in UEFI mode, i would change back.10:59
oerheksgood luck!11:00
tatertotzBluewolf: in terminal>    sudo update-grub &>> ~/nip.pir11:00
tatertotzBluewolf: you may not see any output let me know when done11:00
Bluewolfoerheks: This is beyond my expertise unfortunately.11:01
Bluewolftatertotz: Done11:01
tatertotzBluewolf: in terminal>    cat ~/nip.pir|nc termbin.com 999911:05
tatertotzBluewolf: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so11:05
Bluewolftatertotz: https://termbin.com/12cf111:05
tatertotzBluewolf: don't see windows anywhere11:07
Bluewolftatertotz: Just to clarify, I've an 18.04 boot loader on the windows drive and the 20.04 boot loader on its drive - Because I switched they physical order.11:07
Bluewolftatertotz: I assure you, the windows drive is on and I can access it through 'Disks'11:08
tatertotzBluewolf: you'll have to play with "physical" switching more until you get your desired results11:08
Bluewolftatertotz: My linux is an EFI system if that causes any issue?11:11
Bluewolftatertotz: And you mean switch my linux sda to sdb and windows sdb to sda?11:11
Bluewolftatertotz: This isn't the same system as with our previous discussion the other day. This is my main machine now.11:12
tatertotzBluewolf: you'll have to just experiment with switching by finding the same motivation that led you to do any form of switching in the first place11:13
BluesKajHowdy all11:13
oerheksnow you learned; don't switch drives in an UEFI machine11:13
Bluewolfoerheks: Keep grinning - I'm still learning :P11:14
Bluewolftatertotz: Okay, I will do that. In the even I fail, would you be prepared to assist with setting up partitions for ubuntu. I don't mind doing another reinstal?11:15
agopooerheks, tatertotz updating to 20.04.1 at the moment. will report if it worked out11:27
Bluewolftatertoz: Sorry, I'm back to bother :(11:33
BluewolfNo surprise it didn't work. I've returned the drives back to the physical slots and will just simply reinstall and place the boot loader on the Windows drive.11:33
BluewolfI'm using this site for reference - https://www.linuxtechi.com/dual-boot-ubuntu-20-04-lts-along-with-windows-10/11:33
tatertotzBluewolf: let the installer defaults do all the partitioning11:35
Bluewolftatertotz: I did the first time and it didn't install the boot loader on the windows partition / drive. The issue I've found is because both OS are on separate drives or perhaps I'm missing something?11:36
erdemi have replace gnome with cinnamon on ubuntu 1811:37
erdemhow do i uninstall gnome now?11:37
erdemto get rid of all unused packages11:37
aienaerdem,  that is pretty hard to do.11:37
oerheksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting11:38
aienaI think it may be better to just reinstall ubuntu with just cinnamon. backing up configs. Otherwise your system will likely break in mysterious ways somewhere in the future.11:38
tatertotzBluewolf: if you cannot get successful dual boot, you can use virtualbox to play with multiple operating systems, much easier to manage and administer11:38
erdemokay then i will leave it as it i11:38
erdemthank you for the advice11:39
aienaerdem, that is a wise choice.11:39
aienaNext time when you want to upgrade do a fresh install with just cinnamon.11:39
oerhekssudo apt remove ubuntu-desktop -d # where -d is dry run, just a test, nothing gets deleted11:39
Bluewolftatertotz: Unfortunately that won't work for me. I had 18.04 installed just fine along side Windows 10. 20.04 seems like a pain.11:40
Bluewolftatertotz: I don't know what to do at this point11:40
aienaBluewolf,  is your hardware EFI? then it doesnt matter. grub will go on a different boot partition than the windows one and you could boot windows from the linux efi partition or boot windows directly from the BIOS11:41
tatertotzBluewolf: like aiena mentioned, you may have to settle for manually booting the disk you want to boot11:43
Bluewolfaiena: I think it is EFI, the new one to UEFI (Little confused).11:43
Bluewolftatertotz: I did have a boot menu before, that's fine.11:44
agopooerheks, tatertotz upgrade succesful. now back to getting a CalDav server to run :P11:44
xernusI am trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 via PXE and it is working great with the installation, cloud-init and such. However, I use a static user-data file because the PXE will not necessarily know where the server is placed etc. without user interaction.  Is there a way to implement an interactive script in the installation process, that will be executed on the console?  Ask the user to input certain information.  I know how to write script. etc, my missing li11:48
Bluewolftatertotz: aiena: These are my options - https://pasteboard.co/Jm17mxZ.png11:49
aienaBluewolf,  I think the best thing to do would be to use the last option. Manual install. But for that you need to be a bit careful. Take out a piece of paper and use lsblk and write down which partition corresponds to what and then make the linux efi partition and choose to reformat only the root partition (assuming root and home are separate) not touching the windows EFI and other windows partitions (C drive e drive etc.)11:55
aienaIt would be best to do this from the live boot of the OS you cannot investigate partitions if they are mounted11:56
aienaBluewolf,  but before you reinstall ubuntu, I am wondering if you are using the windows efi parition and therefore not getting the grub menu to boot into linux11:57
aienaor you are experiencing some other issue booting11:59
Bluewolfaiena: I'll add context - I've just gotten new hardware and a little unfamiliar with it. I've two separate hard drives, Windows 10 on the first drive (sdb1) and Ubuntu 18.04 on the second (sdc1). I then removed the 18.04 drive and put in an SSD and intended to install 20.04 (Which I did, selecting the option "Erase Entire Disk and Install Ubuntu12:06
