
tewardsarnold: yo be alive00:13
tewardi need to pick your brain00:14
sarnoldheya teward00:15
tewardincoming PM flood00:15
Aison0ahhh :-( bind9 keeps segfaulting and segfaulting, no idea why14:34
Aison0and it creates a very big "core" file14:35
Aison0800M on master14:35
Aison03.6G on slave!14:35
rbasakdmesg/kern.log will usually give you the immediate reason14:35
Aison0how do I pip stderr to file?14:36
rbasakyour-command 2>filename14:37
RoyKAison0: pastebin output of dmesg -T, or at least the relevant lines14:41
Aison0dmesg shows simply nothing14:41
Aison0but this is the whole bind9 output from start until crash14:45
RoyKhow long does it take?14:46
Aison010-15 seconds?14:46
Aison0but it depends14:46
Aison0sometimes longer14:46
rbasakI suspect you have filesystem corruption or a hardware fault there14:54
rbasakEspecially if dmesg output really is blank14:54
sdezielit's not segfaulting but tripping on an assert()14:55
RoyKAison0: I'd start out with monitoring the process with top or htop and look for memory usage. with the sizes of those dumps, it smells like a memory leak14:55
sdezielif those bind servers are caching resolvers, this could explain the size of the core dumps. The assertion is worrying though14:56
RoyKstill, if it takes so short a time for them to crash, it should be easy to just follow the mem usage for both process and system (and swap, of course)14:57
RoyKbut then, if that happened, there should be an OOM showing up in dmesg14:57
Aison0RoyK, it really depends. Now it works for several minutes14:57
Aison0it also worked over night14:57
RoyKAison0: how many clients do you have, using that server?14:58
Aison0before my message, it started crashing every few seconds14:58
RoyKor those14:58
Aison0RoyK, around 20014:58
RoyKnot a lot, then14:58
Aison0it also worked for a long time now14:58
Aison0this setup is not new14:59
RoyKhas there been a bind update recently?14:59
Aison0rbasak, I don't think it is a hardware problem. It happens on primary and secondary server, which are completely different14:59
RoyKagreed - this does *not* smell hardware issues15:00
Aison0for what is this "core" file good for?15:06
geniiunderstanding the state of the system at the time the problem occurred15:07
DarkhunterHello, is there a change to use LVM raid during installation?15:10
RoyKAison0: you can run 'gdb bind core.xxx' and then run a backtrace to check where it failed. it'll normally require symbols, though, which may not be there15:12
RoyKAison0: I guess that'll be gdb named core.xxx, though15:13
teward*pokes rbasak* got a few minutes?15:46
Aison0are there any ppa with newer versions of bind that I can try?15:52
lotuspsychjeAison0: we usually advice to use packages from the repos on ubuntu, specific for your ubuntu version15:56
lotuspsychjeand/or snaps15:56
sdezielAison0: https://launchpad.net/~isc/+archive/ubuntu/bind seems reputable enough15:58
sdeziellotuspsychje: I agree with you but in this case, bind9 (9.16.1) is tripping on assert() and ISC upstream fixed a bunch of assertion in later 9.16.X15:59
lotuspsychjeah nice, yeah some cases might be useful15:59
lotuspsychjenice find sdeziel16:00
Aison0sudo add-apt-repository ppa:isc/bind16:02
Aison0Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~isc/ubuntu/bind'.16:02
Aison0ERROR: '~isc' user or team does not exist.16:02
Aison0rofl, bind just crshed again16:04
Aison0that's why it is not working ^'^'^16:04
oerheksmake sure you have software-properties-common installed, ppa:isc/bind is working here.16:25
rbasakteward: o/16:32
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