[00:46] Hi, I have an issue with the OS, I'm here to try get some help === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === sorcerer_ is now known as sorcerer [07:54] Hi, I got the tiniest bug maybe you know a remedy: 1. open the whisker menu, type something, use arrow down. The first arrow down does not get acknowledged. [07:54] it's tiny but annoying :) [07:58] And another tiny thing: is the file open dialog in apps coming from the OS? Can I somehow paste a path there? [08:18] or should I ask in #xfce? (will do in 30mins otherwise, guess there is a big overlap between channels :) ) [08:20] Is SUPR+E a default shortcut for anything? Doesn't work for me when I try to map it to something specific. [08:20] It doesn't tell me that it's already used either though [09:56] anotheryou, I'd suggest you file a bug, I don't know your release but launchpad would be first (if it exists in a development release, I'd also consider filing upstream with XFCE too & link bug reports) [09:57] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [09:58] guiverc: just got feedback in the xfce channel :) it's already fixed in the latest version [09:58] :) [11:45] what do you think my chances are of running a quadro FX 5600 and a geforce 970 on the same system ? [11:45] i want to use the gaming card for realtime rendering in blender and the older quadro just for the viewports [11:46] windows didnt work too well because of the massive age difference in between the drivers [11:47] hmm I can already see it installing libnvidia compute 440... [11:47] wish me luck people im going in [12:28] Bonjour [12:29] Je voudrai réduire le temps de chargement de grub? [12:44] !fr [12:44] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [12:45] letho4: ^^ [12:47] letho4: C'est la variable GRUB_TIMEOUT dans /etc/default/grub [12:58] eric@Eric:~$ /etc/default/grub [12:58] bash: /etc/default/grub: Permission non accordée [12:58] eric@Eric:~$ [12:58] eric@Eric:~$ /etc/default/grub [12:58] bash: /etc/default/grub: Permission non accordée [12:58] eric@Eric:~$ === sorinello1 is now known as sorinello === sorinello1 is now known as sorinello === sorinello1 is now known as sorinello === coconut__ is now known as coconut [17:38] Just wanted to report a bad link on the https://xubuntu.org/download page. Near the bottom, the 64-bit and 32-bit torrent links are pointing to 18.04.4 torrents. Thx!! [18:21] Hello! Xubuntu 20.04.1 is said to have been released. But haven't I got an update notification in my Xubuntu 18.04.5 LTS till now? [18:22] Typo. ... But _why_ haven't I ... [18:37] xu-irc81w, upgrade path for do-release-upgrade is not rolled out yet [18:38] xu-irc81w, keep an eye on omgubuntu.co.uk [18:42] Thanks, coconut. Why isn't it rolled out yet? Is there an obstacle, even if the release exists already? [18:42] I mean, isn't upgrading kinda risky? [18:43] xu-irc81w, it is released only after some guarantees are seen, so that takes time [18:47] xu-irc81w, the release may be fine, but upgrading may result in bad things, which ubuntu members do not want for upgrades between LTS'es. [18:48] I see, thanks. I was about to ask a question about these details. But it's clear now. [18:52] to make an upgrade path and take into consideration every single minor library and config to be upgraded and not to break anything, that's a very hard task, look at the nightmare after some windows upgrades ppl get their files deleted or left with a broken system.