[07:46] hi [07:46] https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/blob/12ceda1ecfa64be5d2636e453e968d574e952324/charmcraft/templates/init/.jujuignore.j2 [07:46] what is /env for ? [10:30] If I try to deploy the prometheus charm with a microk8s controller I get the error : "ERROR local charm missing OCI images for: nginx-image, prometheus-image" [10:30] If I try to supply the "--to lxd" option to "juju deploy" I still get an error : "ERROR --to cannot be used on k8s models" [10:31] Is there any way to deploy a charm locally using microk8s ? [10:31] bthomas: with microk8s, yes [10:32] bthomas: but I don't know how to tell microk8s about an oci image [10:32] * Chipaca googles [10:33] * bthomas googles [10:34] Chipaca: Let me try and change the yaml config to use lxc/lxd images. It may simplify things. I see no reason why we should insist in oci images, and spend the time to deal with this complexity. I will google a bit though. [10:35] bthomas: but lxc/lxd isn't k8s [10:36] bthomas: 1 sec [10:36] juju deploy /path/to/mycharm --resource workload_image=myimage:latest [10:36] bthomas: ^ [10:36] bthomas: similarly, [10:36] juju upgrade-charm myapp --path /path/to/charm --resource my_image=imagename [10:37] all this from https://discourse.juju.is/t/error-attaching-oci-resource-to-juju-charm-using-containerd/1354/6?u=chipaca [10:37] Chipaca: thanks. Let me read that and try. [10:41] Yep "--resource" option did work. There are other issue but that is with my charm and for me to dig. [10:41] :) huzzah [11:19] ¡Muy buenos días a todos! [11:20] facubatista: 👋❗ [11:20] Hola Chipaca! [11:25] Morning facubatista : Hope you had a good break . [11:25] hello bthomas! [11:25] thanks [11:53] State handling in my refactored prometheus charm is buggy (throws an exception). I am stuck with unable to destroy the model into which I deployed this prometheus charm. juju destroy times out after 30m. Send attempt has been running for 25. Help I am drowning. [11:53] * bthomas prays to the gods of charmcraft to protect himself from his own stupidity [12:04] bthomas: does your last mean you figured it out? [12:04] Chipaca: just added --no-wait and --force options to juju destroy-model and trying again [12:04] this worked [12:04] k [13:34] In ops.model.status_get() a subprocess call (from _run) is made to execute the command "status-get". Where is "status-get" coming from ? [13:36] bthomas: hook tools [13:36] bthomas: https://discourse.juju.is/t/hook-tools/1163#heading--status-get [13:36] Chipaca: thank you [14:04] Chipaca, Thankyou for your help I have Cassandra status working currently and I can create Cassandra cluster. [14:05] juju status [14:05] Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp [14:05] cassandramodel k8s-cloud microk8s/localhost 2.8.1 unsupported 14:05:18Z [14:05] App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Address Notes [14:05] cassandra gcr.io/google-samples/cassa... active 3 cassandra local 0 kubernetes [14:05] Unit Workload Agent Address Ports Message [14:05] cassandra/0* active idle 7000/TCP,7001/TCP,9042/TCP Pod is Ready [14:05] cassandra/1 active idle 7000/TCP,7001/TCP,9042/TCP Pod is Ready [14:05] cassandra/2 active idle 7000/TCP,7001/TCP,9042/TCP Pod is Ready [15:31] Chipaca, standup? [15:36] facubatista: and dance! [16:10] Chipaca: could you kindly check mattermost [17:02] Whew! Am going to call it a day. [17:02] I will try and refactor prometheus charm to opslib tomorrow. [20:43] * facubatista eods [21:08] EODing sounds like a Good Idea