
tewardEickmeyer: ack.  i'm not busy and feeling fairly better but still not 100% i'll do a cursory review00:00
tewardthough my review may not be of as high a quality as normal because i'm still recovering from the appendectomy 00:00
EickmeyerSounds good. My packaging skillz keep getting better and better (yes, that's a z).00:00
EickmeyerYeah, I get that. Hence, I don't want you to do anything you aren't up to.00:00
tewardwell if you keep your eye on things then all's good :P02:15
RikMillsEickmeyer: gimme a link to the redkite upload to sponsor later tonight if you have no luck16:32
EickmeyerRikMills: Ok. It's already in the archive so it would be a simple upload for you. It's at https://launchpad.net/redkite. Simple git repo.16:33
RikMillscan't do now, but I will look in a few hrs16:34
EickmeyerJust needs to be cloned, pristine-tar checkout, debuild -S, and dput. It's ready to go. However, if I get movement from the DMB then don't worry about it. :)16:35
RikMillsok, lets see16:37
RikMillspristine tar. yuk!16:38
EickmeyerThat's the way I was told to do it...16:38
RikMillsit's just not in my normal workflow, where we always use just packaging in git + the upstream tar16:39
EickmeyerAh, gotcha.16:39
EickmeyerYou can bame cyphermox for teaching me this method.16:39
tewardRikMills: Eickmeyer uses a gbp-esque workflow :P16:40
tewardits a pain xD16:40
EickmeyerAgain, blame cyphermox.16:40
teward(this said I use gbp for xca in Debian so I mean...)16:41
RikMillskde would kill LP git if we pristine tar all our stuff! :P 16:41
EickmeyerRikMills: FWIW, plasma-wallpaper-dynamic will be a thing as soon as the AAs review the package. The way it works is pretty nice.16:41
RikMillsEickmeyer: did that get uploaded? sorry I did not get to that. I am short of time16:42
EickmeyerYeah, teward took care of it.16:42
RikMillsplus I have a short expected life expectancy of odd KDE things from github or other non kde repos16:44
RikMillsthere have been many 'KDE' things like that that got an initial upload, then bitrotted16:45
EickmeyerYeah. I'm in communication with upstream on this one. I think it'll be a neat addition to KFocus too, and I'm working with Mike on that.16:46
RikMillsteward: kubuntu uses a very customised gbp implementation for nearly all our uploads. designed so that we just have the debian folder in git16:47
RikMillsEickmeyer: nice :)16:47
* Eickmeyer will be out a majority of the day17:00
RikMillsEickmeyer: as usual, printine tar fails patheticallyv to make a source package. please put a real source package somewkere if you want sponsorship17:09
* RikMills glares at typos17:09
EickmeyerRikMills: I'm confused, printine tar?23:35
Eickmeyerteward: ^?23:35
EickmeyerRikMills: Doesn't matter anyhow, I got it uploaded myself. It's in my packageset.23:37
EickmeyerOh, pristine tar.23:38

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