
sarnoldcourrier: there's a bunch of translations on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+lang/fr00:02
lotuspsychjei know dutch & french translations on flavours can be slow sometimes, needs the right ppl poke00:04
courriersarnold: I can't find any blueman-* package listed there00:06
courrierBut I can't understand is that these strings do have some translation in the upstream package... does it mean that Ubuntu overrides the translations somehow?00:07
triplebI understand that the equalizer program for ubuntu does not work in 20.04 - Does anyone know anything that works? I know that "archive.org" has a web equalizer (I clicked on the llama to find it) -- This is the control-player that I used. It came with a particular archive/concert.00:08
courrierlotuspsychje: I can help for french! Is there any way we can get notified for specific languages?00:08
triplebAND what does the settings display choice of "adjust for tv" mean?  --  and can I have better resolution on my tv than my laptop screen?00:08
triplebTripelb tries again. I want to trun the autoarrange on the desktop OFF. I dont get that choice  in the submenu when I R-click on the desktop...)00:08
sarnoldcourrier: hmm, I wonder if that version of blueman has made it into debian yet? https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=_Rendre&literal=0  --> one hit, in package crimson00:08
triplebcourrier, that is a good idea. j'approve.00:09
triplebje l'approve.00:10
courrierj'approuve :)00:10
courrierthat's different00:10
lotuspsychjecourrier: i would reccomend joining #ubuntu-translators and talk to gunnarJ when you filed your new !bug00:11
oerhekstripleb, and, ... have yo tried "adjust for tv"?00:11
masonMon aéroglisseur est plein d’anguilles.00:11
lotuspsychjecourrier: he's the translate wizard to point you in the right direction00:11
Synx_hmAnybody running podman on ubuntu? I just did a apt upgrade a 'crun' seems to be gone00:12
oerheksSynx_hm, podman as snap?00:13
Synx_hmnope podman from the kubric deb repo00:13
oerheksoh, no support for 3rd party repos. file a bug with them?00:13
Synx_hmya asked in the podman channel on freenode but its dead there figured id ask here00:14
Synx_hmthank you00:14
pjswhy would "id" and "id myusername" be different? https://paste.sr.ht/~petersanchez/f0be8dd6ded953c56b03fc8d349386b8cd4cabc500:14
sarnoldSynx_hm: check dpkg -L podman   output, maybe you'll spot it somewhere else in the filesystem00:14
sarnoldpjs: my theory is that a bare 'id' is showing the user, group, and groups, of the current process; 'id username' is looking up the user, group, and groups, from the nameservice databases00:16
oerheksid is the list of system users, and id $USER is services running under your user?00:17
oerheksor, where you are member of00:17
pjsoerheks: the man page says id, without username, uses the user that is running the command00:17
masonpjs: It's worth an strace of each to see what's happening.00:17
sarnoldyes, the strace will explain it well :D00:17
masonstrace -ftttTvyyo /tmp/some.reasonable.filename -s 4096 id00:18
pjshah, ok cool. Just thought I was missing something obvious00:18
oerhekswhy does tripleb shoot questions, and never read back?00:19
OneFJefIs there a way to disable the notification popups that drop down from the title bar while using the geary email client? Or rather what is the name of that notification bar?00:21
lotuspsychjecourrier: thank you for filing bug #189195000:21
ubottubug 1891950 in blueman (Ubuntu) "Missing some French translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189195000:21
courrierlotuspsychje: ok! What timezone is gunnarJ? There's not much people in there rn00:21
courrierlotuspsychje: :)00:21
lotuspsychjecourrier: european timezone, daytime00:21
lotuspsychjecourrier: another idea might be poke some #ubuntu-mate or #ubuntu-fr users to help affect your bug to get confirmed00:22
courrieryes, let's see with #ubuntu-fr00:23
courrierbtw, what does the underscore mean in the po file?00:23
courrierLike shown in the en/fr messages I circled in orange?00:23
courriersome strings are cut in half like Aid_e instead of Aide00:24
lotuspsychjenot sure00:24
sarnoldcourrier: probably those turn into accelerator keys00:26
sarnoldalt+f to open File, then q to Quit00:27
sarnold(I thought & was the usual marker for those, but there's no denying that _ is way easier to read.)00:27
courrieroh ok. So that would mean the letter follwing _ is the key?00:29
sarnoldcourrier: yes00:30
courrierok thx sarnold00:31
sarnoldcourrier: this does make it hard to get translations correct -- you don't want to duplicate those keys within every menu where that string might be used, but that means you might need to pick non-standard choices just to make sure it is unique :(00:31
Scriptonautreally dumb question, but could someone tell me why this doesn't work? TEST='blah' echo "$TEST". It just echos an empty string. I'm having issues with command interpolation inside of a monit config: start program = "/bin/bash -lc 'MY_VAR=$(cat /dev/shm/some_file) some_command'"00:31
sarnoldcourrier: I've seen more than once someone translate strings without realizing this, and then users file bug reports "I can't use my keyboard anymore..." etc00:31
ScriptonautI've tried echoing ${TEST} as well, still an empty string00:32
Synx_hmHow can i use zsys (zsysctl?) to revert just the system partitions to a snapshot but leave the user data current00:33
Scriptonautmeanwhile, if I do: export TEST='blah'. And then echo $TEST, it works fine00:33
courriersarnold: ok thank you00:41
courrierhow do you usually proceed to trnslate in launchpad?00:42
courriere.g. I'm translating cups that has only 6 missings translations00:42
Synx_hmf' me i cant even get into the grub menu (virtual machine on ESXi, with bios set to EFI option)00:42
