
bigpodcurrently i cannot log in to launchpad all i get is Oops! page00:32
sarnoldbigpod: usually the team needs an oops-id to figure out what might be going on00:36
sarnoldbigpod: did you get a number to go with it?00:37
bigpod OOPS-3cdab81c4573e9cb1770b53bb869ffab00:37
sarnoldmy **guess** is that it does not like your name :( we do have users with accented names but perhaps not in the username, eg https://launchpad.net/~stgraber00:41
bigpodi havent changed my username and but i didnt log in since end of april start of may00:45
bigpodbut could be that i changed something on main ubuntu one account00:46
sarnoldI suggest sticking aroud a while, ilasc will hopefully be online in ~seven hours and might know what's up00:50
bigpodi guess i will come back on after i wake up00:52
guivercnumbers vary on retries03:18
sarnoldguiverc: iirc that one is just "yeah that happens" :/ hopefully it'll execute to completion eventually03:21
guivercthanks sarnold03:22
* guiverc adds though started 12:51; ~30 mins ago on this report03:23
sarnoldouch :(03:23
guivercpart of that time is me 'again in a couple of mins' so not all active.. time of first was bounces@canonical email03:25
* guiverc wonders if the `apport-collect` which died during reporting & is now locked, then I switcehd to file bug manually on this other box.. if the first box is creating a lock for me.. and it'll magically work at 13:51 when my 1hr permission on 'live' system ends..03:32
guiverc:(  nope still no luck... lp has issues03:53
guivercbeen trying 2 hrs & still endless errors... can't even file a bug about lp not responding :(04:51
guivercnow 3hrs trying to file a bug, lp is ...05:51
Tenguhello there! seems the authentication is dead... any clue?06:01
guivercno just lp is slow & constant OOPS; I gave up trying to file using apport-collect/ubuntu-bug & am trying to file using browser & just OOPS-d64de8fabe10336e6659a071cfb8a861 or equiv for over 3 hrs now06:11
tomwardillsarnold, guiverc, Tengu: Some python3 porting work has unfortunatley broken login for users with non-ASCII characters in their name.07:13
tomwardillWe've proposed a fix upstream, but should be landing and deploying a local patch for it today07:14
=== tomwardill changed the topic of #launchpad to: Login broken for non-ASCII names | Help contact: ilasc (08:00-17:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
Tengutomwardill: meh....07:15
guivercthanks tomwardill, my name shouldn't be impacted, however other problems often compound, maybe issue b/c of users subscribed to packages et.al...  thanks07:15
Tenguutf-8, that thing breaking everything in python, right? :)07:15
tomwardillTengu: in this case, string handling differences between py2/3 in an upstream library, yeah07:16
tomwardillguiverc: a good point, I don't know what the causes of your OOPS is, I'll pass it along07:17
Tengutomwardill: I can confirm, my firstname has a "é" in it :)07:18
cjwatsonguiverc: Your OOPSes are from trying to load https://launchpad.net/linux.  While I'm sure we need to fix something there, that isn't likely to be the correct bug filing target anyway (/linux is a representation of the upstream Linux project, and upstream Linux developers aren't likely to read bug reports on Launchpad).  So you can very likely fix this by not trying to do that ...08:45
guivercthanks cjwatson, I was trying to file the bug I was unable to via ubuntu-bug..   I'll correct & thank you !08:46
cjwatsonguiverc: I don't think ubuntu-bug would have taken you to /linux; I would expect it to try to file on /ubuntu/+source/linux (assuming this is a kernel bug).  So perhaps that was a different problem?08:48
cjwatsonThe first OOPS you reported here was from /linux though.08:49
guivercnah sorry cjwatson, it's a regression in 5.4 kernel I believe for i386... why I was trying to go to linux page (`ubuntu-bug linux` is where I started..)08:49
cjwatsonRight, but that ought to use /ubuntu/+source/linux08:49
guivercsorry my last was hopelessly confusing..08:49
cjwatsonI think you followed a confusing link from a search08:49
guivercYep... Thank you once again.08:50
guiverc(sorry I replied before I'd fully read your post; My confusion & mistake; apologies)08:50
cjwatsonIt looks like ProductDownloadFileMixin.latest_release_with_download_files is inefficient for projects with very many releases08:50
cjwatsonIn [1]: len(lp.projects['linux'].releases)08:51
cjwatsonOut[1]: 244008:51
guivercyour suggestion & my page instantly displays.. Thanks cjwatson !08:51
cjwatsonguiverc: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1892003 for at least the most obvious problem here08:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1892003 in Launchpad itself "ProductReleaseFileMixin.latest_release_with_download_files is inefficient for projects with many releases" [High,Triaged]08:56
cjwatsonLanding fixes for the extremely embarrassing non-ASCII name bug now09:02
cjwatsonShould be able to deploy that later today, as Tom said09:02
cjwatson(My own daughter has a non-ASCII name.  Although she's a bit young to have a Launchpad account yet ...)09:05
bigpodhow can i log in to launchpad since in my name is a 2 non ascii characters. Is it just a change on ubuntu one (full name field)?10:09
ilaschi bigpod: We've proposed a fix upstream, but should be landing and deploying a local patch for it today, we'll need to wait for that to enable login for non ascii characters10:12
a__piim trying to login in launchpad and i'm receiving "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.12:21
a__pidifferent browsers and same reply12:22
tomwardilla__pi: there's an error with handling usernames / names that have non-ASCII characters in at the minute, the fix is being deployed soon12:25
