
=== StathisA- is now known as StathisA
zyga-mbphello, I'm having issues resolving archive URLs in Ubuntu 20.10 in GCE12:41
zyga-mbphttp://us-east1.gce.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu groovy/main amd64 libthai-data returns temporary DNS failures12:41
zyga-mbpit started earlier today12:42
zyga-mbpbut dose not affect 20.04 or other releases12:42
Aison`my postfix server always hangs for a few second when acception an mail on the submission port.13:57
Aison`it looks like there is some kind of dns lookup and the answer times out13:57
Aison`the strange thing is, that nslookup <foobar> is very fast13:58
sdezielAison': could you share the (main.cf and master.cf) sections of config for that submission instance?13:59
Aison`main.cf: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cVNMNKQq8S/14:00
Aison`master.cf: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xwT2ZfnSwV/14:00
Aison`sadly there is quite some virtual stuff14:00
Aison`but this "TIMEOUT" is very new, I suddenly started a few days ago14:00
Aison`the mailserver works now several years14:00
Aison`maybe it is somehow related to systemd-resolved?14:01
ahasenackI'd suspect an ipv6 dns resolution14:05
ahasenackI see the same with sudo on many ubuntu boxes14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765477 in systemd (Ubuntu) "5s delay in AAAA dns resolving; artful and earlier is quick" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:05
ahasenackI started seeing it in bionic14:06
sdezielAison`: the reject_unknown_sender_domain and reject_unknown_recipient_domain can be responsible for those DNS resolutions14:06
sdezielAison`: I'd advise to switch the reject_non_fqdn_sender and reject_unknown_sender_domain in  mua_sender_restrictions. The reason being that reject_non_fqdn doesn't require a DNS resolution14:07
Aison`sdeziel, ok, going to try that later ;) but anyway, it is quite strange that it fails14:25
Aison`I mean the dns resolution timeout14:25
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
Aison`ahasenack, I guess here its since upgrade to focal14:28
sdezielAison': I never ran into this as we run our mail server with a local unbound, worked well for us14:33
tomreynzyga-mbp: 20.10 is unreleased, there's channel #ubuntu+1 for it. someone reported problems with systemd after a recent update there yesterday, *maybe* this is related (resolver not working due to bad service management?)17:05
zyga-mbpit is17:06
zyga-mbpsystemd-networkd goes down during the upgrade to 24617:06
zyga-mbpa systemctl reset-failed + restart fixes everything17:06
zyga-mbpjust unfortunate, there are also bugs in systemd-logind upgrade17:06
tomreyn:-/ still seems like a topic for +1 rather17:06
zyga-mbpis +1 a channel?17:06
tomreyn"there's channel #ubuntu+1 for it"17:07
tomreynso yes17:07
=== [diablo]9 is now known as [diablo]

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