
hggdhoerheks: cannot check now, but this would progably require a backport to all LTS; I do not know if there is a LP bug for that already00:57
hggdhoerheks: given this is tor, perhaps in #u-hardened? IDK either01:00
oerhekshggdh, actually, i shoud refrase  my question01:56
oerhekskline worried about the fr documentation, with the address01:56
Maikgood morning03:37
lotuspsychjegood morning03:54
Maikhey lotuspsychje04:02
lotuspsychjehey Maik04:06
oerheksquick answer trippleC  in #u04:09
oerhekshi lotuspsychje Maik04:09
lotuspsychjehey oerheks04:10
lotuspsychjeno tnx, just awake lol04:10
lotuspsychjecan you please solve 425 problems at once04:10
lotuspsychjesure, press on the red magic ubuntu button04:11
Maikoerheks: heya04:15
marcoagpintothe cola demon!08:15
Maikthe pint demon!08:25
marcoagpintoI still haven't installed my VPN08:27
marcoagpintoI am brain toasted of the weekend at the supermarket08:27
marcoagpintoand i was very exposed to COVID08:27
marcoagpintowho will greet the demon?!11:34
Bashing-omUWN644 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue644 :D20:12

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