
=== coconut__ is now known as coconut
Aison`It looks like I have some kind of ddos attack to my DNS servers11:36
Aison`both ubuntu bind9 servers keep segfaulting after many thousend of requests11:37
Aison`see here: https://dpaste.org/SX29#L1611:37
Aison`maybe I can block the IP with fail2ban somehow?11:37
Aison`BIND 9.16.1-Ubuntu (Stable Release) <id:d497c32>11:37
sdezielAison`: are you using the latest bind9 version: 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.211:41
sdezielAison`: OK good. Could you run a tcpdump capture of the traffic leading to a crash? If you could attach it along with the crash dump to a LP bug, I'm sure it could help having the problem fixed11:44
Aison`:( now it stopped crashing11:48
sdezielhttps://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/v9_16_5/notes.html#notes-for-bind-9-16-5 show a few assertion failures were fixed since the 9.16.1 release11:48
Aison`I can not reproduce the sefault11:55
Aison`it's just "luck" when it happens11:56
RoyKAison`: IIRC, installing the -dbg package will allow the crash to be dumped through gdb, but not sure if everyhing is automatic12:45
Aison`RoyK, there is not dbg for bind13:30
Aison`sdeziel, how can I tcpdump the whole udp53 traffic to a file? I can not google it right now ;)13:31
RoyKtshark tshark -f "udp and port 53"13:33
RoyKwithout the first tshark ;)13:34
RoyKtshark is the new tcpdump13:34
sdezielAison`: otherwise: tcpdump -w /tmp/dns.pcap -ni $iface port 5313:35
sdezielAison`: DNS also happens on TCP/53 so I'd capture both13:36
UssatOK, so this is on Ubuntu 18.04, andone want to take a look and lend a hand with a syslog-ng issue ? https://pastebin.com/EV7km0QW\18:26
oerheksPage not found.18:27
oerheksuse paste.ubuntu.com :-D18:27
sarnoldit's https://pastebin.com/EV7km0QW18:28
sarnoldand it requires rather more syslog knowledge than I've got18:29
oerheksoh i see, hit the enter+\18:32
sarnoldhehe, yeah, I saw the contents just a few minutes earlier from another shared channel earlier and knew that it worked :) hehe18:34
oerheksi'll remember that ..18:34
RoyKjust don't use pastebin dot com - it's a spmmer - there are several places that are better to use. I stick to paste.debian.net, but that's just me19:50
Ussat...fine whatever19:58
UssatI have never had an issue with pastebin19:58
RoyKit's just that it sucks and it dumps ads on you if you mention it to a stranger20:00
Aisonhello i'm still fighting with my ISC DHCP Server who tries to access LDAP for name resolving20:04
Aisonsadly apparmor is blocking this call20:05
sarnoldAison: pastebin your DENIED lines?20:05
Aisonthis is dmesg: [2946488.790491] audit: type=1400 audit(1597781143.428:28280): apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd" name="run/slapd-inetserv.socket" pid=1121070 comm="isc-worker0000" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=110 ouid=020:06
sarnoldAison: you'll need to add 'flags=(attach_disconnected)' to your profile, check /etc/apparmor.d/ for a few examples20:07
Aisonhere the profile from apparmor dhcp: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gkv4jsxcjx/20:07
AisonI added lines beginning at 2920:08
Aisonsarnold, ok20:08
Aisonand dhcpd tries to access also /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range?20:22
sdezielsounds reasonable to me20:26

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