
sarnoldComputerTech: maybe re-run it with LANG=en_US.UTF-8 virtualbox  and then you might be better able to navigate the thing to find its own language control tools?00:01
ComputerTechhmm i am not sure00:03
ComputerTechusing teamviewer to access it00:03
ComputerTechit's not mine00:03
ComputerTechit's my friends00:04
Biessiei updated my apache and this is the error i get while updating. https://pastebin.com/TiRRNfUJ00:04
BiessieI used sudo apt upgrade00:04
sarnoldBiessie: apt-file search /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so  doesn't return any packages on my focal system; is that path correct?00:06
Biessielocate doesnt see it00:07
Biessielet me updatedb real quick00:07
Biessieyea that file doesnt exists apparantly00:08
sarnoldwell, the nice thing about apt-file is that it searches packages that you *could* install :)00:09
sarnoldoh! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.300:09
sarnold7.3 was packaged for eoan00:09
sarnoldfocal has 7.4 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.400:10
Biessiei do have 7.4.so00:10
Biessiein that folder it's looking for 7.300:10
sarnoldBiessie: so take a look at your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php7.3.load file and if it's got local changes, save them aside, or not, as necessary, and try a2disable php7.3   and then a2enable php7.4 and re-do any local configuration changes that might be necessary00:12
ComputerTechthats a screenshot of what i see00:14
ComputerTechanyone know what to click?00:14
sorcererhow would i copy a file to pastebin in the CLI00:17
sarnoldComputerTech: try 'prise en charge des langues'00:17
ComputerTechtrying it...00:18
sarnoldsorcerer: pastebinit /path/to/file   or nc termbin.com 9999 < /path/to/file00:18
sorcererty kindly00:18
Biessiesarnold : worked00:18
Biessiesarnold : thank you00:18
sarnoldBlueking: yay :)00:19
ComputerTechnow this00:21
ComputerTechsme kind of confirm00:21
ComputerTechdo i click installer?00:25
sarnoldComputerTech: yes00:30
=== sysop is now known as Guest27913
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biggtimberAfter and update of 20.04 my user is missing from the users dialogue in settings. It also made the initial setup to pop up after restart. I can login with my user by typing in the user manually00:41
biggtimberI'm not sure if gnome doesn't have permissions to see the account, but the home directory has the same permissions of the user I setup during the initial setup00:42
biggtimberwell, mode. permissions user:group is set to the username00:42
Gee19Anyone have any info on pairing a bluetooth headset via HFP/HSP as well as a LE mouse?01:02
Gee19Sorry I think I meant high quality a2dp profile + an LE mouse01:04
tatertotzbiggtimber: screen shot?01:17
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
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zechariahhey guys/gals, i'm trying to setup a jailed user and i'm getting "pledge: network, broken pipe" -- what am I missing? I've setup the user's base directoy as owned by root, setup the forcecommand for internal-sftp, configured the group.. a bit stuck.03:06
sarnoldzechariah: pledge() is an openbsd interface; are you sure what you're doing is supported on linux?03:09
zechariahI've never specifically had an ssh client return a pledge failure in verbose output, but as far as jailed user on sshd_config, sure, I definitively know that is supported and have set it up a few times in the past.03:11
zechariahthe pledge error is from ssh client, while trying to connect to the jailed ssh server, if that helps.03:11
zechariahhere is the last couple of lines of the failed ssh connection: debug1: Entering interactive session. > debug1: pledge: network packet_write_wait: Connection to ** port 22: Broken pipe > Connection closed03:12
zechariahutilizing sftp command*03:12
zechariah(pardon, I said ssh, but I suppose sftp !== ssh..)03:12
zechariahon that note though, ssh is returning the same error..03:13
sarnoldzechariah: aha! how about the server logs?03:15
zechariahinitially when my auth was failing, i had some logs in auth.log or syslog, can't recall; but now that my auth is passing, nothing is being recorded;/03:15
zechariah(i didn't have my folder permissions properly setup on the user's home directory, so it was complaining to me and not authenticating) -- but since than, no logs.. Just that output immediately following "authentication succeeded (pubkey)"03:16
zechariahas far as config; I have: Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server (also tried internal-sftp...), and than: "Match Group jailedUserGroup", "ChrootDirectory %h, ForceCommand internal-sftp, AllowTcpForwarding no, X11Forwarding no". I've tried with UsePam no/yes, AllowGroups jailedUserGroup, and a few other configurations but they all give me the03:21
zechariahsame thing. Just for clarity sake, I did restart sshd after each config change before attempting.03:21
zechariahIf it would be helpful, I can paste this somewhere to be a bit more readable with proper formatting03:22
sarnoldhmmm that %h reminds me of something03:25
sarnoldI wonder what03:25
zechariahI believe it represents the user's home directory03:25
zechariahSo when used in conjunction with ChrootDirectory, it should reference the users home directory, which is suppose to be owned by root (for jail to properly work)03:25
