
ochosibluesabre: sry, didn't make it :/01:02
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
guivercprimarily FYI:  both install alongside qa-tests have felt strange (slow boots of older install).. 6+ mins on i386 from turn on till desktop displays, ~4 min for amd64 box.. fresh install is good.. currently only noted in iso.qa.ubu06:03
guiverc(my boxes are old & slow yes.. but that's unusually! slow!)06:03
guiverc18.04.5 daily06:04
guivercit's only initial boot (qa-test assessments), reboots feel normal...06:06
Unit193jphilips: FWIW, poked someone with libravatar, outlook doesn't like them right now (which includes hotmail) but if you'd like to mail dev@libravatar.org he'd send you the activation.  Unfortunately, it's pretty common for outlook to block mail. :/07:53
jphilipsUnit193: thanks. will email them.11:18
jphilipsfound out the problem was with my wireless microsoft keyboard, as other USB keyboards didn't have the same problem, and now the problem has resolved itself after a few days of hell :D16:44
jphilipsUnit193: libravatar done ;D17:25

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