
guivercluna_, IF you need/want something to test, there is always 18.04.5 :)02:12
Bashing-omluna_: ^ https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-improved-wifi-via-iwd/17795 too :)02:18
=== JanC is now known as Guest56745
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
luna_guiverc: Bashing-om was busy in a long Mozilla meeting so did not have time sorry17:47
donofriois 2020.04.1 out yet?18:38
donofrio20.04.01 I mean18:38
luna_donofrio: yeah18:39
luna_got released last week18:39
donofrioyah I can upgrade now...18:39
donofriowhat is command from 18.04 to 20.04.01?18:39
donofrioupdate-manager -d?18:39
hggdhdonofrio: you are at #ubuntu+1 -- 20.10. Please ask in #ubuntu18:43
Ussateveryone so eager to jump on the latest18:45
nicolasbockJust upgraded to systemd 246-2ubuntu1. Getting a ton of errors like failed to start process error reports20:28

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