[01:16] good morning [01:21] Morning callmepk [01:21] morning duflu [05:40] Good morning everyone [05:45] Morning jibel [06:21] good morning [06:21] Morning didrocks [06:22] hey duflu [06:37] goood morning desktopers [06:44] Morning seb128 [06:47] morning [06:57] hey seb128 luna_ [06:59] Morning luna_ [07:05] hey duflu, luna_ , didrocks, how are you today? [07:05] seb128, Feeling alright. You? [07:05] seb128: good, thanks, and you? [07:06] I'm alright! could have done with a bit more sleep though [07:12] good morning callmepk duflu jibel didrocks seb128 [07:13] morning marcustomlinson jibel didrocks seb128 [07:14] hey marcustomlinson, callmepk, how are you? [07:14] hey marcustomlinson, callmepk [07:14] seb128 great! how about you? [07:14] seb128: doing alright, could do with more sleep as well :/ [07:15] Hi marcustomlinson [07:16] tkamppeter: hey, ~desktop-bugs isn’t an appropriate team for package subscription on desktop team, you should get ~destkop-packages subscribed. Please fix the MIR (and get it subscribed before requesting the MIR review) [07:26] didrocks, Ken has done this, so he probably was not aware of that. One needs a maintainer/admin of the group to subscribe it to the package. Who can do this? [07:26] didrocks999 ^^ [07:27] tkamppeter: seb128 has the power, feel free to point him to all packages you needed a MIR for [07:27] I guess it’s the 3 on bug #1891157 and the one on bug #1891682 [07:27] bug 1891157 in golang-github-openprinting-goipp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ipp-usb" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891157 [07:28] bug 1891682 in sane-airscan (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sane-airscan" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891682 [07:28] didrocks999, yes exactly these. [07:29] tkamppeter: give the list to package seb128 please and tell me once done :) [07:29] (ideally, this is done before requesting the MIR) === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [07:30] seb128: on another note, thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/khronos-opencl-clhpp/+bug/1636728/comments/7 ? I would say, as there is no x team anymore, let’s do desktop-packages [07:30] Ubuntu bug 1636728 in khronos-opencl-clhpp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] khronos-opencl-clhpp" [Undecided,Fix released] [07:30] seb128, could you subscribe ~destkop-packages to be bug contact (receive all bug mail) for the packages of these 2 MIRs: sane-airscan, ipp-usb, golang-github-openprinting-goipp, golang-gopkg-ini.v1 [07:31] seb128, bug 1891157 and bug 1891682 [07:31] bug 1891157 in golang-github-openprinting-goipp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ipp-usb" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891157 [07:31] bug 1891682 in sane-airscan (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sane-airscan" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891682 [07:32] tkamppeter: thanks for the descriptions on the MIR btw, it’s rare that they are so detailed :) [07:32] at least, there is a good rationale on why X vs Y [07:33] Yes, this was my intention, so that we get really the first approaches replaced by the newer, better implementations. [07:34] tkamppeter: I will try to get to my end of the MIR by end of week, but there is still the security review pending [07:34] Hey, desktoppers: the SRU team were talking about the GNOME MRE, specifically its scope as “core gnome modules and apps”. Is the list of core gnome modules and apps written down somewhere? I seem to remember a list somewhere, maybe in bugzilla? [07:34] we’ll see if that can fly before FF [07:35] tkamppeter: if you have time to look at my bug meanwhile :) Not being able to print on this hw is anyone :p [07:39] tkamppeter: also, on bug #1891157, c_paelzer had one pending question for you, mind replying on the bug? [07:39] bug 1891157 in golang-github-openprinting-goipp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ipp-usb" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891157 [07:39] didrocks, I will lock into it but it can take some time, as I have to land some stuff before FF and also GSoC is ending in a week from now, FF and EoGSoC on the same day. [07:40] didrocks, and next week is our OpenPrinting micro-conference on Linux Plumbers. [07:40] tkamppeter: > Can system-config-printer-udev be changed as part of the promotion (once ready) [07:40] to be replaced to ipp-usb as well. So that we can demote ippusbxd in the same [07:40] step when we promote ipp-usb? [07:40] I guess for the MIR to move on, this should be addressed ^ [07:41] didrocks, I already have removed the ippusbxd dependency from system-config-printer-udev and it made it into Groovy already. [07:41] tkamppeter: mind commenting this one the bug? [07:41] ipp-usb will get pulled in by the cups-daemon package. [07:41] on* [07:42] didrocks, I did, on the ipp-usb one. [07:42] tkamppeter: argh, launchpad didn’t refresh the page since yesterday, despite closing and reopening the browser… Sorry, seeing it now [07:43] didrocks, closing and re-opening the browser pulls all pages from local cache, as clicking the Back button. You have to click the Reload button. [07:43] yeah, I thought that would have been refreshed though, but meh [07:43] didrocks, old-fashined LP, not as GitLab and GitHub auto-updating. [07:43] there are other questions on the "Problems" section on confinement [07:43] didrocks, I've fw-ed you an email about khronos, we also discussed it in the MIR team on IRC [07:44] (I think the security team will block before some answers on this) [07:44] seb128: reading [07:44] but I think kernel team should take over x-team components since they have the Canonical xorg maintainers [07:44] xorg and nvidia (timo and alberto) [07:44] seb128: ack, I guess I will have to pester the kernel team [07:45] or did you get an answer? [07:45] I will nag Wimpress, he didn't reply to my email [07:45] no, Wimpress is busy as usual... [07:45] ack, thx, keep me posted [07:45] np! [07:45] * didrocks waits on an answer from Wimpress on something else as well :p [07:45] right [07:46] seb128, could you subscribe ~desktop-packages to the packages of my 2 MIRs, thanks. [07:46] tkamppeter, yes [07:48] tkamppeter, subscribed [07:52] seb128, thanks. Did you subscribe all the 4 packages? [07:53] tkamppeter, yes [08:03] \o [08:04] hey Laney [08:05] moin didrocks, what's up? [08:06] nothing special, in MIRland right now [08:06] MIRworld even [08:06] you? [08:06] Hi Laney [08:07] hey tkamppeter and Laney [08:09] the best world [08:09] also not much, it is supposed to start raining soon, continue all day and then stop JUST before I am supposed to ride to the pub [08:09] trust the meterologists [08:09] hey Laney , how are you? [08:10] morgen duflu & marcustomlinson & seb128 [08:10] Laney, are you going back to indoor pub now? [08:10] Laney, is drink biking legal? [08:10] * duflu has no idea if it is here [08:11] Probably not [08:11] jamesh ? [08:11] seb128: it's allowed, but I prefer outdoor and this place has a big outdoor area [08:11] duflu: yes. Drunk horse riding is too [08:12] Good to know [08:12] duflu: it is, the rules are about 'being in control' or something like that [08:12] Even if the horse is moving without the rider's input [08:12] Reminds me of my first weekend ever in Texas. I videoed a cowboy riding a horse up to traffic lights, and he didn't understand why [08:12] most of the speed / drink / drug driving laws apply to 'mechanically propelled vehicles' [08:13] which is a weird way to phrase it, but excludes bikes [08:13] (not sure about e-bikes ...) [08:13] I think the horse case was a horse drawn cart with the guy sleeping in the driver's seat as it took him home from the pub [08:14] so it was definitely a vehicle [08:14] \o/ [08:17] just dist-upgraded my desktop to groovy [08:17] time to restart! [08:17] hi jamesh [08:18] hi marcustomlinson [08:18] I had to dist-upgrade the manual way because do-release-upgrade doesn't work with file:/// mirrors [09:20] Hello hello. Had a request from a contributor who thought it might be interesting to add a folder icon (like Music, Pictures) for the ~/snap folder to the Yaru theme. Is it possible to have unique icons for folders that aren't the usual ones (Music, Pictures etc)? [09:21] tkamppeter: golang-gopkg-ini.v1 depends on golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey. Can you add it to the MIR and check its dep as well? [09:21] (second dep missing, please ensure you check the binary deps) [09:38] tkamppeter: another way would be to ship the tests in a separate package and hoping the dh-golang is smart enough to not list the dep (or do it manually in debian/rules) [09:43] didrocks, I have talked with the upstream author of ipp-usb, he will hand-implement the reading of the config file, as I have found out that ini.v1 causes dependency hell. It would require MIRing 6 Go libraries. [09:43] In the next days there will be a new version of ipp-usb without this dependency. [09:44] marcustomlinson, hi [10:23] tkamppeter: ok, let’s wait then :) [10:55] gnome-session tags c09aef8 Iain Lane upstream/3.37.0 * Upstream version 3.37.0 * https://deb.li/3Dk0R [10:55] gnome-session upstream/latest af6f3c6 Iain Lane * pushed 54 commits * https://deb.li/VTeD [10:55] gnome-session pristine-tar 685455e Iain Lane gnome-session_3.37.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-session_3.37.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-session_3.37.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3Th2z [12:46] RAOF: I don't think we have a full list, not sure if we meant by that those released in ftp.gnome.org, or now more all that is under the GNOME namespace in gitlab? [13:38] gnome-control-center signed tags f166506 Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/1%3.37.90-1ubuntu1 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:3.37.90-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/z2V4 [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 617c584 Sebastien Bacher * pushed 89 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3vblD [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 5c87894 Yuri Chornoivan po/uk.po * Update Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/EQI4 [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master d1d0092 Thibault Martin po/fr.po * Update French translation * https://deb.li/3IziD [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 6358b3f Daniel Mustieles po/es.po * Updated Spanish translation * https://deb.li/hb1g [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 7ed674e Daniel Mustieles po/es.po * Updated Spanish translation * https://deb.li/3Cnxl [13:38] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master d908853 Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/oBNx [14:15] good morning desktopers [14:15] good morning hellsworth [14:15] hey kenvandine :) [14:16] hey hellsworth and kenvandine [14:17] hey marcustomlinson ! [14:17] hey hellsworth, kenvandine [14:17] hey didrocks999 [14:17] marcustomlinson: heads up i'm crafting some autopkgtest links for you now :) [14:17] hi there didrocks999 ! [14:21] marcustomlinson: pretty please launch these tests for me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w2R2xBZ4yH/ [14:21] sure [14:21] "You submitted an invalid request: Unknown PPA hellsworth/7.0.1~rc1-0ubuntu1-1" [14:21] hmm that is the name of the ppa but the url to the pppa is different [14:21] let's try this.. [14:22] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=groovy&arch=armhf&package=libreoffice&ppa=hellsworth/libreoffice12&trigger=libreoffice/1:7.0.1~rc1-0ubuntu1 [14:22] does that work marcustomlinson ? [14:22] that worked yes [14:22] ok let me update the other links then [14:24] marcustomlinson: here are the other updated links: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f9NGC7dnDJ/ [14:25] hellsworth: cool done [14:25] awesome thanks [14:25] good luck :) [14:25] haha yep fingers and toes crossed :) [14:26] this is the 7.0.1 build with gcc9 in case we need to go that route [14:50] Trevinho: have you got packages for mozjs/gjs/mutter/gnome-shell somewhere even if not ready? [14:50] wanted to check my gnome-shell/gnome-settings-daemon with it [14:51] hmm that could have been for #debian-gnome [14:51] Laney: mozjs is in that ppa, but the rest is only local... [14:51] ok [14:51] well I'll push those, maybe you can test them :p [14:51] ok === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson