=== zbenjamin is now known as Guest82134 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:18] Hey all. Has anyone managed to get postfix to work with dovecot+amavisd+clamav+spamassassin+mysql on 20.04? Someone decided to make it run chroot by default tired of trying to work my way around it. Has anyone got this working already? I'm at the point where I'm just going to recompile my own postfix. [02:20] nelgin: you may have better success in #ubuntu-server but it's a bit late for americas and a bit early for europe [02:21] for an issue with that many moving pieces, it might be easier to post about it on askubuntu.com, that way you can post all the config files and any log messages in one convenient place [02:21] I understand. It's only 9:30pm here in Texas but yes, might be a better place. Thanks. [02:21] True. Let me do that instead. [02:22] Oh, that's stack exchange site. I don't much care for posting there. [02:23] People would rather tell you that you didn't use "code" tags than help solve the problem :) [02:23] aww :( [02:23] I'll use the buntu forums [02:23] it's been years since I used to spend hours on SE sites, but I always liked fixing up new folks posts so they stood a chance of getting an answer [02:23] yikes, good luck :) [02:23] ? [02:24] That bad? [02:24] well, there's a handful of folks who seem to know what they're doing, but the amount of completely wrong stuff I've seen there makes me reluctant to let anyone head there, hehe [02:27] I wish they wouldn't do stuff like that. If I wanted something chroot, then I'd chroot it. [02:27] CentOS has named and named-chroot so you can pick. I'm moving from CentOS because I wanted to be more up to date - but this is really killing me. I might just go with Fedora instead. [02:29] No, I'm just going to compile my own postfix. I don't have time to deal with it. === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [04:12] Hi, never used apparmor before. I tried googling some things on how to view apparmor properties of a file (like selinux) but I'm coming up short. I'm trying to get a qemu-kvm VM to run through a custom script but even though the file permissions are correct and libvirt is running as root, it's getting an access denied error, which leads me to [04:12] believe it's apparmor related. [04:13] /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64.vga (my script) has the same exact (regular) permissions as /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 [04:17] see 'groups' are you member of kvm and libvirtd ? [04:18] oerheks the groups are libvirt and libvirt-qemu [04:18] but yeah my user is a member, has been. [04:19] oke, it was a hint, add that script to this group??\ [04:19] so this script, all it does is this: exec /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 `echo "$@" | sed 's|05:00.0|05:00.0,x-vga=on|g' | sed 's|06:00.0|06:00.0,x-vga=on|g'` [04:19] and it has the same exact permissions as the file it calls [04:20] same owner and group [04:20] This has worked on plenty of other systems (debian, fedora, gentoo) but oddly enough ubuntu is really strange for me so IDK what it might be. [04:22] no idea there :-( [04:22] I just found this, am looking into it: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/471345/changing-libvirt-emulator-permission-denied [04:24] the only thing i could think of was that bug qemu needs to be part of the kvm group as oerheks says [04:24] he is using qemu.. [04:25] i had that with gnome-boxes too [04:26] I see, "/usr/bin/kvm rmix," and "/usr/local/bin/* PUx," what is rmix and PUx? [04:34] man, this is strange. [04:37] I'm so stuck. can't get GPU passthrough to work, hoping this would help it but can't even get that to work [04:39] this tutor worked for me https://blog.zerosector.io/2018/07/28/kvm-qemu-windows-10-gpu-passthrough/ [04:40] What's crazy is I used to do GPU passthrough years ago [04:40] it shows up in my VM, but error 43. [04:41] I've tried so many things to get rid of that error, just doesn't go away :/ [04:41] the only thing different is that I'm using Q35 [04:45] if I go back to the "default" way of doing this, there's *never* any output on my 2nd GPU [05:00] hmm, might not be applying the vfio-pci early enough, gotta check this new mod. === mnabid is now known as mnabid_ === mnabid_ is now known as mnabid [06:24] hey doing a release upgrade via cli and it says "inhibiting until ctrl+c is pressed" [06:24] what is it inhibiting? is it actually doing the upgrade, there's no progress bar, no info, nothing [06:27] release upgrade to 20.04? [06:28] upgrade path is not released, AFAIK [06:30] oerheks: yes [06:30] 19.10 => 20.04 [06:30] sudo do-release-upgrade [06:30] it asked me if i wanted to staert the upgrade and i said yes, and it said to continue press enter and right under that it said inhibiting until ctrl+c is pressed [06:30] oh, oke. not for LTS > LTS [06:30] i just pressed enter and it started, this is a really bad message... :P [06:31] that continue to press enter shuld be the last item, not first [06:52] Hello. I have installed Ubuntu Focal and it's very slow... Also a black screen when starting. Any idea? [06:53] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xBHkeUps/irccloudcapture9005606756608316605.jpg [06:53] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/7BYB8GH3/irccloudcapture8764598737624137608.jpg [06:54] Clicks are not responding. [06:54] Everything is very very slow [06:56] In Live USB it was fine. I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 by formatting / root partition with Fedora 25 and reusing /home and swap partitions [06:56] cfoch if you're running a nvidia graphics card it might help to make sure the proprietary drivers are installed [06:58] I almost cannot use fui, every click is a 1 minute wait === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 === Trace_8 is now known