courrierthe word "dry-run" is there00:42
courrierthere are many ways to translate it and I'd like to match the other occurences, if any00:42
courrierDo you open the full translation file and search for dry-run? ...00:43
sarnoldcourrier: yes, matching translations used elsewhere is usually a very good idea, but there may be a reason why it's not translated; it might take a bit of research to figure out the right thing to do00:44
courrierTHis is what I did. The po file I receive has only one occurence of "dry-run"... very weird.00:46
courrier(the one that is not translated)00:46
rfmScriptonaut, when you do TEST=blah command, it sets the environment in the executed command, but the substitution is done in the shell process before the subprocess runs.  export TEST=blah updates the environment of the shell process00:50
rfmScriptonaut, compare "TEST=blah sh -c ´echo $TEST'" where the single quotes skip substitution in the top shell and it's done in the subshell00:54
rfmScriptonaut, also compare "TEST=blah;echo $TEST" where a shell variable is used instead of an envar00:58
triplebno one has answered any of my questions in 3 days. I guess virtual (not office-bound) sysops dont care about helping us in their "free time". (Sad)01:04
oerhekstripleb, yes we did reply ..01:05
oerheksnot repeating, " autoarrange on the desktop OFF " seems like a mint issue01:05
triplebI didnt see the list text turn color. Great, let me look back01:05
triplebI dont have mint. God I put mint on an older friends computer. After he forgot his password I discovered that I cant drip to root and reset his password. Man, never mint again.01:06
triplebhexchat wont let me search the backscroll. (Maybe the answer didnt include my userid.) I will go bck.01:07
triplebHExchat has gross (not fine) backscroll control. Page Up Page Down is the only things that works01:08
kk4ewtmiddle mouse scroll works here01:09
triplebcourrier, je l'approuve.01:09
tripleboerheks, I tried adjust for tv but so far havent noticed any difference.01:10
tripleboerheks, you cnt say NEVER. That's mean and UNtrue as you know from our previous interactions. (Truth counts.)01:11
triplebI didnt see any answer. oerheks and anyone else. Sorry but I didnt see it. I didnt get a colored #ubuntu. I will look a third time.01:13
mlokiHi, should I already be offered the 20.04.1 upgrade? I'm using 18.04 LTS01:13
sarnoldtripleb: okay it might be slight exaggeration but I know I've seen you not respond to replies many times01:13
oerhekspoint is, you shoot questions, and look back after hours..01:14
oerheks.. and not just today01:14
courriertripleb: "J'approuve" is correct. hexchat is terrible, I love LostIRC so much but it hasn't been updated for a long time and does not support secure connections :'(01:15
courrier"Je suis d'accord" is longer but sightly less formal01:15
tripleboerheks, you cnt say NEVER. That's mean and UNtrue as you know from our previous interactions.01:18
triplebI try to start Notepad++ abut it never comes up on my taskbar.01:18
courrierDo we agree that, for the sentence "Keeping the following package", the other sentence "The following package will be kept" is closer than "Keep the following package"?01:18
sarnoldtripleb: dude you need a new irc client in a bad way :)01:18
triplebOK I copied the backscroll and searched. THERE IS NO ANSWER that used tripleb.  Saying I dont look is snotty and untrue.01:20
triplebThat's how linux used to have a bad rep for people. It went away. Has it come back?01:20
triplebThis is the most problamatic ubuntu I have ever run into.01:21
sarnoldtripleb: I've only got 10k lines of scrollback, so I can't share examples from further back, but I know I've seen cases of you asking questions multiple times and ignoring responses or follow-up questions01:22
OneFJefIs there a way to disable the notification popups that drop down from the title bar while using the geary email client? Or rather what is the name of that notification bar?01:32
egrainhow would i go about having a rdesktop dual screen setup going? is it just as easy as -g 1920x2160 or is there a better way?01:33
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xbfrogubuntu 20.04 has become slow in videos, screensaver, typing in any app. it wasnt like this whats happened? any ideas?06:04
xbfrogi have 8gb of memory and this issue just started06:07
Jordan_Usemitones: Are you prepared for some experimentation to try to understand why grub-mkconfig is finding some images but not others? I can also make you a grub script that you can put in /boot/grub/custom.cfg that will just detect and make entries for your vmlinuz*-surface-lts and initrd.img*-surface-lts files at boot, so it never needs to be updated manually. The latter is actually easier than the former,06:09
Jordan_Ubut I'd really like to understand why the kernel images aren't being found, and hopefully submit a patch to fix it.06:09
Mystified1234whos familar with touch screen keyboard aspects of ubuntu, I need to see if It's possible to edit the touch screen keyboard06:22
xbfrogthe lights are on but no one home :P06:26
ld50deleting the ~/snaps folder in ubuntu seems to break gnome dash window tracking. before, all chromium windows were neatly attributed to the chromium-browser.desktop dash icon. afterwards, they get their own dash element (using the same icon)06:44
ld50i've added chromium-browser.desktop to my favorites before the ~/snap folder got created.07:01
ld50when the ~/snaps folder gets created, window tracking attributes the windows to the correct favorite (the one created before the first start of the snap) until i delete ~/snaps07:01
ld50~/snaps gets re-created on the next chromium start but the window tracking stops attributing the chromium windows to the correct dash favorite and creates a new dash icon instead07:01