Bluewolfpon restarting it just booted into the new Ubuntu. I think I made a mistake by not selecting "Something Else" to manually install Grub to the windows drive.12:06
BluewolfI'm struggling with the partitioning because its not the same as I remember it in previous Ubuntu versions12:07
BluewolfLet alone the complications of the newer hardware - Which also differs from the old :D12:08
BluewolfI was informed to not have the drives installed on Sata port 0 and 1 because of the motherboard firmware (Better for running or something alone those lines )12:09
theelous3hi. I was here with an issue yesterday that is unresolved. We thought it may be on my vps provider's side but it apparently is not.12:10
theelous3I migrated through mount and rsync the partition from one box to another. There is a configuration problem wherein the new box does not accept any traffic externally12:11
theelous3I do not know where to begin to solve this config prob12:11
Bluewolfaiena: Does that all make a little more sense?12:18
Bluewolfaiena: I am currently in a live session and following this site for reference, although a bit more guidance would be appreciated. https://www.linuxtechi.com/dual-boot-ubuntu-20-04-lts-along-with-windows-10/12:21
tatertotzBluewolf: erase disk and install, the last thing you need is additional complexities12:25
Bluewolftatertotz: Just so there's no confusion, this one? - https://pasteboard.co/Jm1n9M6.png12:27
tatertotzBluewolf: erase disk and install Ubuntu12:28
Bluewolftatertotz: Yes that would be it. What about the grub loader now?12:29
BluewolfOr look at that problem after?12:29
tatertotzBluewolf: grub is N/A until installation is completed12:29
Bluewolftatertotz: https://pasteboard.co/Jm1pfLw.png12:32
BluewolfInstalling now12:33
heeenhow do I get rid if linux-image packages showing un status in dpkg12:36
heeenNote, selecting 'linux-image-4.15.0-45-generic' for regex '^linux-image-4.15.*'12:37
heeenPackage 'linux-image-4.15.0-45-generic' is not installed, so not removed12:37
heeenun  linux-image-4.15.0-45-generic           <none>              <none>       (no description available)12:37
Bluewolftatertotz: Okay the installation is done and successful. Shall I go ahead and restart?12:56
BluewolfOkay brb12:57
Bluewolftatertotz: Okay I'm no in the new install, still not boot menu upon start up?13:03
oerheksbluereally, did you think windows would show up, without putting the disk back in order?13:10
Bluewolfoerheks: I put the disks back to how they were. Windows is primary and Ubuntu is secondary13:12
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am still using Ubuntu 18.04. What do you guys think that which new version I should switch to? 19.04 or 20.04?13:12
oerheksBluewolf, oke, else windows would not start13:12
lalitmeeIs it possible to upgrade directly from 18.04 to 19.04 or 20.04?13:12
=== SysGhost is now known as SysGh0st
oerhekslalitmee, not now, upgrade path 18.04-20.04 is not released,13:13
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:13
Bluewolfoerheks: Don't mind me asking though - How do i get the grub menu up. sudo update-grub?13:14
BluesKajlalitmee, you can upgrade directly using the LTS only flag in your package manager and the command oerheks posted above13:14
oerhekshold shift or esc during boot13:14
BluesKajlalitmee, to 20.0413:15
lalitmeeBluesKaj: What are you using?13:15
Bluewolfoerheks: I'll try that quick13:16
oerheksi would wait, not using -d13:16
BluesKajlalitmee, 20.04, but I did a clean install13:18
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Bluewolfoerheks: shift or esc didn't work either :(13:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:22
oerheksit should .. tap it repeatedly?13:22
Bluewolfoerheks: I'll try it 1 more time. But I'm really lost now.13:23
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: some cases you might need to edit grub timeout13:23
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Lemme try once more then I'll get back to you13:24
Bluewolfoerheks: Nope didn't work. Came up with a black screen but no boot menu13:29
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Sorry you were saying before?13:29
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: check your etc/default/grub and the values of grub timeout and grub timeout style13:31
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Would you mind guiding me through that?13:31
BluewolfI'm not sure how to go about it13:31
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: timeout style= menu timeout= 5 save, and sudo update-grub and reboot13:32
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Enter that as is in terminal? - timeout style= menu timeout= 5 save13:33
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: no, edit your etc/default/grub file with gedit13:34
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Sorry where do I find it?13:37
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: etc/default/grub13:37
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Okay done i think.I'll reboot and return here13:43
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: did you sudo update-grub?13:43
Bluewolflotuspsychje: Yes I did. But the grub file I edited didn't save13:44
BluewolfJust rechecked13:44
BluewolfThat's what it is npw13:44
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: you need to open the file in admin mode, in nautilus ctrl + l and admin:///13:45
EriC^you need sudo -H gedit /etc/default/grub13:45
BluewolfEriC^: Thank you13:46
BluewolfBut it still didn't save13:47
EriC^what happens when you attempt to save13:47
BluewolfEriC^: It saves. When I run the command again, the changes are saved13:49
