
SignalNewbWhat are some ways I can test my sound if its not working? I already made sure it's not muted. The speakers are on and connected. I'm not sure if the sound device detected is correct. It's built in, not a seperate audio card. I see blue bars moving under output device because I'm playing music. I just hear nothing00:07
SignalNewbsudo lspci shows me a lot of stuff O_O00:08
th34lch3m1stHi all00:08
Bashing-om!sound | SignalNewb00:09
ubottuSignalNewb: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:09
th34lch3m1sthi all00:09
th34lch3m1st20.04 keyboard randomly stop type on terminal, gedit, firefox url. If I open a second tab in the terminal the keyboard works, but not in the first tab.00:13
th34lch3m1stIf I kill ibus-daemon keyboard works everywhere immediately.00:15
th34lch3m1stWhat's the deal?00:15
JakethepythonGood evening everyone i just update from 18.04 to 20.04 and have the folowing error00:19
JakethepythonErrors were encountered while processing:00:19
Jakethepython gstreamer1.0-x:i38600:19
JakethepythonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:19
sarnoldJakethepython: can you put the whole thing on a pastebin site?00:20
JakethepythonYes sorry00:20
MystifiedGood Morning All.  10:20 am on Sunny winters day, in Syd Aus.00:21
Mystifiedtop of 21'c forcast.00:22
th34lch3m1stIs there alternatives to kill ibus-daemon everytime keyboard stop working? Or should I just replace gnome 3?00:22
Mystifiedneed some help, I have a touch screen allin onw laptop lenova 52000:23
Mystifiedneed some help, I have a touch screen all in one laptop lenova 520 yoga00:23
Mystifiedthe cat walked on the keyboard00:23
sarnoldJakethepython: ohbummer, I was hoping that would have the whole set of errors :(00:23
sarnoldJakethepython: so, try apt install --reinstall gstreamer1.0-x:i386 --- see what that does00:24
MystifiedI'd like to disable temporily the gnome virtual keyboard & test the the florence virtual keyboard00:24
Mystifiedwhat is the best way to do that00:24
MystifiedI'm not that technical00:24
Mystifiedthanks kindly, if you can help D00:25
JakethepythonThat seems to have cleared it00:26
Jakethepythonthank you00:26
Mystifiedlorence/focal,now 0.6.3-1.2 amd64 [installed]00:27
Mystified  extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for X00:27
sarnoldJakethepython: woot :)00:27
th34lch3m1stibus-daemon anyone?00:31
p0aHello when I use `gnome-terminal' on ubuntu00:33
p0amy bash shell has -v set. How can I disable that? (who set -v?)00:33
p0alocally in a single instance I can disable it with `set +v'00:33
sarnoldp0a: I think you may have to do some grepping: try grep -r 'set.*-v' /etc/bash* /etc/profile* ~/.bash* ~/.profile00:39
p0athank you00:40
th34lch3m1sthi all00:40
p0asarnold: no results00:40
sarnoldp0a: ow :(00:41
sarnoldhey th34lch3m1st00:42
th34lch3m1st20.04 tracker-miner-fs keep my cpu load over 70% for more than 2 minutes at every start.00:42
p0asarnold: mysteriously it was set somehow but now I realize it is not set anymore in any further invocations of gnome-terminal00:45
p0aI'm not sure what happened00:45
p0anevermind, I'm just a noob :D00:46
sarnoldp0a: i wonder where it came from :/ that would be really annoying00:47
p0asarnold: I am really confused; I did notice that when I pressed ^D to exit gnome-terminal, it said `exit'; I had to press ^D once again00:47
p0aso somehow I must've put myself in a subshell and not sure how ...00:47
p0aprobably drunken fingers or something. Glad I'm not root :D00:47
sarnoldp0a: check out man bash, search for ignoreeof00:49
sarnold*maybe* you were nested, maybe not..00:49
sarnoldit's always fun to find nested bash shells three or four layers deep when shutting down..00:49
p0ahaha while bash scripting is a joy, this sort of thing is strange :)00:49
sarnoldthis may be the first time I've heard bash scripting described as a joy :D00:50
za711667877504Hello. I needed some help with installing linux on a virtual machine in a windows host, I am getting an error and just tried with ubuntu and have saved my error messages and syslog01:03
za711667877504i can pass that along if that helps01:04
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ZaydHello. I needed some help with installing linux on a virtual machine in a windows host, I am getting an error and just tried with ubuntu and have saved my error messages and syslog01:07
Zaydi can pass that along if that helps01:07
Zaydsorry just added a new Nick and I'm kind of new to this. that's why i repeated the message01:07
Bashing-omZayd: No great big biggy about the repost - just be patient and await one who knows.01:09
pavlosZayd: what are you using for virtualization?01:10
sarnoldZayd: probably best to pastebin what you've got, without that it's hard to make any suggestions01:12
argusbrhttp://i.imgur.com/jngOvgE.png how to solve problem?01:18
pavlosargusbr: you might need sudo to do something in /etc/fstab01:19
argusbrpavlos how to open in visual root user?01:21
pavlosargusbr: open a terminal, type, sudo su it will ask for password, then the prompt becomes # which is root01:25
argusbrlauncher's name01:26
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cybrNauti have a misbehaving screen lock (doesn't give the password field, or gives it but it doesn't accept input)01:38
cybrNautso i'm locked out, but I can ssh in01:39
cybrNautwhat can should i kill?01:39
ZAhmedsorry i was away from computer. i was asking for some help with installing ubuntu on VirtualBOx on a windows host system.01:42
ZAhmedi have the sys log and someone suggetesd that i use some kind of paste tool01:43
ZAhmedi haven't used it before. do you need my syslog? how do i go ahead and paste it?01:43
Bashing-om!paste | ZAhmed01:44
ubottuZAhmed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:44
saladsolutionsSo I have a simple question. In my ryslog.conf file I have $DirCreateMode 0755, but the directories that get created are 0700. Anyone have an idea why this would happen? Running Ubuntu 20.04LTS with rsyslogd01:44
pavlosdid you restart rsyslog? systemctl restart rsyslog.service01:47
saladsolutionsYeah, I have. $DirCreateMode 0755 is in the config file by default though.01:50
Bashing-omZAhmed: Alternately there is "termbin". Usage: nc termbin.com 9999 < your.file .01:52
Bashing-om!pastebinit | ZAhmed01:55
ubottuZAhmed: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:55
TacoCodedSaladis Ubuntu's window manager pixel accurate?01:57
saladsolutionspavlos: Perhaps adding lines to the config file could be preventing the parsing of any variables below a certain point, but I don't see anything that I added that looks wrong01:57
Bashing-omZAhmed: From your syslog file "intel_pstate: CPU model not supported" did you enable VM in the firmware ?02:03
TacoCodedSaladas in Ubuntu, i have 400 pixels, however in OpenGL it needs a max of 401 pixels, due to NDC to Window space conversion, -1 is 0th pixel and 1 is 400th pixel, however in ubuntu the max pixel is 399 for a 400 by 400 window02:03
