
JanCdaftykins: you think there are only UK & US English? wait until you learn about Australian, Canadian, Jamaican, etc. etc.00:12
sarnolden_IN confuses me to no end :)00:13
JanCand all the differences inside the UK00:13
JanCI mean, even inside the tiny "Dutch"-speaking part of Belgium we have several dialects/(sub-)languages etc.00:16
sarnoldand I understand it has striking differences from dutch as spoken in the netherlands00:18
sarnoldsomething about it being common to 'split' verbs like german -- perfectly common in the netherlands, and entirely evil in belgium00:19
JanCsarnold: "standard Dutch" is (mostly) the same between both, but locally things are quite different (and it's really not a Belgium vs. The Netherlands issue, as the South of the Netherlands is generally much closer to Belgian use)00:23
JanCor some Belgian use, at least00:24
JanCDutch Limburg & Belgian Limburg, both close to te German border; they have much in common with German from across the border00:25
JanCand vice versa for the "German" spoken there )00:30
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Maikgood morning04:27
lotuspsychjehey there maik04:29
Maikhey lotuspsychje04:29
DarkTrickThere's clearly something wrong with the taskmanagers under Ubuntu: https://imgur.com/a/lsHnMB4 top is probably the only correct one. Or do I miss something?06:06
lotuspsychjegnome and xfce are different things06:07
Maiki'm missing one in that screenshot... htop06:08
oerheksis this wsl?06:08
DarkTrickMaik, sorry, too lazy for that :D06:11
DarkTricklotuspsychje, that sounds interesting. Are the task managers *supposed* to output different CPU loads?06:12
lotuspsychjei didnt say that, i just say there are differences between gnome and xfce and differences in the way there packages work too06:13
lotuspsychjecomparing apples with pears06:14
lotuspsychjesure one can use KDE packages on gnome too, but you might encounter differences then when ran on kde for example06:15
Maikoff to bed, bbl06:17
lotuspsychjenite Maik06:17
ducassegood morning07:58
marcoagpintoThe demon!08:28
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