cjwatsonLet's check the OOPS though12:26
cjwatsona__pi: Do you get an OOPS ID?12:26
a__piwhats an oops id ?12:28
a__piis a ubuntu one loggin12:28
a__pitried with different browser and connections12:29
cjwatsona__pi: There should be an error ID on the page, starting with "OOPS-"12:30
a__pi(Error ID: OOPS-25455b7f9167f951d61dec5c61a1f51e)12:31
a__pican i reply a bug report by mail ? i never used launchpad12:33
cjwatsonRight, that error is the one that will be fixed later today12:35
cjwatsonYou can reply by email, yes: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface12:35
a__pithx :)12:36
cjwatson(That page is a lot of words but in practice if you just want to send a simple text reply you can do that by replying to the email as you'd expect)12:36
snutterHi! Trying to report a bug for iputils-ping on ubuntu 20.04 but I'm getting an OOPS message when logging in to my Ubuntu One account on my way to the lauchpad bug page. Is there anything wrong with launchpad services today?13:32
tomwardillsnutter: can you give me the OOPS ID?13:34
snutterSure: OOPS-03f530a6f0121429d91dc458bba276a613:35
tomwardillwe have a current problem with logging in with non-ascii characters in a username/name that should be fixed shortly13:35
tomwardillyep, that's the same problem. Hopefully fixed today, we're preparing a deployment now13:35
tomwardillsorry about that13:35
snutterOk, that might be it. I have one nonascii letter in my first name13:36
snutterI guess I can live with ping printing IP addresses backwards for the rest of today :-)13:37
tomwardill... that's quite a bug :)13:38
snutterYeah, it's a bit confusing :-) Started since upgrading to 20.04. Seems to only happen when it prints the gateway address on host redirect (i think). Tcpdump interprets the incoming packets correctly so I'm pretty sure it's just ping doing something funky.13:41
snutterThanks for the quick response, I'll try reporting the bug later today.13:45
tomwardillno problems, sorry for the inconvenience!13:46
cjwatsonSomebody put right-to-left Unicode characters in your gateway host name? :)13:48
tomwardillokay, new best mean trick to play on sysadmins13:51
cjwatsonJust confirmed the openid unicode fix on one of our test instances, so progress13:53
luna_Hello, should the translations for Groovy be active now or not?14:02
luna_seb128 sent me here14:02
luna_Translation page is not available14:02
luna_Translations for this release series are not available yet.14:02
seb128I'm getting 'Groovy is the current translation focus for Ubuntu.' but I'm member of some teams, I get the same error in a private session14:04
luna_maybe its not open to the public yet?14:06
=== pappacena changed the topic of #launchpad to: Login broken for non-ASCII names | Help contact: pappacena (12:00-21:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjwatsonseb128: We emailed ubuntu-translation-coordinators and nobody responded.  https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations-coordinators/msg11556.html14:08
cjwatsonubuntu-translations-coordinators, rather14:08
cjwatsonseb128: So the remainder of the steps on https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/Translations/UbuntuOpenings, from step 8ish onwards, likely still need to be done14:08
seb128cjwatson, is there anyone still on the receiving end?14:09
cjwatsonseb128: IDK, I saw you emailing the list so I thought you might be, but maybe that's just bugs14:09
cjwatsonseb128: Gunnar has responded in the past14:09
cjwatsonluna_,seb128: Anyway, I imagine initial imports have happened by this point, so let me poke cron schedules and such14:10
seb128cjwatson, I'm on ubuntu-translators@ but not -coordinators, I might have replied to emails where the first one was Cced14:11
luna_cjwatson: ah alright wanting to helping with Swedish when i can14:11
luna_but if there is things still to fix and if Gunnarhj or someone needs to do things i can wait14:12
seb128cjwatson, also it seems like something that doesn't really need input from a coordinator, unsure why the process is like that though, might be some historical reasons I don't understand14:12
cjwatsonseb128: Mm, it may be a historical vestige14:12
seb128I would be happy with having the steps changed to be 'wait for the initial import to be done, then flip the flag'14:13
seb128I'm looking at the import queue now, always good to review those14:13
cjwatsonseb128: Yep, I've just updated that wiki page to avoid blocking on u-t-c14:14
seb128cjwatson, thanks!14:14
cjwatsonSince this has been a problem more than once14:14
luna_so you gonna open up later today or during this week?14:19
cjwatsonLet's call it later this week.  If it's today it'll be a bonus14:42
cjwatsonI have two other urgent things though14:43
luna_cjwatson: i got added by seb128 or GunnarHj so i am giving suggestions for Swedish for 20.10 now :)14:46
luna_he saw me post in #ubuntu-desktop14:46
luna_so this is atleast solved for me now14:47
sarnoldtomwardill: oh! that makes sense :( python3 *sigh*15:02
cjwatsonMore the difficulty of bilingual web code (it's still running on python2), but yes15:33
cjwatsonseb128: Could I have a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/langpack-o-matic/groovy/+merge/389488 ?16:36
cjwatsonTengu,a__pi,snutter: Apologies for the problems.  That's fixed now.16:50
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: pappacena (12:00-21:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
a__pino problem thx for your work!16:53
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seb128cjwatson, reviewed, we should probably remove eoan unsure if you want to do that at the same time? it's fine in another commit later18:05
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