
chief-monkhello anyone here?15:38
chief-monkI am new here as you can tell because I am logged in twice15:39
chief-monkCan anyone tell me how to log out of one.  Not looking for support just wanting to learn the IRC works15:42
tomreynchief-monk: to learn how irc works, type this:15:44
tomreyn/join #freenode15:44
tomreynthis will make you join another irc channel which is for irc help.15:45
tomreynchief-monk__: hi there. did you read what i wrote to you previously?15:54
chief-monk__tomreyn: Thanks15:55
tomreynso i suggest you join the other other to find help there.15:56
tomreynso i suggest you join the other channel to find help there.15:56
chief-monk__Would you tell me how to change colors for my name and messages?  name is gray messages I send is black15:57
chief-monk__I am joining the ones I know I need now15:58
chief-monk__tomreyn: thank I joined15:59

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