
cpaelzerrbalint: or +1 duty people): https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/systemd/groovy/amd64 looks even worse than usual - is that known and being worked on?06:27
yahnWimpress mind if I send you a DM on here?06:33
cpaelzerseems just to combine chances un multiple flaky tests https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4NgB2WSqVj/ unfortunately e.g. on x86 0.375*0.4*0.35 = 5% which is no fun07:27
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* Laney +1s in for the first time!08:27
cpaelzerwelcome to +1 Laney, do you have release-team powers to consider https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/britney/hints-ubuntu-groovy-mmdebstrap/+merge/389586 ?08:53
cpaelzerrbalint: about the bad systemd test rate - how about (until better) ignoring the RC of systemd-fsckd and tests-in-lxd - those seem to be the most flaky tests atm10:28
cpaelzerby ignoring the RC you could still collect data e.g. see if changes affect the rate10:28
cpaelzerfor now I'm trying to gather more data on systemd subtest results on retries if no on speaks up about the topic, but TBH I hate to waste test resources like that :-/10:31
cpaelzerThe recent +1 mails didn't cover the topic either AFAICS, we sometimes had bugs on those things let me check if there is one open this time ...10:32
cpaelzer1892130 is about one of the flaky tests, but no discussion/content yet - 1891527 is about kernel 5.8 hich the testbeds are not yet on10:35
cpaelzernone of the others suonds similar10:35
cpaelzerhmf, I'll try staring a different direction for now giving rbalint and others a chance to reply here :-)10:36
didrockscpaelzer: hey, argh, just saw you did golang-github-openprinting-goipp, I thought I would handle those (but we forgot the assignee) during our weekly meeting. Anyway, I’ll still post what I found12:00
Laneytjaalton: I was checking out some random stuff in excuses and I noticed some items are waiting on python3-ipaserver which you disabled in Ubuntu, what's the way forward there?12:09
cpaelzerdidrocks: ok, better twice than not at all12:10
cpaelzerdidrocks: the "golang-gopkg-ini.v1-dev" I spotted before and tkamppeter is working with the author to remove it (somewhere up in the bug)12:11
cpaelzerdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipp-usb/+bug/1891157/comments/612:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1891157 in ipp-usb (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ipp-usb" [High,New]12:12
didrockscpaelzer: yeah, and that one is bringing a ton of deps due to convey, this is where I pinged Till yesterday and he came with the removal. Still, I think posting my report can help if one day we want to promote it12:15
didrocks(hence posting even if status is invalid for that one)12:15
cpaelzerLaney: fyi the mmdebootstrap reset helped, thanks!12:18
tjaaltonLaney: what's waiting for it? the server still doesn't support bind 9.16, but might make it for groovy12:25
tjaaltonLaney: I guess you mean freeipa-healthcheck.. I need to break the circular dep13:18
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
Laneytjaalton: yeah something like that14:01
LaneyI think there was something else... dogtag?14:01
Laneywas a little group waiting to go in together14:01
eoli3nzyga-mbp chromium browser still not working with home mouted through NFS14:15
zyga-mbpeoli3n I'm in a call now14:15
zyga-mbpeoli3n can you snap refresh core --edge14:15
zyga-mbpand tell me if that works or not?14:15
zyga-mbpand if not, let's chat about details14:16
zyga-mbpbut I have calls for the next two hours so I may respond slowly14:16
eoli3nnp about this, tommorow if you have more time14:16
eoli3nsnap "core" is not installed14:16
eoli3nthat's what i get14:16
zyga-mbpcan you run "snap version"14:17
zyga-mbpand do the same with snapd snap,14:17
zyga-mbp(switch it to edge)14:17
zyga-mbpeoli3n and thank you for sticking to it, it's important to get used feedback that can be acted upn14:18
eoli3nzyga-mbp: and do the same with snapd snap, -> i don't get what you mean14:19
zyga-mbpyeah, we have not released for a loong while14:19
zyga-mbpthis will be in 2.4614:19
zyga-mbptry the beta channel or edge14:19
zyga-mbpeoli3n sorry, refresh the snapd snap to the edge channel14:19
zyga-mbpthis will give you recent master14:20
zyga-mbpwe just need to work through various product release blockers14:20
eoli3ni check how to do this14:20
zyga-mbpsnap refresh snapd --edge14:20
zyga-mbpthat should do it14:20
eoli3nthanks i'm on it14:21
eoli3nok for snap refresh snapd --edge14:22
eoli3nthen just retry to launch chromium ?14:22
eoli3nit seems to work, thanks ! when will this be released .14:22
zyga-mbpin a few weeks14:23
zyga-mbpit's complicated14:23
zyga-mbpwe have a beta already14:23
zyga-mbpbut some important bits that block 2.46 are not ready yet14:23
eoli3nso how to workaround with ansible ?14:23
zyga-mbpeoli3n just refresh to beta or edge14:23
zyga-mbpbeta is safer14:23
zyga-mbp(refresh snapd to beta)14:23
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
eoli3nif i change it to beta, it should be ok, righr ?14:24
zyga-mbpyes, beta was forked from master recently14:24
zyga-mbpthere will be a new beta image soon as well14:24
zyga-mbpeoli3n just the snapd snap needs to be in beta14:24
zyga-mbpother snaps can follow any channek14:24
eoli3nzyga-mbp -> http://ix.io/2uJ3 ?14:27
eoli3nthanks again14:27
zyga-mbpthough I haven't used ansible for snaps so I hope :)14:27
zyga-mbpbut it looks good14:27
eoli3nlets try anyway14:28
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LaneyI've got this feeling that meson should be in main really17:23
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xnoxmeson+ninja is the new autotools17:58
mwhudsongood morning21:22
sarnoldhey mwhudson :)21:26

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