as Trace_ [07:09] Ohhh [07:09] This computer has 2GB of RAM [07:09] Not enough for Focal Fossa right? [07:11] I still wonder why it worked fine in LiveUSB [07:11] Without slownesses === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [07:32] Crashplan in their infinite wisdom on linux have put a desktop.sh shell script to start the gui app in /usr/local/crashplan/bin/desktop.sh [07:32] What would be a good option to be able to easily access this? [07:34] cfoch, I tested 20.04/focal using 2gb laptops along with prior & later (groovy) releases.. I'd not use gnome though myself but a lighter GUI with 2gb ram [07:36] I use Ubuntu Focal with gui. LiveUSB works fine; installed terrible. [07:38] !specs [07:38] Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [07:39] use a lighter desktop? [07:39] mate, xubuntu,.. [07:39] !flavors [07:39] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [07:52] cfoch, in my testing Lubuntu is lightest, however it's Qt5 based so if you're using GTK3 apps; Xubuntu may end up being lighter (Lubuntu is now Qt5 so does better with KDE/Qt apps) [08:05] cfoch, check for videodrivers in the update settings menu :-) [08:07] hi, so I successfuly set up a wifi AP using NetworkManager, but I'd like to change some things, like static DHCP leases. Is that possible? What is it using as a dhcp server under the hood? === beaver|blc is now known as beaver|bbl [08:24] Hi all, I like the mate desktop environment and was thinking of upgrading my ubuntu system to 20.4. However, I'm thinking of using the ubuntu-mate iso, is this safe to do so? [08:24] because it's not official ubuntu [08:25] rbotoml, Ubuntu-MATE is an official flavor of Ubuntu [08:25] rbotoml, official flavors can be seen at https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours (you'll note that's ubuntu.com) [08:26] guiverc: oh, so it'll be safe? I mean, the ISO will not be tampered with? As that's what I'm scared of in general with linux, what happens if someone tampers with the iso [08:26] guiverc: cheers! [08:27] rbotoml, I'd not ask google or a search engine for official flavor websites, but trust ubuntu.com (asking for lubuntu can have you send to other unofficial sites that offer to provide it... stick to official sites) [08:27] alright cheers! [08:28] one should check the iso after download.. [08:28] rbotoml, linux mint have suffered altered ISOs, but that's never occurred with Ubuntu (website managed by Canonical or company; likewise for official flavor sites) [08:28] !md5sum [08:28] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu [08:29] I'd 100% agree with checksum validation ! [08:29] guiverc: Do you remember what was altered? [08:30] sorry I don't (not a Mint user so didn't take much notice) [08:30] So if I install ubuntu mate over ubuntu other than the gnome DE what else would I be 'missing'? [08:30] a hack with a malicious download url, https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2994 [08:30] I'd like to know the consequences if any of going down this route [08:31] rbotoml, very little... Main `ubuntu` may not have 'universe' enabled by default.. that's the major difference I can think of [08:32] actually that won't be noticed; 'universe' is enabled on MATE & all flavors by default [08:32] ah ok [08:34] oerheks: wow.... does this sort of think happen all the time to ISOs across the linux universe? I mean, anyone can do this right? If they host they're own mirror [08:34] No. [08:35] this is one of the few attempts i know, in 10 years. [08:35] download by the source, or verified torrents https://torrent.ubuntu.com/ [08:36] Right I see [08:37] main difference I can think of between mate & gnome is the different programs, mate uses caja instead of nautilus, pluma instead of gedit, etc... programs are very similar but each is more efficient on the intended desktop... nautilus/caja = file manager, pluma/gedit text editors etc for each app [08:38] Do the fella at canonical check that the flavours of ubuntu are not adding in malicious stuff in their isos? Do the people maintaining the flavours have to get approval in anyway from canonical? [08:38] guiverc: I like the way mate 'looks' and I think it's better for older hardware it certainly feels that way, I could be wrong [08:39] mate gives the old gnome2 look .. [08:39] oerheks: Which looks good imo [08:39] rbotoml, another BIG difference, for LTS releases main Ubuntu desktop (GNOME) has 5 years of supported life, flavors only come with 3 years (for desktop)... not an issue for most people as they release-ugprade before the 3 years anyway [08:40] rbotoml, I agree re: MATE looks & feel, plus lighter than GNOME, in my experience anyway [08:40] guiverc: why can't ubuntu just do a rolling release? [08:41] err... if you find a huge group of people who test it, ... [08:41] rbotoml, I'm on groovy currently, been on it since day after 20.04/focal release.. I consider my being on *development* cycle ~equal to rolling.. but their is always RHINO [08:41] rolling release sounds simple, still there are many variants on that theme.. and is exhausting [08:41] rbotoml, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/06/ubuntu-rolling-release-rhino-tool [08:42] cheers! [08:43] * oerheks waiting for the upgrade path release 18.04 > 20.04 [08:44] there are benefits to being on the stable release as oerheks is !! [08:46] well, experienced users can go wild on any release, i stick to LTS for the most common support issues. i do have a 2nd machine on 20.04 already, it is beautifull! [08:48] * guiverc has a dual boot on this box; the other OS is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS should this box give me trouble... [08:51] is there a tool in Ubuntu which can be used to query the state of security vulnerabilities for installed packages? [08:52] something like VuXML for FreeBSD ? [08:56] info debsecan [08:56] !info debsecan [08:56] debsecan (source: debsecan): Debian Security Analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version (focal), package size 29 kB, installed size 109 kB [08:56] oerheks: just installing it now :) [08:59] the command: [08:59] debsecan --suite $(lsb_release --codename --short) --source https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BBVA/ust2dsa/data/ [08:59] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/516010/am-i-at-risk-how-to-interpret-debscan-vulnerability-output [09:21] Do the fella at canonical check that the flavours of ubuntu are not adding in malicious stuff in their isos? Do the people maintaining the flavours have to get approval in anyway from canonical? [09:25] rbotoml, not again please, yes all isos and packages on the server are checked and tested. [09:25] lol [09:29] rbotoml: Perhaps you should do some basic reading on free and open source software licensing and continue your discussion after that. And please, use another forum than this global Ubuntu support IRC channel. Thank you! [09:32] I'll do some more reading, sorry fellas. Cheers for answering those questions [09:47] Good morning! Is it guaranteed that cron (or any other daemon) starts just after its installation? [09:48] cron starts on boot after install. sure. [09:52] !cron | lbracher start here [09:52] lbracher start here: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto === mateen1 is now known as mateen [09:56] oerheks, no, sorry, I wasn't specific enough. If I run sudo apt install cron, it's guaranteed it will be running just upon the finishing of this command? [09:58] cron is installed standard === CyberNekroRezus is now known as akem [09:58] !info cron [09:58] cron (source: cron): process scheduling daemon. In component main, is standard. Version 3.0pl1-136ubuntu1 (focal), package size 69 kB, installed size 262 kB [09:58] so, you are way off .. === mnemonic is now known as Guest27716 [11:02] I have the release tarball of an app that I want to install. It suggests "./configre && make && make install". I think it's better to install it via my package manager. What is the downside of using "checkinstall" to create a ".deb" file and install the app using "sudo apt install ./output.deb" ? [11:03] Hamilton: we usualy dont advice to compile your own software on ubuntu, try using the packages on the official repos instead [11:03] and/or snaps [11:04] aren't snaps also from official repos [11:07] lotuspsychje, The app has a release in repos but it is a little behind. There is simply too many cases that I want to install an app but there isn't a PPA or it. Is checkinstall the best we've got? I think it is better than "make install"ing [11:08] https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/bionic/tio [11:10] !info tio [11:10] tio (source: tio): simple TTY terminal I/O application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.32-1 (focal), package size 14 kB, installed size 54 kB === mateen1 is now known as mateen [11:10] the snap is also 1.32 [11:13] jelly: snaps are supplyed with snapd, most snaps themselfs maintained by external maintainers [11:14] lotuspsychje, I really wanted to use snap (I use it for VScode) but is file management is weird. Like I don't know what config file it is using or can I log file into somewhere other than the contained space [11:16] I had to resort to apt versions for VLC, ffmpeg, etc because of weird problems. Anyway suppose actually I am the mantaier of that app and I'm asked to provide a deb file. What is the 2020 way of doing so? [11:20] !compile | Hamilton [11:20] Hamilton: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall [11:28] Im getting "There is no development version of an LTS available" Im on 18.04 LTS and want to upgrade to 20.04 LTS [11:28] (when running do-relase-upgrade) [11:33] j`ey, the *taps* haven't been turned on for bionic to focal upgrades yet (conditions for stability haven't been met); see https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today if you want to force it [11:33] guiverc: I see. I guess there's a bunch of articles on the webt that are just copy/pasted from previous version upgrades [11:33] and then have the version numbers changed, but dont actually try it out [11:34] j`ey, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604 is the place to look for details .. [11:34] I guess I can force it, if neither of those 2 issues affect m [11:34] e [11:35] * guiverc trusts official ubuntu blogs/wikis/sources over bloggers... even in some wiki pages are out-of-date [11:36] there are other issues as well that go into decision to turn on *taps*, those are seen as BLOCKER bugs, ie. significant, minor/issues aren't listed but still enter the decision too [11:36] blockers; meaning the ones on the community hub list [11:36] yes, i would wait. some hours/days/weeks .. [11:36] nbusrone: no [11:37] 18.04 still has some years left anyway [11:37] ? yes [11:37] lotuspsychje : i haven't ask my question [11:39] nbusrone: oh im sorry :p [11:39] how do I check whether I am running wayland or x11 ? [11:39] lotuspsychje : is ok [11:40] easy to find,.. 