BluewolfI've updated grub13:49
BluewolfSo now to restart?13:49
BluewolfOkay. The boot menu appears, but the windows partition doesn't.13:54
BluewolfBut the windows disk is there13:54
g3poandlslwhat package/script modifies /etc/os-release for point releases?13:55
EriC^g3poandlsl: dpkg -S /etc/os-release13:56
g3poandlslEriC^, thanks13:58
EriC^g3poandlsl: no problem13:58
Bluewolflotuspsychje: The grub menu appears, absent the Windows 10 option13:59
EriC^Bluewolf: can you paste "(ls /sys/firware/efi; sudo parted -ls) | nc termbin.com 9999"13:59
EriC^Bluewolf: can you paste "(ls /sys/firmware/efi; sudo parted -ls) | nc termbin.com 9999"13:59
BluewolfEriC^: https://termbin.com/qozb14:00
EriC^Bluewolf: ubuntu is installed in uefi mode, windows is in legacy mode, so it wont pick it up14:01
EriC^you can reinstall or convert one of them so the booting modes match14:01
BluewolfEriC^: Re-installing Ubuntu works better. But I'm not sure how to specify legacy installation14:02
EriC^Bluewolf: you have to boot the usb in legacy mode, usually in the boot menu there will be 2 usb enties, USB UEFI and just USB: name here, use the latter for legacy mode14:03
EriC^you'll know it worked if you get a neat menu in the middle and not a black/white grub menu which uefi typically uses for the installer14:04
EriC^at least in the earlier ubuntu versions that was the case unless they've changed recently14:04
BluewolfEriC^: I don't recall neat menus during start up. But I do recall the different usb types14:07
BluewolfEriC^: I'm not used to this whole UEFI and Legacy. I upgraded to newer hardware. It makes a lot more sense now14:08
EriC^Bluewolf: also make sure in the bios csm legacy is enabled and uefi is disabled14:10
EriC^csm legacy is just the legacy compatibility that uefi has14:10
BluewolfEriC^: I think that was done by the guy who helped me put it together. I recall him stating not to use sata 0 and 1 (As I had normally done) but rather the other two which supported legacy14:12
BluewolfEriC^ I will check and get beck here on the live usb14:12
BluewolfEriC^: OKay I've booted in the legacy USB. I checked the Bios.  Storage boot option control and Other PCI are set to UEFI14:22
BluewolfBut I've had 18.04 alongside windows as it is so I assume it is fine14:23
BluewolfEriC^: So I'll go ahead with the reinstall "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" - Does that mean the boot loader will be put onto the windows drive automatically?14:25
ExtraSteveI've uncommented the deb-src lines in my sources.list file, but I still get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PXdhXGyPhn/14:41
ExtraSteveAm I doing something wrong?14:42
ExtraSteveHere's my sources.list file: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FBV9dhzn7q/14:43
ExtraSteveI also ran a "sudo apt-get update"14:43
ioriaExtraSteve, there's no 7.4 on bionic; it uses 7.2 (and you don't need sudo to get the source)14:44
ExtraSteveWhen I do an apt-cache search php7.4 it shows up14:45
ExtraSteveBut the source isn't avaialbe?14:45
ioriaExtraSteve, ther's no 7.4 on bionic as far as  i know14:46
ExtraSteveUnless that's somehow coming from a different repo in my sources.list...14:47
ExtraSteveHow do I find out which repo it's coming from?14:47
lotuspsychjeapt policy packagename14:47
ioriaExtraSteve, that is from a ppa not from a repo14:47
ExtraSteveah ha!14:47
ioriaExtraSteve, you added on purpose an external ppa14:48
ExtraSteveThat's where it came from14:48
ioriaExtraSteve, yes, i know; ask him the source14:48
ExtraSteveSo I need to find ondrej and ask him for the source for 7.4, eh? I don't suppose he comes around here, does he?14:52
BluewolfEriC^: I've finished the installation and everything works. Thank you so much!14:52
ExtraSteveooh, the ppa didn't have deb-src enabled14:53
* ExtraSteve updates14:53
ExtraSteveYay, it works14:53
ExtraSteveThanks ioria14:53
ioriaExtraSteve, ok14:54
Bluewolftatertotz: oerheks: aiena: lotuspsychje: I've resolved the issue which was due to my lack of knowledge between UEFI and Legacy installations. Sorry for frustration caused (It was worse my end) and thank you very much for your time and patience. Have a good day and stay safe.14:54
eelstrebori've been searching for an answer but can't find any solution to multiple log entries: Unknown group "power" in message bus configuration file14:56
eelstreborit's a dbus-daemon message14:57
The_LoudSpeakerIs there a way to install linux kernel 5.8 on ubuntu 20.04 with secure boot on?15:09
leftyfbThe_LoudSpeaker: no way tha is supported here. Why do you need 5.8 and secure boot?15:15
The_LoudSpeakerleftyfb: i need 5 8 for my AMD chip. And secure boot just because I like it?15:16
leftyfbThe_LoudSpeaker: you have an AMD chip that requires a kernel that was released a little over a week ago?15:18
The_LoudSpeakerThat brings me to:15:18
The_LoudSpeakerI installed ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop which has amd ryzen 5 4500u and the brightness cannot be changed for some reason. Whatever I set it to it's always at full.15:18
The_LoudSpeakerI am doing a apt upgrade rn. Will let you know if I face same problem after upgrade.15:18
luna_No Daily Groovy image today?15:23
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | luna_15:24
ubottuluna_: Groovy Gorilla is the codename for Ubuntu 20.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.15:24
luna_leftyfb: oh alright thanks15:25
luna_nope cf-python is broken15:28
leftyfbluna_: again, please keep discussions about unreleased and unsupported versions of ubuntu in #ubuntu+115:29
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user01hi i have a usb mic . . . is there a way to hear my voice real time in my headphones during conference meetings?15:55
