
ubptgbot<Haywhy> (Photo, 857x598) https://irc.ubports.com/bpMDF0z2.png01:42
ubptgbotsubens was added by: subens02:22
ubptgbotJayJhang was added by: JayJhang02:23
ubptgbot<Shakendo> many have tried in the past, so far none have succeeded, I think farthest anyone has gotten is Dalton with getting ssh02:37
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @matv1 [@kkeijzer and how are your folks experiencing voice-calls, if I may ask? I frequ …], they say that is one the us one a300004:01
ubptgbot<mateosalta> so maybe another different component04:03
ubptgbot<mateosalta> like the secondary noise canceling mic? but yes on the a3000 everyone on the other end say the call is unbearable - but on my side is clear04:04
ubptgbot<kkeijzer> @mateosalta [like the secondary noise canceling mic? but yes on the a3000 everyone on the oth …], I wouldn't call it unbearable. I hear a slight echo when I call my parents, but it's not so bad that I'm unable to talk to them.05:37
ubptgbot<kkeijzer> @mateosalta [they say that is one the us one a3000], I doubt it's a US model though. Wouldt they even work here in Europe? I bought both of those phones for them from Dutch sellers here.05:38
ubptgbot<kkeijzer> I'm currently more annoyed by the fact that the camera app stopped working on both of their 3T's than that slight echo in calls.05:39
ubptgbot<Javacookies> there are no port yet for Xperia XZ or XZs, right? … at least a port that can be used as daily driver like Xperia X?06:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I really want the Ice Blue XZs 😄06:04
ubptgbotmrConLenov was added by: mrConLenov06:26
ubptgbot<Matthew Wagner> (Photo, 358x796) https://irc.ubports.com/ygkvnq38.png06:41
ubptgbot<mark alexa> Does anyone know what the letters E, H, L indicating in the network icon ? I assume E is for Error as I'm offline when the E is on but what about the other letters ?07:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> E = Egde … H = HSDPA / 3G? … L = 4G/LTE … terms can be technically different but I think they are represented the same07:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> if you're not familiar with Edge, it's a bit faster than GPRS but a lot slower than 3G07:10
ubptgbot<Beer> @Javacookies [E = Egde … H = HSDPA / 3G? … L = 4G/LTE … terms can be technically different but I th …], For some reason, I have always said and read "HDSPA" - I dont know why xD09:38
ubptgbot<Beer> Thanks for making that clear, 20 years to late xD09:38
ubptgbot<Javacookies> don't worry, I searched it first t confirm if I was right...it was confusing to me as well 😂09:59
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mark alexa [Does anyone know what the letters E, H, L indicating in the network icon ? I ass …], You should be online with E but it will be deadslow10:42
ubptgbot<nanu_c> Like on the mountains, you get tg notifications but it's to slow to load a chat :)11:53

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