1st result on bing/google > echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE [11:41] oerheks : x11 but when i run a command for x11 it will not run [11:41] oh? [11:41] tell us more [11:43] oerheks : when i try running xset dpms force standby or power off on command terminal it run but if it was drop into service script it will not run [11:45] nbusrone: check whether the DISPLAY env var is set [11:45] oerheks : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gsPZjJ9DWx/ [11:46] e.g. `export DISPLAY=:0 && xset dpms force standby` [11:47] Trieste : printenvhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TJx7vC2TxN/ [11:48] nbusrone: it's going to be different in the script depending on how it's ran, try adding the export line [11:50] Trieste : systemd[1]: Started perform an action when all logged [11:50] standbyscreen.sh[3534]: couldn't open display [11:50] hrm [11:52] Trieste : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/P47nd82ZT3/ https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SCbFZFbpNQ/ [11:54] should work, I guess - maybe also depends on the user, you're using this in a systemd service, right? [11:54] Trieste : yes , /etc/systemd/system/ [11:55] Trieste : I put the file in it , but if I run the command on terminal it run fine.That is why i am asking whether i am running wayland or not [11:55] Trieste : As i know wayland do no support xset dpms [11:56] Trieste : I try using dbus which wayland works but it's the same , in terminal it run but not on service . https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/n2qcZKnSv8/ [11:57] Trieste : it said some --session or --dest problem [11:59] Trieste : i hope someone can write a simple script for it to run . I forgot , my script for .service https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kQgbHDp8XC/ [12:14] Trieste : tried mayn times , can I ask at askubuntu ? [12:15] if it works in the terminal, but not from the service, it's not a wayland/x issue [12:16] imho it's an X permission issue, or something of the sort - unfortunately I can't really help you further [12:16] (if only because I've been struggling with a similar thing in the past and just gave up when I found out just how unreasonable X acts sometimes) [12:20] Trieste : all of the script and command runs on terminal but not on service which always throw display not found. [12:21] Trieste : i am not sure it's x or wayland issue.If permission , what does it mean ? no sudo ? [12:21] Trieste : i did chmod 776 [12:23] no, X has it's own arcane permission system [12:23] I'd ask on askubuntu for sure [12:25] amavisd-snmp-subagent[1333]: Can't locate NetSNMP/OID.pm [12:25] Trieste : actually for me it's very simple , I just want to set my monitor to turn off base on idle time.That's all since the blank screen will reset brightness when active.Using xset dpms or dbus will not have the same issue === mateen1 is now known as mateen [12:28] someone [12:28] amavisd-snmp-subagent[1333]: Can't locate NetSNMP/OID.pm [12:31] Trieste : do you actually what does ubuntu call for monitor screen power off ? which command did it call for ? screen saver ? [12:32] nbusrone /usr/sbin/amavisd-snmp-subagent [12:32] amavisd-snmp-subagent[1333]: Can't locate NetSNMP/OID.pm [12:35] PETURBG : ? which OS you are runnning ? [12:35] ubuntu [12:35] 18 [12:38] PETURBG : i am not good at it but did you install libnet-snmp-perl https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnet-snmp-perl [12:38] aptitude install libnet-snmp-perl [12:38] and restart and same [12:39] Installed: 6.0.1-5 [12:39] Installed: 6.0.1-3 [12:40] PETURBG : anymore output of error ? it should have more error on terminal than single line Can't locate NetSNMP/OID.pm [12:40] only this error [12:41] PETURBG : what command you are running ? [12:42] Hello, does installing dnsmasq overwrite my dns settings I setup in the connection manager? [12:44] PETURBG : I mean which mail server you are using [12:44] postfi [12:47] Hello [12:48] I'm having somre problems with apt/dpkg after an instalation attempt (tried to install mysql-8.0 but it broke, there's something in launchpad I think is a bug) [12:51] PETURBG, are you using Debian or Ubuntu? Curious since you're asking in both channels [12:55] !paste | rustedrat could you provide logs [12:55] rustedrat could you provide logs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:55] rustedrat: about what broke; also, what LP bug # you are thinking of would be nice to provide. [12:57] sure, one sec [12:59] sample from trying to unninstall: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vmjSy87mYC/ [12:59] The bug I believe is related is this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-8.0/+bug/1890114 [12:59] Launchpad bug 1890114 in mysql-8.0 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.21-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 failed to install/upgrade: installed mysql-server-8.0 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] [13:00] The message and operations match. The person tried to install and got a failed install, then the person also can't remove [13:01] my problem is that now nothing can be installed or removed, since apt/dpkg keeps saying mysql is broken, and trying to remove it has also been a problem [13:01] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-8.0 gives 8.0.21-0ubuntu0.20.04.4 .. you have 20.04.3 ... run proper updates first? [13:01] I never saw something like this, so I am really confused in what to do [13:01] hi, any newer ETA when release upgrades to 20.04 LTS might start working? [13:02] jelly no :-( [13:02] fairy nuff, thanks oerheks [13:02] hi [13:02] * jelly may continue to poke once a week [13:02] jelly, keep an eye on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604 [13:03] I am confirming it, but I beleive it is the latest [13:03] I may be going for a role where i have to build and support Ubuntu machines, would these machines be built (laptops) with windows techs like sccm, WDK or using Linux deployment tools i figure [13:03] oh, that's useful, thanks [13:03] rustedrat, no it is not, i showed you [13:03] oh, I see what you mean [13:04] that minor update might include the fix for the issue you encounter [13:04] hmm, how would I get it? apt is broken [13:04] and doing a full install is also a problem [13:05] rustedrat, and you used apt-get ( the old way) , try again with apt? sudo apt remove -f mysql-server [13:05] apt is superiour over apt-get now. [13:05] I tried both ways oerheks [13:05] the same message appears [13:05] I'm trying to get a hold of