
otubosmoser, can you confirm if this bug has been addressed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1225922 I can't track anything on the commit log that could relate to this11:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225922 in linux-gcp (Ubuntu) "Support static network configuration even on already configured devices" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:25
rick_hjohnsonshi:  I don't think we've got anything against it. We haven't had a chance to look at the change yet but did discuss it and don't have any reason not to.12:44
smoserotubo: i sure would think that is fixed.13:30
smoserreplied in the bug13:34
otubosmoser, thanks a lot! Also there was another issue that - if you have some time to spare - I'd like you to check: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/fix/1788915-vlan-sysconfig-rendering13:44
otubosmoser, I also couldn't track on the commit log if this was merged or not. We might have an issue in RHEL that might benefit from this patch13:44
paridesmoser, I think `origtargz --download-only --tar-only` could be used instead of get-orig-tarball in build-package13:54
parideit's included in devscripts13:55
paridebut it's doesn't do some tricks implemented by get-orig-tarball13:55
paridelike `get-orig-tarball for ...`13:56
smoserthats the first i'd seen of that.13:56
smosera few things i like better from get-orig-tarball:13:56
smoser doesnt need apt source lines13:57
smoserthings i like in origtargz13:57
smoser uses pristine-tar (that'd be really cool if it worked with git-ubuntu pristine-tar)13:58
smoser  that was something i wanted to add to get-orig-tarball13:58
smoser - uses uscan (but --download-current-version isnt sufficient)13:58
parideand uscan it not guaranteed to fetch the .orig that was used for the packaging14:04
paridefor example in some packages I maintain I use uscan to get notified about new upstream releases14:04
paridebut then I import the upstream git tag and generate the orig tarball from my local git tree14:05
paridewith gbp-buildpackage or `git deborig`14:05
smoseri find it surprising/terribly-annoying that there isn't a "right way" to do this.14:09
smoserand a slew of wrong ways that will get your upload rejected14:10
rharperotubo: smoser: on that vlan-sysconfig bug;  I had someone else bring it up but I've not been able to get a reliable reproducer (I don't have a real host with bonded vlan and switches (where the bond may takes some time to come up);  in particular from a sysconfig perspective, there was some mention of use of ONPARENT=yes ;   so in the case of RHEL7.latest images which have NM only (with the sysconfig helpers)  is there14:15
rharperdocumentation on what should be present in the sysconfig file to do bonded vlans?    https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/188831514:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1888315 in MAAS "MAAS does not set type=VLAN for CentOS & RHEL" [Undecided,Triaged]14:15
smoserotubo: wrt https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/366602 ... it just got dropped.14:17
smoseri dont have anything local more than what is there.14:17
smoserimo 'a' really isn't OK.14:19
smoserthat is just slogging on an pretending stuff is happy, hiding original failures.14:19
smoserand doing something seemingly randomly different.14:19
smoserbut... doing it right (b) is harder, and failing (c) probably breaks someone's idea of "working"14:20
=== hjensas is now known as hjensas|afk
otuborharper, I'm not aware if there's a direction if we should use this option or not, but on the BZ[0] I have the reporter that might be willing to try the original patch from smoser. If that fixes the issue I might send a new PR with that code.14:30
otubo[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=186187114:30
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1861871 in cloud-init "[rhel7][cloud-init] ifup bond0.504 Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection" [Unspecified,New]14:30
otubosmoser, right, I'll give it a try, see if it really fixes the issue first. We'll see from there.14:31
otubo*might be willing to try, meaning, the reporter has the hardware and the environment necessary :-)14:32
rharperotubo: well, I believe it does resolve an issue; but I don't understand why;14:36
rharperThe other alternative w.r.t sysconfig and cloud-init  is to emit NM output;  for example in RHEL8, right, NM is the default now;  is the sysconfig compat layer still around?  If the sysconfig files are still supported; then we should figure out why what we currently write doesn't work for bonded vlans;  it's certainly a regression between sysconfig-only setups (where this code works perfectly fine) and NM-only setups which import14:38