sarnoldhmm maybe I'm remembering something in a systemd unit file, I think %h was removed from some directives in one of those...03:26
zechariahand than you make another folder, which is owned by the user, in that user's "home directory" which is.. owned by root. Seems a bit contrived, but that's the setup, as I understand it (and I've set it up before.. I bet I'm missing something obvious..)03:26
zechariahhurm. I could be off base for sure as well, worth noting, but from a bit of digging I did on the ol goog, it does seem to be the way to specify the jailed users home directory. (unless i'm greatly confused, which is definitely possible!!)03:27
zechariahwell, i'm obviously confused, as i'm asking for help, but yeah heh03:27
zechariahat any rate, i definitely don't wanna pester ya if you're not sure. I appreciate the feedback either way ^_^03:28
zechariahSomeone suggested perhaps trying to use a folder that isn't the jailed user's home directory. Let me give that a go, will report back either way <303:33
sarnoldzechariah: sorry, it's just the usual trying to do too many things at once03:35
zechariahOh no worries at all, I appreciate your time.03:36
sarnoldzechariah: so, my next guess -- when you set up a chroot, probably openssh is going to execute the sftp program *after* doing the chroot03:36
sarnoldzechariah: .. at least I'm 60% sure I'd read that once03:37
InteloIs OBS studio enough to record an echoless sound and highest quality video? Can echo be completely eliminated by software instead of forms/hardware on walls?03:38
sarnoldIntelo: I have to wonder, if you'd started trying things out when you first asked, if you would have found the answer by now :)03:43
sarnoldzechariah: sorry, it's time for me to head out :( good luck, and I'd be curious to hear the resolution once you get it :) thanks03:46
Intelosarnold: I didn't found; so kept asking03:47
sarnoldIntelo: ah, okay03:48
zechariahHrm, so trying a jailed directory that *isn't* the users home directory didn't net any improvement.04:10
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zechariahAs soon as I implement the ChrootDirectory %s it stops working with that broken pipe. If I comment *just* that line out it works. What in the heck ... hurm04:11
masonzechariah: Are you remembering that your paths are relative to the chroot you set?04:13
masonSo, if your home directory is /foo/bar, /my/chroot/foo/bar must exist?04:13
zechariahso i'm using %h, which should be the user's home directory, or so I thought..04:17
zechariahbut when I tried to explicitly define another directory, I just defined the path as /some/path/here -- perhaps that was a problem?04:17
zechariahOn that note, I did just manage to get it working. I'm not sure exactly what I did differently this time, but I had to be looking something obvious over previously, as my config is essentially the same (I'm just using the user's home directory, which this time is in /home/user, versus /var/www/project/userhome04:19
zechariahSo I really appreciate y'alls time and feedback, even if I'm not sure why in the heck it's working now ^_^04:20
zechariahto hell with changing it though, i'm just going to symlink it and move on lol04:20
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dead10cc_hello, I'm connecting to a 9p files system and I have really slow reads. how can I tell if this is a ubuntu specific bug or other?07:02
GargoyleMornin' all07:09
GargoyleAre we likely to see the latest LibreOffice and Thunderbird as updates anytime soon, or should I manually install them?07:09
eeos Any news on the do-release-upgrade option from 18.04 LTS?07:36
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pacmycHello. Could anyone please help me troubleshoot? I updated to laptops from Ubuntu 19.04 to 20.04.1 and now the video is choppyang laggy  on both. They are both completely different hardware07:49
pacmycif sudo lshw -c video gives me two video cards, how do I know which one is used?07:51
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WhoopieHi, do we have support for wireguard in 20.04's VPN panel? Which package does provide it?09:18
ConsoleFxHey! I've an input file which looks like this: https://dpaste.com/3X2RLNCR9  Basically I want to eliminate duplicates (where file hashes are same) and print the new set of results. Any pointers on how I can accomplish this?09:18
seb128Whoopie, going to comment there since you left the other channel, but GNOME settings don't have wireguard integration atm09:19
WrathOfAchillesI found (and packaged) network-manager-wireguard, but it isn't aware of the support for WG in NetworkManager, so while it works it's not the best.09:20
Whoopieseb128: ok, thanks for the info.09:20
Whoopiejust found this bug report: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/network-manager-applet/-/issues/7709:20
Whoopieit's partially in nm-connection-editor since 1.18.0, but the applet part is still missing to be able to enable/disable the wg connection.09:21
nonix4Has 20.04 LTS yet had any livepatch-qualifying kernel patches? Haven't observed any getting applied.09:21
seb128Whoopie, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/issues/982 is the request on the GNOME tracker09:22
seb128but no sign of activity there yet09:22
Whoopieseb128: thanks09:26
Whoopieseb128: do you know if someone is working on it?09:27
seb128I don't know09:27
