
=== JanC is now known as Guest56745
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cpaelzerwgrant: I was unable to get the dbus-test-runner hang to occur in a local qemu based riscv build of dee06:06
cpaelzerwgrant: I have thrown the bit of info that I found into 189115806:06
cpaelzerand unblocked (for now) src:dee by skipping the tests on riscv64 - bumping up the timeout didn't help06:07
cpaelzerso far just FYI in case you want to subscribe to the bug and/or put it on your "sometime I should get to this" List of things that we all have :-)06:08
seb128vorlon, firebird3.0 unsatisfiable Build-Depends(-Arch) on i386: recode07:35
seb128do you know what's going on there? recode seems to be build on i386?07:35
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
xnoxmwhudson:  1 day and 9h later hopefully rustc on riscv64 is now publishing https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/groovy/riscv64/rustc08:45
wgrantxnox: Nicely done08:45
xnoxwgrant:  well launchpad publication history looks very odd, if i'm doing this again for focal, i think i will do "no change rebuild" such that things all arches are built in the same bileto ppa (which happens to have bootstrap compiler for riscv64 available as a build-dep)08:52
xnoxhopefully, it will publish fine.08:52
wgrantxnox: What's weird about it?08:54
xnoxwgrant:  at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rustc/1.43.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp1ubuntu2 buildlog is not yet visible, and riscv64 points at the in-archive build, instead of the copy from bileto.08:57
xnox(and the build in bileto)08:57
xnoxwgrant:  i think i should upload no-change rebuild after this publishes.08:57
wgrantxnox: Both builds are there08:58
xnoxhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/groovy/riscv64/rustc/1.43.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp1ubuntu2 => i can click under Downloadable files on to https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4195/+build/1981557808:58
wgrantWhich is a bit weird, but it happens.08:59
xnoxi found a UI way to find it, so i am good.08:59
xnoxseb128:  rbalint: retriggered systemd tests with plymouth isc-dhcp triggers to hopefully have them pass and everything migrate.09:04
seb128xnox, thanks09:09
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
xnoxmwhudson:  "rustc unsatisfiable Build-Depends-Indep on amd64: wasi-libc (<= 0.0~git20200114.1fad338++)"10:13
mwhudsonxnox: is that in focal?10:14
xnoxmwhudson:  groovy10:15
mwhudsonxnox: oh10:15
mwhudsonit's fairly easy to hack out the wasm stuff10:15
xnoxmwhudson:  i guess we need to keep up bootstrapping rustc up? cause debian is at 46 now, and we are now at 4310:15
mwhudsonxnox: i guess so10:16
xnoxand one can only jump by one?10:16
mwhudsonso apparently jumping by more than one "usually" works10:16
mwhudsonbut officially ye10:16
xnoxmwhudson:  i guess i'll throw 44 build into my bileto PPA, to then throw 45 build into it, to finish with 46?10:16
xnoxlet me check the contol file restrictions10:16
mwhudsonrustc updates are usually fairly simple, it's cargo ones that are a headache10:16
mwhudsonoh but if we're just merging from debian, that's usually fine10:17
xnoxsomehow our cargo is ahead of debian10:17
xnoxbut behind upstream10:17
xnoxwe are at 44 cargo, upstream is at 46 and debian is at 4310:17
mwhudsonhow does debian have rustc 1.46 but not the corresponding cargo?10:17
xnoxoh 46 is in experimental10:18
xnoxdebian is at 45 rustc in sid10:18
xnoxwith cargo at 43 in sid10:18
mwhudsonyeah was going to say, is 1.46 even out yet?10:18
mwhudsoni only update rustc when osomon asks me to :)10:18
xnoxwell it can't migrate now, so either new rust, or rebuild with "nowasm"10:19
xnoxbut i think we want new rust, no?10:19
mwhudsonlet me find the wasm disabling thing10:19
mwhudsonyeah rolling forward probably makes sense10:20
mwhudsonbut might be nice to make it migratable before we get there, dunno10:21
mwhudsonxnox: https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/ubuntu/+source/rustc/commit/?h=focal-1.43&id=1439259a505ca4053c2a81d726e821213f0c34e910:21
xnoxmwhudson:  why do we even build it if nothing uses it? =)10:25
mwhudsonxnox: /me points at debian10:25
mwhudsonxnox: although i'm not sure quite what you're asking?10:25
xnoxbut rustc is, well urgh.10:27
xnoxyour merge is large.10:27
xnoxi don't want to merge it =)10:27
xnoxi'd like rather rollback wasi-lib or cherrypick things for new one.10:28
xnoxi think we should drop building wasi-lib for now, I don't see the point of it.10:29