all the logs [13:06] People ask for my help and then leave to drink coffee...ugh [13:06] join them :-D [13:07] Hi folks [13:07] rustedrat: `apt update` works? [13:08] rustedrat: it should. if the install broke, you might want to try checking `apt install -f` to see if that picks up anything not yet installed. [13:19] neither apt update nor apt install are working, sme kind of error [13:21] I have two instances of Zoom launching at boot. One works fine, but pulseaudio keeps setting the others' volume to 10% (in the application volume control)… Any ideas on how to get them to behave normally? === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [13:42] Anyone using gedit ? sometimes , when I open a gedit , there is an extra tab saying 'starting text editor' where the cursor still in a loading spining.Anyone had experience similar issue ? [13:49] nevermind, reinstall fix it [13:51] Hello, I am trying to install windows 10 bootable usb on ubuntu 18.04 with woeusb should I use FAT or NTSF? [13:51] NTFS* [13:52] I want to install windows 10 on 64-bit computer. [13:53] I guess NTFS [13:53] sigv, oerheks, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wQGnYmshkp/ this is an example trying to install vim, when `apt update` or `apt install -f` runs it's the same [13:58] TeleGhost: first, that is a #windows questions. Second, just be aware, if you're going to install Windows on a machine with Ubuntu with intent of dual booting, you'll need to re-install/recover grub on said machine after Windows is installed. [13:58] no no dual boot [13:58] rustedrat: should check what the script /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server.postintall is actually trying to configure. [13:59] .postinst * [14:00] I got error message telling me I should unmount device or something like usb device is busy [14:00] so I can't burn iso image on usb [14:00] rustedrat: also, wondering whether unpacking a newer version of mysql-server would have a fixed postinst script. Could try that. [14:01] oh windows question ok [14:01] I tried to make a dpkg -i *.deb with mysql, didn't work, is that what you mean? [14:03] how do I unmount usb [14:03] ? [14:03] in terminal? [14:03] yes [14:03] TeleGhost: do you intend to use it with uefi? [14:03] (only uefi) [14:03] uefi I don't know what that is? [14:03] TeleGhost: it's a booting method [14:03] rustedrat, i see : 1 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 63 não atualizados. [14:04] TeleGhost: what is the output of "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:04] ? [14:04] yeah, it gives that message, but then it fails with the postinstall triggers from mysql [14:04] TeleGhost: it's a command for the terminal [14:04] rustedrat, you need to fix this, 63 not updated... run sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade # and reboot, then try again [14:04] I don't but I just want to unmount usb [14:05] I know* [14:05] yeah [14:05] without proper updating, installing software fails. [14:05] TeleGhost: that's what im trying to do [14:05] Let me try, one sec [14:06] oerheks: what I'm thinking is dpkg is trying to run a broken postinst before unpacking the new fixed postinst, if that's the underlying problem [14:06] https://termbin.com/gpjl [14:06] I am of that theory too sigv [14:06] sigv, that too.. not sure how to fix this [14:06] TeleGhost: type "sudo umount /dev/sdb1" "sudo umount /dev/sdb2" [14:07] because the person told me that could install everything fine before trying mysql-server [14:08] Also, as additional info, I already tried to purge, autoremove and dpkg remove it, but it wont go away [14:08] okay Eric^ thanks I think this worked [14:08] rustedrat: mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-8.0*.postinst ~/ [14:08] TeleGhost: ok, no problem [14:08] rustedrat: then, dpkg --configure -a [14:09] rustedrat: then, apt install mysql server again. This will then install the update and run the post-install script on that. [14:09] one sec, the person went to grab a cipotle...Love how people ask for help and leave me hanging [14:11] rustedrat: the idea i have behind this is that removing the pending postinstall script will "unlock" dpkg configuration failure and by extension apt. You can then install the newer patched version. Makes sense? [14:15] yes, it does [14:16] I just hope dpkg is as smart as I think that will keep locked [14:17] That will not* [14:22] sigv, trying to run the full-upgrade after removing the postinst give this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tk3wrVp4nb/ [14:23] the `apt install mysql-server`asked for a fix-broken, and gave the output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qzdFjTd4mJ/ [14:23] Is there any way I can remove mysql-server completely? === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray === halvors1 is now known as halvors [14:24] I tried removing that .deb, but apt still thinks it is in cache, so I don't think it is a corrupted package [14:28] and one thing you guys are correct, the syste is in 20.04.1, not the latest [14:28] which may be breaking the things === halvors1 is now known as halvors [14:43] Any thoughts? I'm trying to find a way to make dpkg forget that mysql exists somehow, since I am having trouble removing it and can't reinstall a newer version because the previous is broken [14:43] rustedrat, .. so, you did not update properly, and reboot? [14:43] It is failing midway in the reboot [14:43] in the update sorry [14:44] if you look the first paste I posted, it has theerror that us happening [14:44] interesting.. you did not mention that, not helpfull. [14:45] i am off for diner, maybe someone else can help. [14:45] Sorry, I just got that confirmation [14:45] can you use synaptic to completely wipe out mysql and fix broken pkgs? [14:45] thanks for the insights tho [14:46] not sure, to isntall synaptic I would have to