TacoCodedSaladand NO, making the window 401 by 401 WILL NOT work since opengl will just make NDC 1 be 401 instead02:05
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TacoCodedSaladwhich, in terms of window pixels, the max will be 400 making 401 off screen02:06
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pavlossaladsolutions: can you show that part of the rsyslog.conf02:08
pavlossaladsolutions: usually, add your custom in /etc/rsyslog.d/60-custom.conf which will be included. If directories don't exist, you may need $CreateDirs on before your rule02:13
slicktuxHello all, what service is responsible for creating the file "dnsmasq.leases" in DIR /var/lib/misc/02:17
slicktuxI ask because I have on Ubuntu box that has the file and I can cat < but my other box gives me error output "No such file or directory" when trying to cat <02:18
GSMarquisHow do I use gnome boxes and point it to local address?02:18
sarnoldslicktux: try fuser /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases  or fuser /var/lib/misc/  -- you might find the process still running02:20
oerheksdpkg -S dnsmasq.leases gives nothing02:20
sarnoldslicktux: also try ps auxw | grep dnsmasq02:20
pavlosslicktux: do you have a dnsmasq.service02:20
leftyfbslicktux: dnsmasq creates that file02:21
slicktuxpavlos: Can I check for its existence in /etc/init.d?02:21
leftyfbslicktux: what are you trying to do exactly?02:21
slicktuxI am not used to systemd. . .come from openRC02:21
p0aHello I installed virtualbox via apt and then removed it; installed via .deb; got error; dpkg reconfigured; then I had virtualbox02:22
slicktuxI just need to read into the file so I can obtain my Pi's IP and SSH into it. . .02:22
p0a(the correct, .deb version). but after a restart, now `virtualbox' is not found. What happened?02:22
leftyfbslicktux: ok?02:22
slicktuxsarnold: Thanks but the file foers not exist02:22
pavlosslicktux: as others wrote, is there a dnsmasq process running02:22
slicktuxI want to know why the file dnsmasq.lease is not being created. . .how can I check is dnsmasq.service is active?02:23
sarnoldslicktux: so, what exactly are you trying to do?02:23
slicktuxI do not know how to do that with systemd02:23
kxslp0a, use oracle's repo if you want the latest version or the one from apt if you need support for secure boot02:23
sarnoldslicktux: it sounds a bit like you're heading down the path of running two dhcp servers on your network, which will lead you to insanity02:23
oerhekssystemctrl status x.service02:23
oerhekswithout r..02:24
leftyfbslicktux: you don't have dnsmasq installed, that's why the file doesn't exist02:24
p0akxsl: what happened to my virtualbox?02:24
p0akxsl: I thought it was installed; why did rebooting remove it?02:24
oerheksi think it is easy to find howto show status of a service,02:24
saladsolutionspavlos: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WswmcykRZW/02:26
oerheksp0a, so you removed virtualbox, but did not reboot to completely wipe the dkms?02:26
pavlosslicktux: you should have a dnsmasq.conf probably in /etc/02:26
slicktuxoerheks: Thanks! looks like I do not have dnsmasq installed (as others mentioned) did Ubuntu 18 have it installed by default? Can't recall if I installed it or not. . .thats the box that has the file I am searching for "dnsmasq.lease. . . I am running latest ubuntu on the box that has said file missing02:26
kxslp0a, dont know but it doesn't show up in the menus anymore? or if you search the filesystem for it?02:27
pavlossaladsolutions: this is the basic rsyslog.conf02:28
p0aoerheks: not sure what dkms is02:28
p0aoerheks: I removed virtualbox and tried to install the .deb one; got an error and had to dpkg reconfigure, and that's where I left it02:29
pavlossaladsolutions: if I look at my dirs in /var/log/ I see them as 75502:29
p0ait then claimed via -v that the right version was installed02:29
p0ai.e. vboxmanage -v I think02:29
slicktuxThanks for the help guys! need to brush up on my systemd. . .02:29
oerheksp0a, why did you remove the vbox from our repos?02:30
p0aoerheks: 'our'? I wanted the latest version to get support advice from the virtualbox channel here on freenode02:31
p0a(turns out I was experiencing a bug because I was using a tablet and not a mouse, irrelevant of the version I was using)02:31
p0ashould I just apt install virtualbox?02:31
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oerheksThat is the one *we* support ..02:33
oerhekswhat bug with tablet?02:33
kxslp0a, personally I would if it all possible. #vbox is very helpful, I only installed from ubuntu repo because oracle's version broke with secure boot02:34
kxslnot sure if that's still the case02:34
p0akxsl: personally, you would what?02:34
oerhekskxsl, i think it is, disable secureboot would fix that02:34
p0aoerheks: I checked with xev that my tablet sends ButtonPress but not ButtonRelease, and I think that causes the virtualbox GUI buttons to not press when I click on them02:35
p0aoerheks: so I switched from a tablet to a mouse (at the time, I had not realized that I _had_ a mouse, so I was using a tablet)02:35
p0aoerheks: this seems virtualbox-specific because other Qt applications work fine02:35
p0a(such as VLC), but don't take my word for it02:35
p0aanyway... I'll just use the ubuntu repos and install virtualbox again. I see no harm done in this. I wasn't sure before but after chatting here, I think it's ok. Thank you :)02:37
p0aoerheks: I'm talking about a wacom-like tablet btw if that is not clear02:39
p0abtw -> by the way02:39
ZAhmedBashing-om: ok02:43
Bashing-omZAhmed: Mind ya - I have limited experience with VMs :(02:44
ZAhmedBashing-om: No worries man02:44
ZAhmedcan you tell me how to tag you properly when I respond on here02:44
ZAhmedand I thought I had enabled it in bios02:44
ZAhmedintel virtualization technology02:44
ZAhmedmaybe it didn't save or something02:44
ZAhmedlet me reset my bios and try again02:44
ZAhmedhaha and it's all good i appreciate any support i can get02:45
ZAhmedyou know more than me lol02:45
Bashing-om!tab | ZAhmed02:46
ubottuZAhmed: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:46
ZAhmedweird it seems on in bios but maybe there's a setting in windows that allows it02:46
ZAhmedubottu, thank you02:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:47
ZAhmedubottu, haha02:48
Bashing-omZAhmed: that "non support" advisory stops me cold - others here have the greater experience. Post your syslog file link here for the channel.02:48
pavlosZAhmed: virtualization is enabled in BIOS; in win10 you can enable Hyper-V02:48
ZAhmedpavlos, : i think i found my problem02:50
ZAhmedpavlos: hyper v is a windows 10 feature not found in windows 10 home i think02:50
ZAhmedpavlos: that's pretty crazy02:51