xnoxmwhudson:  hm, based on https://wiki.mozilla.org/Rust_Update_Policy_for_Firefox we will need rust 45 soon.10:33
mwhudsonxnox: better get cracking then i guess10:41
xnoxso i'll create bileto ppas that build a sync of 44 & 45.10:44
xnoxwhich we then will be able to use for the build of rustc which is "merged" properly.10:44
rbasakWhat version would be suitable for chromium-browser in Groovy then? 1:0?11:22
rbasak1:0ubuntu1 maybe?11:22
rbasakLooks like it's currently a non-native package11:24
seb128rbalint, sorry I missed the backlog, what's the issue?11:31
seb128rbalint, it's a native package, just including an ubuntu revision in the version number?11:34
rbasakI mean https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2020-August/041127.html11:42
seb128rbalint, sorry, that was for rbasak11:42
seb128I just saw that11:42
seb128Olivier is out this week, let's wait monday for him to be back?11:42
rbasakI thought it might be wise to decide now to save round tripping if I'm unsure when Olivier uploads11:42
rbasakAh I didn't realise. Sure, thanks.11:42
seb128maybe accept that round of SRU meanwhile11:42
rbasakCan do if you think it's important to land it now?11:43
seb128to avoid having a concrete upgrade issue after the next security round11:43
seb128well if a security update in bionic become higher than focal than upgraders from bionic to focal aren't going to get the snap11:43
rbasakOK sure11:43
* rbasak looks11:43
seb128that's already the case it seems?11:44
seb128bionic has 84.0.4147.105-0ubuntu0.18.04.111:44
seb128and focal proposed 84.0.4147.89-0ubuntu0.20.04.111:44
rbasakYep so I'll accept this one in the Focal queue, right? That'll bring it up to 84.0.4147.105-0ubuntu0.20.04.111:45
seb128yes, that fix the immediate problem11:45
seb128then we can sort out the epoch use when Olivier is back11:46
seb128rbasak, thanks!11:46
rbasakDone - though that's only in proposed11:46
seb128that's a first step11:47
seb128we can maybe discuss lowering the testing to less than a week, that's only a version bump11:47
rbasakI agree that should be fine.11:47
rbasakProbably best for someone to check the binary transitional package is as expected after it's built though11:48
rbasakJust to try to detect any human error11:48
seb128right, I will do that11:49
rbasakOh and if possible, today would be better than tomorrow to release - because Friday11:49
seb128np, thank you for the review!11:49
rbasakvorlon: so you want force-reset-test over SRUing a fixed test? This is a case where the broken test is affecting the SRU of a different package.11:59
rbasakvorlon: documentation in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Autopkgtest_Regressions please? I think what's there is out of date then?12:00
rbasakvorlon: I'd like a table mapping "situation" to "action expected".12:01
rbasakWhere "action expected" might be "fix the autopkgtest in an SRU", "add a hint (specifying the type of hint)" and so on.12:01
rbasakRight now I'm not clear on what you intend for those things.12:01
ahasenackgood morning12:05
seb128ddstreet, so yeah, I was wrong yesterday, software-properties isn't migrating, it's blocked now because it makes livecd-rootfs uninstallable on i386, I expect it's due to the new depends on python3-launchpadlib12:09
ddstreetseb128 i'm not sure why that is though, python3-launchpadlib is 'all' arch12:10
seb128that's probably not installable on i386 currently?12:10
ddstreetwhy isn't it installable on i386 if it's 'all' arch?12:12
seb128ddstreet, yeah, unsure, maybe that's not it, I guess you need to set up an i386 env to try...12:12
ddstreetack, i'll look into it, it's confusing though12:13
seb128indeed, I wish it was easier to locally try those i386 problems :/12:13
Laneyarch:all packages can depend on arch-specific ones12:14
ddstreetLaney right i get that, and in fact software-properties-common does (and python3-softwareproperties depends on it, and livecd-rootfs depends on that...so not sure how any of this 'worked' already)12:14
ddstreetah, ok i see python3-software-properties doesn't dep on any of the other pkgs12:15
Laneyddstreet: It's probably going to turn out to be that some packages need 'bringing back' on i386 to make it installable again, first step would be to investigate in a chroot to find out what they are12:25
ddstreetat least python3-cryptography and python3-simplejson12:26
ddstreetunfortunately the 'livepatch' additions to python3-software-properties didn't actually update the pkg deps, as the new addition of softwareproperties.LivepatchService actually imports softwareproperties.gtk without declaring the dep on software-properties-gtk12:28