lotuspsychjeld50: check in the current bugs perhaps if you find something similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bugs?field.tag=snap07:03
tatertotzld50: why delete a snap folder in a operating system that uses snaps and has a snap store for apps?07:04
InteloWhich dynamic mics do ok with ubuntu?  I think due to shortage in local Turkish market, I am only left with an option to buy Behringer XM8500 or SL 84C. Both these only viable options in market are XLR and I have to buy an XLR to USB cable. Most think its not a good option bypassing audio interface like this but due to budget issues; have to do this. What might I loose by doing this? xlr to usb07:06
Intelocable with 84C lets say?07:06
ld50tatertotz: i'll be deploying this to users. i don't care about snaps, but users will eventually nuke ~/snaps by accident or because of "i didn't want that folder". and i have to ensure that the desktop recovers from that07:06
ld50which it does not07:06
ld50it breaks the window tracking07:06
ld50lotuspsychje: will do07:07
lotuspsychje!hardware | Intelo07:07
ubottuIntelo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:07
igravioushullo, does anyone know how to conigure a smart card reader (w/ smart card) for sudo and login ?08:18
igraviousfinding it very difficult to wrap my head around all the moving parts08:18
tatertotzigravious: did someone provide you with a smart card?08:19
igravioustatertotz: i bought an OpenGPG one08:20
igraviousi've initialised the card, and created three private RSA keys, an Encryption key, a Signature key, and an Authentication key08:22
igraviousafaict i now need to generate an x509 cert on the smart card using one of the keys on the card but i don't know which key to use and how to refer to the key08:23
grobkornhello channel... new to irc channels and kind of new to linux (basic experience) .. im struggled with screen resolutions in ubuntu 20.04 - maybe someone has an ear to point me to the right direction?09:33
grobkornubuntu 20.04 - nvidia m960 (i think) and an intern 4k display... xrandr tells me, that the display is on dp-0 - but that is not right, isnt? also - the display manager cant read only ONE resolution for this display - 4k - i cant change resolution to full hd for example.09:35
grobkornin nvidia-settings - i can change the resolution - but ubuntu system / display shows 4k at any time09:35
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: wich driver version is active?09:36
gtristanAm I missing something, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1864188 really *still* not fixed ? This has been broken since february09:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865962 in linux (Ubuntu Focal) "duplicate for #1864188 Dell XPS 13 9300 Intel 1650S wifi [34f0:1651] fails to load firmware" [Undecided,Fix released]09:36
gtristanI recall I had to do something to get my older kernel available in my grub menu all that while ago, and now I wonder; is that what is holding back the pending kernel update on `apt-get upgrade` ?09:37
grobkornlotuspsychje: nvidia metapackage driver 4-18-server09:37
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: oh, youre on a server?09:38
gtristanSurely, this is simply a silly mistake (I.e. this seems to not even be a bug, just a mistake/issue at build time), and certainly just a rebuild of the kernel will fix this as a side effect09:38
grobkornlotuspsychje: nope... funny - now i see - what the failure might be *lol09:38
gtristanBetter question: is 5.3.0-40 really still the latest kernel build for 19.10 ?09:39
lotuspsychjegtristan: 19.10 is eol by now, please install a supported version from our topic09:39
grobkornlotuspsychje: but i cant change :(09:39
gtristanAlready ? yikes09:39
gtristanI thought I installed the latest stable back in november09:40
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: nvidia-smi should show you version/chipset09:40
lotuspsychjegtristan: non-lts versions are alive for 9months09:40
gtristanIs this easily upgradeable ? I did not frankendebian this one (for once in my life)09:41
grobkornlotuspsychje: nvidia-smi tells me driver version 440.10009:41
lotuspsychjegtristan: well we dont reccomend upgrading from eol versions, due to !usn security flaws09:41
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ok, try to switch a driver version lets say to 435 as a test, see if you can reproduce your issue09:41
gtristanlotuspsychje, ok so if I understand, the odd number major version (19) was the "development snapshots leading up to next stable" version 20 ?09:42
gtristanAnd thats why it is eol so quickly ? This might explain why I chose 19.0809:42
grobkornlotuspsychje thanks... after change that in system settings - should i reboot?09:42
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: yes reboot and test09:43
gtristan(as I wouldnt have had support for this laptop in other stable distros)09:43
gtristanerr s/19.08/19.10 sorry09:43
lotuspsychjegtristan: LTS versions go 5y standard support, non-LTS 9months09:44
lotuspsychjegtristan: you can jump to the next versions latest out also, but adviced to jump before its gone eol09:46
grobkornlotuspsychje sorry for the quick runnaway ;)  restart was faster than expecrted ;)  --- now running on 435... same issue - only 4k resolution - but now i cant SCALE anymore09:48
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: is your chipset an optimus card?09:49
grobkornnvidia geforce gtx965m - i dont think so09:49
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ubuntu-drivers list, shows 450 too?09:51
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: check nvidia-settings if your card is optimus and has the option powersaving/performance mode09:52
lotuspsychjeto have the full use of your nvidia card, best to set to performance mode09:53
