=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [17:49] zaki: o/ [17:49] zaki: ulala's modules need to be configured again [17:50] that part is pending [18:37] hey pavlushka [18:37] how are you ! [18:37] u-la-la, [18:37] u-la-la, help [18:37] zaki: Hi, I'm a bot. Say .commands to me in private for a list of my commands, or see https://sopel.chat for more general details. My owner is pavlushka. [18:37] zaki: I am good, you? [18:37] pavlushka, ubuntu server uses too much ram [18:37] I'm okay [18:38] zaki: so? [18:38] zaki: you have a better one in mind? [18:38] pavlushka, just saying [18:38] centOS uses much less ram compared to ubuntu while idle [18:39] zaki: you tested debian? [18:39] zaki: I can work with centOS if you want. [18:40] pavlushka, I'm just saying , I was observing all ubuntu instance [18:41] aha