
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Javacookies [I guess this isn't one of those devices that are complicated and risky to flash …], just the normal follow steps - if error, clear caches again :)01:43
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mateosalta [just the normal follow steps - if error, clear caches again :)], looks like it....but the "not all devices are unlockable" really got me worried 😅02:34
ubptgbot<mateosalta> Yeah, the special site that sends an unlock code02:44
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I remember another brand stoped unlocking some of their older phines02:46
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] I remember another brand stoped unlocking some of their older phoned02:46
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] I remember another brand stoped unlocking some of their older phones02:46
ubptgbot<Javacookies> aftet 15 updates I'm now in Android 8.0...not sure if it's the last..for a moment it shows I'm updated but something came up again02:50
ubptgbot<Javacookies> my MX4 has been performing well since I bought my Xperia X 😂03:13
ubptgbotUhuuyy8 was added by: Uhuuyy803:29
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Javacookies [aftet 15 updates I'm now in Android 8.0...not sure if it's the last..for a momen …], I did it that way the first time too. Took days to update. You could of course download an Android 8.0.0 image and flash that to speed up the process. 🤓05:19
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yeah but I already started this way so just trust the process...long process 😄05:25
ubptgbotSentinelSpike was added by: SentinelSpike06:23
ubptgbot<bananovnik> (Voice, 1s) https://irc.ubports.com/olRDhdhZ.oga07:07
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Any Xperia X users have issues when a text comes in the audio for the text notification sounds jumpy. Even when the phone rings its like it cannot complete the audio file its using in a constant stream.07:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> recovery mode always restarts so I can't continue with the installtion.🙁07:39
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it says couldnt load botmap icon07:39
ubptgbotH was added by: H07:55
ubptgbot<Javacookies> okay, after 23 updates finally got UT 😄 … just had to wipe stuffs via twrp and it went through07:55
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Arm64?08:34
ubptgbot<markvesime> kugi, how does it compare to the nexus 5?08:42
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @malditobastardo [Arm64?], yeah I tried arm64 for now though I'm not sure if it's ready as daily driver08:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @markvesime [kugi, how does it compare to the nexus 5?], so far I think it's similar to Nexus 508:48
ubptgbot<markvesime> except the battery lasts a lot longer!08:59
ubptgbotHanson Ronan was added by: Hanson Ronan09:02
ubptgbot<Hanson Ronan> Any UBports developer?09:06
ubptgbot<Hanson Ronan> Pm me09:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @markvesime [except the battery lasts a lot longer!], haven't lasted a full battery yet to kkow but I would think it will since Nexus 5 isn't known to have good battery09:07
ubptgbot<b4thed4wn> Just watt to htx the UB touch team for Nour great wok and dedication. I have been using the nexus 5 as my dayli driver fore atleast a month now and it works great!09:10
ubptgbot<b4thed4wn> *your09:11
ubptgbot<Javacookies> congrats and welcome to world of UT 😄09:12
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @Hanson Ronan [Pm me], Seeing that everyone is quite busy as is, I doubt you will get much reaction unless you give some incentive to do so.09:40
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @Hanson Ronan [Pm me], [Edit] Seeing that everyone is quite busy as is, I doubt you will get much reaction unless you give some incentive to do so. … Like maybe some background info or such09:50
ubptgbot<Hanson Ronan> @ArubIslander [Seeing that everyone is quite busy as is, I doubt you will get much reaction unl …], Yeah I don't why people so busy10:13
ubptgbot<mimecar> Holidays...10:14
ubptgbot<Hanson Ronan> Busy with family I guess10:15
ubptgbot<Javacookies> not sure if I was just imagining things but I think I saw Dalton use fingerprint on an Xperia X but I don't see that option on mine....probably something that's still missing in the arm64 build?10:47
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Javacookies [not sure if I was just imagining things but I think I saw Dalton use fingerprint …], oohh, hmmm, interesting.10:55
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> do you guys have any issues with bluetooth speakers, the sound is very glitchy when I try to connect to a bluetooth car adapter.  Seems to work fine on android.10:56
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> [Edit] do you guys have any issues with bluetooth speakers on the Xperia A, the sound is very glitchy when I try to connect to a bluetooth car adapter.  Seems to work fine on android.10:56
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> [Edit] do you guys have any issues with bluetooth speakers on the Xperia X, the sound is very glitchy when I try to connect to a bluetooth car adapter.  Seems to work fine on android.10:56
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @wayneTBT [do you guys have any issues with bluetooth speakers on the Xperia X, the sound i …], are you using armfh or arm64 (egde)?10:57
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> how would I know?10:57
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> uname -a provides the following... … aarch6410:59
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @wayneTBT [how would I know?], depends on what you selected during installation10:59
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> ok, that was quite a while ago, I cant remember what I did yesterday 😁11:00
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I jsut tried connecting to my av receiver....my xperia x hanged 😅11:01