rharpersysconfig files.14:38
smoserwell, the right behavior is to render what the system is configured for.15:24
smoserif it is NM, then render NM. if it is sysconfig, then sysconfig.15:24
rharperwe don't render NM;  AFACIT NM supports reading sysconfig files;  so yes, someone can write a NM renderer for cloud-init;  even without cloud-init though, either the sysconfig file we're writing is valid or invalid; and I'd like to understand why it works without NM; but when NM imports it; it doesn't;15:53
=== hjensas|afk is now known as hjensas
momoustablackboxsw_, We would like to land this PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529 as part of the next SRU, Can you take a look?16:38
blackboxsw_momousta: yes thanks for the piing16:38
blackboxsw_will look today16:38
blackboxsw_just got back from "vacation": )16:38
blackboxsw_momousta: I was wondering whether we want to make that filtering a bit more generic. I'll think a bit this morning and get you a concise response and/or review today16:39
blackboxsw_momousta: could you run rebase your current PR  and resolve merge conflicts please? `git fetch -i origin;  git rebase -i origin/master; git push <your_remote>`  might do it.16:54
blackboxsw_sorry about that git fetch -i origin; just git fetch origin;16:55
cutis there any way to silence cloud-init so it doesn't print the "Created by.." message in various files in /etc/? "# Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit."17:55
blackboxsw_cut, not by any configuration setting. you'd have to do post-processing on those files, something like " #cloud-config\nruncmd:\n - "sed -i 's/Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit./Silence safety message/' /etc/<your_file_path>.18:32
minimalHi folks. I saw the email about the planned release of 20.3 on Thursday. I wanted to check if there's a chance to get my PR #535 into this release. I'm currently working on changes based on the last set of review comments and hope to get them committed in the next couple of hours time.18:57
rharperminimal: I'll review again19:00
minimalrharper: Thanks19:01
blackboxsw_momousta: only one significant note so far on your branch it looks like with every boot you'll end up dumping the full compressed cloud-init.log for every boot across kvp, that's going to get more and more costly the more times an azure instance is rebooted. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529/files#r47239205019:07
momoustablackboxsw_. I'm looking into that now. Thanks for the quick feedback.19:08
blackboxsw_I'm not sure, but you may want to think about persisting something with that byte-offset on disk somewhere in /var/lib/cloud/data/   like "azure-kvp-offset" if you ultimately want to continue to always log updated compressed cloud-init.logs per-boot19:09
blackboxsw_no prob momousta19:09
rharperminimal: I did review yesterday, did you see the comments about the ntp test-cases?19:11
minimalrharper: yes I saw your review yesterday - I'm working on the changes for it currently. Hope to have them committed shortly.19:25
minimalrharper: re: the cc_power_state_change.py re.match change I did add a note about 30mins ago to explain why I'd done that. I've since added "\s*" (zero or more whitespace) to the start and end of the regex pattern, that'll be committed shortly.19:27
rharperminimal: great;  yeah; it looks like int() eats leading +,- and any number of whitespace (or trailing);  I just commented; my preference is to not change the code even if the docs don't match since if there's a cloud-config using something that passes the current regex; I want that config to still work rather than break because we tighted it;  OTOH, I don't think there's much else that int() won't catch besides + - and spaces19:32
rharper(which it ignores anyhow;19:32
minimalrharper: well the main thing I wanted to trap was someone trying to use '2:30' to shutdown in 2.5 hours time - this is valid for shutdown command if passed as a param in that format but doesn't match the docs for cc_power_state_change19:48
rharperminimal: yeah, the exception message is nicer than the int() failure to convert19:51
rharperbut we could also print the same message in the exception for int()19:51
rharperValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '+30:30'19:51
rharpernm, they'll throw the error  before19:52
rharperthat logic likely needs a refactor there;   it seems to me that we should handle now, and then try int() and except ValueError on the conversion and reraise as TypeError like it currently does if if fails;19:53
rharperminimal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hQZtDR97Ft/19:55
rharperthen with your branch changes on top of that (we get to drop the regex since int() already handles what we expect19:56
minimalrharper: ok, could go with that20:05
minimalrharper: actually I'm confused :-) The code you pasted don't reflect the last commit I made a couple of days ago when I added the convert_delay function as you suggested and the if-alpine-else-others block to call convert_delay. Should I simply change the regex pattern back to the way I was and left things at that?20:14
rharperminimal: sorry, I was just demonstrating the refactor around using the int() and exception so we could drop the regex;  I meant to have that change I posted integrated on top of your change;20:20
blackboxsw_thanks again momousta I just added a few more notes, minor concerns to this branch. I'll peek at this again when you say it's ready for re-review20:21
rharperminimal: so I think you can remove the try/except in convert_delay() and instead in the main function try: convert_delay() except: raise TypeError()20:22
minimalrharper: from memory the try/except in convert_delay() is needed as for non-Alpine distros a value 'now' can be passed in and therefore returned to be used in the shutdown command20:30
rharperminimal: yes, but also only calling convert_delay() if delay != 'now'20:33
blackboxsw_merged https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/428 thanks otubo !21:12
blackboxsw_That'll be in our next upstream release 20.321:12
=== blackboxsw_ changed the topic of #cloud-init to: pull-requests https://git.io/JeVed | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting Aug 25 16:15 UTC | 20.2 (Apr 26) | 20.3 (estimated Aug 19th) https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug
blackboxsw_community notice: As falcojr announced on the mailing list we are planning on cutting upstream release 20.3 thursday (and shortly thereafter starting an Ubuntu SRU process to release to Xenial, bionic and focal).21:14
blackboxsw_community notice: if there are existing branches that folks really would like in this time-based release. please raise them here or on the mailing list21:15
blackboxsw_on our list currently are the following PRs https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529 ~https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/428~ https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/48721:16
blackboxsw_we would like to land these branches in tip before cutting an upstream  release 20.321:16
rharperblackboxsw_: PR #535 is hopeful for it21:17
rharperminimal and I are currently working to land this for Thursday21:17
blackboxsw_#529 has a couple of review comments to discuss/address and I think we are good there on Azure.   #428 just landed   and #487 needs a little review love21:17
blackboxsw_rharper: checking that out thanks. and will add it to the list21:18
minimalblackboxsw_: yes I'm working on the remaining issues in PR #535 as we speak21:18
blackboxsw_excellent minimal/rharper. just holler if we are stalling out on that. I think we have (side-channel) about 3 prs to land for grub fixes in debian/postinst for ubuntu/* related branches.21:19
blackboxsw_I'm off on PTO for tomorrow (OddBloke is out all week), but falcojr and I will be trying to get through any outstanding reviews that are not already being handled by rharper and or smoser too.21:20
rharperblackboxsw_: ok21:24
minimalrharper: Hitting a problem with test_handler for cc_apk_configure - multiple test fails and all I suspect is the add_patch for write_file that you suggested I add22:14
minimalI'm seeing tox errors: E       FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/ci-TestConfig.gc5tegx6/tmp/template_name-povkwjvo.tmpl'22:15
minimalwhich is the temporary template file write by cc_apk_configure which it is then unable to load to do the config file generation from this template22:16
rharperminimal: yeah, we write a temparary template file and then write the content sof that22:25
minimalactually multiple unrelated tests across various modules are failing with the same error22:26
minimalso somehow the changes I made in test_handler_apk_configure are failing large numbers of tests across the board22:26
minimal137 failed22:27
rharperminimal: if you dump what you have (git diff origin/master) and paste; I can help refactor some of the unittests;22:27
minimalits a big diff for the test_handler, approx 300-odd lines22:32
rharperor push what you ahve to a branch and I'll pull from github;22:33
rharperI've got what you've pushed locally; I can work on a refactor of what I suggested on the apk stuff;22:37
minimalrharper: https://gist.github.com/dermotbradley/42e6f4cb7298498f9ce9a87d44800ed323:05
rharperminimal: ok23:40

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