[00:07] what does incoming to focal mean exactly in `rls-ff-incoming` tag? trying to figure out status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debmirror/+bug/1821251 considering the bug has been fixed in upstream (debian) repository. [00:07] Launchpad bug 1821251 in debmirror (Ubuntu) "please add cnf support to debmirror" [Medium,Triaged] === slingamn_ is now known as shivaram === shivaram is now known as slingamn [03:55] Hi [03:56] since python2 is not supported anymore, how to deal with tools using as shebang /usr/bin/env python ? [04:18] Either port to python3, or change that 'python' to 'python2' and ensure it's installed for the time being? [04:24] Unit193 that's a set fo scripts for science, i didn't write them [04:24] https://www.pci.uni-heidelberg.de/cms/mctdh.html [04:24] i sent a mail [04:24] Thanks Unit193 === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [10:54] seb128: Re langpack-o-matic (from #launchpad), I don't *object* to removing eoan here but I'd rather that be a separate step taken by people who more normally maintain langpack stuff than me - I don't know what cleanup it requires [10:55] seb128: Are you able to merge this or should I poke sil2100? I don't think there's an automatic mergebot here [11:10] mwhudson: oh, sorry about that, I didn't notice the merge proposal [11:11] mdeslaur: it was hardly complicated :) [11:11] hehe [11:46] cjwatson, hey, ack for 19.10, and I've merged the change now [11:52] seb128: Thanks [11:53] cjwatson, np, thank you for helping with the groovy translations opening! [11:53] seb128: So we haven't had a langpack yet of course, but I don't think that needs to block unhiding translations for groovy at this point - do you agree? [11:53] yes, agreed [11:53] seb128: Oh, maybe you already did so? Somebody did [11:54] though the unhiding might be done already, I think Gunnar mentioned changing a setting yesterday [11:54] the contributor who was pinging around did talk to him as well it seems [11:55] Yeah, it all seems to be open now [11:55] So I think we're done here [11:55] \o/ [11:55] thanks again! [12:42] RAOF: vala is another GNOME MRE request. And it's special, so I have greater concern on this one that we make the right call. Details in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/1891318/comments/2 [12:42] Launchpad bug 1891318 in vala (Ubuntu) " [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.9 in focal " [Undecided,New] [13:33] I've was working on the libhinawa transtion, which i thought would be done this morning however libhinawa ended up on the dep list this morning with an unknown status [13:33] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/auto-libhinawa.html [13:33] can anyone help me understand what's up with it? [13:35] libhinawa has migrated to release, so just why it's still showing up. Maybe just a tooling issue [15:39] Hi! If a source is in main but one of its binaries is in universe, will it be automatically moved to main if I start depending on it from a main package? Or I should file a MIR for binary? [15:40] (Dependency in question is python3-sphinx → python3-snowballstemmer, from src:snowball) [15:46] mitya57: no to both, but it will block in proposed until someone fixes it [15:46] but can be done without an MIR [15:47] Laney: ack, so I should ping an archive admin? [15:47] is it already blocking? [16:05] Laney: no, not uploaded yet [16:05] mitya57: ah, ok, ping me or someone when it is showing as blocking in update_excuses and it can be fixed then [16:09] Ok, thanks === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [17:04] vorlon: just saw libopeniscsiusr being rejected for groovy. you want me to fix it to match sonames in Ubuntu and re-propose it do Debian or you prefer to give up on this merge for this cycle ? [17:04] i've done many tests to it, it looks good (apart from this new binary package and soname mismatch) [17:10] Ill give it a try with correct lib name [17:56] LocutusOfBorg: https://tracker.debian.org/news/1170138/accepted-recommonmark-060ds-1-source-into-unstable/ [18:06] mitya57, please upload also in Ubuntu, or sync whenever possible [18:06] LocutusOfBorg: it will be auto-synced I guess [18:07] so, tomorrow I'll retry llvm_* stuff === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [18:23] rafaeldtinoco: yeah, with a proper name for the runtime lib package, that should be fine to resubmit