=== Lvl4Sword_ is now known as Lvl4Sword [00:27] mason, oooooh it already does. hmmmMmmmm. [00:29] hello [00:29] it says on my ubuntu vps i have used 30% memory [00:29] and i have 1gb memory [00:29] yet when i do free -m [00:29] i get 600mb memory left [00:29] how do i refresh the results? [00:30] `top'? [00:30] `man top'? [00:31] hmm not that i mean [00:31] like to update free -m [00:35] free -m I'm 94% sure it always up-to-date [00:35] *is always === dominic35 is now known as dominic34 [00:50] ComputerTech: What does "available" show? [00:50] ComputerTech: Also "free -h" will give it in a more readable format. [00:56] what does ubuntu get used for mostly in schools? [00:58] my answer: word processing for essays. word processing for resumes. presentations for school presentations. spreadsheets for teacher's grades. javac/java for java programming class. [00:58] and then that's it. that's as far as computers go [00:59] ComputerTech: "available" is what you should be looking at. You can ignore "free". === zbenjamin is now known as Guest88946 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [01:44] recently i tried to run bzflag, it has been running nicely but the last 3 times i tried to start it it flasshed rapidly as it only showed partial screen. the only way to stop it was to reboot. any idea why this happened? [01:44] was working fine before [01:45] i'm finding ubuntu quirky [01:45] not as stable as they would like to belive [01:45] 'they [01:45] meaning ubuntu [01:47] xbfrog, hmmm. a partial solution is to go into you TTY/console/virtual-terminal with CTRL+ALT+F3, login, and then `sudo systemctl restart yourDMserviceNameImNotSureWhatitIs' [01:48] xbfrog, sudo systemctl restart gdm [01:48] ok [01:49] that'll reboot your desktop environment [01:49] i gues i should have said i'm a novice user but i do sorta understand what your saying [01:49] and then you go back to X11/your-desktop with CTRL+ALT+F2 or something [01:49] ah. yeah I made a few assumptions [01:50] just try CTRL+ALT+F1-9 until you hit your desktop [01:50] ok and i didnt state my level of experience [01:50] ok that i got [01:50] xbfrog, but thanks for bringing up bzflag. it looks like a cool game to try. [01:51] it worked well till the last 3 times ;( [01:51] then wonkers [01:52] you could see if the bzflag process is not shutting down properly with a `ps aux | grep bzflag' [01:53] ok, i dunno what happened, it was playing/displaying fine, then wowow [01:53] ok thanks for the imput [01:53] :) [01:53] it could be a program bug. there is a 96% chance it'll be beneficial to their community if you report the experience [01:54] ok, but atm i'm thinking it may be more of my rogue os acting on its own [01:55] i've had several other issues [01:55] but yes i'll keep that in mind [01:55] you can try the `top' command to watch the process list [01:56] i dunno top command, how do i see that? [01:56] you open up a terminal and type in top [01:56] ok [01:56] got that [01:56] then exec bz? [01:56] ooooooooh [01:57] it depends what you're trying to do [01:57] i wanna see why its going crazy [01:57] flashing and no control [01:57] all i can do is rdboot [01:57] reboot [01:58] when things go bonkers you can switch to a virtual-terminal/console/TTY, login, then type top then watch the process list to see what's going crazy [01:58] ok got that [01:58] i'll try it [01:58] press 'q' to exit top [01:58] understood [01:59] thank you :) [02:23] !info debsecan [02:23] debsecan (source: debsecan): Debian Security Analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version (focal), package size 29 kB, installed size 109 kB === banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend [04:02] updated to 20.04lts. pretty painless, not bad [04:03] !yay | nshire [04:03] nshire: Glad you made it! :-) [04:03] liking the new grayscale window tabs. the brown ui elements of 18.04 were not pretty lol [04:03] yes, the ui is pretty. and lots of themes more [04:09] hmm, odd issue: I noticed the wifi config page shows that my network supports 5ghz, but it only supports a/b/g/n [04:10] under wifi > network name(gear icon) > details [04:18] I'm not sure if that page is supposed to report supported frequencies of the access point or the computer itself-- it's a bit ambiguous === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius === William is now known as Conna [06:18] Can someone help me with my NFS exports again please. I have set one up in /etc/exports which previously worked when connecting from osx but now osx just says it cannot connect - no error msg [06:18] /mnt/jack/Photos/HQ/,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,crossmnt) [06:19] ive ocnfirmed my macbook is (have that ip bound to the mac address of the err mac) [06:24] I mean, how can i even debug this :D? === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 === azidhaka_ is now known as azidhaka [07:18] guys? how can i download deb from this repository http://packages.treasuredata.com/4/debian/buster/ ? i dont want to add repository... [07:18] don't mix debian packages with ubuntu [07:19] wrong repo [07:19] http://packages.treasuredata.com/4/ubuntu/focal/ [07:19] http://packages.treasuredata.com/ give an ubuntu entrance [07:19] nice [07:19] did not notice [07:21] https://td-agent-package-browser.herokuapp.com/3/ubuntu/bionic/pool/contrib/t/td-agent [07:21] i see no focal, sorry [07:25] http://packages.treasuredata.com.s3.amazonaws.com/4/ [07:34] hello guys; sometimes my ubuntu crashes completely and it tells "Read-only file system" for apparently no reason.. can anyone supports me for watching in log files what happen when that error occur? [07:52] I have windows installed alongwith Ubuntu 18.04, but grub menu wont pop up when PC starts, I have tried updating grub and boot-repair but no solution, also in grub customizer it isn't showing my windows file system [07:53] I was reading log file from boot-repair and it read something like "couldn't read /dev/sda1, I think sda1 is my windows 10 filesystem [07:53] anyone who can help, pleasE? [07:56] anyone here? [07:59] I have windows installed alongwith Ubuntu 18.04, but grub menu wont pop up when PC starts, I have tried updating grub and boot-repair but no solution, also in grub customizer it isn't showing my windows file system. I was reading log file from boot-repair and it read something like "couldn't read /dev/sda1, I think sda1 is my windows 10 filesystem [08:03] hello! is it possible to upgrade 18.04.5 LTS to 20.04.1 LTS ? [08:04] when I run do-release-upgrade I just get a message that there's no development release... [08:08] hey, what does this mean? Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. I can't access windows drives in ubuntu. [08:09] rana_ans: Windows don't shut down normally unless forced to do so, so it's hibernated [08:09] rana_ans: Ubuntu can't open a hibernated Windows [08:10] zzarr no, I have a grub problem that I cant fix, its screen pop ups on start but not the actual menu [08:10] (partition) [08:10] I have windows installed alongwith Ubuntu 18.04, but grub menu wont pop up when PC starts, I have tried updating grub and boot-repair but no solution, also in grub customizer it isn't showing my windows file system. I was reading log file from boot-repair and it read something like "couldn't read /dev/sda1, I think sda1 is my windows 10 filesystem [08:10] here's my query [08:11] try pressing shift during start [08:11] ok, I'll try that [08:12] Is anyone here using a usd DAC with ubuntu? I can't get my sound working with any music players. Sound works fine in browser. I'm using a FiiO BTR3K in usb mode. [08:12] usb DAC* [08:13] OS detects it and it is set as default sound device. But I get no sound from rythmbox or vlc. [08:31] konrados, yes, you're right [08:31] i use an external ssd via usb to boot my ubuntu [08:32] cuz the internal board where the hdd si connected is broken [08:32] is* [08:33] but can I analyze better the problem watching on log files to troubleshoot what's the problem? [08:48] Well, can't help you with that one :) But I would just simply use the `sudo fsck -f /dev/blahblah` command from a live usb [09:11] simo3n: what's the problem? [09:14] konrados, thank you :) [09:14] EriC^^, my ubuntu crashes with errors that tell me "Read-only file system" [09:15] and I boot my ubuntu from an ssd plugged via usb [09:16] these crashes happen sometimes with no apparently reason so I want to investigate to know when that happen [09:16] and the reason.. so I want to look into logs but I do not know what logs I've to analyze [09:20] simo3n, "with no apparently reason " doe snot happen [09:21] check s.m.a.r.t. of the drive, i hope that usb controller supports that external [09:22] selftest: sudo smartctl -l selftest /dev/sdXY [09:24] oerheks, with that command can I check the device also if the system is booted from that? [09:25] anyway yes, I know that nothing happens without reason [09:26] yes, and fix that drive with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting [09:27] external drive + OS, make sure all files are closed before shutdown [09:30] what do you mean with the last msg? [09:31] anyway im downloading smartctl [09:35] hey, my grub doesn't detect windows 10 [09:36] neither can I access windows drives in ubuntu 18.04 nor can I boot into windows from BIOS [09:36] I installed ubuntu 18.04 recently and added grub menu but it won't show windows 10 entry [09:36] anyone who can help, please? [09:37] maybe your windows is installed in UEFI mode, and ubuntu in legacy MBR [09:37] or around [09:37] !uefi [09:37] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [09:37] what can I do now? uninstall ubuntu and re install it in EFI mode? [09:38] find out what windows uses [09:38] oerheks, "No self-tests have been logged." is the ouput of that command [09:38] sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sda2 ? [09:39] simo3n: try to look at /var/log/kern.log and syslog for anything around the time of the crashes [09:39] simo3n: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda [09:40] rana_ans: can you pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' to see the disks configuration [09:43] EriC^^ : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N2h8sn4kDf/ [09:43] rana_ans: windows is on the 895gb partition? [09:43] yeah [09:44] there's no filesystem there, try 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' [09:45] EriC^^ : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SM8xTshXYm/ [09:45] EriC^^, the last log in syslog is of mysql-workbench that I think it does not have anything to do with the crash [09:45] rana_ans: perhaps try to fix the filesystem using chkdsk, or use your latest backup if available [09:45] in kern.log there is nothing around that time :l [09:47] EriC^^, "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" this works with the ssd from I booted the system (obv, mounted)? [09:47] EriC^^ : I can't boot into Windows, not even through BIOS boot menu. I don't know what I did wrong while installing although I followed Ubuntu dual boot installation instructions [09:47] simo3n: what does "grep -iE "read.*only|mount" /var/log/syslog" give? [09:48] rana_ans: try "sudo fsck /dev/sda1" [09:48] perhaps also 'sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1" [09:49] 1st: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zNkrGVHCZj/ [09:49] 2nd: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8MZGTfsdNf/ [09:49] looking at the EFI partition, you started ubuntu in UEFI mode, and windows is not. [09:50] else, that efi partition is always at the beginning of the disk [09:50] yeah my windows is efi but Idk what's wrong and I don't know much about OSs [09:51] no, it is not, i tell you. [09:51] grinn.. boot ubuntu in legacy mbr mode, and reinstall [09:51] EriC^^, nothing of important :< [09:53] oerheks: the windows one is sda1 not sdb* [09:53] oerheks: I checked before creating Ubuntu bootable USB, according to the steps. [09:53] it read UEFI [09:54] rana_ans: multiple stuff seem happening [09:54] rana_ans: try again 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' [09:54] EriC^^: should I uninstall ubuntu? Im currently using it. Idk if I will be able to boot into Windows if I uninstall [09:55] rana_ans: no, windows filesystem is damaged currently [09:55] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sJcZ3RmQM2/ [09:55] rana_ans: try also 'sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda' [09:56] its asking for mail configuration, which one should I select? [09:59] EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PSyq87n6CC/ [10:02] is it the output you wanted? [10:02] rana_ans: yes, the disk is good physically [10:03] rana_ans: do you have a backup of important data you had in the windows partition? [10:03] no ): [10:03] rana_ans: ok, try 'sudo apt-get install testdisk' [10:03] then type 'sudo testdisk /dev/sda' [10:04] do you want to analyze or go for advanced/ [10:07] EriC^^: it's asking for options, I selected the efi/gpt type then selected my drive, now its asking for multiple stuff [10:08] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q9dKhcDdVv/ [10:10] hey guys is there a facebook app on ubuntu [10:11] That is a shame and disgrace. [10:12] rana_ans: ok, on the first partition that's selected, press "P" [10:12] If there was something like that I mean. [10:12] facebook app [10:12] EriC^^: it says Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged. [10:13] social media install [10:16] rana_ans: ok, there's a tool called 'photorec' (it's part of the testdisk package), it can retrieve files from the partition based on their type that you choose that it gets back, but they wont have any directory structure or filenames, so just "file1,2,3..." but it can probably get back your important stuff like maybe pics videos txts etc then you can sort them out [10:17] rana_ans: there's also a tool called 'ntfsundelete' and 'scrounge-ntfs' which might help [10:17] EriC^^: ok, I just need some project files, some pics and videos. [10:18] EriC^^: can you help me with that? [10:18] rana_ans: ok, if the project files aren't already known type files to photorec, you can add custom file types it can search for, ok [10:18] rana_ans: do you have any sample of the project files you need to get, or what are they exactly? [10:19] they are just some solidworks files and some python scripts, all in D: [10:19] all in D:\ [10:19] D: was the 895gb partition? [10:20] seems odd it would be D: not C: [10:20] yeah, my C:\ drive is in SSD [10:20] ah ok [10:20] shouldn't ubuntu list SSD filesystem as well? [10:20] yes it should [10:21] so what should I do for that [10:23] rana_ans: type 'sudo photorec /dev/sda' [10:24] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8V3b7Q8Ypt/ [10:24] my SSD is 128GB [10:26] rana_ans: ok, it seems that LDM means it's a microsoft feature for dynamic disks or something, so that's why the filesystem wasnt showing [10:27] EriC^^: ok, so before I tried installing ubuntu, I wanted to extend D:\, it warned me of something for if disk becomes dynamic, [10:27] I think that's where I messed up [10:28] but I don't understand, Windows is installed in C:\ which is SSD, it should