ddstreeti dont want to get into pulling the -gtk deps into i386...12:28
ddstreetrcj if i'm reading livecd-rootfs right, the only thing it needs python3-software-properties for is to print out a ppa signing_key_fingerprint?12:30
ddstreetif that's all, i can totally redo that for the livecd-rootfs pkg so we can drop the python3-software-properties dep12:30
ddstreet(or we could stop building livecd-rootfs for i386...)12:31
cjwatsonStopping building livecd-rootfs for i386 is not very possible, as it's required as part of having LP builds for i386 at all12:36
cjwatson(At least in the present configuration.  Other configurations are conceptually possible but would be a good deal of work)12:37
cjwatsonI don't think the software-properties bits are needed to make buildd chroots work though12:38
xnoxmwhudson:  rustc ubuntu archive build record kicked in now. I think you will get weird emails about it failing to upload, but we shall see.12:54
xnoxand 44 build in bileto from debian ftbfs on i386, because llvm9 is gone. So yeah, to bootstrap 44 we will need ubuntu style merge of rustc.12:55
xnoxnot sure i want to do that.12:55
xnoxrbasak:  systemd + isc-dhcp are migrating now14:06
rbasakWas that for me?14:07
Odd_Blokexnox: vorlon: I'd appreciate your thoughts on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/514/files#r46946460814:30
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rafaeldtinocoFTR: on-going open-iscsi merge (https://code.launchpad.net/~rafaeldtinoco/ubuntu/+source/open-iscsi/+git/open-iscsi/+merge/389234)14:50
rafaeldtinocovorlon: ^ keeping your delta (the ones I did not merge in debian yet), will cleanup iscsi-root support (and merge things in debian as accepted) as a next step14:50
rafaeldtinocoim also keeping history as split git-ubuntu merges to keep history to server team when 1.1.1-1 from debian gets imported into usd-importer14:51
rbalintxnox, \o/14:52
slingamni submitted a draft review for a change to software-properties, but i seem to have mistakenly pinged the entire "Ubuntu Core Development Team"17:49
slingamnany suggestions for  an individual reviewer for a software-properties change?17:49
vorlonddstreet: I think we're nearly there on python3-launchpadlib; looks like it should only be 3 python packages that need added to the set (python-cryptography, simplejson, python-cffi)18:54
ddstreetvorlon awesome, and you want to use the alternate MR, to change livecd-rootfs to use python3-launchpadlib directly?18:55
vorlonddstreet: I haven't seen the MP, can you link me to it?18:55
vorlonthanks, I'll have a look18:56
vorlonxnox: why did you copy recode from groovy to groovy-proposed?18:57
vorlonxnox: ... because you were trying to make firebird3.0 build on i386, I guess... should've used --force-same-destination and copied it back to groovy instead18:59
vorlonseb128: recode restored in groovy release, so firebird3.0 should be migratable shortly19:00
seb128vorlon, thanks19:04
vorlonrbasak: from what I see, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Autopkgtest_Regressions already documents this, aside from the s/force-badtest/force-reset-test/ optimization?19:38
vorlonddstreet: and python-cryptography is built now on i386 so I believe as soon as we get a publishing run + britney run, software-properties should be good to migrate; if not, feel free to yell19:39
realtime-neilwhat's a good and proper way for an _unprivileged_ user to change his/her own locale, console keymap, x11-keymap-{layout,model,variant} --- and have that choice persist across login/reboots ?19:41
vorlonrealtime-neil: an unprivileged user doesn't get to change the console keymap, the console is privileged19:43
realtime-neilvorlon: understood. what about the other items?19:44
vorlonrealtime-neil: if you're using the Ubuntu Desktop and the necessary locale packages are installed, you should be able to configure everything through Settings -> Region and Language19:45
realtime-neilWhat if the "Region & Language" is missing from gnome-control-center?19:46
realtime-neilvorlon: related question: How does one restore the "Region & Language" tab to the gnome-control-center?19:48
vorlonrealtime-neil: I have no idea how you would have managed to do that; and this is not a user support channel, maybe ask in #ubuntu?19:49
realtime-neilwill do19:49
smoseranyone else seen this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hdxt9hMgwG/21:24
smoserINFO: pkgstripfiles: waiting for lock (cloud-initramfs-rooturl) ...21:25
smoserkeeps repeating21:25
seb128software-properties did migrate, thanks vorlon!21:44

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