EriC^Bluewolf: good to hear, no problem16:12
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HayashiEsmeHello, I'm trying to sync my gpg key to key to hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 via Passwords and Keys but the UI seems to not accept this. Am I doing something wrong?16:42
HayashiEsmeOr is there some sort of command line version of this I can avoid16:42
HayashiEsmeso I can avoid this UI*16:43
tomreynHayashiEsme: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key KEYID16:55
tomreyni'm not sure whether this keyserver accepts key updates this way, though.16:56
tomreynalso, nowadays, you may prefer https://keys.openpgp.org16:56
HayashiEsmeCheers! tomreyn16:57
tomreynYou're welcome, HayashiEsme. Note there's also #gnupg if you have more gpg questions.16:58
HayashiEsmeGood to know, I'll remember to look similar places up!16:58
tomreyn!alis | HayashiEsme17:02
ubottuHayashiEsme: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:02
HayashiEsmeYou're the best tomreyn !17:02
lotuspsychje!cookie | tomreyn17:02
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:02
HayashiEsme!cookie | tomreyn17:03
* tomreyn nom nom nom17:03
HayashiEsmeY'all are showing me the coolest bots17:03
billybigriggerany zfs users tried to update their system today?17:46
billybigriggerzfsutils-linux and zfs-zed are failing17:46
JonecirHello, I recently switched my ISP provider and now I'm experiencing the following error on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: "Your connection was interrupted. A network change was detected. ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED"17:59
JonecirI have already replaced my modem, but the problem continues17:59
JonecirToday I plugged a Windows machine on my network and it runs just nice, no issues at all18:00
JonecirI would appreciate some help to try to fix this issue18:00
pavlosJonecir: are you running a docker container?18:01
Jonecirpavlos: I'm not sure18:01
billybigriggerany zfs gurus around? i just migrated a pool from a freebsd vm to a 20.04LTS vm, everything seems fine except for today i'm getting errors about a dataset not mounting properly, but the data is there, and zfs unmount pool/dataset says "cannot unmount pool/dataset is not mounted"18:05
Jonecirpavlos: I just read about the definition of a docker container. By what I understood, I'm not using it18:05
billybigriggeri found out about this error when i tried to run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and zfsutils-linux failed to update18:06
pavlosJonecir: maybe you need to disable ipv6 ... sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=118:06
Jonecirpavlos: I disabled IPV6 and restarted the network. Same problem.18:13
emiellrHi, is this the right place to ask for some help with Ubuntu problems?18:14
Jonecirpavlos: however, looking at the GUI Tool, it shows IPV6 a automatcally. However, the entire GUI is disabled, I cannot edit18:14
sarnoldemiellr: yeah :)18:15
emiellrOk thanks, because I imaged my dual boot from a non-nvme m.2 to one that has nvme, and now only windows can boot and Ubuntu says it can't find the boot drive with it's uuid18:16
emiellrI presume FSTAB has the UUID from the old m.2 drive still in it?18:17
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emiellrBTW, when I switch the storage controller from Intel RST back to AHCI, windows won't boot but ubuntu will18:18
emiellrShould I make windows use good ol' AHCI and keep ubuntu as is?18:19
pavlosJonecir: does this command, "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6" output 1 ?18:19
sarnoldemiellr: I think that runs the risk of negating the purchase of the nvme, though? I know nothing about intel rst :(18:19
Jonecirpavlos: it shows 118:19
pavlosJonecir: so ipv6 is disabled but you still get that error18:20
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Jonecirpavlos: yes, still the same error18:20
pavloscan you reboot 18.04 (instead of just restarting network18:21
emiellrsarnold Does AHCI or rst matter at all though?18:22
Jonecirpavlos: yes, will do it18:22
emiellrsarnold nvm, it deffinitely matters18:23
sarnoldemiellr: yeah, it matters :(18:23
nbusroneanyone familiar with bash or other code ? because I want to set my monitor to turn off base on idle time.I need a script to do that.18:24
emiellrsarnold my bios only gives me the option of Intel RST or AHCI, so I guess I have to switch Ubuntu from AHCI to RST some way18:24
sarnoldemiellr: ~15-ish years ago, you had to set those things to ahci to get good performance, and the older legacy / sata / etc settings were the slow ones -- now I'm wondering if the ahci is the current 'slow one' :)18:24
emiellrsarnold How the turntables, right?18:24
sarnoldnbusrone: man xset, look for dpms18:24
sarnoldemiellr: lol yes18:25
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nbusronesarnold : what is the different with xprintidle ?18:26
sarnoldemiellr: my *guess* -- turn on the rst, boot to a live installer stick, use the 'rescue' option, chroot into the system configuration, and then run dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64  to try to re-do the grub end of things..18:26
emiellrsarnold I've tried a live disk in RST mode, but then the whole disk just doesn't show up in anything, not even lspci, lsblk, fdisk, dev folder18:27
sarnoldnbusrone: xset dpms lets you configure the x server to turn off the screen after a certain idle time18:27
nbusronesarnold : i found the code for it but not sure how to triffer it using xprintidle "xset dpms force off"18:27
sarnoldnbusrone: if you use xprintidle you'd have to have a program constantly running, which runs this thing every few seconds or every few minutes or whatever, and then finally --- it'd use xset dpms to actually turn the monitor off.18:28