atleast boot into Windows [10:28] rana_ans: yeah, it is odd that the ssd is not showing in ubuntu as well [10:29] rana_ans: try 'sudo apt-get install ldmtool' [10:29] it's a linux tool to access ldm partitions [10:30] rana_ans: in the bios, are you able to see the ssd mentioned? [10:30] when I select Windows in Boot menu in BIOS, it restarts and takes me back into BIOS [10:30] EriC^^: I didn't check that [10:30] sudo apt-get install ldmtool >> done [10:30] rana_ans: aha, the ssd had a gpt partition? and efi partition etc as well? [10:31] Idk, SSD was one partition where Windows was installed [10:31] rana_ans: try 'sudo ldmtool create all' [10:31] rana_ans: ok that suggests that it might be installed in legacy mode and not uefi [10:32] in bcdedit in windows, it read UEFI, but Idk [10:32] rana_ans: usually for uefi there's a list of operating systems one can choose to boot, in legacy you can only choose to boot a 'disk' and whatever is in the MBR of the disk starts booting [10:32] aha [10:33] sudo ldmtool create all returned [ ] [10:33] rana_ans: is there anything new in "ls /dev/mapper" ? [10:33] it returns "Control" [10:34] in yellow color [10:34] rana_ans: how about 'sudo ldmtool scan' [10:35] square brackets [10:36] rana_ans: "sudo ldmtool scan /dev/sda" ? [10:37] [] === ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja [10:43] EriC^^: can I still recover that data? [10:44] rana_ans: i dunno it seems a little complicated according to what im reading, "Dynamic disks are different. They don't use a partition table and stores the infos about the LDM (Logical Disk Mangager) at the end of the disk." if that's true then ubuntu's ext4 fs might have rewritten that part, i dunno how to go about mounting the LDM, but i can help you use photorec if that's able to recover the files [10:45] I'm still confused about that because Windows partition is C:\ and it's in SSD. [10:45] even if something was rewritten, it should still boot into Windows [10:46] this all happened when I successfully installed Ubuntu, before that, I was able to boot into windows easily [10:46] rana_ans: yeah exactly, could it be that the ssd isnt connected properly anymore or something [10:46] rana_ans: ok, try a little "sudo efibootmgr -v" it might show the uefi entries and maybe a clue as to whether it was uefi or legacy install [10:47] it's packed in the laptop, and my laptop didn't fall [10:47] rana_ans: i think from the bios there should be some menu that gives some insight to whether it can see the ssd or not, like a legacy boot menu that shows all the disks or so [10:47] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jhy66FybZP/ [10:47] did you change any settings in the bios relating to ahci/raid? [10:48] no I didn't change anything in Bios [10:49] rana_ans: what is the kingston 30gb disk? [10:49] thats USB stick [10:49] oh ok [10:50] I made it bootable with Windows 10 image to try and fix but that didn't work either [10:50] rana_ans: can you pastebin 'ls -R /boot/efi' ? [10:50] i see [10:50] sorry "ls -lR /boot/efi" [10:51] EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mD7gZrr7GQ/ [10:53] rana_ans: sudo blkid /dev/sda2 returns UUID=33.....? [10:53] actually not UUID, PARTUUID=33... [10:54] PARTUUID="33312531-8b95-4b32-974e-f0a86cbba9ae" [10:54] ok [10:56] rana_ans: ok, what i'd do is see why the ssd isnt showing first, see if you can spot it somehow in the bios in some menu that has the usb and the 1000gb disk, it should also show there, note that it's not the uefi menu that has Windows, ubuntu, etc it should show the disks themselves [10:57] ok I will have to logout of here then [10:57] ok [11:06] EriC^^: https://ibb.co/KsNtThthttps://ibb.co/5nJqNyG [11:06] sorry, https://ibb.co/KsNtTht https://ibb.co/5nJqNyG [11:07] those are images [11:08] rana_ans: ok great [11:10] If I remember correctly, I think I had done something with RAID and AHCI before when I had windows as well as ubuntu working [11:11] in BIOS, I had some issue accessing something, I cant remember exactly what it was but it was fixed after that [11:11] its just recently ubuntu was sending me in emergency mode again and again and wouldnt work with any solution so I uninstalled it and re installed it and here we are [11:11] Hello [11:12] I tried the slick-greeter on lightdm but it didn't work, here are the logs : slick-greeter logs https://termbin.com/j31rt, lightdm logs https://termbin.com/aw8a, and the lightdm configuration file : https://termbin.com/a3ef. FYI the lightdm gtk greeter works. (PS: I'm not on ubuntu but lightdm is developped by canonical, if you know a better [11:12] channel to ask on, I'm open) [11:14] rana_ans: aha [11:15] rana_ans: try something real quick, try to close the lid of the laptop, then open it, and see if the ssd shows up in 'sudo parted -ls' i found someone online mentioning it as a fix he found [11:15] (as silly as it sounds) [11:16] well I'm trying :D [11:16] ScottHDev, many people will not help in this channel if the request is for any OS/Distro outside the ones listed in the topic, even if it's a version of Ubuntu 1 day out of line with the topic... but since you posted already, might as well wait and see if someone can suggest a better channel. [11:18] EriC^^: apart from disconnecting here, nothing happened [11:20] rana_ans: ok, this is what im thinking, there is 2 entries in the uefi list for ubuntu, so if you only had installed ubuntu twice, it means in both instances it was using uefi, and if it was booting before properly with windows, windows had to have been also installed in uefi mode, or ubuntu wouldnt have picked it up and put it in the grub menu [11:20] Hi folks [11:21] rana_ans: unless you had installed ubuntu more than 2 times, and it was maybe installed in legacy mode before, which would have allowed it to pick up the legacy windows install, so did you only install ubuntu exactly 2 times on this laptop? [11:21] EriC^^: yes, it worked properly before [11:22] I deleted the partition before installing on it again [11:22] yeah, but in general you only ran the installer twice on the machine, yes? [11:22] yes I guess [11:23] rana_ans: ok, that makes me think windows is installed in uefi mode on the ssd then, for ubuntu to have been able to pick it up [11:23] rana_ans: try in the bios, if you can choose a default uefi entry for the ssd, not the "Windows" label and such, a just general "UEFI: nvme kingston" entry [11:24] yes, it is in UEFI, as in bcdedit. and it did work well with ubuntu installed before [11:24] rana_ans: also try to mess with any ahci/raid settings or maybe intel rapid storage tech [11:24] hmm ok I'll try those [11:25] rana_ans: also, does the windows installer usb you made work and boot? you could from there get a command prompt and use "diskpart" to see the disks/partitions from windows and mount them and see what's the situation [11:26] it booted and install window poped up, I selected repair windows, and it took me to those 6 options of repair and troubleshooting [11:26] but none of the steps worked [11:28] Imma check BIOS for default entries [11:42] is there a way to stop cups from trying to auto-configure the usb printers connected to a system? [11:44] EriC^^: hey so what if old ubuntu slot is still present? is it possible? [11:45] I tried clicking it, it takes me to grub console (grub> ) [11:49] EriC^^: ubuntu not showing SSD, is it a fault with ubuntu or SSD? or something else [11:51] rana_ans: if the same version of live usb of ubuntu used to show ssd and now doesnt, then i'd guess it's some setting or maybe connection fault or something [11:52] oh wait, the partition I