grobkornlotuspsychje: now nvidia-settings starts with an empty window --- only OK and HELP is shown09:53
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: hmm weird, lets see if your driver is actually loaded with sudo lshw -C video, at bottom should say driver=...09:54
grobkornlotuspsychje: nope09:55
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: you have secureboot enabled?09:55
grobkorn*-display                        Beschreibung: VGA compatible controller       Produkt: GM204M [GeForce GTX 965M]       Hersteller: NVIDIA Corporation       Physische ID: 0       Bus-Informationen: pci@0000:01:00.0       Version: a1       Breite: 64 bits       Takt: 33MHz       Fähigkeiten: pm msi pciexpress vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom09:55
grobkornKonfiguration: driver=nvidia latency=0       Ressourcen: irq:16 memory:db000000-dbffffff memory:b0000000-bfffffff memory:c0000000-c1ffffff ioport:e000(Größe=128) memory:c0000-dffff09:55
grobkornlotuspsychje: secureboot?09:56
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: it does, driver=nvidia latency=009:56
grobkornlotuspsychje: ah yes--- sorry... on the 4k display it is hard to read ;)09:57
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ok, try reverting to 440 or 450 see if you can influence your screens09:57
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ubuntu-drivers list to see your driver versions available09:58
grobkornlotuspsychje 440 is available09:59
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ok10:00
grobkornlotuspsychje: i try to switch ti 440 back again...10:00
grobkornlotuspsychje: rebooting... thanks for your help so far10:00
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lotuspsychjegrobkorn: wb10:04
grobkornlotuspsychje: back to 440 i can scale everything... ubuntu display settings shows 4k resolution as only option.... nvidia-settings works again and displays 10 different resolutions to choose10:05
lotuspsychje+1 grobkorn10:05
grobkornlotuspsychje: but why cant i change the resolution in system settings?10:06
grobkornlotuspsychje: or is it the way, how nvidia-settings works?10:07
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: no, screen settings & nvidia settings are different things10:07
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: did you check if you found prime settings there?10:07
grobkornlotuspsychje there are no prime settings in nvidia-settings10:08
grobkornlotuspsychje but why xrandr tells me - that my monitor is on DP-0?10:09
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: https://i.stack.imgur.com/NixuN.png10:09
lotuspsychjesomething like this10:09
grobkornlotuspsychje https://imgur.com/a/H8AUVS610:11
grobkornlotuspsychje seems, theres no prime10:12
lotuspsychjegrobkorn: ok10:12
lotuspsychjenot sure whats going on in your setup exactly10:13
grobkornlotuspsychje so - nvidia overrifdes all system settings? because some apps scale in different ways :(10:13
lotuspsychjebrb gonna lunch first10:13
sopparushello ive just now upgraded from ubuntu 18 lts to ubuntu 20 lts10:19
sopparusby something went wrong10:19
sopparusapt is not working10:19
sopparusdpkg: error processing package python2-minmal (--configure):10:19
sopparusive tried remove it, tried apt purge python2* to no help10:19
sopparusany ideas?10:20
makara1im trying to download this with aria2c snap: https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso.torrent10:25
sopparus File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/db/creator.py", line 11, in <module>10:25
makara1it fails, so I download with wget, and then ref the torrent file instead10:26
makara1but i get "Exception: [download_helper.cc:451] errorCode=1 Unrecognized URI or unsupported protocol: ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso.torrent"10:26
makara1ok, its the snap. deb version works fine10:30
nickgruhi guys I have a question on cloning a laptop with ubuntu10:30
makara1id start with a banknote10:37
grobkornlotuspsychje thank you very much!!! i hope - everything is working now. didnt knew, that nvidia and system settings are different... have a nice day10:50
nickgruhey guys, new to irc... I am a bit confused, anyway I want to ask a question on cloning an ubuntu laptop10:50
nickgruis this the right place?10:50
makara1nickgru: unless you've got some advanced alien technology I don't know about there's no such thing as cloning a laptop10:53
jessi think they mean cloning the data on it10:54
jessso... cloning a disk10:54
makara1that would be imaging the disk10:54
MaxLDCyep, you can use a live usb/cd for that10:54
nickgrulet me explain: I have 2 laptops both running ubuntu, I have some scripts that work on one laptop but do not work on the other due to missing libraries. I installed both of them in the same way and the libraries are all installed but still the scripd doesn't work on one laptop. I want to do a backup of / from the 1th laptop and copy all into the 2nd one. do you whintk it will mess up things? could it work?10:55
MaxLDCif there are the same laptop model should be no problem10:55
makara1total overkill10:56
MaxLDCmore easy is to copy the home folder except the config files10:56
nickgruthe home folder contains nothing that is necessary to the script.10:57
makara1seriously, just sort out the scripts/libraries10:57
nickgruI tried everything I gound online10:57
makara1can I run your scripts?10:57
nickgrusure it's available online but you need to install some other things as well. it's called autogrow @ autogrow.ucds.edu10:58
nickgruwhen I run it from the second laptop it give all sort of errors, like can't find pythonsh and other stuff that are actually there already10:59
makara1http://autogrow.ucds.edu/ gives me server not found10:59