sarnoldemiellr: yikes :(( this one's way out of my experience, sorry :(18:28
emiellrsarnold thanks for the help anyway <318:28
sarnold<3 good luck :) and if you come to a solution I'd be curious to hear it, I've heard about machines with optane cches before, and it feels likely to become more common in time..18:29
nbusronesarnold : so xset can set the timer to force x serverto shutdown the monitor ?18:30
Jonecirpavlos: just rebooted and tested. Same problem (A network change was detected.).18:31
sarnoldnbusrone: yes; run 'xset q' to see the current settings; then run 'xset dpms 10 20 30'  and then leave the system alone for a while :) note what happens after ten seconds, twenty seconds, and thirty seconds..18:32
emiellrsarnold I will keep ya posted18:33
emiellrsarnold You don't accidentally think I have optane do you? I just have a samsung 970 evo 500gb18:34
nbusronesarnold : man xset q https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XwKQnqBnQS/18:36
sarnoldemiellr: I just happened to see optane cache mentioned in the intel rst docs I found18:36
sarnoldnbusrone:   Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 018:36
sarnoldnbusrone: so it looks like you're current configured to never suspend, sleep, or turn off, the screen18:37
nbusronesarnold : I did set to turn off the screen 15 minutes18:38
nbusronesarnold : so how do I trigger it to have a timer ?18:39
sarnoldnbusrone: try: xset dpms 10 20 3018:39
nbusronesarnold : "xset dpms force off" will totally off the screen18:39
sarnoldnbusrone: that will tell you which modes your monitor can use18:39
nbusronesarnold : by setting "xset dpms 10 20 30" at terminal the monitor auto turn off .What is the value for 10 20 30 ?18:41
nbusronesarnold : minutes or second ? why 10 20 30  ?18:41
sarnold               before the three modes are activated.  The first18:42
sarnold               value given is for the `standby' mode, the second is18:42
sarnold               for the `suspend' mode, and the third is for the18:42
sarnold               `off' mode.  Setting these values implicitly enables18:42
nbusronesarnold : still don't understand , i did see DPMS (Energy Star):  Standby: 10    Suspend: 20    Off: 30.how do I reset back the value ?18:44
sarnoldnbusrone: you run 'xset dpms 0 0 0' to restore what you had before18:44
Jonecirpavlos: any other tips?18:44
sarnoldnbusrone: or you run 'xset dpms 0 0 1200' or whatever18:44
nbusronesarnold : But what if I just want to Off the Screen only , 1200 is second ?18:44
sarnold'off' is the third number18:45
sarnoldoh, xset dpms 0 0 900 -- I forgot you wanted 15 minutes, not 2018:45
pavlosJonecir: you get that using chrome, right? can you try another browser?18:46
Jonecirpavlos, no this problem also happens on other browsers like FireFox18:46
pavlosJonecir: your setup is: ISP --- router --- systems (win, 18.04, other)18:49
nbusronesarnold : Last question , after setting it , as for next restart do I need to type the same command again ?18:49
Jonecirpavlos: yes, my PC is plugged (network cable) on my modem. I only have Ubuntu in this PC18:50
sarnoldnbusrone: yes; you'll need to run these commands somehow after every time you restart X1118:51
Jonecirpavlos: as I explained, today I plugged another Win based PC, and it runs just fine, no issues at all. Only with my Ubuntu Linux PC, which is a NUC Intell I3 core18:52
nbusronesarnold : Any permanent  way ? I am using nvidia driver , which line I need to add to x11 conf to change ?18:53
sarnoldnbusrone: I'm not sure; I use an ~/.xsession file for these kinds of things, but that may or may not work for you18:54
nbusronesarnold : I will try and test , but what is the different between using xset dpms vs Settings>power>Blank Screen ?18:56
sarnoldnbusrone: that might do the same thing18:57
pavlosJonecir: could you restart your modem, then after it is up, restart 18.04 and test?18:59
nbusronesarnold : I don't think it's the same , by setting dpms is more like force shutdown the monitor but on Blank Screen trigger the gnome season service for gsd.power19:00
sarnoldnbusrone: oh, that'd make sense19:01
Hejkkihowdy. I have Nvidia GeForce on my new laptop and it works worse than my ~5-6 years old hp probook with games19:08
Hejkkii have installed the closed source nvidia driver19:08
rap-goddid you download the drivers ?19:08
rap-godwell you should have gone with Radeon19:08
Hejkkiyea seems so19:09
rap-godso wha gpu do you have ?19:09
HejkkiGeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q19:10
rap-godand what package did you install ?19:10
rap-goddriver package that is19:10
Hejkkiit was first on the list when i chose it19:11
rap-godis your laptop optimus blah blah sth sth19:12
f476_sorry for this question, im now on 18.04. sudo apt dist-ugrade dont update to 20.04.1. wait longer or use do-release-upgrade?19:12
Hejkkii think so, it has intel graphics card also, but i have set in the settings that it only uses nvidia19:12
rap-godwell thing is the nvidia gpu will be used when connecting to a external monitor and intel gpu when running just the laptop display19:13
rap-godbut you can set it up to run in hybrid mode or sth19:13
Hejkkiglxinfo |grep -i "glx vendor"19:13
Hejkkithis shows no intel is in use19:13
rap-godhmmmmm lemme use my braincells rlly quick19:13
Hejkkionly nvidia19:14
rap-goddid you search the arch wiki for suck problems19:14
Hejkkinot yet19:14
rap-godthey usually have an answer for all19:14
rap-godsth you could do is get the 450 drivers19:15
rap-godand see if those work19:15
rap-godand btw what kernel are you running ?19:15
rap-godhmmm yeah maybe you should try the 450 drivers and see if those work better but i think you will have to add them manually, i believe it is through a ppa19:18
Jonecirpavlos: rebooted both Modem and PC. Same problem :-(19:18