peter22222can anybody recommend a program to convert csv to vcf?09:39
WrathOfAchillesWhoopie: If you want something that kind of works, like I said https://github.com/max-moser/network-manager-wireguard/09:44
WhoopieWrathOfAchilles: ture09:47
WhoopieIt's also in my PPA (as I also packaged it ;-))09:48
Whoopiebut I was wondering if native support is already there as I couldn't find it.09:48
=== rubdos_ is now known as rubdos
nonix4Umm, does even whoopsie depend on the delusions of NetworkManager regarding network connectivity these days? (networkctl state of "routable" not being enough for being "online" for bunch of GUI tools). As in does a ".upload" in /var/crash (instead of ".uploaded") indicate it hasn't even tried the actual upload?10:21
Hejkkii switched my distro to Ubuntu 20.04.1 from other distribution, and now i can't see some special characters like a with tilde correctly in irssi/gnome-terminal10:33
Hejkkithe terminal is utf-8 and the server also, and irssi10:33
Hejkkion the server side nothing changed, i could also see arabic correctly before (RTL), but only ascii can be seen correctly now10:34
The_LoudSpeakerHey everyone! I installed Ubuntu focal on my ideapad flex 5. I had a minor amd drivers issue which I fixed by installing amdgpu-pro drivers from AMD's site. The only problem I have now is that the screen does not autorotate when in tablet mode. How can I enable it? Ideally I should have seen the option in the top right menu but I don't. Any help would be much appreciated.10:47
The_LoudSpeakerAlso, the fingerprint reader is not working. But thats because its a goodix sensor and drivers aren't available yet.10:48
oerheksThe_LoudSpeaker, sorry to hear that, not all devices are supported indeed, see https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fprint10:49
The_LoudSpeakeroerheks: I will check that out. Any thing on the autortation?10:50
oerheks!info iio-sensor-proxy10:50
ubottuiio-sensor-proxy (source: iio-sensor-proxy): IIO sensors to D-Bus proxy. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8-1 (focal), package size 34 kB, installed size 163 kB (Only available for linux-any)10:50
oerheksthis tutor 'how to turn off' reversed may be our fix? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1035209/how-to-turn-off-screen-rotation-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts10:51
The_LoudSpeakerI will try that thanks!10:51
oerheks"gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.orientation active false" may be worth checking10:51
The_LoudSpeakerunfortunately none of them work11:03
oerheksyou might need to logout/login to let it take effect.11:05
The_LoudSpeakereven uninstalling iio-sensor-proxy and installing hdaps doesn't work11:05
The_LoudSpeakerI restarted the gnome shell that should have done it.11:05
oerhekssystemctrl status iio-sensor-proxy11:05
The_LoudSpeakeror even rebooting should have11:05
chietahave anyone here have issue with postman running11:07
chieta(electron) 'getName function' is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'name property' instead.Could not get the lock, quitting11:07
yoggI installed ubuntu 20.04 with lvm on an full encrypted disk. If I boot now I drop to initramfs. Here I can do a "cryptsetup luksOpen ..." and after that I can boot to the system.11:07
yoggHow can I force the initramfs to detect the encrypted disk?11:08
yoggNormaly I only enter the password on boot11:08
LucretiaAnyone know where libzeromq-perl and ripole are in focal? amavisd-new suggests them11:39
YegreeCan I have some help about a problem with my screen saver ?11:55
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YegreeNobody here ?12:21
YegreeI have a problem with my screen saver... Please, I need some help12:22
YegreeCan you read me ?12:28
yoggThe problem was that "/etc/crypttab" did not exist (the installer did not create ist). Now it works12:31
LucretiaYegree: try saying what the problem is12:32
YegreeOK. I work on Xubuntu v18 with the laptop sceen closed. When the pc is sleeping I cannot wake up it with the mouse or with the keyboard. To wake up it I have to open the screen.12:34
BluesKajHowdy all12:36
YegreeLucretia: I work on Xubuntu v18 with the laptop screen closed. When the pc is sleeping I cannot wake it up with the mouse or with the keyboard. To wake it up I have to open the screen. I do not want to open the screen to wake it up ! Any solution ? Thanks12:37
LucretiaI thought the point of when closing hte screen the machine gets put to sleep anyway, even on windows.12:43
Lucretiayou can probably disable it, it's probably somewhere in udev rules12:43
Yegreeok thanks, I will try12:45
YegreeLucretia: I have desactivate the screen saver on screen closed. Still the same problem12:58
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semitonesHey - what is a good software to trim a video and rename it? Just looking at the video, deciding how much to remove off the beginning / end, and saving. Nothing fancy13:08
LucretiaYegree: I don't know enough about it. Did you check the system prefs before trying udev?13:09
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OnkelTemHi all13:13
pitiyeguys i have a laptop with ATI HD 8750 VGA with Intel VGA , i am running 19.10 and how to install VGA drivers to get ATI/AMD vga to work on ?13:14
