[18:24] Oooh. Linode for another year :) [18:24] @ahoneybun ^ [18:27] I saw that nice one @rik [18:27] @RikMills [18:27] Would probably be nice to do a news article thanking them? Then tweet that etc? [18:28] Yes it would [19:18] That's super news about Linode [19:54] valorie: do you know the moderator password for BBB? If not I will DM you it. Just a precaution as the meeting is on a public link [19:54] I didn't know there was one [19:54] lol [19:54] thanks for that, RikMills [19:56] I really had to think long and hard to recall the password! [19:56] I will add it to my little text file [19:57] almost certainly will not be needed, but you never know [19:58] precisely [19:58] the time to buy insurance is before you need it [19:59] I know it [20:01] Well my super safe password notebook housed in the 'break glass in case of stupidity' does [20:02] pen and paper rules (still) [20:11] I do have lastpass [20:11] but the super-important stuff is in a text file