
CarlFKhere because: ssh-import-id .. "lp:", which was the original target implementation.. so19:40
CarlFKURL=https://salsa.debian.org/~%s.keys ssh-import-id carlfk-guest   = kaboom:   https://paste.debian.net/1160284/19:40
CarlFKah my bad.  no ~ for salsa19:45
LocutusOfBorgbos is again stuck in cleaning...19:51
LocutusOfBorg151 hosts in cleaning state19:52
cjwatsonCarlFK: We couldn't help you even if this hadn't been user error - it was never something the LP team did19:54
cjwatson[2020-08-17 18:02:40,984: INFO/Worker-1] ppareset.ppa_reset[15ff8ac5-d998-4ce7-96a2-91bbc65919a3]: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='nova-api.infra.bos02.scalingstack', port=8774): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/1cb457a8302543fea067e5f14b5241e7/servers/862fba1f-4e14-4e75-a6c3-5a060c37543d (Caused by <class 'httplib.BadStatusLine'>: '')19:55
cjwatsonWell that's a little exciting19:55
cjwatsonLet's see if it's gone away in the meantime19:56
CarlFKcjwatson: I was hoping for a pointer ... and now wondering where I would support a patch to for supporting ssh-import-id salsa:carlfk-guest19:56
cjwatsonCarlFK: Maintainers of that project, I guess19:56
cjwatsonSeems to be https://launchpad.net/ssh-import-id19:56
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: Seems to be getting further now19:57

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