be able to install it using dpkg, right? and dpkg keeps failing because it says mysql isn't properly configured [14:46] that's a deadlock situation, and I'm not sure how to work with it [14:47] sudo apt install synaptic gives you errors? [14:47] Like, the full-upgrade gives this outuput: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wrZQ7K4QHY/ [14:48] and yes, the same erros with this paste. bascially, mysql-server is stuck in a pseudo installed state [14:48] and that prevents me to install or uninstall anything [14:50] If I try to dpkg configure it, it is nto giving any error message anymore [14:50] but it still broken [14:51] dpkg -l | grep mysql ... what are the 2 characters in the beginning? [14:57] pavlos, https://file.io/4bO1F24UeleP sorry, people sent me an image instead of the output [14:58] but as you can see, there seens to be a werd situation where core thinks it should install version .3, when all are .4 [14:58] I"m having trouble finding a way to fix that [15:00] rustedrat: 404 file not found ... I'd like to get a list of what mysql is installed, dpkg -l | grep mysql should show that. The first 2 chars indicate status of pkg [15:01] rustedrat: get mysql removed, then do a dist upgrade [15:01] https://file.io/oh7soO3zrb81 [15:01] does this link work? [15:02] no, 404 again [15:03] the heck [15:03] I'll use imgur [15:08] can you follow this guide ... https://www.fosstechnix.com/tutorial/mysql/uninstall-mysql-8-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts/ [15:09] https://imgur.com/a/j16587h [15:09] server is ri, client is iU [15:09] server is ri, client is rU [15:16] rustedrat: sudo dpkg --purge mysql-server-8.0 gives you error? [15:20] Asked the person to run it, one sec [15:21] but the purging from that post gives https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QB3bRY799f/ [15:22] dpkg purge give: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VpNdYmPKQr/ === hugh_marera_ is now known as hugh_marera [15:23] Why is freeipa-server available on 16.04, 18.04, 19.10, but not 20.04? [15:25] northstrider: https://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg5759403.html [15:26] leftyfb: Ah thanks, how did you find that? I was looking but couldn't see anything like that [15:27] google [15:27] northstrider: 4th result when searching for "ubuntu 20.04 freeipa-server" [15:28] leftyfb: Doesn't show at all for me [15:29] search in incognito - can't see it [15:29] ended up being the 3rd result on the 2nd page in incognito [15:30] hm [15:32] Hello, can somebody fetch me package named "linux-libc-dev_3.13.0-176.227_i386.deb"? I cannot find it anywhere on Internet. [15:32] rustedrat: you may have to edit (as root) /var/lib/dpkg/status and manually remove all deps of mysql* pkgs, namely just those two (mysql-server-8.0 , mysql-client-8.0 ) [15:34] hmm [15:34] maybe that's the only way [15:34] what are the risks of it? [15:35] like, would I be completely removing the lines for those two or changing to use the .4 version [15:35] rustedrat: make a copy of status first, modify, see if dpkg is happy. If not, restore the backup copy. [15:36] Ok, will do [15:36] rustedrat: I would just remove the whole section for those 2 pkgs as if they dont exist anymore [15:37] I see [15:37] Maybe doing that I can try to get synaptic or something === Grldfrdom_ is now known as Grldfrdom === Grldfrdom is now known as Grldfrdom_ [15:45] rustedrat: look how the status file is, starts with Package:, Status:, Priority: ... ends with blank line. So if you remove those two (mysql-server-8.0, mysql-client-8.0) then dpkg might be happy. [15:47] rustedrat: then you can sudo apt autoremove; sudo apt autoclean and purge the rest of the mysql pkgs [15:48] oh, that sounds correct [15:49] sh0ne: Looks like you're stiill running Trusty, maybe think about upgrading to a supported release. At any rate, the file is still found on Launchpad at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/i386/linux-libc-dev/3.13.0-24.46 [15:49] I think will work [15:49] Person that asked for my help went to lunch, I'm waiting for their return [16:03] I have a dev system for work that I was given to use, it's a VM instance managed by puppet and LDAP. I want to change my shell, but chsh doesn't work because my login info doesn't exist in /etc/passwd which makes sense. Given that though, how do I change this? I can install nslcd-utils but that sounds like it would require admin access to LDAP and I don't know where to look for the usage of LDAP. [16:04] sorressean: contact your works IT department [16:05] already did. my contact isn't sure, so I'm back to research. where is LDAP access usually configured? Like what directs logins to run through LDAP? I might be able to pull the URI from there--I have root access. [16:07] rustedrat: also, you may have a /var/lib/dpkg/status-old (one day before) which might be good (not having mysql references) [16:09] Anyone seen mdadm: set device faulty failed for /dev/sda1: No such device when you want to set a disk in a raidset on failure ? [16:10] dear NetworkManager, can you stop needlessly hanging up my VPN when underlying wifi is changed? Openconnect can deal with that, please do not break it. Sincerely, jelly [16:12] sorressean, does "getent passwd yourusername" pull the info from ldap? [16:13] jelly: it does! [16:13] this is the compatible (and somewhat portable) way of reading the passwd database, works for both local and remote [16:13] also it shows my shell. [16:14] is it the desired shell now? [16:14] no, I'm trying to figure out how to change that. [16:14] it's bash, trying to make it go to zsh. [16:14] look at /etc/nsswitch.conf to see which nss modules are enabled for the line starting with "passwd" [16:15] there are at least 3-4 ways to make ldap users work :-\ [16:15] sss possibly being a nice one [16:15] passwd: compat ss [16:15] sss ? [16:16] ss* sorry. [16:16] I do not know what ss with just two "s"es iss. [16:16] well, apart from the WW2 SS [16:17] I mistyped. it's sss. [16:17] good. sss has ways to override specific ldap attributes on a local machine [16:19] sorressean, see if sssd-tools package is installed, and look at sss_usermod [16:19] you can also edit sssd config file but eh [16:19] why does msadm not see the sub devices of an array, they are just there [16:19] jelly: this really helps, thank you. I just installed the tools package and have usermod now. [16:31] hmm, that doesn't work for me on one machine but I remember it working [16:32] perhaps ask in #sssd [16:34] sorressean, I may have lied and sss_override would be the right tool instead. [16:35] jelly: I just did it through the config and cleared cache. works great. I'm the only user, but if someone else joins my server they can live with zsh because it will be good for them! [16:37] I've been a zsh user since 1996 but wouldn't change defaults for everyone because they might be used to various bash brokenness [16:38] if you're the only one using the machine it doesn't really matter tho === BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK === alch3mist is now known as Guest59759 [16:50] jelly: yeah, just me. thanks again for the help, really appreciate it. [16:53] you're welcome. If it had been anything _but_ sss I woudn't have known what to do ;-) === guuurkan_ is now known as guuurkan [18:03] weird. I play music on X11/xorg (?) and then when I switch to CTRL+ALT+F3 the music stops until I login lol [18:16] hellp, i need help with amazon aws, i created open vpn on my server when i connect from my client there's no internet access, what should i do? [18:25] q8shadow, you gotta get Internet === overclock is now known as Wind[Re]Wind [18:26] q8shadow, install a dhcp server that accepts vpn connections? I'm 3% sure that sounds right [18:26] *dhcp client [18:28] how do i do that? [18:30] you need to configure your vpn to use the correct dhcp client settings I'm 36% of sure [18:31] hmmmmm [18:32] If someone uses a vpn and if they disconnect the vpn they have to restart the machine to get connection again, is that most probably a networkmanager config issue or a bug? We are talking about a very default ubuntu 20.04 install [18:36] rustedrat, I would check `dmesg' something is not working properly. 90% of sure it's a VPN-configuration issue. 3-30% chance it's a Network Manager issue. [18:38] rustedrat, 70% sure it would be a good idea to check your vpn/network logs in `ls /var/log' [18:39] sure thing, I'll look around it. [18:40] People think that because I use the terminal a lot I know all solution for all things linux [18:44] rustedrat, Is ufw or another firewall on? [18:47] hellp, i need help with amazon aws, i created open vpn on my server when i connect from my client there's no internet access, what should i do? [18:49] no lordcirth__ [18:49] q8shadow, What Ubuntu version? [18:50] q8shadow, how did you configure openvpn? Can you pastebin /etc/openvpn/server.conf ? [18:50] q8shadow, have you tried checking the manual page for your vpn software? `dpkg -l | grep vpn' `man vpn-software' [18:52] 4.4.0-1111-aws #123-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 4 02:03:15 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/L [18:52] i think the problem with "route" [18:53] q8shadow, that's your kernel version, but what Ubuntu version? cat /etc/lsb-release [18:54] looks like 16.06 [18:54] *16.04 [18:54] 16.04 [18:54] xenial [18:54] is there a list available of all the packages that are ported back to 18.04 from 20.04? [18:55] zamba, I'm 3% of sure that's a hard job. [18:56] oft_gegong: ok, what? [18:59] q8shadow, ok, so how did you configure openvpn? [19:00] zamba, I think https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-backports/allpackages is what you are looking for [19:00] easy openvpn [19:00] thats how [19:00] zamba: You can browse through xenial-backports lists at https://packages.ubuntu.com/ [19:00] rfm: ah, thanks.. seems like the package i'm looking for isn't backported [19:00] genii: bionic-backports you mean? [19:01] Sorry, yes [19:01] zamba, ummm. if you do `apt-cache show mypackage' that you can extract from `dpkg -l' you can get versions of the package that will have "18.04" and "20.04" I'm 6% sure I'm helping you === dominic35 is now known as dominic34 [19:04] q8shadow, the snap? [19:05] yes the snap [19:06] zamba, ok I lied. `apt-cache show vim-nox' doesn't show what version of Ubuntu it was targeting [19:09] ok, i was able to install the package in 18.04 quite easily.. i just had to install/upgrade three additional packages [19:09] is this something that's viable for a backport then? [19:10] q8shadow, https://github.com/cmars/easy-openvpn-pkg#connect-two-necessary-plugs-as-theyre-not-auto-connected-by-default [19:26] lordcirth__ i followed all steps, same [19:28] q8shadow, you have IP forwarding on? [19:28] What's your ethernet interface name? [19:31] yes ip forwarding on [19:31] ens5 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 0a:60:66:1d:d0:5c [19:31] thats my interface name, i think [19:34] q8shadow, so you set the natdevice to ens5 as mentioned? [19:35] root@ip-172-31-28-26:~# sudo snap set easy-openvpn natdevice=ens5 [19:35] i did that [19:36] q8shadow, perhaps opening an issue on the repo will get you better help [19:36] It might be a flaw in the documentation [19:37] i will do that, but can u try to help me in mean time [19:38] do u have any idea about "route" [19:38] how to route traffic [19:45] q8shadow, I do, but I am not as familiar with VPN routing === mnemonic is now known as Guest14207 [19:51] Is Ubuntu still doing it's company sprints during Covid? [19:51] Any info on when they're planned to start back up? [19:56] pch2013: sprints are entirely virtual for the time