
lordrishavI installed Kubuntu few days ago03:36
lordrishavAnd I see much unresponsiveness03:36
lordrishavWhen I try to switch from one application to other03:37
gnoobare you on a virtual machine?03:42
lordrishavInstalled alongside Windows03:44
lordrishavAnybody there?04:00
lordrishavUbuntu Chat Channels don't have much support04:01
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> How r u guys04:01
lordrishavNot good04:10
lordrishavI see unresponsiveness in Kubuntu sometimes04:11
lordrishavIt has been nearly 40 minutes04:11
lordrishavNo answer yet04:11
lordrishavThis is too much of a wait time04:12
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Sorry to hear that04:12
lordrishavCan something be done?04:12
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Go to ##forthenerds04:12
lordrishavWhat is this?04:13
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> A tech channel on irc04:14
lordrishavCan I ask Ubuntu questions on it?04:16
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @lordrishav, I have a few minutes to try to help with unresponsive Kubuntu.  What version?04:18
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Kubuntu 19.10 had issues with slow task switching on Optimus laptop when running the NVidia driver. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40618004:22
ubottuKDE bug 406180 in general "KWin 5.15.4+ hang regression on Nvidia Optimus" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]04:22
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3557
=== bec is now known as rebecca
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Hello unresponsive Kubuntu friends! 😉08:01
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> I have made an oberservation and want to know if this is true: Does ubuntu forget the LUKS decryption key when going into suspend?08:02
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> I am not sure if it really is since I reinstalled as LVM with LUKS, but lately my laptop always restarts after going to sleep.08:03
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> the thing happens in 18.04 and 20.04.08:04
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Quite annoying actually.08:04
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> as far as I know, no it doesn't. With suspension it will restart without asking Luks password.08:17
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> 1}000p08:17
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> hibernation will forget tho08:18
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=== neko-cameo-cat is now known as Knives_Millions
=== Knives_Millions is now known as Angel_Arm
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest29455
user|18146How can I change the brightness?09:50
eeosAny news about do-release-upgrade availability for 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS?09:54
Atlenohenguys I get this check errors on Kubuntu LTS LIVE USB ... Nvidia Server .deb: Mismatch and File Not FOund10:35
Atlenohen9 errors10:35
AtlenohenOn multiple USB sticks10:35
AtlenohenJust reflashed twice10:35
AtlenohenIt seems to work all fine, but weird.10:36
IrcsomeBotytfh4 was added by: ytfh411:13
=== Guest62230 is now known as lordievader
AtlenohenThere's something wrong with the ISO apparently.11:49
Atlenohenbooting 19.10 or 20.04.1 when triggers a FS check it finds several nvidia files to be missing, reports 9 erros, is this known?11:49
AtlenohenNvidia drivers, some are OK, some are missing .deb files11:50
=== jere is now known as japp
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Any fix for kubuntu not waking up after sleeping?12:41
Guest_78 b v12:59
BluesKajHi folks13:01
Guest_78is there helpfor installing ubuntu on microsoft surface non pro13:02
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBotVitaMutante was added by: VitaMutante17:46
blippitybloopy-MIs this chat broken?18:04
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> nope, just quiet sometimes18:04
lundrvs#blippitybloopy-M I always wondered why, if 333 nicks are for people and not for bots...18:09
IrcsomeBot<ahangarha> @ahangarha, Still I don't have any answer for this question. For years, Okular is like this on kubuntu.18:23
lucas_this is a cool thing i think18:26
lucas_for a OS has this chat internally18:26
=== dilfridge is now known as FreedomFries
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest36155
=== TheGallopingFox_ is now known as TheGallopingFox

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