pavlosZAhmed: is the host win10 or ubuntu?02:51
ZAhmedwin10 home i believe02:51
saladsolutionspavlos: do you think it could be because I am using a different directory than /var/log?02:51
ZAhmedpavlos: guest os is ubuntu. host is windows 1002:51
pavlossaladsolutions: you could use any dir but if rsyslog has to create it, you need the flag I wrote earlier02:52
pavlossaladsolutions: https://serverfault.com/questions/746721/is-it-possible-for-rsyslog-to-create-a-directory02:52
pavlosZAhmed: win10home does NOT include Hyper-V02:53
saladsolutions$CreateDirs? But the directories were created without it.02:53
ZAhmedpavlos: that's pretty crazy so i have to pay a 100 bucks. i have free education from school but i already installed it on another system02:53
pavlossaladsolutions: see the link I sent02:53
ZAhmedpavlos: so the only option would be to have a dual boot on my windows system? and then virtualize from there if i wanted to learn centos or opensuse for my course?02:54
ZAhmedpavlos: not the most efficient but if it's the only option02:54
pavlosZAhmed: can you install virtualbox on your win10home?02:54
sarnoldsaladsolutions: if the rsyslogd directory creation stuff is frustrating, you could also use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories02:55
saladsolutionspavlos: if its on by default then do I still need to add the flag?02:56
oerhekswindows 10 home and virtualbox and antivirus...02:56
pavlossaladsolutions: no, if dir exists, you dont need the flag02:57
pavlosZAhmed: you CAN install virtualbox on win10home and then install a guest OS of your choice (centos, ubuntu, suse)02:57
oerheksyou might want to check in ##windows, some forums give this https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=94202#p45464802:58
sarnoldZAhmed: if you've got to use windows on the one machine and can't virtualize on it, and don't want to dual-boot, you could always buy an rpi to run a linux system. they're pretty cheap and give good results for the price, and it might be cheaper than buying a windows license that lets you use virtualization02:58
oerheksrun bcedit command to disable hyper-V and shutdown/restarted02:58
oerheksbla bla02:58
sarnoldZAhmed: another choice is to try out the windows subsystem for linux; there's millions of people using that, but it's got a lot of restrictions, too02:58
saladsolutionspavlos: https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/master/configuration/modules/omfile.html02:59
oerhekssarnold, wsl on home?02:59
sarnoldoerheks: I have no idea03:00
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oerheksonly on pro ..03:00
sarnoldoh :(03:00
oerheksanyway, this is not the right channel for windows issue, we might give wrong answers03:00
pavlosZAhmed: goto https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads select windows hosts and install VB on your machine03:00
sarnoldobviously, heh :)03:00
saladsolutionspavlos: Does that mean the $createdir flag is set to on by default?03:00
oerhekssaladsolutions, you can check in your /etc/rsyslog.conf03:01
pavlossaladsolutions: the flag is needed IF rsyslog has to create the dir03:01
saladsolutionspavlo: Okay, I'll add the flag, remove the previous dirs it created, restart the service, and see if the new dirs it creates have the correct permissions03:04
pavlossaladsolutions: ok, I think the serverfault link I sent explains the issue03:05
saladsolutionspavlos: should I place the flag after or before &~?03:10
saladsolutionspavlos: the serverfault link says to place it before a line that I don't have03:12
pavlossaladsolutions: you have a rule to write logs to /var/log/salad/something.log so the $CreateDirs goes before that rule ... the /var/log/salad/ dir should be 75503:14
pavlosZAhmed: tutorial ... https://www.shaileshjha.com/how-to-install-oracle-vm-virtualbox-5-in-windows-10/03:14
ZAhmedthank you to everyone that responded. i have ubuntu that i installed on a cheap hp laptop but i wanted to try and run it on a faster machine. so i'll just do everything off there. that's where im chatting from rn03:19
ZAhmedthanks for all the help03:19
ZAhmedkind of dumb that microsoft has that restriction but yay for open source03:19
ZAhmedreally appreciate all the help pavlos and anyone else that responded03:20
oerhekshave fun!03:20
pavlosZAhmed: good luck03:20
ZAhmedpavlos: THank you good luck with whatever you're doing03:20
Bashing-omZAhmed: Help is what we do :D03:20
ZAhmedBashing-om: :))03:20
ZAhmedGot a lot to learn but it's certainly interesting stuff03:21
pavlosZAhmed: there are many virtualization programs (vmware, virtualbox, hyper-V). It happens that Hyper-V is not avail in win10home. You can try any of the other programs03:22
Bashing-omZAhmed: In your learning process - bear in mind that ubuntu is a fast moving target - things can change rapidly. What was true yesterday, may no longer apply.03:22
ZAhmedBashing-om: Interesting. I was using debian when I was learning on my own but recently switched to ubuntu because I'm taking an online beginner course for certifcation hopefully03:23
pavlosZAhmed: and you should learn linux -- it's a good thing.03:23
ZAhmedYeah the course I'm in suggested ubuntu but i preferred debian because it's more bare bones i feel and i heard it's more stable03:23
ZAhmedyeah it sounds like you can do a lot of cool stuff with it like archiving and backups and all this stuff03:24
ZAhmedbut thing is at this point whenever i run into a problem it's just easier to go back to windows or mac. but it's interesting to learn on the side03:24
Bashing-omZAhmed: Faint heart never won fair lady :P03:25
ZAhmedBashing-om: A beautiful way to say it lol03:26
saladsolutionspavlos: It's still setting the dirs as 070003:27
ZAhmedpavlos: one thing I tried but i couldn't get to work is i tried to install whatsapp desktop using wine. that was a headache that didn't lead anywhere lol. but maybe that's too ambitious03:28
pavlossaladsolutions: well, I'd have to try the serverfault example03:28
saladsolutionspavlos: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mFTM5BqpSH/03:29
saladsolutionspavlos: I added the $CreateDirs flag03:30
oerhekswhatsapp .. only unofficial clients.. https://itsfoss.com/whatsapp-linux-desktop/03:31
oerheksgood luck with that ..03:31
saladsolutionspavlos: there must be a simple reason why it's not applying 0755. From what I've read, not having the $DirCreateMode 0755 line defaults the permission to 0700, but I do have that line03:32
pavlossaladsolutions: look in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/00rsyslog.conf maybe you can override the perm03:35
pavlossaladsolutions: the last entry forces /var/sppol/rsyslog to be 700 with uid gid, maybe you can add your own in there03:37
saladsolutionspavlos: I added the $DirCreateMode 0755 before my log creation line and it works03:41
pavlossaladsolutions: great!03:42