nickgrusorry https://autogrow.ucsd.edu/11:00
makara1are you using Ubuntu 12.10?11:02
nickgrubut if I do copy the / folder, without home, and paste into the second laptop, will I mess up the laptop? basically it's the method I use to keep a backup and restore the system in case I need it. would it work from one laptop to the other?11:02
nickgruand python311:03
makara1nickgru: https://git.durrantlab.pitt.edu/jdurrant/autogrow411:03
nickgruit's not important the script.. it works on one laptop. I want to use the second one since it has more computational power11:06
makara1if you just want to use the software, I suggest you build and run it in docker using their dockerfile11:06
nickgrunot a good solution, I would loose the multithreading11:08
makara1what makes you think that?11:09
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nickgruthe descriptions says that docker is made for windows wehere there is incompatibility with the multithreading11:16
makara1you misunderstand. It says running autogrow in Windows without a container is incompatible with their multi-threading approach11:19
makara1just cd into that docker directory and run `sudo docker build -t autogrow .`11:21
eeosany news on upgrade using do-release-upgrade?11:22
coconuteeos, you mean to 20.04.1? I haven't seen anything here or on omgubunut.co.uk yet.(although i am an outsider myself).11:28
eeoscoconut: yes, 20.04.1 was supposed to be when the do-release-upgrade was going to be activated11:30
coconuteeos, it's always later. I can't say when it will this time. :(11:31
nickgruok thanks I will try and come back in case it doesn't work.11:46
thyriaenIs there an irc channel where i can discuss some things concerning gtk - themeing ?11:57
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dsuchHello, I am using Ubuntu Mate 18.04. I have a Mac system in my LAN that I connected to via Caja (Nautilus), apparently, it uses sftp:// to connect to the remote system.12:06
dsuchI can browse files on that system just fine using Caja (Nautilus) but I would like to do it using Midnight Commander instead. The caveat is that I am not sure how to find the relevant mount point in my local filesystem. Can you please help me out? Thanks.12:06
MaxLDC@dsuch have you tried to list all the mount points?12:11
dsuchMaxLDC: Hi, yes, mount | wc -l returns 34 lines but I cannot really find anything to the point there. Unless it has a name I cannot comprehend.12:13
dsuchMaxLDC: But there is nothing really standoing out like /media/<remote-system-name> or /mnt/<likewise>12:13
tatertotzdsuch: have you tried just providing the hostname/IP and username only?12:14
MaxLDCand with findmnt -l12:14
tatertotzdsuch: and then navigate manually after you authenticate/login12:14
dsuchAah, findmnt it was.12:14
dsuchNow I can see fuse and gvfsd, thank you good people.12:15
dsuchOut of curiosity, is findmnt a relatively new tool?12:15
dsuchAs in, introduced in the last 5-10 years?12:16
thyriaenI am using a gtk theme which works great, however the checkbox-checked and menu-radio-checked buttons are displayed red as seen here: https://imgur.com/a/uKvqGA8 even though the assets are provided - is there some place i have to check in the css files where this gets specified or what could be the issue ?12:22
MaxLDCdsuch: no idea12:42
BluesKajHi all12:50
AtlenohenDoes Locale settings have to do with UI language ?12:59
AtlenohenBecause I do have English set in plasma, after I think I set Locale (units, date, standards) to my own, also the lanugage of program names and GUI items changed13:00
swenssonHey guys, seems like something broke during the update/upgrade rutine, I now get [core:warn] [pid 3429] AH00111: Config variable ${INSTALL_DIR} is not defined. Do anyone know how to solve this?13:03
lain99on ubuntu 18.04 "apt show automake" says that previous versions are available because backwards compatibility was broken. but "apt list automake -a" shows only 1 version13:04
oceanswensson: I do recognize that as an Apache error, where Apache has not been started in a proper way (e.g. executed the apache binary, not using proper init script)13:07
oceanlain99: try apt search ^automake13:11
swenssonocean: I normally run systemctl start/stop apache2, just tested with /etc/init.d/apache2 but did no change what so ever13:11
lain99nothing ocean13:11
oceanswensson: sorry, I'm not able to reproduce, but somehow Apache isn't started with the correct env variables. In my experience apachectl start should work without error13:15
swenssonocean: well it starts and works somewhat, but one of the vhosts are broken and solving this might fix it :D13:16
lain99still doesnt have all the versions13:18
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
AtlenohenSo the last time, in 19.10, when I modified grub on an installed ubuntu, the proper updating automation changed quite a few things to the boot entries13:33
Atlenohenit also automatically scanned for all HDDs and added Win10 to the boot option and forced the boot menu to show every time I would turn on the PC (which is a thing I would want sometimes, just not in this case)13:34
AtlenohenAll I want is to remove the "quiet splash" from the primary default boot behavior, I do not have Win10 or any other OS connected at this time, made sure that have it disconnected, I don't do dual boot I always switch sata devices, I just had it connected by accident the las time13:35
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=== banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend
andi_can somebody tell me what's wrong if i get Automatically disabled Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth due to incorrect response from server/proxy. (man 5 apt.conf) in my docker build for an ubuntu image?14:04