ezioI'm troubleshooting a bug for another package, and they think the issue might be that it's not working in Ruby 2.7, and they want me to try 2.7 instead of fixing the issue.  I assume they're understaffed.  How do I specifically install ruby 2.6?13:25
furycd001@ezio: this should be what you need....https://launchpad.net/~brightbox/+archive/ubuntu/ruby-ng13:30
ezioThe repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/brightbox/ruby-ng/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.13:33
ezioI guess I have to install it from source.13:42
ezio geez it's gianormous13:44
ezioThere's gotta be a better way.  This is a vagrantfile.  I can't wait 5 hours each time I need to destroy and rebuild my VM.13:53
ActionParsnipHi guys is there a way for me to see when my Ubuntu membership expires, please?13:56
Baikonurhow do I check if a package is a requirement for something I have, or if it's fine to remove14:04
Baikonurnever mind, found the answer (sudo apt rdepends --installed <package_name>)14:06
ActionParsnipBaikobur: deborphan can do that too14:09
pitiyeIS there any easy way to set up networking between two ubuntu laptops ?14:10
ActionParsnipPitiye: yes... DHCP will do it for you assuming they are on the same subnet14:13
ActionParsnipPitiye: the networking is then in place14:13
pitiye@ActionParsnip they are connected through ADSL network router14:14
pitiyeso same subnet14:14
pitiyesame DHCP i guess14:14
ActionParsnipPitiye: the physical media is irrelevant. If you are connected to the same router (I'm guessing home networking) then it's all set up for you14:16
ActionParsnipPitiye: what do you mean by "set up networking"?14:17
tatertotzpitiye: if you want to transfer files between the two...you should say that "verbatim"14:18
tatertotzpitiye: expressing what your goals are "verbatim" can reduce the amount of potential conjecture and hearsay14:20
pavlospitiye: you could use remote copy, rcp user@laptop1:file user@laptop214:22
ActionParsnipPitiye: what are you wanting to achieve here?14:23
pitiyeshare files between two laptops14:23
pitiyeanother third one is about to join the party14:23
pitiyeso will Verbetim work on all 3 laptops ?14:23
ActionParsnipPitiye: then say that14:23
ActionParsnipPitiye: are all three systems Ubuntu?14:24
pitiyeyes lubuntu 19.1014:24
ActionParsnipPitiye: if you install openssh-server on all 3 then you can access each system using SFTP.14:25
pitiyewhat is the easiest way like in windows ?14:25
tatertotz19.10? isn't this where somebody is supposed to say "use 20.04"?14:25
tatertotzor is 19.10 still supported?14:26
pitiyetonight i am going to upgrade to 20.0414:26
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ActionParsnipYeah Eoan is EOL14:28
ActionParsnipPitiye: unless you have it already installed it won't be available to you as there are no packages available14:29
pitiye@ActionParsnip for ?14:30
ActionParsnipPitiye: the openssh-server package. There are none for Eoan14:32
pitiyethat is not an easy thing to configure14:32
pitiyei am looking for a windows like way of enabling networking14:33
ActionParsnipPitiye: to be honest with 3 Ubuntu systems I'd have SSH enabled on them all to run updates and centrally manage them all14:33
pitiyei see14:33
tatertotzpitiye: enabling "file sharing"14:33
ActionParsnipPitiye: it's not "networking". It's file sharing. Please use the correct terminology14:33
tatertotzpitiye: say "file sharing" instead of "networking"14:33
pitiyeah okay14:33
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pitiyei want file sharing14:34
ActionParsnipPitiye: file sharing in Nautilus uses Samba. You don't really need this as you have no Windows clients (obviously it gives that flexibility later)14:34
tatertotzpitiye: install 20.04 on ALL computers, return when completed14:34
ActionParsnipTatertotz: ideally14:35
pitiyewill see you guys tomorrow then14:35
donofrio  what is the diffrence in images "Hard Float" vs "64bit?"14:35
tatertotztake care14:35
pitiyeu 214:36
ActionParsnipDonofrio: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37790029/what-is-difference-between-arm64-and-armhf14:37
Sven_vBhi! does someonw know a feature comparison site of available terminal emulators for Ubuntu focal? it seems all the ones I can think of seem to be lacking in some way.15:00
coconutwhere are the bookmarks.html of firefox stored under focal?15:06
coconuti want to open them in a txt editor15:07
Abhi1802https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Quickstart how do it install this15:09
Abhi1802it lacks instructions for newbabies15:09
Sven_vBcoconut, IIRC it's stored in SQLite nowadays.15:15
Sven_vBAbhi1802, which step are you stuck on and why?15:16
Abhi1802Sven_vB, i think i had did everything said and yet arhivebox said "command not found"15:19
daftjackUbuntu 18, copied 150GB off usb in ~30min, come back do the same exact thing, randomly hangs 50g, 90G etc into it and start pushing like 1KB/s, process cant be stopped with ctrl-c, root kill -9 causes a D proc. Anyone know WTF is wrong?15:20
Sven_vBAbhi1802, did the install program say it succeeded?15:21
Abhi1802Sven_vB, idk if it does install anything it do said all done success15:21
Sven_vBAbhi1802, that's good. does it say anything else in the "command not found" message?15:24
Sven_vBAbhi1802, usually there should be a path in front15:24
coconutSven_vB, anything i can open it with so it becomes a txt file?15:27