saladsolutionspavlos: so it seems, it previously was creating the directories before reading the $DirCreateMode variable, this defaulting to 070003:43
saladsolutionspavlos: Thanks for all the help! What a pain! But it's done. :)03:44
pavlossaladsolutions: yw03:44
ZAhmedsaladsolutions: thanks. i thought as much03:46
pavlossaladsolutions: so you moved line 50 to line 2603:52
saladsolutionspavlos: yep03:54
saladsolutionspavlos: I would think it would read all the flags in the file before doing anything, but I guess not03:55
pavlossaladsolutions: I wonder if line 26 becomes $CreateDirs on and line 50 remains as is ... does it create the dir as 700?03:58
pavlosgot to go, more tomorrow.04:00
saladsolutionspavlos: doing that makes the dirs 070004:05
saladsolutionspavlos: see you04:05
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scythefwd2well.. found a work around to my failed attemps to network with ax20004:51
scythefwd2just usb tether and share my phones wifi.. though that seems dodgy as hell too04:52
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giacomoinxi -A shows my soundcard, but has the drive as N/A.  How can I assign the driver?06:16
sub526Hi all, I'm having an Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS system. But I need to use the Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS kernel on my system, can someone suggest how to get that kernel?06:28
JeroenKMorning :)  I installed the Dissenter browser via Software, but it doesn' t seem to work. Clicking via Applications or hitting it in my favourites bar, nothing at all seems to happen.07:23
ArmageddonJeroenK, maybe try to run it from a terminal and see why it's failing ?07:26
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: we usually forward snap issues to their maintainer, but in this case it doenst show the contact dev07:29
JeroenKnot sure what command to type, tried a few, no result07:29
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: publisher: Gab AI, Inc. (gabdotcom)07:29
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JeroenKfrom the top of my head i remember trying dissenter and dissenter-browser07:30
JeroenKah, ok, so i need to contact themselves. k07:30
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: yes, ubuntu volunteers cant support snaps when they are externaly maintainted07:30
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: for snaps that are from canonical using launchpad, its possible07:31
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: you could open a realtime: journalctl -f to see what happens when you launch it07:33
JeroenKliterally nothing, and when doing the command in terminal all i get is command not found07:36
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: how about in the /snap folder dissenter dir? can you launch things from there?07:36
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: seems to work like a charm for me on 20.04 ubuntu-desktop, wich flavour are you on?07:39
JeroenKhm, interesting, there' s no dissenter folder there. using 20.04 btw07:40
JeroenKif i remember correctly, i learned about snap after i found dissenter in Software.07:40
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: https://imgur.com/a/eDp8DmB07:42
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: i do get some errors in journal though, dissenter-browser_dissenter.desktop[1670246]: This likely means that your installation is broken.07:43
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: seems there's like a lot of fixes needed on it07:45
JeroenKwait, its suddenly up, no idea why. I right clicked on the Dissenter icon in my favourites bar > Show details, Software comes up, but it doesnt show details. but I check for the browser in Software, shows its installed and click there on Launch. And voila....07:46
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: tons of errors in journal, and crashes on me when trying to upload a pic from imgur07:48
JeroenKHm, badly maintained I suppose. Too bad, I was curious about it.07:48
JeroenKnow i remember, Run Command, that' s Alt+F2, but key F2 is also a volume key, and when i do Alt+F2, all i do is lower the volume. Is there an alt. combination? (ps, only since recent running ubuntu 20.04, been too long on 14.04 :P ))07:49
JeroenKAnd one more: Got autohide set for the Top Bar, but whenever i make it appear I also get windows overview (or whatever the proper description is) If I want that overview I got the Superkey for that. Is there a way to just have that Top Bar appear and that' s it?08:00
lotuspsychjeJeroenK: to tweak things around, try out gnome-tweaks and dconf-editor08:03
JeroenKSee nothing in Tweaks, installingdconf-editor now08:09
JeroenKDont think i see an option. sweet toy btw, dconf, might try to play with it a bit, carefully.08:33
k_szeMy laptop had 16 GiB of RAM and it frequently ran out of memory, using up all of the swap and causing Ubuntu to hang for minutes until Microsoft Teams crashes. Yesterday I changed the RAM sticks so it now has 32 GiB. But now it behaves as though it never needed the extra RAM. RAM usage is now below 12 GiB with 0 byte in swap, even with Visual Studio Code open and a *huge* Figma in a Firefox tab. /facepalm08:42
jellywell, you did say "Teams"09:01
amurok_sze: maybe too much porn?09:05
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funnybunny2Where do I set the keyboard key repeat interval when holding down a key?09:58
funnybunny2I'm on 18.0409:58
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funnybunny2Ah, I found it under Settings -> Universal Access -> Typing. I was looking under Settings -> Keyboard09:59
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scythefwd2has anyone had much success doing usb tethering with their phones?12:42
overclockyes, but with ipv6 you may need a openvpn file, tunnels seems not working13:00
overclockover 4g/5g/phone i meant13:00
BluesKajHi folks13:03
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scythefwd2overclock - my android connects for about 10 seconds, then I lose all network connections again13:25
realtime-neilCan I keep ascii-armored pubkeys under /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ or must all such pubkeys be dearmored ?14:04
masonrealtime-neil: Yeah, that works.14:15
realtime-neilmason: I'm getting this when I try: `W: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-security/InRelease: The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/0x630239cc130e1a7fd81a27b140976eaf437d05b5.gpg are ignored as the file has an unsupported filetype.`14:17
masonrealtime-neil: Name is foo.asc14:18
realtime-neiltrying now14:18
realtime-neilmason: that works like gangbusters -- much thanks!14:19
DarkhunterHello, I am trying to install ubuntu 20.4 ... I precreated LVM for /boot and / . I am in step to setup storage and lvs are displayed correctly. The problem is that Use as boot disk is disabled for disks I am using for LVM...14:21
luke-jrI have two instances of Zoom on two identical NUCs. One NUC works fine, but the other repeatedly resets the volume of one Zoom instance to 10% in pulseaudio… Any ideas?14:36
yeatsDarkhunter: typically, you don't use LVM for /boot - usually, that would be a partition of its own14:36
yeatsDarkhunter: also, Ubuntu will do that automatically if you tell the installer to use LVM14:37
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: are the nucs having both the same firmware updates?14:38
luke-jrlotuspsychje: yes, but this is just a software issue14:45
luke-jrlotuspsychje: the hardware/device volumes are fine14:45
luke-jrit's the application volume that is 10%14:46
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: just trying to widen your options, on nucs firmware updates are pretty important, fixes a lot of things14:46
luke-jrAFAIK it's not actually possible to update firmware without Windows? :/14:46
luke-jralso, the audio device is USB anyway14:47
luke-jrso it's not even part of the NUC itself14:47
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: yes it is, just put the firmware update on usb and hit F7 at the nuc's boot14:47
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: both running same ubuntu version?14:47
Darkhunteryeats: I would love to have /boot in raid...So I am using lvm raid114:48
luke-jrlotuspsychje: yes, both installed from the same PXE image14:48
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: can you pastebin dmesg from the faulty nuc please14:48
nbusronehow do I check my current brightness level in % ?14:49
Darkhunteryeats: Also using installer I wasn't able to set mirror for lv14:50
nbusroneso I can set it ?14:50
nbusronexrandr do not have the command to check for brightness level14:50
EriC^^nbusrone: maybe xbacklight can help14:51
iorianbusrone, xrandr --verbose | grep -i brightness | cut -f2 -d ' '14:51
luke-jrlotuspsychje: what's the best way to filter out privacy-sensitive info?14:51
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: dmesg doesnt really reveal sensitive info, rather then your user or system specs etc14:52
luke-jrlots of MACs at least14:52
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: dont paste the macs then14:54
luke-jrconsidering it's not a hardware matter, I'm not sure what there is in dmesg of interest14:54
lotuspsychjeluke-jr: dmesg contains a lot of useful info to debug things, hard for volunteers to help you without any form of info or errors14:55
nbusroneioria : how do I set it permanent on xrandr ?14:58
DarkhunterIs there a chance to use LVM raid during ubuntu 20.4 server install?14:58
lotuspsychjeDarkhunter: try #ubuntu-server if you like14:58
iorianbusrone, you run 'xrandr --output <myscreen> --brightness x.x' whenever you want14:59
nbusroneioria : nope , once i set , it will reset again on blank screen15:00
iorianbusrone, then run it  on resume15:00
nbusroneioria : how to run on resume ?15:01
iorianbusrone, put a script in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ iirc15:03
nbusroneioria : how to run on resume ? blank screen is base on gsd.power ? in which line code on gsd.power trigger the reset ? I do not know any argument on coding.15:03
iorianbusrone, what ?15:03
nbusroneioria : https://gitlab.gnome.org/starnight/gnome-settings-daemon/blob/c64c243e345cb92ed0c197a377767bcbf1704c1b/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c15:03
iorianbusrone, you don't need to edit any source file; you just run a bash script on resume15:04
nbusroneioria : ok , i'll try and find any bash script on resume.15:06
alternatorHello. I am trying the OVAL on a Xenial instance. It found CVE-2016-6185 and I was looking into it.15:21
alternatorIt seems like we have15:21
alternator# dpkg --list | grep perl15:21
alternatorii  perl-base                5.22.1-9                     amd64        minimal Perl system15:21
alternatorand the condition is "less than" 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.315:21
alternatorComparing the version vs condition15:22
alternator# dpkg --compare-versions 0:5.22.1-9 lt 0:5.22.1-9ubuntu0.3 && echo true15:22
alternatorindicates that 0:5.22.1-9 < 0:5.22.1-9ubuntu0.315:22
alternatorIs this a correct finding? Is there any documentation on this?15:22
lotuspsychje!info perl-base xenial15:22
ubottuperl-base (source: perl): minimal Perl system. In component main, is required. Version 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 (xenial), package size 1253 kB, installed size 7096 kB15:22
lotuspsychjealternator: 0.6 is the version you should have on xenial15:24
alternatorSorry about the flood. Been like 20 years since I was a regular on IRC.15:24
lotuspsychjealternator: system up to date?15:24
alternatorNo. I was actually scanning a publicly available Ubuntu image, just for testing purposes docker run -it ubuntu:xenial-20160525 /bin/bash15:24
lotuspsychje!uptodate | alternator15:25
ubottualternator: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.15:25
alternatorThanks. I am actually a bit concerned that there might be some problem with the OVAL because the findings were fluctuating from day to day when updating the OVAL feed.15:26
lotuspsychjealternator: to know more about oval and security try https://ubuntu.com/security/oval and #ubuntu-hardened15:35
CyberNekroRezusHi, Any idea what is changing my keyboard input mapping? I use "setxkbmap us", its ok, but then after 5 mins its back to french...15:39
CyberNekroRezusGot Chromium and Thunar running amongs terminals and stuff, maybe its Thunar?15:40
CyberNekroRezusVery annoying.15:40
ash_worksiI just discovered `tput reset`15:42
ash_worksiyay 🎉15:43
SpeedrunnerG55my rear audio is only outputting left channel all of a sudden15:46
SpeedrunnerG55im using ubuntu 20.0415:46
SpeedrunnerG55using a p8z68-v GEN3 motherboard15:49
ash_worksiis there a common terminal shortcut key that cuts until a space in a certain direction? (ie, ignore characters like hyphen, underscore, etc)16:22
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nbusroneioria : May I know , how does gsd.power detect idle time ? by ?16:35
masonash_worksi: In a shell? You probably default to emacs mode, so try alt-f16:36
ash_worksinaturalog: that didn't work16:37
ash_worksiit's ubuntu ftr16:37
ash_worksidunno what mode this is running in... the shell is terminator16:37
ash_worksimason: * ^16:38
ash_worksioh duh, ubuntu is the channel I'm in ¬.¬16:38
ash_worksiany other suggestions?16:39
masonash_worksi: "set -o" will show you vi mode or emacs mode16:39
ash_worksiemacs          on16:39
ash_worksialt-f didn't work; neither did altgr-f16:40
ash_worksioh alt-f is "jump forward a word"16:41
ash_worksiand that still gets caught on hyphens16:41
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ash_worksioh duh16:48