being, afaik there's no plans to resume them === banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend [20:03] Very cool thanks @sarnold [20:16] Hey guys, is the russian alphabet allowed on passwords in ubuntu? [20:18] swensson: Unicode? [20:19] it's not recommended, iirc [20:19] just stick to ASCII [20:22] does anyone know how i can make redis start when my sever boots? [20:23] wrkrcoop: does it have a systemd unit service file? [20:24] sarnold: not sure. i did edit the redis.conf to let systemd supervise it ... [20:26] wrkrcoop: how did you install it? [20:31] sarnold: i followed this v [20:31] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-redis-on-ubuntu-16-04 [20:31] at the bottom it says to do this: sudo systemctl enable redis [20:31] but when i run that i get Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on linked unit file redis.service [20:33] wrkrcoop: try sudo systemctl enable redis-server [20:34] ok that worked [20:34] but will that make it work on startup? [20:35] it should [20:35] yay [20:35] my guess is that the redis 'short name' wouldn't work, but the redis-server name would; I found those unit files via apt-file show redis-server | grep service [20:38] So I have a bluetooth mouse and after reboot I need to click the mouse to get it to connect is there a way I get get it to auto connect === lordcirth__ is now known as lordcirth [20:46] in ubuntu is there a way i can write a shell script and have it execute it on startup? [20:48] hellp, i need help with amazon aws, i created open vpn on my server when i connect from my client there's no internet access, what should i do? [20:48] wrkrcoop: sure, the best way is to write a systemd unit file for it that will execute at boot, that way you can make sure it only executes when the things it needs are available, its logs can go to the journal, etc [20:49] sarnold: ok thanks ill look into that [20:49] wrkrcoop: there is an easier way [20:50] Bray90820: whats that? im bbuilding an image for aws i need to pull from github and start my app when the image boots [20:50] in the dash panel search for startup applications the click add and then click brows nd you can add the script from there [20:51] Bray90820: im gonna be launching it with cloudformation but ill see if theres a way to do it with CF [20:52] wrkrcoop: Or write something in /etc/init.d/rc.local. [20:52] mason whats that [20:52] wrkrcoop: did you mean when your computer starts? [20:52] wrkrcoop: The contents run at startup. [20:53] ok sounds good [20:57] Bray90820: anything marked "startup applications" is probably going to run when logging in to a gui, not when a machine starts running === wrkrcoop_ is now known as wrkrcoop === hugh_marera_ is now known as hugh_marera [21:42] Does anyone have a simple way to edit a pdf form in Ubuntu? I'm looking at directions https://askubuntu.com/questions/29230/is-there-software-that-can-fill-pdf-forms. The latest one there says use LibreOffice, is there a better, simpler way? [21:43] chull, your best bet is to `apt-cache search pdf' and `man pdf-tool' === banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend [21:44] oft_gegong, thanks looking [21:45] chull, `apt-cache search pdf | grep -i pdf' might help narrow down results [21:49] oft_gegong, i think this is more than we need. [22:10] how do I get ubuntu to give me what I really want in life through a computer tty? [22:31] oft_gegong: It already does. [22:39] Just bought a 128 gb usb key / drive. I can't seem to copy-paste onto the stick. Apparently, it says that it is owned by root. How do I change that? [22:42] Sbur3: Ubuntu version? [22:42] rjwiii: 20.04 [22:42] rjwiii: Something with chmod or chown? [22:43] Or something else? [22:43] Depends, what filesystem is on that usb thing? [22:43] Sbur3: Interesting ... it's doing that on my box, too ... [22:44] Sbur3: And also - what is the file system on this USB device ? [22:44] oerheks: I think that it is FAT. Tried to use 'Disks" to format it again to FAT [22:45] fat is not posix, weird. [22:46] oerheks: rjwiii: Bashing-om: "/mnt/usb-Verbatim_STORE_N_GO_CCYYMMFQ7CF2WKPT-0:0-part1/". Think it see /dev/sdc1 === banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend [22:55] Hi! [22:55] I'd like to open .stl files with a specific application [22:55] But .stl files properties doesn't show the "open with" menu [22:55] how do I do? [22:57] what are .stl files? [23:00] Meshed 3d models, often used for 3d printing. [23:03] 'open with : other application' then select .. [23:04] if it does not show up, 'show all'? [23:06] There's no "open with" tab.. [23:06] for stl files.. [23:07] you do have software installed to handle .stl? [23:27] hi everyone, I'm trying to wrap my head around apparmor. I can't run a script that calls /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 when apparmor is enabled (permission denied), but if I disable it, the script can run it fine. I'm a little more used to selinux (though not great), what might I be missing? [23:28] better ask: how do I "add" the permission for this script to run /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 [23:31] strixdio, look in syslog for messages telling you what was denied by what profile, read the apparmor man page for how to modify profiles [23:32] ah, starting to see it... Though, profile="libvirt-*" where * is a random string (maybe a UUID?) [23:33] great starting point here, thank you :) [23:45] hello [23:45] anyone can help me [23:46] !ask | WanTeed [23:46] WanTeed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [23:46] i have a problem with my ssh [23:47] i could connecting at my own serveur machine from pytty or from other session linux [23:49] !patience [23:49] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [23:50] Everyone is happy to tell you how to ask a question but it seems most people don't want to answer lol.