Hejkkiglxgears with nvidia full screen 12747 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2549.272 FPS. I will reboot for intel only, and test if there is change19:18
tomreynf476_: release upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS are not supported / enabled, yet. you can do an upgrade nevertheless, using the -d option19:18
Hejkkiand then i change the driver to 45019:18
rap-godok i am waithing19:18
rap-godwaiting *19:18
pavlosJonecir: I'm out of ideas ... anyone else?19:19
Jonecirpavlos: it's ok, thanks for your help19:19
rap-godahhh i love GNU/Linux soo much running a quick neofetch showed 0% cpu usage with 2 terminals open19:20
Jonecirif anyone else could help with ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED, please do so19:20
rap-godi bit more info would be appreciated19:20
rap-godand just search the arch or gentoo wiki for the error, i bet my right nut they have a fix19:21
Hejkki301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.012 FPS with intel, so yes, there is a significant differentce, trying the 450 driver next19:22
Jonecirevery time I'm browsing, I get the ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED (a network change was detected)19:22
rap-godhmmm yeah but then it could be a x or wayland problem19:22
rap-god@Hejkki what de or wm and distro are you running ?19:23
Jonecirrap-god: what kind of info do you need?19:23
JonecirUbuntu 18.04 LTS19:23
rap-godwhat did you do before the error occured19:23
Hejkkirap-god: Ubuntu 20.04.119:23
JonecirI switched ISP19:23
rap-godit is a wayland error you should honestly switch to kde or xfce or cinnamon, wayland is still a "baby" project so it has a lot of these errors19:24
Jonecirrap-god: what you mean by "wayland"?19:25
rap-goddo a quick google search19:25
rap-godat the basic level wayland is a display server protocol it is supposed to be more secure than X which is another display server protocol19:26
rap-godbut X is older so most things are made with it in mind like the nvidia drivers19:27
rap-godX is older and more popular19:27
Jonecirrap-god: so your suggestion is to switch to kde or xfce? Have no idea about htis19:29
rap-god@Jonecir i wasnt talking on your topic m8 sorry for the confusion19:29
rap-godi was talking about the guy who had a gtx 1660 and had bad performace19:30
Jonecirrap-god: ah ok, no problem19:30
Hejkkiwhy it says nvidia 440 is closed source but 450 is open source? Have they released it as open source?19:31
Hejkkisorry, in spanish, but codigo abierto = open source https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2i3iqvwyc5roc8/Captura%20de%20pantalla%20de%202020-08-12%2022-27-26.png?dl=019:32
rap-godmate i am sorry i am noob at irc i dont quite know what the hell i am doing but i do suggest taking your problem to reddit19:33
Hejkkiwith the 450 driver: 30616 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6123.028 FPS19:35
rap-godso is it better or ...19:35
rap-godi am using the ST terminal and didnt patch it to scroll and can't see the results from before19:36
Hejkkilike 3x more than with the other nvidia driver :) But lemme try the game and get back19:36
geosmileOn ubuntu, what apt do i need to fix this issue: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_regex19:37
Hejkkion the game nothing changed. I get vertical lines when i move the map on Cities:Skylines19:38
Hejkkior not lines, but... how to explain19:38
rap-godyeah the problem is that gnome runs on wayland19:38
ioriageosmile, i'd try with libboost-regex-dev19:39
Hejkkiseems like it cannot refresh quickly enough19:39
rap-godyou need to switch to X19:39
Hejkkihow can i do that? Can19:39
Hejkkican't i have gnome with X on ubuntu? With gentoo i had it like that19:39
rap-godyou can have gnome with X19:39
rap-godyou need to comment some lines in some config file19:40
rap-godyes on wikipedia is stated that gnome has these supported platforms: Wayland and X11 and we are aiming to get to X1119:41
rap-godHejkki: why are you running ubuntu if you have installed a minimal and basic full control distro like Gentoo, just wondering19:44
Hejkkii couldn't get nvidia working with gentoo19:45
rap-godfair enough19:45
rap-godyou can try Pop Os they have nvidia support out of the gate19:46
Hejkki450 driver said no compatible devices found, and 440 driver didn't even compile19:46
Hejkkiin gentoo19:46
rap-goddamm, feels bad man19:46
rap-godyeah give Pop Os a try19:46
Hejkki:) Might do that19:47
Hejkkibtw... switching from wayland to xorg didn19:47
Hejkkididn't help anything19:47
lotuspsychjerap-god: please dont advice other derivatives in the ubuntu support channel19:47
Hejkkii even got worse fps in glxgears in xorg than wayland19:47
rap-godHejkki: try taking your problem to reddit19:48
Hejkkitime for a sleep :)19:48
rap-godhmmm goodnight m*19:49
tatertotzgood night19:56
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triplebHow do I change my 20.04 desktop so that the icons are not locked to grid. the options are greyed out when R-clicking on the desktop.20:15
oerheksicons on the desktop, is so 199920:37
lotuspsychjebeam back to 1999 with dconf-editor to enable icons20:40
scott1What's the appropriate installer if I want to install the desktop version but with a bare minimum install?20:57
scott1As in I can install X myself, etc20:58
scott1I did a a little research and it seems like maybe I would want to either use the minimalcd or the server edition20:58
lotuspsychjescott1: what will be the purpose of your machine exactly afterwards?20:59
scott1lotuspsychje: I'll still be using it as a desktop. I just have my own provisioning script which has everything I need already21:00
oerheksscott1, so if you can install x yourself, you would know what iso to use?21:01
