
lubotAllan Williamson was added by: Allan Williamson04:24
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lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> What is the proper way to setup brother printer?14:10
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> When I try printing something in Libre Office Writer it prints soup of random characters.14:12
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Wait, it is LibreOffice issues - export to pdf is also broken14:14
tomreynhmm, so it only happens there?14:35
tomreyn@Mateusz Konieczny14:36
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Yes, only there.14:37
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Though I was not testing it seriously, for now I am following https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/241673/export-or-print-to-pdf-no-text/14:38
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> And burning Libreoffice to the ground.14:38
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> It may be https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24744414:41
ubottubugs.freebsd.org bug 247444 in Individual Port(s) "editors/libreoffice: Erroneous print output in 6.4.4" [Affects only me,Closed: fixed]14:41
lubot<N0um3n0> @Mateusz Konieczny [It may be https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=247444], it may match but that's a bug in freebsd14:45
ubottubugs.freebsd.org bug 247444 in Individual Port(s) "editors/libreoffice: Erroneous print output in 6.4.4" [Affects only me,Closed: fixed]14:45
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Reinstalling LibreOffice worked, it turn out that I needed rubber duck. Sorry for noise.14:45
lubot<kc2bez> The PDF export issue is documented in our release notes. https://lubuntu.me/focal-1-released/14:45
lubot<kc2bez> There is a workaround in the known issues.14:46
lubot<kc2bez> There is also a forum post too if you want me to find that.14:46
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> (I needed printer, PDF export being broken pointed me into direction of LibreOffice being culprit - not printer connection)14:46
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> I printed my recipe so I can go cooking :)14:47
lubot<kc2bez> Sounds good. Happy cooking :)14:48
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