Sven_vBcoconut, you can manually export it as HTML from within the "Library" (Firefox bookmark editor)15:28
coconutgreat, thank you15:28
Sven_vBAbhi1802, that's only the welcome screen, nothing is installed at that point yet.15:29
Bluekingsarnold -> u flashed me :/15:30
Abhi1802idk what is wrong but this application do promise a lot of things but seems there is no way to install this application at all15:31
coconut!cookie | Sven_vB15:31
ubottuSven_vB: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:31
Sven_vBAbhi1802, try run: pip install archivebox15:34
Abhi1802Sven_vB, tried15:34
Abhi1802another error pop-up15:34
Sven_vBat least a new lead15:34
Abhi1802Sven_vB, give me sec15:36
Sven_vBAbhi1802, anyway I'd suggest filing a feature request on https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/issues/new that the install script should verify whether the global command was successfully installed and can be run by the current user.15:38
Abhi1802Sven_vB, okay i will file a feature request15:39
coconutSven_vB, it does not seem to recognize my "mobile" bookmarks folder for exporting, instead it exports the other three folders above only.15:44
Sven_vBcoconut, might that folder be one of dynamic bookmarks?15:45
Sven_vBcoconut, maybe you can copy the bookmarks from that folder into a regular folder15:45
coconutSven_vB, all i know is that it comes from my sync account from my iphone/firefox15:46
coconutyeah i might try that :)15:46
Abhi1802Sven_vB, you seen the error15:48
Sven_vBAbhi1802, yes, and I don't have any idea left except waiting for the installer to be fixed.15:49
Abhi1802Sven_vB, https://pypi.org/project/archivebox/15:49
Abhi1802i think i can install it using pip install archivebox if i specify the version15:50
Sven_vBAbhi1802, well then, go ahead and try. :)15:50
Abhi1802tried another error15:50
Abhi1802wtf -_- the application could not be installed and he is promising a lot of feature into it15:51
ax562is there a proper documentated way to run a root scripts at boot?15:51
Abhi1802should i try docker version of it15:52
Abhi1802that could be more easy to deal with15:52
Sven_vBAbhi1802, can you guess which of the cloned or installed files is the main executable?15:52
geniiax562: There's a good example here https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-run-script-on-startup-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-server-desktop15:54
Abhi1802./archive or .setup.py15:54
Abhi1802i tried pip install ArchiveBox/15:54
oerheksax562, write a proper systemD unit15:54
Abhi1802and ./archive15:55
Abhi1802did not worked at all15:55
geniioerheks: The link I gave gaves an example of that :)15:55
oerheksgenii, +115:55
oerheksalso https://www.shellhacks.com/systemd-service-file-example/15:55
oerheksi am waiting for a full manual, tons of options for @boot and @shutdown15:56
ax562does anyone know the reason ubuntu left the old init.d way?15:57
oerheksax562, it is not an ubuntu thing. it is linux-wide15:58
oerheksFedora did this as first, iirc.15:59
ax562curious to why though15:59
oerheksevolution. init had its limits.15:59
ax562i really don't see any limits, maybe security...16:00
oerheksgo take a read, search for pros and cons systemd.16:01
oerheksi see only benefits.16:01
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ax562oerheks ty16:08
Sven_vBAbhi1802, it will probably help the pirate if you explain your experience with the quick start guide, what other install methods you tried, and what their errors were.16:14
Abhi1802i am feel to tired and furustated today so i will do all my stuffs tomorrow now, and i will try docker that will probably work Sven_vB16:20
Sven_vBok good luck with it :)16:21
kedar_apteGSConnect keeps crashing for me...it messes with the display card.. AMD Radeon HD 5430 ...both on wayland and x11. Dont know why...... any idea?16:21
elias_aIs there a tool to see all installed fonts?16:32
elias_aOn 20.04...16:32
uberushaximusHello, I'm trying to build wpa_supplicant 2.9 on ubuntu xenial, and I'm getting the following build error https://pastebin.com/raw/dHd6rWwj16:32
uberushaximusConfig file is here http://ix.io/2u9Y16:32
uberushaximusCan someone tell me why -DCONFIG_DRIVER_MACSEC_LINUX -DCONFIG_DRIVER_MACSEC_QCA -DCONFIG_MACSEC is still being set?16:33
uberushaximusIt's not obvious to me but the .config gets set as expected during build16:33
prominentpotatoelias_a Hit Win key, type: fonts.16:38
elias_aprominentpotato: TY16:47
elias_aprominentpotato: Oops - the application crashed right away. :) But thank you!16:48
xheimlichI have the darndest problem.16:50
xheimlichI've been using Ubuntu with spectrwm for a while.16:51
xheimlichspectrwm is just a window manager, right.16:51
xheimlichso we sent for faster cable internet because home office zoom calls and whatnot.16:53
xheimlichthey gave us a router that sends out two wi-fi networks, one "2.4G" (I assume Ghz) and one "5G".16:54
prominentpotatoelias_a Another way is to just run Libre Writer and look through. ;]16:55
xheimlichso on my old window computer the 5GHz wi-fi network is fine. on Ubuntu too.16:55
xheimlichon Ubuntu with the default GUI. I switch to spectrwm and it doesn't work.16:56
xheimlichI can confirm with  iwconfig that it's connected to the 5ghz network. But it doesn't work.16:56
tatertotzxheimlich: do you have a ethernet cable to use when using "spectrwm"?16:56
xheimlichahh. I understand.16:57
