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Nafallohi there. before I start digging... did anything change with pristine-tar or tar on the receipe builders the last couple of months? it's not able to reproduce my tarball, for example: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/494424699/buildlog.txt.gz12:10
Nafalloactually, never mind for now. I'll keep digging for a bit.12:12
sigvis changing Bug Importance behind some rights assignment? Sponsorship requests should explicitly tag bugs as Wishlist based on the docs, but I do not have the option to do that for my created bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debmirror/+bug/189211012:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1892110 in debmirror (Ubuntu) "Please merge debmirror 2.33 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:26
sigvfurther, I would like to explicitly mark it as affecting 'Ubuntu Groovy' instead of 'Ubuntu' similar to how for example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1886112 affects 'linux (Groovy)' but that's also something that I do not appear to have an option to do12:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1886112 in util-linux (Ubuntu Groovy) "Enabling DMESG_RESTRICT in Groovy Onward" [Wishlist,In progress]12:29
Nafalloactually, my question still stands. if I do gbp import-orig on bionic it seems focal can't checkout the tarball successfully.12:29
cjwatsonNafallo: We upgraded it a little while ago to be able to reproduce newer tarballs ...13:05
cjwatsonNafallo: Feel free to file a bug13:05
cjwatsonsigv: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance13:06
sigvcjwatson: thank you! will head to #ubuntu-bugs then13:06
Nafallocjwatson: alright. I remember reading they had some workaround in one of the applications with an environment variable you could set to try the old behaviour. want me to dig that up first? :-)13:32
Nafalloah. it was for both tar and pristine-tar. had it in my browser history :-)13:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1892503 in Launchpad itself "receipe builds with pristine-tars generated on bionic fails" [Undecided,New]13:40
Nafallohaha, running pristine-tar gendelta manually on focal obviously gets some other error :-D. that one I'll dig into myself though :-)13:45
rbasak"git clone" has been very slow for a few days that I've noticed. Known issue?13:57
rbasakIt gets there in the end but it seems to be taking ~10 minutes for a clone of a relatively simple source tree :-/13:57
sigvhttps://code.launchpad.net/debmirror seems to be misconfigured -- historically set up to import lp:debmirror Bazaar branch in trunk series from outdated git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/debmirror.git when the upstream is actually at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmirror.git as can be verified from https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/debmirror VCS info14:31
sigvas I am not a signed Canonical contributor and unable to provide a "Canonical Project Manager or contact", I am not sure if I can request a code import14:31
cjwatsonsigv: contributor licence agreements have nothing to do with requesting a code import14:38
cjwatsonsigv: but let me fix that up14:38
sigvcjwatson: I was thinking that might of concern due to the name of the 'owner' field when requesting a code import14:40
cjwatsonIt is not14:41
cjwatsonsigv: However, I can't easily fix this since it's owned by somebody else rather than ~registry or whatever.  I've sent Max a message asking if I can have access14:41
cjwatsonWe can override that with superpowers if need be but I prefer to avoid that if possible14:44
sigvcjwatson: Understandable -- Thank you!14:45
sigvIs my conclusion correct that debmirror 1:2.27ubuntu1 source is really just a source package without the patches being in version control? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debmirror/1:2.27ubuntu115:39
sigvJust trying to make sense of the structure of the project. Maybe that's more suited for #ubuntu-devel15:41
cjwatsonAlmost certainly yes15:45
cjwatsonAnd indeed, not really for here15:45
cjwatsonsigv: I've deleted the old git-to-bzr import and replaced it with a git-to-git import from the right place16:24
sigvcjwatson: awesome! Thank you very much!16:24
LocutusOfBorgbos2 looks again so saaaaaad22:12
LocutusOfBorginterestingly, the sadness starts with the weekend...22:13
cjwatsonNot interesting :)22:15
cjwatsonThat just means we're less likely to do manual babysitting at the weekend22:15
LocutusOfBorgI was wondering about machines feeling lonely and start crying :p22:15
cjwatsonI've done a bulk reset22:16
cjwatsonThat's users ;-)22:16
cjwatsonResets should generally be a lot more stable after some fixing last night, but there still seem to be some serious networking issues with bos02 that may cause builds to be interrupted, fail without logs, etc.  I was supposed to grab a sysadmin to dig into it today but I ended up spending half the day going back and forward between the vet hospital and the pharmacy for a sick cat22:18
cjwatsonSo that didn't happen22:18
LocutusOfBorgoh... I hope the cat is feeling better now22:20
LocutusOfBorgbos can wait22:20
cjwatsonWell, it's potentially a long-term thing unfortunately, but I think I've done most of the tedious driving about bits22:22
LocutusOfBorgthanks for the hard work :)22:33

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