masonYeah. It's as close as I could think of.16:48
masonI figured, for interactive use, any improvement is something.16:48
ash_worksiso ^w cuts backward a word ignoring characters like -16:48
masonalt-b, same thing without erasing16:49
ash_worksiescape-backspace cuts while awknoledging a word16:49
ash_worksialt-d cuts forward awknoledging chars16:49
ash_worksibut I don't have one for cutting forward ignore chars16:49
masonFWIW, ESC and ALT (meta) should be the same.16:49
ash_worksinot on my machine apparentl16:50
masonash_worksi: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Erasing.html16:50
masonash_worksi: That should all work in bash. Should.16:51
ash_worksiyeah, except that for some reason it's escape for me and not altgr16:52
ash_worksibut nonetheless, all those are good16:52
ash_worksibut it doesn't list ^w16:52
ash_worksi(or C-w)16:52
masonnot altgr, alt, often also known as meta16:52
ash_worksiyou're right16:53
rfm^w is handled by the tty driver, not bash (see stty -a) which is why the bash help doesn't list it16:54
ash_worksiI don't understand the output of stty -a16:55
ash_worksioh I see some stuff16:55
masonash_worksi: man stty has a key16:56
masonor... a glossary?16:56
ash_worksiI guess I don't really understand the man there either, but w/e; I didn't really see a ^w equivalent for forward-delete16:58
ash_worksithanks for helping me with this stuff btw16:59
rfmash_worksi, stty wouldn't have a forward delete, it thinks it17:08
rfms on a actual teletype and is always working at the end of the line17:09
ash_worksiI see17:09
ash_worksithanks rfm17:09
ash_worksirfm: you wouldn't happen to know of a shortcut key that does what I want (forward-delete to space {ignoring delimiters like [-_/]})17:10
rfmash_worksi, no.  real emacs lets you specify that characters like -_ are considered part of the word, but I can't find such an option in the readline docs...17:14
oerheksshift-delete skips the word to next space, AFAIK17:14
rfmash_worksi, real emacs also has "sexp" motion commands which move farther than words, but readline doesn't seem to.17:15
ash_worksirfm: I just figured there might be something that was the forward equivalent to ^w17:15
ash_worksioerheks: shift-delete (not backspace) results in 2~ for me17:16
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lalitmeeHey Guys, I can't gnome settings in my Ubuntu 20.04. I don't know what happened here. I recently updated my ubuntu 18.04 to 20.0417:42
lalitmeewhen I am searching for the fix on the google it is suggesting that I have to install ubuntu-desktop or gnome-control-center but when I am trying to install these one by one some pkgResolver Error is coming17:43
lalitmeeThis is the error E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages17:46
oerhekstry apt install -f ## dpkg --configure -a17:46
oerheksand run updates again; sudo apt full-upgrade17:46
oerheks( i wonder why you upgraded with the -d option, upgrade path is not released)17:47
lalitmeeoerheks: I tried apt-install -f and dpkg --configure -a but nothing is happening17:47
lalitmeefull-upgrade is also not doing anything17:47
lalitmeeoerheks: oh yeah I can see the command in my history that I updated with -d option17:48
lalitmeeoerheks: what can be done now?17:48
oerheksboot a 20.04.1 live iso, chroot the system and reinstall ubuntu-desktop?17:49
lalitmeeby live iso you mean that I should boot with a bootable pendrive and then do something?17:50
oerheksyes, see this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery17:50
lalitmeeoerheks: actually currently I don't have any pendrive with me. any other way to solve that/17:52
lalitmeeoerheks: actually currently I don't have any pendrive with me. any other way to solve that?17:52
koteksolve what? I just joined17:53
kotekMaybeI can help17:53
oerheksone could try to boot in recovery mode..17:53
kotekYeah, ubuntu recovery mode is scary17:55
lalitmeekotek: I updated my ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 with -d and now I have lost some of the softwares like gnome settings17:55
koteklalitmee, right. Can't you reinstall what you need?17:55
pavloslalitmee: maybe you can install synaptic and let it fix broken pkgs17:55
kotekpavlos, +17:56
oerheksapt seems broken ..17:56
oerheksthat is why i suggest live iso; get an usb thingy and fix it17:57
lalitmeepavlos: I have synaptic and I can do that. But just now I was trying to resolve some dependencies using aptitude and it was asking me to remove so many packages somewhat 300 packages and I don't know if that will create a problem for me or not. And I don't know if the synaptic will do the same thing or different17:57
lalitmeeoerheks: I have ordered a Pendrive just now. We will try with that too if nothing works17:58
kotekWell, I suggest you back everything up next time17:58
kotekCan't have too many backups17:58
lalitmeepavlos: This removing of packages has happened to me once and I had to reinstall my Ubuntu. I don't want that. Because that takes a lot of time to setup a new system with all of my configs.17:59
lalitmeekotek: I was trying to take backup but it was taking a lot of time to back it up.17:59
kotekWell, yes. Backups take time18:00
lalitmeekotek: can I use timeshift for backup?18:00
oerheksif you don't have a backup already, your data is unimportant.18:00
pavloslalitmee: can you doa clean reboot?18:00
lalitmeepavlos: clean reboot? how to do that? I know only simple reboot.18:00
pavloslalitmee: sorry, that's what I meant18:01
koteklalitmee, I never tried timeshift. I just use an rsync-based script18:01
lalitmeeoerheks: Actually you can say that because my office work is on github and my system configs are also there on github as dotfiles but still it takes a lot of time to setup the new system18:02
pavloslalitmee: after a reboot try the sudo apt install -f hoping that apt will be ok18:02
lalitmeekotek: ohh you never tried timeshift. But timeshift is asking me to choose the snapshot type and it has two options RSYNC and BTRFS?18:03
oerhekspavlos, +1 .. if that does not work, please post the output on paste.ubuntu.com , thanks18:06
koteklalitmee, I used to take dd images of my drives. Negatives: size, slowness. Positives: 100% backup that can be imaged to a drive. Now I just backup my home and a list of installed packages.18:07
pavloslalitmee: dpkg -l | grep ^iU ... does it list any packages?18:09
pavloslalitmee: apt-mark showhold ... does it show any help pkgs? ... try to unhold, sudo apt-mark unhold pkgname18:14
__infinityI would like to do the upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04, but I'm getting "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu"18:20
__infinityafter checking the logs, there is a fuck ton of broken packages https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Cd2y349pMn/ How should I proceed? Am I really supposed to remove them all?18:21
sarnold__infinity: I don't think 'broken' means 'broken' here, so much as 'because there is a Breaks: dependency in place, this package is now considered to be broken'18:22