tatertotzxheimlich: if you cannot hardwire to connect when using "spectwm" to aid you in troubleshooting in realtime, you'll have to just go over there and see what you can do16:57
xheimlichI basically came to get out of my chest that this is even happening. Maybe rubber duck it. I understand there's a hundred specific things you cant possibly debug over IRC.16:58
xheimlichrubber duck = rubber duck debug. Happens to me a lot.17:00
tatertotzgood luck17:03
Sven_vBwhat's a good terminal emulator that can run on Ubuntu focal, can run terminal windows as their own process (so I can use their process IDs), and has command line options to control: window posititon, window size (pixels or rows/colums), window title, icon (same for window and taskbar), window name or class (ideally both), and command line to execute inside?17:05
elias_aprominentpotato: Thanks but the takes ages. :)17:10
rfmSven_vB, pretty sure good old xterm can do all that17:14
Sven_vBrfm, how can I make it load the window icon from an image file?17:17
Sven_vBor is there a way to replace the window icon later by window id and/or process id? (assuming xterm at least won't "defend" itself against that)17:23
christophergrayxterm -n iconname17:27
christophergraychange later with wmctrl -I iconname17:28
Sven_vBseems to not work with SVG, I'll try a PNG.17:30
christophergrayI have a keyboard shortcut set to xterm -fa 'Ubuntu Mono' -fs 14 -geometry 105x24+960+24 -e /usr/bin/ncmpcpp17:31
Sven_vBwhat I tried but got the default xterm icon: xterm -n /usr/share/icons/HighContrast/48x48/categories/applications-science.png -e sleep 4h17:31
Sven_vBsame with just xterm -n applications-science -e sleep 4h17:32
rfm Sven_vB  I believe most modern window managers don't honor the old X icon property, assigning the icon from the .desktop file or something17:33
Sven_vBrfm, creating a temporary .desktop file would be an option. I'll try that.17:33
Sven_vBdefault icon even with that approach. (in xfce 4)17:35
Sven_vBmaybe it just needs another graphics format, neither SVG nor PNG.17:36
Sven_vBalbeit it would sure be nice to have a terminal emulator that can do the above things *and* load PNG icons.17:38
Sven_vBits own packaged icons seem to be in xpm, but even that doesn't work. (converted with ImageMagick's "convert", then xterm -n /home/sven/science.xpm -e sleep 3h)17:41
TuorI do have 2x 4K displays at work (I would prefer 1440p, maybe I find someone to switch in the future). The company I work for does buy a new lenovo laptop and dokin for me. I'm the only guy using linux is the company. I would love having a 2.5" SATA slot and 1 nvme (for OS and programms). It should work well with linux and just do it's job. Some programming, browsers, communication slack teams zoom, and some VMs with virtualbox. What do you use or what17:44
Tuorwould you buy?17:44
Tuor(hi first of all, sorry)17:44
Sven_vBTuor, you mean what notebook to buy?17:45
oerheksTuor, we don't do recommendations for hardware buying. just technical ubuntu support.17:45
Tuoroerheks: sad. :(17:45
oerhekstry #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware?17:46
Sven_vBchristophergray, wmctrl -I succeeds (exit status 0) but I cannot find any visible effect.17:47
christophergraySven_vB: docs say to use -I with -r but even that doesn't work here also in xubuntu17:50
Sven_vBchristophergray, yes I used wmctrl -xir 0x0e600034 -I ???17:51
gargantuatrying to remove package emacs26 from kellyk repo, this is the error im getting http://frezr.com/paste/emacs.html17:57
gargantuakeep trying to remove the dependencies but it gets larger and larger the more I add...17:57
Sven_vBgargantua, did you mean remove the packages that depend upon emacs26?18:00
Sven_vBgargantua, you could try apt instead of apt-get, I think that should suggest some solutions.18:00
gargantuathink I got it18:01
christophergraySven_vB: It seems than it is not the name of the icon, but the name FOR the icon18:02
christophergraytwm had big icons with labels18:03
christophergrayyou could iconify a window and it would appear on the desktop with a label, and xterm can changes its own label with -n18:06
Sven_vBchristophergray, yes I think a long time ago I had used that in a session with no window manager to set the label18:06
Sven_vBchristophergray, from another project I also investigated modifying the icon with xset, but I was only able to access a legacy fallback 1-bit black/white icon that way.18:08
Sven_vBlooks like finding an easy-to-customize terminal emulator is a hard problem after all.18:09
Sven_vBback then I also researched ways to swap icons for any window, under the impression that it should be an easy feature of any "full" window manager, but at least in xfce it seemed it's not.18:11
Sven_vBmaybe it's time I investigate that LD_PRELOAD approach more.18:12
xheimlichso I came in earlier claiming that my new 5Ghz wi-fi network functioned on the  default ubuntu gui but not in spectrwm for whatever inscrutable reason18:25
xheimlichbut then I switched back and it does work.18:25
xheimlichbut I have a script that pings google every five seconds to update my menu bar thing gizmo. and that was reading 100% packet loss.18:26
xheimlichfor whatever inscrutable reason "ping google.com" fails.18:26
xheimlichbut something like speedtest.net goes vroom vroom18:26
Sven_vBxheimlich, usually ping should print an error message when it fails.18:26