ExtraSteveI'm trying to build a package using: dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc and I keep getting https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wP8PNf2rX2/14:13
ExtraSteveHow do I tell it to link pthreads properly?14:13
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pavlosExtraSteve: can you export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-pthread before calling dpkg-buildpackage ?15:32
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ExtraStevepavlos: trying that now15:40
ExtraStevepavlos: same error15:46
CarlFKI have 2 nics: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)15:54
CarlFK03:01.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]15:54
CarlFK3.13.0-164-generic - both work fine15:54
CarlFKwhen I apt update/upgrade, neither showed up under ip a15:55
CarlFKgrub.cfg shows 3.13.0-17015:56
CarlFKthat box is my gateway, so booting into that makes it hard to google.15:57
CarlFKdid someone decide "these nics are too old, lets not take up space" and remove the kernel modules?15:57
CoolerYwhich package has the pack command?16:05
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CoolerYI found it https://buildpacks.io/docs/install-pack/16:14
semitonesI'm having trouble with grub on ubuntu, using a custom kernel. It works fine if I add it to 40_custom, but it *should* be detected by 10_os_prober, and I want to get it figured out. Any ideas?16:32
duesen_Hi! I'm trying to create a custom German key mapping for a refurbished X220 - it's a US model, so it's lacking a key needed for the German layout (namely, the key between the Z and the left shift key).16:38
duesen_The problem I'm trying to solve is that with the standard layout, there is no key that can produce "<" or ">" or "|". Which is rather annoying especially when coding or using the command line.16:38
duesen_I found a solution to this problem at <https://thinkwiki.de/Tastatur> (in German), but it's based on /usr/share/kbd, which apparently is no longer used. I suppose it has been replaced by /usr/share/X11/xkb.16:38
duesen_I have been trying to edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de to fix the issue, but my changes appear to have no effect, even after reboot.16:38
duesen_The laptop is running 18.04, but I also have one with 20.04 around for testing.16:38
duesen_Any ideas how I can get this to work? I'd be greatful for any pointers!16:38
CarlFKsemitones: I bet you can help me: where is the right place to set what kernel grub boots?16:38
semitonesCarlFK, you have a few different options. What are you trying to set it to, and for how long?16:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:40
CarlFKsemitones: the most recent one doesn't find my nics, which I want to look into someday, but for now I just want to boot linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-164-generic16:40
semitonesthat second link has some documentation for how to set the defaults in /etc/default/grub16:40
semitonessure thing :)16:40
CarlFKetc/default/grub ah, no .cfg, which tab completed into .d, which isn't what I want.  bingo.  thanks16:41
CarlFK# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) GRUB_TERMINAL=console16:44
CarlFKbut then the kernel does whatever it wants and goes into a graphic mode my monitor doesn't support... any idea the kernel param to say "stay in text mode.  in fact, don't even change mode"16:45
semitonesI wouldn't change that much of it CarlFK16:57
semitonesjust the part that specifies which one to boot by default16:57
semitonesof course, if you want, change a whole bunch of stuff to learn what would happen; but it might be confusing; it certainly is to me16:57
semitonesoh sorry I misread your question16:58
CarlFKsemitones: no worries, that is good advice16:58
semitonesYou want to boot into a server-like environment with no GUI?16:58
semitonesdo you know about the different kernel modes you can boot into? Like nomodeset is one I think16:59
CarlFKsemitones: I have that bit, but even ubuntu-server and the likes want to poke the video card which often messes me up16:59
CarlFKthat = no gui.  not sure about nomodeset16:59
semitonesor wait that might not be it17:01
oerheksreset your monitor to factory defaults; often helps17:02
CarlFKhttps://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man7/bootparam.7.html  shows "The line printer driver"  but nothing about graphics17:02
semitonesthis talks about what I'm familiar with; I'd like to find them in the official docs to know if they're still current17:03
CarlFKI have a few things that need 'this', like a box has a janky monitor that does ... 1200x900 I think17:04
semitonesnomodeset tells the kernel not to try and guess what video drivers to use - instead it will give you something very basic and awful, but hopefully working17:04
CarlFKyes, I want that.17:04
semitonesworking well enough that you can get in there and set it correctly17:04
CarlFKnomodeset might help booting in qemu when it says "640x480 graphics mode"17:06
semitonesgood luck! I'm gonna get back to work, but if you want to peek at some more grub problems: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1268026/how-can-i-get-update-grub-to-recognize-linux-surface-kernel (unanswered)17:09
CarlFKthanks and yeah me too.17:10
=== hugh_marera_ is now known as hugh_marera
luke-jrit looks like altivec is broken in groovy? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/493930785/buildlog_ubuntu-groovy-ppc64el.bitcoin_0.20.1.knots20200815-groovy0_BUILDING.txt.gz18:01
oerheksluke-jr, join #ubuntu+1 for groovy support, util released18:02
happyfr0gg(Q): Does Ubuntu have drivers available for the new WiFi 6 standard?18:08
oerhekshappyfr0gg, you can check on https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/18:11
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