__infinityohh thanks, that looks a little bit better now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/njxnDDM4FJ/18:25
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:26
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__infinitystill not sure what to do, looks like ubuntu 20.04 doesn't support python218:54
sarnold__infinity: python2 is in universe in 20.04, but it's still there18:57
__infinity2020-08-19 20:46:03,439 DEBUG Removing 'python-minimal' (python-is-python2 is being installed on the system)18:58
__infinity2020-08-19 20:46:03,439 INFO failed to remove python-minimal18:58
__infinity^ upgrade breaks because of this18:59
oerhekspython2 .. such old version19:02
MazinKaesarguys I think I found a regression, snd_hda_intel hangs my system on any 20.04.x and any daily build of 20.10, I have a Dell Precision M480019:16
MazinKaesaranyone is having this issue?19:16
__infinitywohoo it's working now, I'm upgrading to 20.04 :)19:30
__infinityit was really stupid, the problem was caused because I had installed sqlmap and hashcat19:31
sarnold__infinity: excellent :)19:31
sarnoldMazinKaesar: it doesn't sound familiar to me; have you filed a bug report yet?19:32
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AavarThis is definitely the wrong place to ask,but maybe you can point me in the right direction... I have an idea for a system where a raspberry pi (or another computer) can control a server over rs232. I know the other way is easy. that way I could remote control my homeserver even when the network is down or ubuntu wont boot. Does anyone have an idea19:54
Aavarhow to achieve this?19:54
sarnoldAavar: on the server side https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt#L62719:58
sarnoldAavar: on the client side, you can use screen or minicom or similar things to use the serial port19:59
Aavarsarnold: I also found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto Is this regarding the same thing (I know It's old, but I think I should be able to adapt it to a more modernsystem)?20:02
sarnoldAavar: ubuntu hasn't used upstart in ages, so that'll need changing :)20:03
Aavarsarnold: I know, but it is regarding the same thing, right?20:03
Aavarsarnold: Thank you :) One last question. Do you know if this requires a built in serial port, or will an add on card or usb work?20:05
Aavarthank you again. Have to run :)20:06
sarnoldAavar: when the system is running okay, probably both would be fine; when the system is unhappy -- eg a panic or oops or similar -- the usb version may not be as successful. :/ it's been too long since I've done serial to be confident20:06
sarnoldsee ya Aavar20:06
immy102i just overwrote my apt sources.list - i did sudo tee - a instead of sudo tee -a20:07
immy102it only has one line in there now20:07
immy102i see a sources.list.save file, but it seems fairly spartan20:11
sarnoldimmy102: you can get a pretty good start on a replacement using https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:13
younderGotta love that nvidia xavier nx20:19
younderruns ubuntu and is as fast ast a laptopt20:20
younderyet the sixe of a credit card20:20
younderAimed mostly at the AI market robotic vision.20:21
dogmatic69Hi all, got an issue with my sound (or lack there of). In pavucontrol I've tried every sound device with no luck. Though I can see the little bar moving when there should be sound.20:23
dogmatic69It was previously working fine, but I've added a second (identical) gfx card.20:23
younderI have had one for 3 months now and tried one to recognize vegetables from supermarkets. I use it to in self serve checkout counters in supermarkets to recognize the fruit that is weighed. Connects to the existing system and just 'types' in the fruit.  10000 orders. Thanks ubuntu and nvidea :)20:26
younderdogmatic69, I found a flow chart a while back that has worked well. Not like audio has been updated since 2006 anyway20:30
MazinKaesarstill having  snd_hda_intel hang issue even on 18.04.5, no one has the same issue?20:34
youndersorry wrong link. this is the one http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/sound/sound_troubleshooting.htm20:35
dogmatic69Was just checking I did not post in #windows :D20:36
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paul98can you resize the root partition using a ubuntu live usb?20:44
paul98or would i need something like gparted20:45
younderpaul98, no, partion sixes are pratically writettn instone. Yo can expand a parion which has unallocated sectors behind it in which case use gparted.20:47
paul98 so I can't strink the partition?20:47
dogmatic69technically you can but there is no telling what it will cut off20:48
paul98I get that20:48
younderSure if pars of it are unallocated, but at the end. You can't move blocks. Which is a real handicap.20:48
paul98i'm only using 100gb of 500gb20:48
paul98i'll take the risk20:48
dogmatic69younder, been through it and no dice. :/20:49
paul98so would you go gparted or live ubuntu ?20:49
dogmatic69probably live as you want to unmount the disk20:50
younderare you using knopfix to boot?20:51
paul98using what ever the defautl for ubuntu is20:52
summonnerbrand new install of ubuntu 20.4.1 LTS, and apt is now broken. AttributeError: module 'apt_pkg' has no attribute 'TagFile' - there's not much information out there on fixing this20:53
younderSeems like you best bet if you are trying to fuck with the existing partions of a disk. If you are logged in as root you can resize home, since rot is under / but little else. W20:54
paul98basically I need to make 100gb partition to install windows (don't hate me)20:55
younderpaul98, Oddly we are fine with Windows these days and Microsoft is fine with Ubuntu.20:56
paul98you never know in this day in age!20:57
paul98and to be honest if it kills linux, i'll just rebuild it at later stage20:58
younderpaul98, Common wisdom is to install windows first and the ubuntu. Though it is possible to do it the other way around it is much harder.21:01
paul98to be honest, I never thought I would need windows, i've had ubuntu on this laptop for 11 months now, but there is some software I need to use that I can't get working on linux so just going to roll back to windows21:02
younderpaul98, been there I run autocad and fusion360 on a windows machine.21:03
paul98yup I need some data logging software for circuit racing normally someone else looks at it but they are not going to be there so need windows for the software :( pain in the arse if you ask me21:04
younderCAD in general is difficult on Unix. There is VariCad for mechanical engeneeiring. But the other options are just 'drawing programs'21:04
paul98yer I get you, shame wish they gave me a mac, problem solved lol21:05
