
jebashi, kotek, do you know a xubuntu channel in spanish?00:01
kotekjebas, have you tried #xubuntu-es?00:10
kotekFound it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList#line-8300:11
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== arunkakorp is now known as xubun2
=== coconut__ is now known as coconut
=== arunk is now known as xubun2
xu-help57wHello, is this a place i can get help ?11:37
coconutit is11:37
xu-help57wGreat! I just installed xubuntu 20.04.1 on my old laptop, i'm very new to Linux and don't have much knowledge when it comes to programming. Actually I'm trying to install Autodesk Maya 2019 following an online guide, but I have an error i can't figure out when it come to convert rpm packages to deb with the alien command11:41
diogenes_xu-help57w, what is autodesk for?11:41
xu-help57wMaya is a 3D application, like Blender11:42
xu-help57wLANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{NAME} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{VERSION} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{RELEASE} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{ARCH} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{CHANGELOGTEXT}11:44
xu-help57w'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{SUMMARY} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{DESCRIPTION} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{PREFIXES} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{POSTUN} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp11:44
xu-help57w--queryformat %{LICENSE} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{PREIN} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{POSTIN} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{PREUN} 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qcp 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'rpm -qpi11:44
xu-help57w'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'LANG=C rpm -qpl 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm'mkdir -chmod 755 -rpm2cpio 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm' | lzma -t -q > /dev/null 2>&1rpm2cpio 'adlmapps14-14.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm' | (cd -;  cpio --extract --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames --preserve-modification-time) 2>&1chmod 755 '-/./'chmod:11:44
xu-help57winvalid option -- '/'Try 'chmod --help' for more information.mkdir -/debianmkdir: invalid option -- '/'Try 'mkdir --help' for more information.mkdir -/debian failed: No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Deb.pm line 373.find - -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;rm -rf -11:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:44
xu-help57wthis is what i get when i type the alien command11:46
diogenes_xu-help57w, you cannot expect rpm packages to work on Xubuntu.11:47
xu-help57wyes this is why i intend to convert them to deb packages11:48
diogenes_xu-help57w, you cannot expect even that to work.11:50
xu-help57wi tried the same alien command two days ago and my rpm packages were converted into deb without problems, but for an unknown reason the command wasn't working the next day11:52
xu-help57wi get this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xm66Ws3hyP/11:52
diogenes_xu-help57w, for some packages it might work for others it will never work.11:52
xu-help57wyou know what other options I can have then? the only packages i can have for Maya are rpm11:53
xu-help57wand the guide i followed is specified ton install on ubuntu11:54
xu-help57wall the solutions i found on internet tell to convert the rpm packages into deb with the alien command11:56
diogenes_xu-help57w, better would be to run the binary in a virtual machine with an rpm based distro, collect the dependecies and build a package, that requires a lot of cherry picking though.12:02
xu-help57wwell it seems my knowledge are way too limited for that, thanks anyway!12:05
=== Djarum is now known as vangkep
nabukadnezar43hello may i ask the default gtk theme and the default icon theme used in xubuntu?20:06
nabukadnezar43gtk theme is greybird light i assume, but which variant of elementary-xfce icon theme is used?20:06
nabukadnezar43sorry i'm using another distro (that's why i'm asking) but i really like the looks of xubuntu20:08
diogenes_nabukadnezar43, you find it out here by pressing 'start': https://distrotest.net/Xubuntu20:08
nabukadnezar43diogenes_, ok thanks20:09
diogenes_you're welcome20:09

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