N4-DELTAis it possible to set a name, other than "N Gb Volume", for a mounted LUKS image, as you can for other mounted drives?20:35
N4-DELTAtried label=, but it didnt seem to work20:37
th34lch3m1sthi all20:38
th34lch3m1st20.04 keyboard randomly stop writing as soon as I open something that I can write on (firefox url, terminal, gedit etcetc)20:39
th34lch3m1stThe weird things are that, if I close and open firefox or gedit again it will type normally20:41
th34lch3m1stIf I open a second tab in the terminal it type, no problem. But it not type in the first terminal tab.20:42
N4-DELTAthats a strange one20:42
th34lch3m1stHow weird it is?20:42
th34lch3m1stThis is the behavior at every start.20:42
N4-DELTAhad frustration with my keyboard for ages, ended up using irqfixup, not ideal, but solved it for now20:45
th34lch3m1stN4-DELTA gnome that doesn't set "the focus" for the input method? (I'm hardly guessing here)20:46
N4-DELTAno, it solves some IRQ issues, which was the cause of my keyboard randomly working/breaking ... depends on the cause of the problem20:47
th34lch3m1stN4-DELTA last month I have used this keyboard for 30 days on 19.04, no problem whatsoever....20:47
th34lch3m1st:) don't set the focus I was referring to my problem :)20:48
th34lch3m1stN4-DELTA I still have the older keyboard, I could try it, but I bet will behave the same20:50
N4-DELTAthat would be my first step20:50
N4-DELTAquite a specific bug, dont have a solution for ya i'm afraid20:51
th34lch3m1stjust a sec I try20:52
th34lch3m1stN4-DELTA nope. older keyboard does't work at all. I try to reboot20:54
N4-DELTAtry adding irqfixup to boot options, might at least let you rule that out20:55
th34lch3m1stjust a sec....login....20:55
N4-DELTAsince upgrading to 20.04, i've had constant headaches with USB and SPI lol20:55
th34lch3m1stolder keyboard works on login......20:56
th34lch3m1st... and it works on all sofware....damn...20:57
th34lch3m1stthe new keyboard is the problem?20:57
th34lch3m1styep, it seems so20:58
N4-DELTAmaybe try the new one on a different computer?20:58
th34lch3m1stnow I try a live switch between the two20:58
th34lch3m1stalso the new works now on every app20:59
th34lch3m1stseems a startup problem20:59
N4-DELTAare they USB keyboards?20:59
th34lch3m1stswitching to the new keyboard if i boot with the old one works21:00
th34lch3m1stboth combo with moue21:00
N4-DELTAits weird tho, because the keyboard isnt failing completly21:00
th34lch3m1stthat's my point21:01
th34lch3m1stit's a wm gdm things , I bet on that21:01
th34lch3m1stthe new one is a hp pavilion 800 with its own mouse, but I don't use that mouse I use a vertical one21:02
th34lch3m1sttwo different wireless receiver21:02
N4-DELTAi wonder if ubuntu is treating it like a trackpad, and disabling the keyboard while the mouse is working... there is an option for that on most laptops21:03
th34lch3m1stdesktop here21:03
N4-DELTAyeah, it might be confused because its a combination (if I read right..)21:04
th34lch3m1stit's a disabled keyboard I think, it type on the second terminal tab but not in the first21:04
th34lch3m1st*it's not a disabled keyboard things21:05
th34lch3m1stthis is very very weird21:05
th34lch3m1stalso, it not shut down property, never. It shutdown properly only if I click reboot.21:08
th34lch3m1stit hangs on black screen with ubuntu logo at the bottom ,21:08
th34lch3m1stNo disk activities21:09
th34lch3m1stI use to set acpi=off on 12.04 and 16.04 to boog ubuntu on this same machine21:10
N4-DELTAcheck your logs for errors during boot and shutdown - might give you a clue; worth trying boot option irqfixup too, incase its conflict issue, ..might be able to find that in logs too21:10
th34lch3m1st*to boot21:10
N4-DELTAfingers cross for ya! gotta run21:10
th34lch3m1stN4-DELTA thanks for hints21:10
N4-DELTAwelcome, sorry couldnt give you a direct solution!21:11
analogicalin the termianl how do I search for a folder with a certain name?21:21
analogicalif I want to search for a folder called "music" what to I type in the terminal?21:23
addc182is there a good way to set the interface naming scheme to eth0, eth1 etc in 20.04?21:23
leftyfbanalogical: use "find" or "locate"21:23
addc182and still be able to use cloud-init21:25
oerheksaddc182, i would not suggest to do so.21:29
addc182i also would prefer not to21:29
oerheksget used to the new interface naming.21:29
jeremy31addc182: Search for predictable interface naming freedesktop21:32
addc182its not a preference thing, there is a "quirk" in a tool I am using that seems to require it :(21:33
oerheksseems like an outdated tool21:35
analogicalleftyfb, doesn't work. Any alternatives?21:35
oerheksanalogical, should work; locate Music21:36
oerheksstandard folders have a capital letter21:36
leftyfbanalogical: if locate didn't work, you're either not specifying the correct name or didn't update the database. If find isn't working you're either not specifying the correct name/regex or location to search in. Or it doesn't exist21:46
oerheksmaybe he wants to search on NTFS?21:49
analogicalleftyfb, I tried to search for a folder I know exist but it didn't find that even21:50
analogicalwhy is something as trivial as searching for a folder this crazy complicated?21:51
oerheksso, it does not exist, else 'locate' would show it21:54
oerheksis this folder on NTFS or Ext4?21:54
oerheksthen you should check, you said it is there, for capital letters. locate is case sensitive21:56
oerheksor funny spaces in folder/file name..21:57
oerheksand please do cross post in ##linux22:01
=== MI6 is now known as Examknow
fraggwhat are some cool features of ubuntu, i think i might switch to it22:23
fragghow does it compare to the more minimal distros for example22:23
oerheksfragg, this community and help irc22:24
oerheksthis is just technical support, not the linux compare polling channel22:25