lotuspsychjescott1: we have users that choose server as base, and then go install i3 or such to get things nice and light, is that what you want to achieve?21:02
scott1oerheks: Sorry, not sure what you mean by that21:02
scott1lotuspsychje: yeah that sounds about right21:02
elitecoderI have a script running at shutdown via systemd that needs network access. Here's the systemd unit file: http://codepad.org/4OfHyXRk I'm getting this error when it tries to access the internet  reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN21:02
scott1lotuspsychje: I just didn't know if the server install had other server-ish things on it that I wouldn't need. I saw some mentions of apache, etc in some docs i was reading21:02
lotuspsychjescott1: you might share experiences in #i3 for howto's etc21:03
lotuspsychjeand/or #ubuntu-server21:03
scott1well it's not specifically about i3, although that is what I happen to use for the wm. Just looking for something stripped down21:03
oerhekselitecoder, Before=shutdown.target is enough, Before=shutdown.target halt.target seems wrong to me, 2 commands21:04
scott1lotuspsychje: But can't hurt to ask. I'll hit up #ubuntu-server and #i3. Thanks for the help!21:04
oerhekselitecoder, and last part; WantedBy=shutdown.target21:04
MibixI can not stop these smartd email alerts I keep getting "Device: /dev/sdl [SAT], 2 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors"  I have tried adding "/dev/sdl -l error -t -I 197 -i 197 -C 0 -M once -U 197+" to my smartd.conf file but I can't seem to get it to stop no matter what I have tried adding so many different things now heh any idea how to get it to stop alerting me?21:05
elitecoderoerheks: What about it?21:05
elitecoderoerheks: Oh put it there i see. I'll give it a try, i tried it before but there could have been another issue21:05
oerhekselitecoder, i could be wrong, last line; WantedBy=final.target ...21:06
lotuspsychjescott1: if you use ubuntu-desktop as base, you will get a lot of cleanup work and unwanted leftovers, so server might be a better choice21:06
tatertotzMibix: you would have had to knowingly or unknowingly configure any alerts right?21:06
elitecoderoerheks: is final target before shutdown?21:06
scott1lotuspsychje: Yeah exactly, want to avoid the clean up. Just wanted to make sure the server edition didn't have other things I didn't need since I'm not actually using it as a server haha21:07
Mibixno smart alerts are just on by default once you set up mail on your ubuntu21:07
oerhekselitecoder, yes?21:07
lotuspsychjescott1: yeah, talk to the server guys about that, depending what you need of course, there might be a few things to purge21:07
elitecoderoerheks: yes maybe no? lol ill see what happens21:08
Mibixand i still want them on tatertotz i just want to disable them for this drive or for that error on this drive21:08
scott1lotuspsychje: cool cool, thanks21:08
Mibixomg i think i need to put it before the devicescan line21:09
Mibixim a tard21:10
tatertotzMibix: oh so you do want to receive the alerts, just keep tinkering with it, in time you'll find the balance of just how much alerting you want21:10
elitecoderoerheks: Getting Resource temporarily unavailable, but when i run it manually it worked fine.21:14
Mibixtatertotz i was putting that line below the "DEVICESCAN -d removable -n standby -m root -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner" line in the conf21:15
elitecoderoerheks: will try a couple more times21:15
Mibixand that makes it do everything to every drive21:15
Mibixits interesting though because /dev/ names can change21:21
elitecoderoerheks: looks like im still getting getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN21:23
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elitecoderoerheks: I needed to add After=network-online.target21:32
elitecoderoerheks: I guess so that it ran the script before it shtdown the network21:32
oerheksoke, good find21:33
oerhekslots of tutors online, not all gave me good tips :-(21:33
elitecoderoerheks: thanks for lookin21:33
oerheksnow i want to know more :-D21:33
littlebithi people I have installed gitea and I'm trying to start the service but fails. looking at 'journalctl -u gitea' I get the following: https://dpaste.org/zhob21:36
oerhekslittlebit, and what guide did you follow? on what ubuntu version, maybe more details?21:37
tatertotzlittlebit: have you used gitea before?21:37
tatertotzlittlebit: or is this your first time using gitea?21:37
littlebithi people I have installed gitea and I'm trying to start the service but fails. looking at 'journalctl -u gitea' I get the following: https://dpaste.org/zhob21:40
geosmileubuntu 20.04lts -> in user@1000.service  - how does ssh-agent start automatically there?21:40
littlebittatertotz: this is my first time21:41
littlebitoerheks: i use the following guide: https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-from-binary/21:41
littlebitit must be something with the service21:42
oerhekslittlebit, and how does your service file look like? use paste.ubuntu.com to share21:43
oerheksoh, and ubuntu version??21:43
littlebitoerheks: here you go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nYt5gthHV7/21:45
oerhekslittlebit, oke that looks fine, did you started today with install?21:49
oerheksdid you logout/login to make the gitea user alive?21:49
littlebitafter following everything on the installation instructions21:50
oerheksand what is the output of; systemctl status gitea21:50
littlebitoerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zRkHr7vRV8/21:51
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oerheksyour unit gives line #55 "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web --config /etc/gitea/app.ini" ...  but this tutor says "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web -c /etc/gitea/app.ini "  with -c, i guess it is the same as --config21:53