xheimlich(on a browser. ping speedtest.net also fails.)18:27
Sven_vBxheimlich, maybe the browsers uses a proxy?18:27
Sven_vBor the remote site just doesn't offer ping replies18:27
xheimlichSven_vB: yeah. it was a simple script with tail and awk.18:27
Sven_vBor you might have a firewall issue.18:27
xheimlichSven_vB: I don't think it's a browser proxy because I'm on irssi here.18:28
Sven_vBif there's something strange on your network, usually wireshark can identify it.18:28
xheimlichok. ping is using ipv6 addresses. I've never seen this.18:29
Sven_vBxheimlich, maybe you hadn't had IPv6 connectivity earlier?18:34
OnkelTemFolks, how to configure autologin into tty1 on Ubuntu 18.04? I tried the guide from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/401759/automatically-login-on-debian-9-2-1-command-line but it doesn't really work as expected: I don't get into terminal18:39
OnkelTemI just see a black script with blinking cursor on tty118:39
xheimlichSven_vB: possibly. I upgraded my cable internet plan and they supplied one of those combined cable modem + wifi router things. but the wifi router now produces two wifi networks, one at 2.4ghz and one at 5ghz.18:41
xheimlichmaybe the combo router does something weird.18:41
xheimlichprevents me from tracerouting?18:43
tatertotzxheimlich: so internet is working after all...good18:46
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HashtagI need to extract something from a deb.sh file but when I try to `ar` it, it tells me "File format not recognized". Why is this happening?19:16
oerhekswhat does 'file deb.sh' gives?19:17
Hashtagoerheks: POSIX shell script executable (binary data)19:17
oerheksthen no, it is a binairy, run " ./deb.sh"19:18
oerheksor sh deb.sh19:18
oerheksmake sure it is executable, chmod +x deb.sh19:19
HashtagThat's the problem. There's an error in execution so I need to modify one of the underlying files to make it work19:19
HashtagI probably untarred it wrong19:19
HashtagI'll keep trying. Thanks.19:20
oerheksit is not an archive, it is a binairy code19:20
Hashtagoerheks: I got the file out of a tar.gz file. Maybe there's a way I can extract it without turning it into a binary19:23
tomreyntry running it with --info19:26
BlueShark_Hi. Do bluetooth headphones have a bad history with Ubuntu, or is it just me?19:41
BlueShark_Especially the microphone part.19:41
BlueShark_Audio is really bad if it's in the A2DP mode. Microphone doesn't work in that mode, so I switch to HFP/HSP mode - then audio becomes worse, and the mic voice on the other end is also equally bad (to the point that the other person can't even recognize the person).19:43
oerheksnot generally.19:43
oerheksmake sure you have the highest BT dongle/chipset..19:43
BlueShark_oerheks: how do I confirm that?19:44
oerhekslspci, or lsusb will show details, and 8 digit hex number19:46
oerheksthat number should give some info about the vendor and such19:46
BlueShark_oerheks: "048d:8297" - does it look like this?19:58
BlueShark_048d:8297 Integrated Technology Express, Inc. ITE Device(8595) - it just says this (assuming it's this one)19:59
oerheksi think that is usbcontroller or something20:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:01
oerhekspaste the output and post the url, please20:01
tomreynhttps://linux-hardware.org/index.php?id=usb:048d-8297 thinks this is a keyboard20:05
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derek0883HI I installed ubuntu16.04 to Dell precision 7920, after installation and reboot, got black screen, before Grub menu.21:04
\malex\derek0883: is there a reason to use such an old version?21:08
derek0883Currently we have some software running on 16.04,21:09
tomreynderek0883: anything before grub is hardware / firmware, really21:17
tomreynmaybe the grub menu just doesn't show and you haven't tried to bring it up?21:18
\malex\might want to check if it's some weird uefi issue and if bios mode works better. or grub is trying to use a graphics mode that isn't working21:23
oerheksWhat GPU is in that dell 7920?21:24
oerhekssome black screens can be fixed with nomodeset, or something else21:26
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derek0883GPU is NVIDIA 2080ti21:37
oerheksi think you need to be realistic, old ubuntu with new hardware.21:38
sarnoldyou can use lxd to run old software if necessary21:39
oerhekskvm, easy peasy, windows or ubuntu or mint-server21:41
Kereshi, i have a Texas Instruments PCM2900 Audio Codec device that is hard wired with no input gain21:55
Keresi cant adjust the device, since it is a record player needle21:56
Keresspecifically, the old  needle has less gain than the replacement21:56
Keresso the driver has no way to compensate for this21:56
Keresand i cant just rock the arm back because the needle is designed for a specific weight21:57
Keresin the alsamixer, there is a PCM gain for listening back, but no slider for input gain21:57
Keresalso in Audacity there is not input gain as well.21:58
sarnoldKeres: how about pavucontrol?21:59
sarnoldKeres: you may also need to go somewhere more specialized; the folks in #lau may have more ideas22:00
Kereswell the driver in this turntable is the same as the one in my tape deck22:23
KeresI dont need to adjust the tape deck since it is perfectly matched to the output level of the tape22:24
