[15:47] heh, martin fowler on the best keyboard ever: https://martinfowler.com/articles/kinesis-advantage2.html [15:48] (mostly for rick_h's benefit ^ ) [15:49] nice [15:49] I can't get behind the foot bits, I do like my tilting foot rest though [15:55] yeah, I'm still doing the standing desk thing (with this chair: https://www.fully.com/chairs/hag-capisco-chair.html ) so I don't use foot pedals. I move around too much. eg right now I'm in a quasi cross-legged position [16:47] That Capisco chair looks interesting [16:47] Still rocking the sitting desk and the ball chair [17:45] They need to license and make a South Park balls chair [17:47] Personally, I wont be happy until I'm in a liquid tank with a wetware jack to the base of my skull. They really need to get on that.