oerheksi wondder why; code=exited, status=221:54
littlebitoerheks: well one funny thing that I just did was that i rand the command 'gitea -c /etc/gitea/app.ini' and I got the error message telling me that it expected the user 'git' and not user 'root'21:58
oerheksgood spot22:00
leftyfbok, can someone tell me if I'm misunderstanding this? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/v5zyTtxcF4/  6x the set limit?22:02
geosmileis there a way to share .ssh/config between multiple users?22:03
leftyfbgeosmile: /etc/ssh/ssh_config22:05
leftyfbgeosmile: other than that, not safely, no22:05
geosmileif a group wants to sync their ssh_config?22:05
leftyfbgeosmile: ansible/github22:05
sarnoldleftyfb: try lsof | grep -c "  mem  "22:06
leftyfbgeosmile: or, I think you can specify an include. So create a shared config somewhere that they all include22:07
DarkTrickHow would I get vlc debug symbols to work ? I tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Installing_debug_symbols_manually, but it didn't help22:08
leftyfbTIL: ssh_config Includes which is going to make my life a lot more organized now but also going to create more work updating some developer ansible roles22:08
boxrickI have an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system, it has no //var/log/auth.log file ( systemd obviously replaces it ). But I have a number of things that rely on auth.log ( fail2ban // denyhosts )22:11
boxrickAny recommendations to fix?22:11
boxrickThis is a personal server thats currently sat on the internet and is getting smashed and obviously a huge btmp file, I want to enable a service to largely go and forget.22:11
bindiboxrick: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/268357/how-to-configure-fail2ban-with-systemd-journal22:12
bindii'm pretty sure if you install fail2ban from the repos, it will work as intended22:12
bindiyou can confirm by checking if your conf file matches what the link says22:13
boxrickSeems it still gets upset, I guess a version issue.22:17
boxrickThe post also mentions installing rsyslog...22:17
boxrickI guess thats an option22:17
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sarnoldboxrick: how about /var/log/auth.log?22:19
boxrickAfter installing rsyslog /var/log/auth.log has sprung to life, that should do for my purposes I think!22:20
boxrickCheers for the pointers guys :)22:29
boxrickI think denyhosts is pretty close to exactly what I need now auth.log is working.22:29
boxrickNothing too complex and a central blocklist suits me perfectly.22:29
TheirLicenseHello. I am GLAT agent. Contact me to purchase a license for GNU/Linux ($99 single user, $49 volume).22:55
matsamanTheirLicense: will do!22:57
jeremy31matsaman: don't do it23:12
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matsamantoo late, I already bought two volume licenses23:12
matsamanI don't want to be unlicensed!23:12
kk4ewtmatsaman; that is spam, you already have a license23:17
azizLIGHThow do i read the full text of a notification from the tray without removing it from notification tray23:17
matsamankk4ewt: I have two, volume23:18
oerheksazizLIGHT, just open the notification area thingy?23:18
matsamanazizLIGHT: much better thank you aziz23:18
azizLIGHToerheks: its a long notification whose text i cannot see in full23:19
azizLIGHTin the notification thing23:19
azizLIGHTits cutoff because its so long23:20
tatertotzpost a screen shot to imgur.com23:21
azizLIGHTit looks like this https://i.stack.imgur.com/x9t66.png23:23
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tatertotzwhich is not responding23:24
azizLIGHTi dont understand what you just said23:25
tatertotzthat means you wouldn't understand those notifications either, just get rid of the notifications23:25
oerheksi ave no clue howto show the full notify message..23:25
oerheksyou might call it a bug23:25
tatertotzazizLIGHT: dismiss those notifications23:26
tatertotzazizLIGHT: https://askubuntu.com/questions/339702/network-service-discovery-disabled-what-does-this-mean-for-me23:28
tatertotzazizLIGHT: that's what the full message is23:29
aumwhen logging into a recent ubuntu machine over ssh, running vim, and typing 'o' or 'i' commands, I get spurious characters on the terminal that only go away when I exit interactive mode and ctrl-L to redraw. On both local and remote machines, TERM is set to xterm-256color. Any ideas?23:49
sarnoldaum: the usual problem is running screen or tmux on one of the hosts with an incorrect TERM setting23:51
sarnoldaum: any screen or tmux in use?23:51
jayjoon my ubuntu desktop installation, each time I try to update software using the "Software Updater" the option to update a 3KB lvvm update is not selectable, and has been in the update list since prior to a dist upgrade. Has anyone heard of anything similar to this? Doesn't seem to impact day to day operations23:51
aumsarnold, screen is not running, nor is tmux23:51
aumI only get the problem when ssh'ing into Ubuntu 20 workstations. The Ubuntu 18 ones don't do that23:52
aumalso, ':set encoding' in vim returns utf-8 on both local and remote machines23:55
azizLIGHTtatertotz: thats an example its not my notification. i want to see full text of the whole notification like in those that are cutoff23:56
azizLIGHToerheks: me thinks its a bug too23:57
azizLIGHTshould be able to see the whole text of notification, like on android you can swipe to expand and see the whole thing in the tray23:57
tatertotzazizLIGHT: file a bug report and wait on a fix to come in 20.04.2 or .3 or .4 or 21.10 or whatever23:57
azizLIGHTthat seems optimistic23:58
azizLIGHTbut sure23:58

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