deleted had Ubuntu 18.04.1 [11:52] now installed is 18.04.5 [11:52] rana_ans: are you able to boot the windows installer usb and go to advanced > command prompt, there type "diskpart" then type "list disk" and see if it shows the ssd, then "list vol" and see what that shows [11:53] ok I'll do that and come back then [11:53] ok, it should give more insight [11:55] Has anyone noticed the mosh package on 20.04.1 is broken? === viowel is now known as Cr1xus [11:59] !info mosh [11:59] mosh (source: mosh): Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-2.1build3 (focal), package size 192 kB, installed size 807 kB [11:59] rootd00d: whats wrong with it exactly? [12:01] EriC^^: https://ibb.co/WfT0v8d [12:01] thats the image [12:02] lotuspsychje: eh, the mosh-server binary is linked to the wrong version of libprotobuc [12:02] libprotobuf, rather. [12:04] rana_ans: ok, great so windows can see the ssd no problem [12:05] so it means, the older ubuntu grub menu can read the data but no the one currently installed? [12:05] is it a possibility? [12:05] rana_ans: yeah for some reason ubuntu isnt picking up the ssd [12:06] I have four boot priorities, 1. current ubuntu, 2. windows (which leads back to bios), 3. older ubuntu entry, 4. USB stick [12:07] rana_ans: i wonder if in grub it can see it though, if so you could possibly boot the windows efi from there, or if your bios has a 'browse for efi file' option you could go to efi\microsoft\boot\bootmgfw.efi and it should boot windows [12:07] I didnt see any option or anything which gives away files in the BIOS tho [12:08] hmm, does the bios have any browse for efi file option? if not, when booting ubuntu, hold shift to get grub, press "c" to get a grub> shell, then type "ls -l" or "ls" and see if you can see the disk of the ssd there, if somehow you can be here and do so at the same time it would be greatly easier [12:08] if it could see in grub, it should have listed it in the grub, but I only have 3 entries I think in grub menu, ubuntu, its folder and system startup [12:08] lotuspsychje: weird... i'm trying to show you the ldd output i was getting before, but since building from source it looks fine now, even when i install from the package. [12:09] rana_ans: nah, ubuntu might not see it in the os, to add it to the grub menu, im not entirely sure, but it might show up in grub itself while it looks for disks [12:09] lotuspsychje: the source build goes to /usr/local/bin, but ldd /usr/bin/mosh-server is now showing it's linked to the right library. [12:09] lotuspsychje: gonna try on a clean server [12:09] EriC^^: sp in grub shell, if it shows ssd, what should I do next/ [12:10] so* [12:10] what the actual... [12:10] rana_ans: if it shows the ssd, it should be something like (hd1,gpt1) (hd1,gpt2) [12:11] there must have been something screwy on that other server. i have no explanation. something wrong with LD... [12:11] EriC^^: ok then what should I do to boot into it? [12:11] rana_ans: type "ls (hd1,gpt1)" if that's the efi partition of the ssd, it should show an "efi" dir, if not try the 2nd gpt2 [12:12] rana_ans: then type "chainloader (hd1,gpt1)/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi" [12:12] then type "boot" it should try to boot the windows efi file [12:12] (replace hd1,gpt1 with the correct efi partition of course [12:13] it was complaining it could find libprotobuf.so.9 before. [12:13] EriC^^: ok I'll try that [12:13] rana_ans: if grub doesnt show anything, maybe you could make a live usb of 18.04.1 and from there if it shows the disk, you can add a custom uefi entry to point to the windows ssd [12:14] ok, lemme see if ssd shows in grub shell [12:14] brb [12:21] rootd00d: did you get errors on apt install? [12:29] nope [12:37] EriC^^: ok so basically I think the older grub is still present and getting rid of it might solve the problem [12:38] EriC^^: https://ibb.co/R7fLfwC https://ibb.co/RTFpJn4 https://ibb.co/mTqzrkM [12:38] these are the images [12:39] EriC^^: and there was no file (hd1,gpt2)/efi/Microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi [12:40] rana_ans: you want (hd2,gpt2) [12:40] rather there was (hd1,gpt2)/efi/Microsoft/Boot/boot_x64.efi which I worked with and tried booting but it took me back into grub menu [12:40] rana_ans: try "chainloader (hd2,gpt2)/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi" [12:41] ok, Imma go check that then [12:41] then "boot" [12:41] ok cia [12:51] EriC^^: ok that worked but then that famous Windows blue screen comes up with an error of not accessing something [12:52] rana_ans: inaccessible boot device? [12:52] like this https://ubuntucommunity.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/optimized/2X/1/1e10700ccf6f98fa181b5506438a3ab9a20ffb38_2_690x517.png [12:53] yeah yeah thats the one [12:55] rana_ans: it might be related to ahci settings, if you've changed them since, try to change them again and try again [12:55] oh ok then, BRB :| [13:03] OK my guess would be that this has been asked before but shouldn't my 18.04 not have asked me to upgarde to 20.04 by now? I thought this happened automatically once 20.04.1 was released. [13:04] DocMors: when upgrade path is open, it will [13:05] but isn't that usually once 20.04.1 is released? I can force the update but I'd rather not. [13:06] DocMors: keep an eye on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604 [13:06] "when it's ready" [13:07] leftyfb, thanks a mil that does it. [13:07] EriC^^: ok it didnt work at first try but after restarting, it worked. I'm currently on Windows, how can we fix the problem now? [13:08] rana_ans: are you able to access D: ? [13:08] EriC^^: oh shit, I didnt open This PC, no I cannot access D:\ [13:09] so we back at repairing drive? what was the thing you told me earlier today? [13:10] rana_ans: i'd recommend joining ##windows to figure out how to fix D:\ then i guess the ubuntu dual boot issue can be addressed, probably it is some ahci/rapid storage tech problem not seeing the ssd [13:11] EriC^^: ok thank you brother, I have a Viva exam for final year in 2 hours and I couldnt access anything :D [13:11] rana_ans: LMD dynamic disk? [13:11] yeah D:\ is still Dynamic [13:11] ah, you have all you need on c: for the test? [13:12] can I get in touch with you later here? when I get D:\ fixed? [13:13] EriC^^: not really but I cannot download the book from the site again, thats not an issue [13:13] the issue is for later on for FYP, I have my project files in there [13:13] i see, you're a mech engineer? [13:14] Mechatronics Engineer [13:14] ah cool, im a mech engineer myself [13:15] anyways good luck on the test, and sure let me know later when D: is fixed [13:15] nice to meet you, thank you again for your help! [13:15] thank you! [13:15] you too, no problem! [13:15] bye, have good day bro [13:15] thanks, you too, bye === Lutin92 is now known as Lutin [13:37] Does 20.04 Desktop has mdadm in it now these days ? [13:38] Lutin: the desktop and server edition both have the ability to install all the same packages [13:39] leftyfb but in server edition mdadm is already there [13:39] Lutin: mdadm is not installed on the desktop edition of ubuntu by default but you can install it manually [13:39] leftyfb is it in the ISO ? [13:40] I don't have internetaccess there atm [13:40] Lutin: that I don't know. [13:40] leftyfb then we need to find out! [13:44] hi. Im getting hash mismatches when I try apt-get update in a new multipass instance. Any ideas? [13:44] makara1: check the date/time of the instance [13:45] leftyfb: output of `date` is correct [13:46] Lutin: it looks to me like the mdadm package is not available on the iso [13:46] leftyfb meh, then I need to work with my current VM on windows then, thanks! [13:47] leftyfb: the md5sum is correct, but not the sha1 and sha256 hases [13:54] Is there a simple guide out there for creating basic .deb files? Need to package a single binary, a sample config file, and systemd .service file. [13:55] the weirdest thing - i had to `echo all >> /etc/gcrypt/hwf.deny` to downgrade a libgcrypto20 optimization [13:57] hi [13:57] how do I install multiple versions of gcc? [14:11] nuala: I would use an lxd container. [14:25] or a chroot [14:25] neure: ^ [14:26] mason: containers are basically that [14:26] There's a vast amount more infrastructure required for an LXD container than for a chroot, for installing alternate package versions. [14:50] hi after upgrade to 20.04 from 19.10 locking screen is not working: gnome-screensaver-command -l is not doing anything [14:53] KunaPrime: gnome-screensaver-command is part of package gnome-screensaver, which is the legacy (pre gnome-shell) screen saver. [14:54] tomreyn: thank you, what do you sugesst for the cmd srceen locking? [14:54] KunaPrime: which graphical desktop are you meaning to run? [14:55] tomreyn: gnome for now [14:56] KunaPrime: current gnome or gnome-flashback? [14:56] current [14:56] then i suggest you install ubuntu-desktop [14:57] and remove gnome-screensaver, i guess [14:58] i already have ubuntu desktop no i need to figure out which command to run from cli or script [14:59] tomreyn: do you have suggestion on how to lock screen from command line ? [15:00] KunaPrime: i haven't tried to do so. you need gdm as a login manager, and that would also handle screen locking [15:00] i don't know whether or not you can make it lock the screen programmatically. [15:01] tomreyn: ok thank you [15:01] KunaPrime, 'loginctl lock-sessions' is a way to do it, not sure the best [15:02] d [15:03] s [15:04] ioria: tis has no effect do i need to do something else? [15:05] this* [15:05] I use "xdg-screensaver lock" - Not sure which package the binary is part of tbh [15:08] hello, just asking if this wiki article will be updated so it lists out all or most supported hardwares? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SupportedHardware === ScottHDev7 is now known as ScottHDev [15:14] Hi, how can I change the color theme for nano? [15:14] my strings are yellow, what is not readable well on my tty's background [15:31] Anyone know if Nvidia proprietary drivers can cause screen flicker on an IPS screen? [15:32] I guess I can ask here or elsewhere on what can cause display flicker. The flicker seems to be intermittent and temporary, but last a few minutes. Noticable more on darker colors/ [15:32] KunaPrime, it should work unless your system is borked ( http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/loginctl.1.html) [15:32] I tried rebooting to Windows and I may have seen it. But I notice it more in Linux for some reason. Ubuntu 20.04. Laptop model is hp envy m7-n101dx and it's at least like five years old. [15:33] I also noticed it pretty quickly after booting up. [15:35] Actually, I've always noticed it after adjusting the screen refresh rate for some reason. [15:35] Just annoyed because the coffee machine and vacuum just broke. Don't wanna have to repair this to top it off. [15:36] But then again I just adjusted the refersh rate and it was fine. But why do I only seem to notice it after bootup? It goes away. [15:37] How do i write a windows ISO file to a USB drive? I tried startup disk creator, but it wont read the Win.ISO properly [15:38] Have you tried rufus? [15:38] On Windows. [15:38] MikeRL, I dont have windows [15:38] Or on Linux, try Popsicle. Not sure about it. [15:38] I know woeusb used to kind of work. [15:39] is it on apt-get? [15:40] Try the PPA mentioned here: http://www.webupd8.org/2017/06/tool-to-create-bootable-windows-usb.html [15:41] I don't know how reliable it is because I normally burn on Windows via rufus. [15:42] https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB [15:42] trying woeusb [15:43] Good luck. [15:44] MikeRL, Popscicle is writing for now [15:45] geosmile, Popsicle is also good. I don't know if it handles Windows ISOs well. [15:45] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/3650a61dfd86418f8af50446b4fc0f53/pasted.txt [15:45] crap [15:45] I am needing some help with a microsoft active directory authentication. [15:45] It works and I am on the realm, I can authentication, it all works but one part: passwd/kpasswd [15:45] When I use either I get an error regarding tokens or complexity, in the log it states '[sssd] (0x0010): No domains configured, fatal error!' [15:45] Although when I set the flag on the Microsoft AD to 'change password upon next logon' it successfully applies the password change to the account. [15:45] Any ideas? [15:46] MikeRL, So far its writing well. I'll let you know [15:46] OK. [15:48] link to popsicle? [15:51] i need popOs ha :P [15:55] I created a server in AWS as an intel machine, then switched it to AMD and installed those drivers, then switched it back to Intel. Is there a way to remove the AMD packages/drivers that I don't need anymore? [15:55] !popos | tieinv [15:55] tieinv: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [15:55] I'm on Ubuntu 20x LTS [15:56] element: Which 'AMD drivers' on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS are you referring to? [15:56] @tomreyn, here is one for example, Get:1 http://us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates/main amd64 rsyslog amd64 8.2001.0-1ubuntu1.1 [427 kB] [15:57] looks like it's still pulling down amd64 updates [15:57] maybe "drivers" is the wrong term [15:57] amd64 refers to the cpu architecture which intel and amd CPUs have in common [15:58] got it. so apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and I'm fine, not keeping stuff that is irrelevant, correct? [15:58] the line you posted is about a package, "rsyslog", compoled for tzhis amd64 cpu architecture, which was being downloaded [15:58] !yy.m | element [15:59] !yy.mm | element [15:59] element: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [15:59] there's no need to make any changes when switching from an intel to an amd amd64 CPU [15:59] tomreyn, perfect, thank you [15:59] @leftyfb, 20.04 [15:59] to be more precise, 20.04.1 [16:00] Thanks for the help ya'll, have a good day! [16:00] leftyfb: thanks :) [16:09] hi all! after today's update the hdmi audio output does not work anymore .... anyone else with the issue? [16:14] eeos: see which updates were installed in /var/log/apt/history.log, check your logs for errors about audio, pulseaudio ("pa") and discuss which ubuntu version and kernel version you're running. [16:19] tomreyn: 20.04.1 LTS 64 bit [16:28] eeos: so what about the other things? stating which ubuntu version you have a is a good start, but not enough. [16:31] eeos: did you try booting an older kernel, that does it for me sometimes [16:45] Hi there! I'm having trouble and am getting the "Oh no! Something has gone wrong" screen. CTRL+ALT+ doesn't show a TTY login, just a flashing dash. How can I get these to be tty logins so I can debug the other problem? [16:47] also: grub is failing to show text on my screen during boot. The screen goes purple, but no grub text appears. Grub on a boot usb works fine. [16:49] jbo: which ubuntu release is this? which kernel version? is this a fresh installation? did you install all pending updates, yet? [16:49] jbo: reinstall is not an option? [16:52] tomreyn: 20.04; it wasn't booting, so I did a full apt upgrade via chroot from a liveusb [16:52] kotek: I'd like to try some more before doing that [16:53] jbo: so, a fresh install of 20.04 LTS? which was not booting? [16:53] tomreyn: no - a 20.04 which was quite out of date, and which I just updated [16:54] I still suggest backing up and reinstalling [16:55] It seems like a lot of things went wrong [16:55] jbo: was it 20.04 originally, though, or had you upgraded from an earlier release? and the updates you 'just' installed, did you install those before the problem you're discussing occurred, or afterwards? [16:58] tomreyn: it was getting stuck during boot running apt-daily. I booted into a liveusb, chrooted into the root disk and ran the apt update manually. I removed the apt-daily task from the systemd task list. Now: it's getting past that phase, and is starting X successfully. However, instead of a window manager, it renders the "oh no" page. All I need to debug further is for login ttys to appear on CTRL+ALT+F2 etc [16:58] -- do you know why they're not? Is this a new default? [17:00] hmm, you're not answering the questions i just asked. [17:00] looks like https://askubuntu.com/questions/911560/enable-ctrlaltf1-virtual-consoles-in-gnome-ubuntu-17-04 is what I was after [17:01] tomreyn: yes, it was. I didn't see the problem before the updates, but also didn't have an opportunity to [17:02] jbo: i'm afraid it's not clear what "yes, it was" is an answer to. [17:03] tomreyn: it was 20.04, but not updated. I updated to latest. Before the updates, grub was rendering [17:03] tomreyn: also before the update, X was working [17:04] jbo: so this was a fresh 20.04 installation at some point, or did you carry out a release upgrade previously? [17:04] tomreyn: it was 18.04 a long time ago [17:05] okay, do you have the "ubuntu-desktop" package installed? [17:05] tomreyn: not sure - [17:05] I'll have to boot back into the liveusb to check. [17:06] jbo: you can boot to recovery instead [17:06] !recovery [17:06] If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [17:07] EriC^^: tomreyn: sorry, I keep getting disconnected .... [17:07] jbo: this wont work if grub can't get you raphical output during boot, though [17:07] tomreyn: EriC^^: I have sorted the problem out meanwhile, but thank you! [17:07] jbo: *graphical [17:08] tomreyn: yeah - will try though [17:08] aha! instead of all-purple, holding shift caused the grub menu to appear [17:08] jbo: on a default 20.04 installation you'd have gdm on tty1, mutter and gnome-shell on tty2 [17:08] trying recovery [17:08] and tty3 -9 would be text consoles [17:09] or 3-7 [17:10] ok nice - recovery mode has gotten me to a root prompt. [17:10] tomreyn: do you know what logs I should look for the cause of the 'Oh No' page ? [17:12] jbo: that's X failing to start, as invoked by gdm, i think. you should see lines containing "/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session" in the systemd journal [17:14] tomreyn: interesting - looks like ubuntu-desktop _wasn't_ installed -- installing it now [17:16] alright you guys. *rolls up sleeves*. We need to make ubuntu better. How big is a feature-desire and bug-list? [17:16] !discuss | oft_gegong [17:16] oft_gegong: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [17:17] tomreyn: brilliant - that's got me up and into X. Thank you! [17:19] jbo: good. now make sure you have any leftover packages from 18.04 and third party repositories you once had removed. you can install apt-forktracer and post its output to do so: sudo apt update && sudo apt install apt-forktracer && sudo apt-forktracer | sort | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:23] eeos: how did you solve the problem? [17:23] tomreyn: I think I'm ok for now - will have a look at that later. thanks for the help [18:01] Hello, I am using Ubuntu Mate 18.04 and I have a question about colours in the Gnome Terminal. Please check the files I uploaded here, the question is about changing the dark green colour - I am not sure how to make "ls -la" output directory names using another one. https://pasteboard.co/Jnqo4zN.png https://pasteboard.co/JnqotU9.png [18:01] The way I understand it, "ls -la" simply outputs what it needs, with some markers to indicate what a directory is, and then the terminal applies the currently configured colours. [18:01] This works fine except that whereas in the first screenshot the background is nice, in the second screenshot the coulor used for .cache, .config, .local etc. barely stands out against the background. [18:01] So the question really is not how to change this colour, rather, how to make "ls -la" somehow output directory names using a different marker or, perhaps, how to make the terminal apply a different colour altogether. Thanks. [18:02] Currently, I am checking if this can be changed via modifications to $LS_COLORS. [18:11] Hm, this appears to have some details https://linuxhint.com/ls_colors_bash/ [18:48] Good morning/evening/time [18:49] Is there a way to make Ubuntu play sounds on events like window scroll, clicks, or keypresses? [18:50] Hello everyone. I been trying to figure out if FileSyem (ext3, zfs, ntfs, hfs+.. etc) matters when it comes to tree traversal... [18:50] Looking up things like audio feedback or response just returns audio troubleshooting related to feedback, status, and signal :( [19:05] hi everyone. I have an issue with kde where focus doesn't shift properly between windows. If I scroll the wheel, on my mouse, sometimes it'll act like a window switcher. The only way to get proper window focus and keyboard focus is to hack my way through with a weird middle click that doesn't always work. [19:05] brimestone: matter, in which way? performance? and why this research? [19:05] this issue also happens when I change window managers or switch to gnome/mate [19:06] Performance [19:07] brimestone: some file systems are slower for certain operations than others, in some situations but not others. this is too generic to answer. [19:07] tomreyn: I'm writing an application particularly in the Object Storage... and I'm trying to figure this out. [19:07] brimestone: so it's not an ubuntu support question, try one of the other channels then. [19:07] I agree.. now, is there a list of Filesystem specs and pros and cons between each [19:08] still not a support question [19:08] Yes, you are correct.. and thank you for even entertaining.. [19:11] omnisip: if you're running kubuntu there, the best place to ask kubuntu specific questions (whch are not common to all the ubuntu flavours) will be #kubuntu [19:14] tomreyn, it happens with any environment (I've tried switching to gnome and mate) [19:17] I even debugged libinput to see if I was getting any special keys or if something was turned on (like a special caps lock or something) [19:25] omnisip: may or may not apply to current ubuntu (gnome-shell) releases still: https://askubuntu.com/questions/966887/switching-between-windows-with-scroll-wheel-on-ubuntu-dock [19:26] tomreyn, is there a way to disable that function across the board? [19:27] When Ubuntu sends a report with Apport, when does it end up to? [19:27] omnisip: i don't think so. if anything, it'd have to be an X setting rather than a mutter/gnome-shell one. but i don't know about those. [19:27] I know so little about the X architecture which is why I'm having so much trouble debugging this problem [19:27] X isn't a windows manager, though, so i don't see how it would switch windows [19:28] i mean i don't see how X would switch between application windows === pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw [19:28] courrier, https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$ === dreamcat4__ is now known as dreamcat4 === peter-bittner1 is now known as peter-bittner === anonimip_ is now known as anonymip === dex19835 is now known as dex1983 === ravustaj1 is now known as ravustaja === kinghat3 is now known as kinghat === Gazooo7 is now known as Gazooo [20:01] hi all. 20.04, primary ip is on vlan configured statically via netplan. installing docker and rebooting results in new docker0 interface but zero ip configuration for my vlan. can someone help me understand how to fix this? [20:02] works fine if primary ip is on an access port (ip directly assigned to physical interface, no vlan) === tripelb is now known as Guest80869 [20:15] BugeyeD: https://docs.docker.com/network/macvlan/ [20:16] hi all, got some very strange files on my system and an odd bootup yesterday. thinking i might have been compromised. got root files showing up with icelandic date stamps [20:18] leftyfb: thanks for responding. installing docker breaks networking to the point where the host no longer has an ip. i am not sure how docker/macvlan will help me fix that problem. [20:23] BugeyeD: when you add a NIC to a bridge on linux, the nic's address is not used; the bridge itself has an address instead [20:25] sarnold: so ... after installing docker which breaks my config, i need to reconfigure the bridge to add my ip? or potentially change the bridge to attach to the other physical interface which is actually correct? [20:28] BugeyeD: yeah, and the different choices have different tradeoffs.. it'd be annoying to round-trip to the switch every time for communication that happens entirely on the machine, between the main OS and the dockers, etc [20:29] sarnold: no argument there. just uneasy about the way installing docker completely broke my net. my phys interface has no ip, only the vlan interface. but after docker installation, no ip anywhere. === wedr_ is now known as wedr === wedr is now known as tom_mai78101 === tom_mai78101 is now known as wedr [20:33] sarnold: so ... docker0 bridge is created by docker, and not handled by netplan. do i need to dupe its configuration into netplan and add the ip there? [20:34] BugeyeD: sorry, I don't know what exactly the next best step is :/ you might be able to configure docker to bring up the bridge with the vlan and ip that you want though [20:37] Question, am I correct to assume that I can upgrade the kernel on pop!_os the same way I would on ubuntu? So going to kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline and downloading the needed files then installing them on the system? [20:39] mediocre, maybe .. popos is not supported here, use the wiki and you are on your own [20:39] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [20:39] sure there is a popos channel somewhere [20:42] Hello. I posted earlier but then got stuck with my 2nd userid and couldnt join. I learned the REGAIN command from #freenode but it took time and I may have missed an answer. [20:43] And so: 20.04 gnomeretro, HP probook 2016. Latest UPDATE removed my networking from the top panel and I couldnt find it in the Applications Tree. So I rebooted and dropped back to the previ [20:43] previous kernel. [20:45] when I mount a usb, format it using ntfs using disks, write to it - then try to eject - it hangs. If I pull out the usb its useless and wont even mount [20:45] any ideas on how to fix this? [20:45] I just want to write a few files to the usb drive after formatting in ntfs [20:49] geosmile, one could use this wiki, i suggest use windows to fix that NTFS. next time, be patient while unmounting. [20:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting [20:50] oerheks, thanks. It worked this time. It just took over a minute. Not sure why it was taking that long for ntfs [21:08] lets-encrypt certificate question [21:08] "blog.example.com" certificate has expired [21:08] Expired: Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 00:46:07 British Summer Time [21:09] tried running sudo certbot renew -> https://pastebin.com/0ZGeG1JS [21:09] also ran the following command sudo certbot --nginx --expand -d example.com -d www.example.com -d blog.example.com [21:09] but browser still referening the 2018 version [21:09] codecutter, you cannot request a cert for a site you cannot validate [21:10] its my own site [21:10] do you own the DNS for example.come [21:10] example.com www.example work fine [21:10] yes [21:10] if I nslookup example.com that it points to your site's IP? [21:11] example.com is a placeholder not my actual site [21:11] part of the process that certbot does, is it places a tiny file on the htdocs path, and asks EFF to call that file [21:11] this validates that you own the DNS [21:11] and the website [21:12] does this make sense? [21:13] how do i get rid of the old cert for the 'blog' subdomain and issue/renew blog.example.com again? [21:13] so in your apache/nginx - the line that specifies the actual cert/key which is used to validate the SSL certificate [21:14] can you talk me through it? [21:14] looking in your /etc/letsencrypt folder - you should be able to find the appropriate cert and key, and update your nginx/apache conf file to that location [21:15] ah [21:15] i see ' blog.example.com' [21:15] as you specified --nginx - certbot will attempt to write a set of instructions (look at the bottom and then scroll up) [21:16] always use nginx -t to test your config, probably the script (-test) will complain of a duplicate virtual host [21:16] (hence, I said scroll up from the bottom to see the duplicate server {} entries) [21:17] do you want to see nginx conf? [21:17] me, no, about to go to bed [21:17] if you install roundcube and I didnt have mysql installed so I skipped the config, how when I installed I tries getting the config menu back but it doesnt go [21:18] re-read what I've written carefully, and think about it before you do anything [21:18] nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "blog.example.com" on, ignored [21:18] Niklas_E, look at some instructions on changing database for roundcube, then apply that against your mysql config [21:19] codecutter, yup - duplicate server entry. read the config file properly. you have duplicate entries [21:20] ok [21:20] https://pastebin.com/PBv5ixh1 [21:23] i have blog.example.com inside the '/etc/letsencrypt/' and example.com inside '/etc/letsencrypt/live' [21:24] codecutter, find /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ | xargs grep blog to find the duplicate [21:26] https://pastebin.com/f4xfQdt7 [21:26] which ones do i keep and which ones do i need to delete? [21:27] codecutter, do you know what a softlink is? [21:27] ln [21:28] also known as a symbolic link, or symlink. [21:29] go on [21:29] ... [21:29] anyway, looks like certbot took blog.example.com.conf and made a blog.example.com-ssl.conf [21:29] with nginx, the original files are in sites-available folder, and a soft-link is created in the sites-enabled folder [21:30] you can see this with the ls -la and the softlink appears with -> [21:30] so deleting the softlink in the sites-enabled folder is fine, the original file still lives [21:30] does that make sense? [21:31] yes, which one do i delete? [21:31] ssl? [21:32] * summonner hits codecutter on the head [21:32] blog.example.com-ssl.conf or blog.example.com.conf? [21:35] or both? [21:36] deleted both blog.example.com-ssl.conf and blog.example.com.conf [21:36] sudo certbot renew [21:38] output -> https://pastebin.com/Yf32ZNXE [21:54] ubuntu-core 18 install failed on virtualbox, anyway it is still pretty large in size, 300MB image needs a