Bashing-omfragg: It's open source - all yours to make of it what you want. burn some .ISOs and see which you like - all bout what "you" prefer.22:25
oerheksfor that, join ##linux22:25
fraggoerheks: i'm banned there22:25
oerheksinteresting ..\22:25
oerhekssarnold, now it happened to me.22:26
sarnoldoerheks: it's spreading!!22:26
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=== peter-bittner1 is now known as peter-bittner
avihhi, i'm running 18.04 LTS, and i did not yet get a notification to update to 20.04.1 . i read here https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/08/ubuntu-20-04-1-lts-release that it should have been offered as update more than a week ago. my system is up to date in general (i updare at least once a week). any ideas what to check, or whether it indeed should have been offered by now?23:23
sarnoldavih: I think your machine will offer it once it is no longer in this file https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development23:24
avih(this is the same system since 12.04 or 14.04, been upgrading to the next LTS whenever it was offered till now)23:24
avihsarnold: thanks, but not sure i follow. are you saying the statement at the link i posted is incorrect, and in fact it's still not offered? (i don't mind waiting, i'm just asking in case it should have been offered by now)23:26
oerheksit might take some hours/days/weeks, we don't know.23:26
oerheksso, you did not miss a thing/did anything wrong.23:26
avihlet me paraphrase, did people already got upgrade notifications?23:27
oerheks.. but you can with the -d option, i would wait.23:27
sarnoldif you want to install it before it's promoted you can run do-release-upgrade -d23:27
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:27
avihi don't want to install before. i'm fine waiting a week or 3 months.23:27
oerhekswish i had a list of things that is bug-ging the upgrade...23:27
avihso this statement at the link is wrong? "Freshly spun ISO aside it is from today that users who run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ‘Bionic Beaver’ will see a notification asking if they want to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04."23:28
avihgotcha. much appreciated.23:29
sarnoldwell, "from today" could also mean "it didn't happen yesterday or before"23:29
kxslalready upgraded because sound wasn't working on my new motherboard. it went well, but guest resizing in virtualbox not working is the only major problem I have23:29
avihsarnold: sure, but i'm asking if it started or not.23:29
avihso, is there any specific place which shows the status or what's blocking it from being offered as LTS upgrade?23:32
avihiirc previous LTS releases were a week or two past the begining of july, but this one seems to take longer.23:33
avihs/releases/upgrade offers/23:33
sarnoldavih: not that I know of, no23:33
avihall right. i'll just keep tracking the 20.04 pages then (which i did, and it kept saying not yet... not yet... but i just checked now and it said that from a week ago it's a go! but alas.. ;) )23:34
oerheksblame corona23:35
avihanyway, if anyone can at least remove the incorrect message, i think it would help avoid confusion.23:35
avihat this page https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/08/ubuntu-20-04-1-lts-release23:36
oerheksoh, omgubuntu is an user blog23:36
oerheksnothing official, they love to write about mint too23:36
sarnoldthe author may have contact information somewhere on the site23:36
oerheksask him to write a piece about this delay ;-)23:37
avihnono, my bad, sorry, i thought it's an official page. i'll try to find an official page which mentions anything. pardon the noise.23:38
sarnoldoerheks: heh yes, an opportunity to write an article and maybe answer the question :)23:39
shibbolethwhich question?23:40
oerheksone catches flies with sugar23:40
shibbolethoerheks, and bees with honey23:40
oerheksavih, no problem, keep on reading!23:40
SignalNewbWow. I never had to do all this weird registering like 15 years ago :p23:40
oerheks!yay | SignalNewb23:41
ubottuSignalNewb: Glad you made it! :-)23:41
oerheksshibboleth, about the delay of the upgrade path 20.04.23:41
SignalNewbI need some advice please. I just installed ubuntu dual booting with Windows 10. I had to add "nomodeset" to even see the boot up. It installed fine but video playback is horribly choppy. Nvidia drivers are installed. Any advise?23:43
oerhekswhat ubuntu version, what nvidia card and driver?23:44
shibbolethi never really got people who do major upgrades23:44
avihwell, the release notes for 20.04.1 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Get_Ubuntu_20.04.1_LTS  mention "The -d switch is necessary to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as upgrades have not yet been enabled"23:45
shibbolethall i know is that there is no pre-chewed way to then downgrade23:45
avihso i guess this answers the question of whether it's offered yet or not.23:45
oerhekshow about stay ontopic, shibboleth, ubuntu support only23:45
avihthat's the best i could find so far on ubuntu.com23:45
shibbolethand i've had it with fossa, will stay with bionic for a while23:45
shibboleththanks for all the fish, get a clue23:46
SignalNewbUbuntu 20.04.1, RTX 2080 Super, nvidia-driver-44023:46
avihsarnold: status https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604  linked from https://askubuntu.com/a/1266903/36801023:48
sarnoldavih: aha! bummer though, that's still for .1, not flipping the switch :(23:50
avihwell, i don't mind when they flip it, so as long as i know, i'm fine ;)23:52
avihlike, i was thinking something is maybe blocking my upgrade, but as ong as it's simply not offered yet, that's fine.23:53

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