ubptgbot<Javacookies> oh it's moving again11:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> sound works fine11:02
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> ah, ok.  Interesting, thanks for checking.11:02
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Perhaps I give it another shot.11:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> bluetooth on UT can be a bit picky with compatibility, you can really have different experiences depending on your BT device11:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> my JBL Go crashes UT though it's working better since the recent updates … my LG speaker works well on the get go11:03
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Javacookies [my JBL Go crashes UT though it's working better since the recent updates … my LG s …], The new go version works fine. It's the old one that doesn't play11:09
ubptgbot<Javacookies> i have the old one and it does work now though I think not perfect yet but usable11:09
ubptgbot<Javacookies> before it just crashes blutooth on UT and make the whole system sluggish until a reboot11:10
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Javacookies [bluetooth on UT can be a bit picky with compatibility, you can really have diffe …], ok, thanks for the heads up on this.  I have tested it with my  TV bluetooth speaker.  I get the occasional glitch but its handleable11:11
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> However my car bluetooh adapter is just unuseable.11:12
ubptgbotponcowae was added by: poncowae12:36
ubptgbot<vsvoid> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Yn7nhTFDVj/   … Could anyone please help me solve this error13:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> @vsvoid [https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Yn7nhTFDVj/   … Could anyone please help me solve this …], please don't cross-post. this is more appropriate for halium group where you posted it already. please be patient there13:58
ubptgbotarbsbdh was added by: arbsbdh14:44
ubptgbotCrystal Santos was added by: Crystal Santos15:09
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> I have this click package that gets removed every time I reboot my device. this is great for the download stats of the app in the store, but could anyone give me a pointer as to where I should be looking to disable this behavior?15:22
ubptgbotMr Stane was added by: Mr Stane15:44
ubptgbot<Mr Stane> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Pbo2dM7G.png15:44
ubptgbot<Tonia Kaymen> https://i.imgur.com/EzEZJB7.jpg16:21
ubptgbot<Javacookies> another question about Xperia X since I'm exciyed with my new phone 😄 … anyone else notice sometimes it's hard to do bottom gestures like in morph? … not sure if it's a hardware thing or maybe because I changed the scaling to a bit smaller16:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> also, auto-brightness seems to stay in the lowest level17:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I guess I should try armfh first to see of these are amr64 specific issues 😅17:02
ubptgbot<Crystal Santos> Google announced crypto event! 😍😍 … Info https://bit.ly/2YhrZjy17:49
ubptgbotsevralti was added by: sevralti18:40
ubptgbot<sevralti> Hi18:41
ubptgbota179179 was added by: a17917918:45
ubptgbot<a179179> Hi. Is there any modern smartphone which is supported by Ubuntu touch?  … I could not find any here: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ . Only old models. Impossible to buy a new device. Only used. … Please advice18:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> pinephone is new18:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> vollaphone is new18:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> but obviously a brand new device is not necessary to use ubuntu touch18:51
ubptgbot<sevralti> @a179179 [Hi. Is there any modern smartphone which is supported by Ubuntu touch?  … I could …], Oneplus 6T, Redmi, Mi A19:11
ubptgbot<sevralti> And other new devices..19:13
ubptgbot<a179179> @dohbee [pinephone is new], It is "out of stock" always ...19:13
ubptgbot<a179179> @dohbee [vollaphone is new], Will check it thanks!19:14
ubptgbot<a179179> @sevralti [Oneplus 6T, Redmi, Mi A], Tnx a lot19:14
ubptgbot<sevralti> Redmi 4-519:14
ubptgbot<sevralti> I am using OnePlus 6T19:14
ubptgbot<sevralti> And UBports19:14
ubptgbot<sevralti> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/X9Ner1UG.png19:15
ubptgbotAlexROdessa was added by: AlexROdessa19:20
ubptgbot<failton> @a179179 [Hi. Is there any modern smartphone which is supported by Ubuntu touch?  … I could …], You can choose any android phone and google it like "redmi 9 ubuntu touch" for example19:50
ubptgbot<joeth> @sevralti [Oneplus 6T, Redmi, Mi A], Mi A2 has early ubports support through the GSI as well, although it's not perfect20:12
ubptgbot<Ern_st> @sevralti [I am using OnePlus 6T], Any known bugs regarding cells/GSM ?20:51
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Ern_st [Any known bugs regarding cells/GSM ?], Sim 1 is not working, you need to put your sim in slot 221:18
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> github.com/ubports-oneplus621:18
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Also, morph browser is crashing when im logged in on gitea21:19
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Im away from home and cant check the logs or anything, because all I have is this phone21:20
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Ok thanks, not problem with loss of network time to time ?21:37
ubptgbot<Ern_st> [Edit] Ok thanks, no problem with loss of network time to time ?21:37
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Ern_st [Ok thanks, no problem with loss of network time to time ?], Not really it only loses wifi sometimes21:48
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> But thats rare ans you are connecting again after screen turns on21:48

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