summonnerHasn't AutoCAD migrated some of their software into WASM, so you can run it in a browser now?21:05
youndersummonner,  yes21:06
youndersummonner,  never tried it, but worth a try21:06
summonnerI expect you'd need to download the new binaries to have them locally or something. Wouldn't want to have to download 300MB or so before the web interface kicks in21:07
youndersummonner,  I expect the web browser is just a client that the software runs in the 'cloud'21:08
compufreakis it possible to add a supplemental route with netplan while preserving the default gateway from dhcp? Here's what I have https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SHTmXnCz9j/21:11
youndercompufreak, perhaps, a supplemental route to what? For one thing you need another prort.21:19
compufreakI want to add a link local 169.254/16 route so the only ethernet interface which is on a rfc 1918 (172.16/22) network21:20
compufreaki.e. `ip route add dev enp0s2` while preserving the default route/gateway from dhcp21:21
younder192.168 is private21:21
younderof 10.x,x,x21:22
younderYour IPV4 addresses clash with existing weg  addresses21:23
compufreakno, those are link-local addresses https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3927#section-2.121:24
younderI feel we need to get back to basics.21:24
pavlosyounder: this is a link local address (
compufreakI have a cloudinit metadata service on which works fine, but the host needs a route telling it that address it on-link so it doesn't try to send the packets through the default gateway21:25
younderOK I am a bit at loss.. Confused and probaly wrong21:25
compufreaklink local addresses are similar to rfc 1918 but they're not supposed to be routed21:26
compufreaki.e. they only work on the same local link (layer 2 network)21:26
compufreakso a hypervisor has a bridge with a interface and the VM talks to that to set itself up with cloudinit21:27
younderI can't say I understand, but I am slightly less confused21:28
compufreaki was trying to keep my netplan network agnostic where it'd work with dhcp without hardcoding the gw but im suspecting maybe that's not possible21:28
younderhuperviser ok now I get it21:28
compufreakwith the on-link route, when the vm connects to it sends out an arp and the service on the same l2 responds21:28
compufreakwithout the on-link route, it sends the packet to the MAC of the default gw which doesn't work21:29
compufreakcloudinit automagically checks address without additional config so i was trying to stick with that21:29
compufreakbut basically i was hoping to add a route with netplan but it seems like that overrides the default route21:31
compufreakso if i add another route for the default route in netplan, that ties the image to the specific subnet since the gw ip is hard coded21:31
younderhva e you seen how vitualbox or docker does it?21:34
younderhave  you seen how victual box  or docker does it?21:35
pavloscompufreak: look at the netplan example (if it helps) ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/993971/how-can-i-add-a-route-that-is-on-the-link-directly-connected-to-the-interface21:35
compufreakyeah, I saw that but I would need to specify gateway4 afaik21:36
compufreakit doesn't work omitting that21:36
younderdont forget the firewall.21:37
younderor it will never see the light of day (the web)21:38
younderIn linux it is called IP Masquraing21:38
kxslhow do i get auto guest resize to work in virtualbox on 20.04? I have the guest additions installed from 20.04 repo, but the option on the menu is grayed out21:54
sarnoldkxsl: wild guess, you may need to reboot the guest to get it to use a different video driver22:01
kxslive rebooted dozens of times trying to get this work, experimenting with settings, trying random things22:02
sarnoldheh :(22:03
oerhekskxsl, maybe increase videomemory in vbox settings??22:04
oerhekselse i would blame dkms/laque of dkms22:05
kxsli believe i already tried increasing the ram, but i try again. 16mb was fine on 18.04. what might the problem with dkms be? virtualbox-guest-dkms is installed and claims to build and install the vboxvideo module22:06
oerheksno, 64 or more mb .. 128 mb shoudl not be an issue, even with 1 gb gpu memory22:07
kxslincreasing ram doesn't help22:09
Lvl4SwordWhen installing nmap, zenmap is recommended to install. Though, when attempting to install it you'll get the error: "Package 'zenmap' has no installation candidate".22:18
sarnoldLvl4Sword: looks like it' sthat way in debian, too, you could report it via https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting22:21
oerheksinteresting, what linux version lchlan ??22:21
oerheksyeah, zmap is recommended22:21
Lvl4Swordsarnold, Also getting "However the following packages replace it:  ndiff" - Though ndiff is completely different to nmap/zenmap :-)22:21
oerheksshow us the output ?22:22
Lvl4Swordoerheks, How so? Screenshot or some such?22:22
oerheksAFAIK you are not running ubuntu.22:22
Lvl4SwordI'm running Ubuntu Mate 20.0422:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:23
Lvl4Swordoerheks, I'm not sure what a screenshot would provide that I haven't already given22:23
oerhekswait, why are dependencies changed? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/nmap -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/nmap22:24
Lvl4Sword:| Not good news22:25
oerheksdid you enable universe?22:26
Lvl4SwordSure didn't22:26
oerhekssudo apt-add-repository universe22:26
Lvl4SwordThis is on an install I've had for less than a week22:26
oerhekssorry, things changed ..22:27
Lvl4SwordHuh. Weird that universe would need to be installed for zenmap22:27
sarnoldnote that that launchpad page says zenmap was removed from the distribution before focal was released22:28
Lvl4Swordoerheks, Huh, guess universe is enabled by default? - 'universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources22:28
oerheksthis gets weirder ..22:29
oerheksfile a bugreport22:29
Lvl4Swordsarnold, Yeah I see that too. Very weird22:29
Lvl4SwordWell, I'm not in a position right now to report. Was actually just about to go AFK.22:29
masonDebian Buster ships nmap.22:31
sarnoldLvl4Sword: start here https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting22:32
baymanI installed unattended-upgrades. how do I check when upgrades are scheduled?22:53
oerheksbayman, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades would show a number in days22:55
pavlosLvl4Sword: https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues/202223:37
Lvl4Swordpavlos, Thank you for that! Very appreciated23:39
oerhekspavlos, plausible; Zenmap optionally depends on pygtk which depends on libglade which is a python2-gtk2 component not python3-gtk3.23:40
pavlosoerheks: agree ... workaround, not a def solution23:41

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