
=== sysop is now known as Guest27913
=== Guest27913 is now known as Bashing-om
zyga-mbpupgrading to systemd 246 breaks systemd-networkd until the service is restarted by hand17:07
zyga-mbpbreaking DNS17:07
tomreyn<nicolasbock> Just upgraded to systemd 246-2ubuntu1. Getting a ton of errors like failed to start process error reports17:07
zyga-mbpreported to canonical IS eariler today as a possible bug in GCE but it turns out to be just systemd17:07
zyga-mbpthere's also a bug in systemd-logind upgrade that is more fringe and sadly requires a reboot on most systems17:08
zyga-mbptomreyn are you using lingering?17:08
zyga-mbplinger is affected by systemd-logind bug17:08
zyga-mbp(the bug is fixed in 246 but upgrade exposes you to it)17:08
tomreynzyga-mbp: i don't use pre-release versions of ubuntu.17:09
zyga-mbpI use it on my thinkpad and we test snapd against it, in CI, since the day the archive opened17:10
tomreyni suggest looking for existing bug reports and subscribing to them, or filing nerw ones if there are none, yet17:11
tomreyn*new (not nerw)17:11
zyga-mbpI found a bug in debian about it17:13
ubottuDebian bug 966612 in systemd "systemd-networkd failed to restart on upgrade to 246-1" [Minor,Fixed]17:13
nicolasbocktomreyn: I ended up downgrading systemd to 245.7-1ubuntu117:29
tomreyni see17:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1891716 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Networking broken after systemd update" [Undecided,New]21:27
=== sysop is now known as Guest23943
=== Guest23943 is now known as Bashing-om

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