Keresbut the thing about turntables is that they have a needle with a lifespan only so long.22:24
Keresand some needles are more heavy than others22:24
Keresor... the weight on the arm and record is specific to each needle... shouldnt be changed or you get skips22:25
Kereson this needle, it gaINS up the level just a tiny bit so that it clips the peaks off22:25
LunchThiefHi there! Canonical used to provide live ubuntu cds / dvds / usb drives from its store ( shop.canonical.com ), which however has closed now. Is it still possible to get live ubuntu media from official sources?22:45
tomreynLunchThief: there are certainly still some shops selling those, but nothing 'official', i guess. what's your use case?22:47
sarnoldnot that I know of; I heard they were nice little usb sticks22:47
oerheksLunchThief, no, find a community member in your area. they are happy to help creating an USB22:52
LunchThieftomreyn: mostly recovery, however from security perspective I presume its best to get official media from official sources. Too bad that canonical shop had to go :(22:53
oerheksthose fancy canonical usb devices are no longer available, shop is closed.22:53
oerheksLuone should always do a check, or use the buildin checksum22:53
oerheksLunchThief *22:54
sarnoldLunchThief: and if I had to guess, they probably would have been sold by a fulfilment company anyway, nothing magical there..22:54
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:54
LunchThiefoeeheks: I have posted a request in #ubuntu-in, hopefully some one will reply soon.22:54
sarnoldoh my22:54
tomreynyes :-/22:55
oerheksmwa, there is sha too22:55
tomreynLunchThief: if you can get to a place with good internet access, like na internet cafe, maybe you can download an iso there and write it yourself after verifying the checksum, and the gpg signature on the checksum22:56
sarnoldcould someone who knows the bot well amend these things to use https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu instead? :)22:56
LunchThiefYes, I am aware of checksums & gpg signatures. However, u need to have a trustworthy system to begin with.22:56
oerhekssarnold, hggdh22:56
LunchThiefSorry, i a typing on mobile :(22:57
sarnoldhggdh: hello :) is the bot factoid !md5sum easy to change to mention https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu instead? :)22:57
tomreynLunchThief: true. there are a lot of different levels of trustworthy when it comes to computers, and you'll hardly get along without compromising.22:59
tomreynLunchThief: i haven't heard of a malware infecting .iso files, though. so i guess even if you download an iso from a compromised computer and write it to a usb stick, it can still be safe. no promises, though. ;)23:02
Kevinin ubuntu 16.04 there was a popup when I attached something to the 3.5mm audio jack to ask what type of device is it. on the same computer model with ubutu 18.04 there's no dialog and it always works as headphones. how can you switch this?23:03
donofrioanyone know what server/channel HypriotOS lives?  want to see if flash --config will allow static ip setting on my rpi (https://www.tinyurl.com/donofriovines/photos/tech/turing-pi-adventure) that I'm setting up.  the console doesn't seem to have a working keyboard (dunno why)23:04
LunchThiefI am just a casual user, who is concerned about security / bootkits / rootkits especially for banking. Recently my laptop hdd died, and I am exploring best ways to rebuild it. Also I do not have access to any other trustworthy system right now except for my phone :(23:05
donofriotried the 20.04.01 armhf server image aand keyboard still didn't start ;(23:06
Kevinan android phone can write to usb but it would have to already be rooted to allow you to do it23:07
Kevinotherwise, having no computer, you could order install media from a trustworthy source23:08
LunchThiefKevin: there r some apps in playstore that do it for unrooted phones too. Not sure how *trustworthy* they are though.23:09
LunchThiefFor now I am just living within termux :(23:10
KevinI don't think the os gives apps enough access to directly reformat a storage device23:10
LunchThiefYou just need a pre-formatted pen drive, which I have. I probably will have to find a way to install the bootloader though.23:12
Kevinif your computer is using uefi it's possible to boot from a file on a fat32 formatted msdos partition23:14
Kevinwhich the standard file manager on a phone can write to23:15
Kevinbut extra work needed to copy all the installer files in the right format instead of as an image23:15
LunchThiefOkay, can you point to some guide to boot from a file. I do have uefi.23:16
Kevinthe file (for eg grub) needs to be at /efi/boot/bootx64.efi on the drive23:17
Kevinthere's a copy of this in any modern linux installer, but they usually use a complicated disk format for the images23:18
Kevin(to allow booting as a cd or dvd also)23:18
LunchThiefOkay, thanks for the tips Kevin. I will look into this and get back. As I said, I am currently living inside termux without keyboard & mouse :(23:19
LunchThiefAnd the stupid covid lockdown in my area! Wth :(23:20
rustyrocketWhy does ubuntu-minimal depend on python3? I don't see any clear reason why it is mandatory to an ubuntu installation.23:38
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/ubuntu-minimal .. sure it is needed23:41

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