[00:05] blackboxsw_, This PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529 is now ready for rereview. [01:59] momousta: excellent. I'll peek at it tomorrow [02:02] BTW on first glance. things look good. will peek in depth tomrrow morn [03:41] Great, thanks in advance. [16:38] momousta: if around. review complete on your PR with the expection of one question https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529#pullrequestreview-471784769 [16:39] and 2 minor inline comments left on your branch [16:39] Sure, I'll take a look. Thank [17:00] blackboxsw_, answered the question and incorporated the suggested changes [18:06] momousta: thanks. I'm giving this one more run in azure and will land it [19:04] merged https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/529 thanks momousta [19:21] falcojr: I just merged Odd_Bloke's xenial grub fix. looking over yours now [19:21] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/514 [19:27] falcojr: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/537 landed [19:29] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/538 landed [19:29] so xenial bionic and focal in good shape [19:29] for grub-related issues [20:08] falcojr: I'm wrapping up review comments on compressed ud via cloud-init query branch https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/516 [20:09] when that's landed, I think we are a "go" for cutting upstream release 20.3 [20:10] rharper and minimal thanks for the work, review and landing Alpine linux support via https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/535 [20:10] I don't *think* there were any other branches that we were waiting on for upstream release of cloud-init 20.3 [20:11] if there are other in flight PRs that we expect to land before SRU, someone can bonk me over the head with a keyboard.. otherwise, by EOD today, I think we are ready to cut that release [20:16] blackboxsw_: sure; I don't know of anything else [20:35] thanks. ok awaiting CI on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/516 falcojr, then we can cut a new upstream 20.3 I think [20:35] that should contain the handling of compressed userdata from cloud-init query (which breaks juju deployed cloudinit vms) [20:36] ... well, which breaks ubuntu-advantage-tools `ua attach` of juju deployed vms on clouds [20:36] to be more specific [21:18] ok one more branch that we are hoping to close out on for this upstream release.... if possible: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/516 needs an upstream reviewer +1 rharper or smoser if you guys get a chance. OddBloke is out for two weeks [21:19] I addressed all review comments [21:19] failure case is testable by juju deploy ubuntu on ec2 and trying to run 'cloud-init query --all' [21:20] github won't let me merge it as I haven't gotten an official upstream dev +1 [21:20] blackboxsw_: lemme look [21:20] thanks ryan [21:34] blackboxsw_: reviewed; just a few suggestions on the docstrings; and I don't have strong opinions on the pytest stuff so I hope suggestions/changes to that can be done separately if we land the PR today [21:40] thanks rharper I've addressed those docstring concerns, I think I was trying to document too much in the load_userdata function. That base64-encoding is what cloud-init utility function load_json does when it can't serialize binary data (before we ultimately output the JSON instance-data merged dictionary) [21:40] so that docstring didn't really belong in that load_userdata function [21:41] and I figured the unittest rework I'd have to talk to Odd_Bloke about in 2 weeks just to see if generally we can make the pytest fixture a bit more flexible for the use-case I have [21:41] ok [21:44] thanks again. I think we are awaiting feedback on one more Azure PR for boot timeouts, but that should wrap it for this upstream release [21:50] nice