
ubptgbotwxy was added by: wxy06:01
ubptgbotSiddana was added by: Siddana06:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> so far I loving my Xperia X 😍  β€¦ I just don't like the placement of the volume buttons and camera button since I usually use my right hand to use my phone and I feel like I always have to avoid touching that side too much.07:02
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Ha. Yeah it's a bit weird08:03
ubptgbot<bkos> Actually when you are having a phome call the volume buttons are exactly where your right thumb is08:10
ubptgbot<bkos> No need to regrip08:10
ubptgbot<bkos> [Edit] Actually when you are having a phone call the volume buttons are exactly where your right thumb is08:10
ubptgbot<bkos> Of course talking on the phone is much rarer usecase than it used to be...08:11
ubptgbot<Javacookies> you are right but nowadays phones are rarely used for calls LOL08:21
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I feel like I'm straining my thumbs when I'm using my xperia with my right hand πŸ˜…08:22
ubptgbotpetr0x5fm was added by: petr0x5fm08:24
ubptgbot<Gustavo Acosta> (Photo, 720x720) https://irc.ubports.com/eMCWkbXo.png08:32
ubptgbot<Gustavo Acosta> (Photo, 603x1072) https://irc.ubports.com/ju7Z0H8j.png https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFApZ0DF54WUkn1anQ … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFApZ0DF54WUkn1anQ08:32
ubptgbot<Gustavo Acosta> (Photo, 1080x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/gbCqpNPu.png08:32
ubptgbot<SentinelSpike> Do u have for redmi note 8 rom?15:35
ubptgbot<ciwer> how to install WhatsApp on Ubuntu Touch. . .?15:49
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @ciwer [how to install WhatsApp on Ubuntu Touch. . .?], From Open Store, just one click :)15:52
ubptgbot<just_carlod> It's named What's web I believe15:52
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ykZQj9gc.webp15:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> it requires a running whatsapp on ios/android somewhere always connected15:55
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Flohack can we have an option in store to hide web apps?15:56
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ItsMeShouko [@Flohack can we have an option in store to hide web apps?], Ask the Openstore team please ^^15:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ItsMeShouko [@Flohack can we have an option in store to hide web apps?], he doesn't work on the store15:56
ubptgbot<Flohack> Its not part of UBports actually<15:57
ubptgbot<ciwer> @just_carlod [From Open Store, just one click :)], I'll try tomorrow15:57
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Flohack [Its not part of UBports actually<], I see15:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think there is a request for filtering on app type alaready though15:57
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ItsMeShouko [I see], See https://gitlab.com/theopenstore/openstore-meta/-/issues you can file a feature requesdt there15:57
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Thanks πŸ‘πŸ»15:58
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ItsMeShouko [Thanks πŸ‘πŸ»], Its already there https://gitlab.com/theopenstore/openstore-meta/-/issues/288 you can upvoite it15:59
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Yes, I just saw it15:59
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Volla announced that camera, including video recording is now working with UT for the Volla Phone. I have pre-ordered one, looking forward to receiving it, currently apparently still on schedule for the end of this year - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy/x/22905832#/updates/1116:36
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> [Edit] Volla announced that camera, including video recording, is now working with UT for the Volla Phone. I have pre-ordered one, looking forward to receiving it, currently apparently still on schedule for the end of this year - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy/x/22905832#/updates/1116:37
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that's great news17:02
ubptgbotCaggegi was added by: Caggegi17:28
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Hello, I've got this error while installing ubuntu touch via ubports 0.4.18-beta, running on ubuntu 20.04.1 distro. The device is a oneplus 3 actually with a pixel experience just for turn on the device. I wiped system and data before proceed with ubports. I tryed also without wiping them: … Error: systemimage: Error: Error: {"error":{"ki17:36
ubptgbotlled":false, "code":1,"signal":null, "cmd":"/tmp/.mount_ubportGv7lCO/resources/app.asar/unpacked/platform-tools/linux/adb -P 5037 shell mount -a"}, "stdout":"", "stderr":"mount: mounting /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata on /data failed: No such process"}17:36
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Any suggestions?17:36
ubptgbot<joeth> @Caggegi [Hello, I've got this error while installing ubuntu touch via ubports 0.4.18-beta …], Try formatting the data partition from TWRP17:45
ubptgbot<Caggegi> @joeth [Try formatting the data partition from TWRP], Already done17:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Caggegi [Already done], make sure you have `adb` and `fastboot` installed on the PC17:46
ubptgbot<Caggegi> @dohbee [make sure you have adb and fastboot installed on the PC], Yes17:46
ubptgbot<Caggegi> The fs is ext4 for system and data17:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> what version of android is on the device?17:49
ubptgbot<Caggegi> I'm retrying with a newer version of twrp17:49
ubptgbot<Caggegi> @dohbee [what version of android is on the device?], 1017:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> that's the problem. 10 changes partitions in an incompatible way. do a full revert to the factory image first17:50
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Thank you, android pie it's ok?17:50
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Or I neet to rollback to marshmallow?17:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's best to roll back to the OEM image17:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> 6 or 7.1 should be fine17:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> as i think that device is using halium 717:51
ubptgbot<Caggegi> I'll search the image17:51
ubptgbot<Caggegi> @dohbee [as i think that device is using halium 7], I don't know17:51
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Thank you, I'll try17:52
ubptgbot<Caggegi> I tryed one more time and it worked... I don't know what was wrongπŸ˜…πŸ˜…18:06
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Last question, there is anyway to return at home without close current window in the recents?18:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is no home screen really. you can open the launcher and app drawer at any time by swiping from the left screen edge18:10
ubptgbot<Caggegi> Thank you18:13
ubptgbotRensoDark was added by: RensoDark18:38
ubptgbot<RensoDark> hi18:39
ubptgbot<RensoDark> is pip installed in repos ?18:39
ubptgbot<RensoDark> also looking for working crypto wallet18:39
ubptgbot<RensoDark> and tox ;P18:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's a bch wallet in the open store i think18:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> if you want to install CLI tools you should set up a libertine container and install things in it18:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> see https://open-store.io for UT apps18:43
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @TotalSonic [Volla announced that camera, including video recording, is now working with UT f …], Also received this newsletter today. Great new. I’m also very confident that UT on Vollaphone portage will be finished right on time.21:00
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @dohbee [if you want to install CLI tools you should set up a libertine container and ins …], I think that *coin-cli and *coind are static binaries, so you can run them in terminal21:52

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