
=== amurray is now known as amurray`
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sdezielAison0: I'd like to hear from you if the just released bind9 update ( 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.3) fixes your crashes/asserts?13:59
hpusysadminI am needing some help with a microsoft active directory authentication.15:29
hpusysadminIt works and I am on the realm, I can authentication, it all works but one part: passwd/kpasswd15:29
hpusysadminWhen I use either I get an error regarding tokens or complexity, in the log it states '[sssd] [confdb_expand_app_domains] (0x0010): No domains configured, fatal error!'15:30
hpusysadminAlthough when I set the flag on the Microsoft AD to 'change password upon next logon' it successfully applies the password change to the account.15:30
hpusysadminAny ideas?15:30
z4kst4rwhat is the difference between setting the timezone with `timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo` vs `dpkg-reconfigure tzdata`. Do both do the same thing as change the file /etc/timezone?15:51
Slashmanhello, I know that the ubuntu team did merge some upstream patches from openzfs into the 0.8.3 version for focal, does anyone knows if https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/9749 was one of the patches?16:22
masonSlashman: Is there a launchpad equivalent? If so, you might find it in "apt changelog zfsutils-linux"16:25
masonSlashman: AH, yeah:   * Backport AES-GCM performance accelleration (LP: #1881107)16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1881107 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu Groovy) "zfs: backport AES-GCM performance accelleration" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188110716:26
Slashmanmason: thanks!16:33
masonSlashman: happy to help16:33
=== kinghat3 is now known as kinghat
Aisonnice, there is a new bind9 version, 9.16.620:41
AisonI hope my problems with a crashing bind9 are gone now20:42
RoyKAison: probably best to file a bug anyway21:26
RoyKAison: unless the new version is in ubuntu already, that is21:27
AisonRoyK, i'm already in contact per email with the isc security officer21:29
Aisonthey told me that they are aware of that problem21:29
Aisonand they hope it is fixed in 9.16.621:29
Aisonif not, I have to send them directly the core dump files21:30
Aison(per email)21:30

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