few GB disk, that's pretty heavy duty for edge devices [21:54] while i have openwrt 12MB running and does everything well [21:55] no multimedia stuff as expected, but nobody needs it for edge gateway [21:56] rr123: ubuntu core is not something we support here [21:58] tomreyn: i c, thanks === edk_ is now known as e [22:51] Greetings! I could some tech support help. My server has been running 18.04 with the Marvel Atlantic driver installed to support the AQC108 NbaseT NIC on the motherboard. It's worked beautifully for the last 2 years. It stopped working after I upgraded to 20.04. After I upgraded, I used DKMS to reinstall the driver and received a message that the [22:51] 5.x kernel included a newer driver. So I backtracked and used DKMS to remove the driver from the 5.4 and 4.x kernels. [22:51] My OS sees the NIC, shows that it using the kernel driver, but will not accept an IP. [22:56] Trying to reset the NIC using ifconfig down/up doesn't work. So, any suggestions on where to start with fixing the problem? [22:57] griv: what errors are you getting? [22:59] As far as I can tell, none. My router offers the IP, but the NIC won't accept. But, where do you want me to look? [22:59] It currently has a 169 address, which is a new developemtn. [23:00] if you're using ip to try to assign an address, does the address stay there afterwards? [23:00] I'm trying to mount my phone via usb into a virtualbox guest but it isn't being detected. could anyone help me figure out what's going on? I tried this solution: https://askubuntu.com/questions/365850/virtualbox-not-seeing-any-usb-devices-in-the-usb-filters-settings [23:00] As well as a solution which involved me downloading material from the virtualbox website [23:00] Nothing seems to be working [23:01] amazoniantoad: does it work if you take the vm out of the equation? [23:01] sarnold, yes I can mount my phone to the host [23:02] amazoniantoad: does your phone show up with lsusb on the host? [23:02] sarnold, yes [23:02] amazoniantoad: .. and then, I assume, you're doing USB passthrough to the guests, does it show up in lsusb there? or in dmesg output when plugging and unplugging? [23:02] Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Galaxy series, misc. (MTP mode) [23:02] sarnold, it does not show up under possible usb devices on the usb list [23:03] amazoniantoad: hmm, is that in virtualbox? [23:04] sarnold, yes it does not show up in virtualbox [23:04] sarnold, and by extension it does not show up in the guest os [23:05] Could someone tell me how to install Brother QL-1060N printer [23:07] sarnold, Any ideas? :/ [23:07] amazoniantoad: do other USB devices show up in the list? [23:07] sarnold, like my mouse? No. But I'm able to use it on the guest OS [23:07] RonWhoCaresHP520, is it listed in openprinting.org? [23:09] amazoniantoad: does it matter if you plug in your phone before you start vbox? [23:09] sarnold, no [23:09] oh, brother gives a .deb https://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadtop.aspx?c=us_ot&lang=en&prod=ql1060neus m download it, and double click, software center will open to intall it. [23:11] am I to search drivetrs? [23:11] yes? [23:11] https://openprinting.org/printer/Brother/Brother-QL-1060N [23:11] That is the sucker [23:12] so, read back, i gave an URL [23:12] which, you could have find [23:12] amazoniantoad: did you install the proprietary virtualbox extensions? [23:13] oerheks: I was on there [23:13] I am confused [23:13] tomreyn, yes [23:13] amazoniantoad: did you logout and login after installing them? [23:14] tomreyn, I restarted the computer [23:14] amazoniantoad: what'S the output of the "groups" command, when run by your system user? [23:15] tomreyn, I'm a member of the group. I checked that a couple of different ways [23:15] amazoniantoad: which group do you mean? [23:15] tomreyn, vboxusers [23:17] anyone available to troubleshoot a network issue? [23:18] oerheks: https://pastebin.com/fGkYcBev [23:18] tomreyn, any other suggestions? [23:18] amazoniantoad: how about the "plugdev" group? [23:19] tomreyn, yes [23:19] I am [23:19] amazoniantoad: which virtualbox version are you running? [23:19] Hi! Got issues with writing on sd cards, they mount as read only (at least the root partition of it) [23:19] tomreyn, 6.1 [23:19] /dev/sdf2 on /media/ericus/retropie type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uhelper=udisks2) [23:19] amazoniantoad: and which ubuntu version? [23:20] ericus: what errors do you get when you try to write to it? [23:20] tomreyn, 20.04LTS [23:20] RonWhoCaresHP520, not sure you need to be root to run that jar [23:20] i would only install the driver, does that work? [23:21] sarnold I cant create folders/files or edit files [23:21] amazoniantoad: let's move to #vbox since this is out of scope here IMO [23:22] it works if I run as root sarnold [23:22] octav1a: Where should the .prn go? [23:22] ericus: and when you try to write to it as non-root, what errors do you get? [23:24] Error writing /media/ericus/retropie/etc/default/keyboard: Permission denied [23:25] ericus: is the goal to take this sd card out of the machine it's in now and use it in a different computer? [23:25] RonWhoCaresHP520, weird question; just download the deb, and double click, software center will open to install it. [23:25] no need for location stuff [23:25] tried sudo chown -hR ericus /dev/sdf, not working [23:25] ericus: well, that probably did work, to modify the raw device node [23:25] sarnold yes, it's a SD for a Raspberry Pi [23:25] ericus: it wouldn't affect the filesystem that is stored on the device itself [23:26] ericus: you shouldn't change the owners or permissions on these files -- once you boot the other system with this card, you'll want them to all be as they were intended to be [23:26] ericus: you *can* change them, of course, do your edits, but then you have to put them back, or things might not work correctly [23:26] it's mounted at /media/ericus/retropie, do I need to change permission for the mount location perhaps? [23:26] ericus: it'd be easier to just edit the root-owned files with a text edtor as root, etc [23:27] It is installed [23:27] ls -al [23:27] drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 feb 13 2020 retropie [23:27] but yeah, guess I can do that sarnold [23:27] I just need to edit a couple of things [23:28] ericus: yeah, it's a bit annoying to constantly pop back to root for these things, but it's easier than remembering which files you changed and putting them all back again afterwards [23:29] ture [23:29] true* [23:29] thanks [23:31] oerheks: I don't see how to use the .deb Line 4 is the what I am trying to add https://pastebin.com/CXhEmUGm [23:31] Anyone have time to look at my problem with grub kernel recognition (https://askubuntu.com/questions/1268026/how-can-i-get-update-grub-to-recognize-linux-surface-kernel/1268549?noredirect=1#comment2148722_1268549) [23:34] semitones: heh, those answers are all over the place [23:34] the one is too short and doesn't seem to understand the problem [23:35] the other is too long and not consice enough to understand [23:35] but might have the answer :) [23:35] the "update-grub" one is just plain wrong :p unless they're identifying that the problem is within "update-grub" which I would agree with [23:36] creating a 06_custom file might work, but I didn't dig long enough in the documentation to understand what I would be doing; and it seems like it would give weird behavior if 10_linux actually found the kernels it is supposed to [23:38] thanks for taking a look :) [23:41] semitones: maybe add your 'this works' grub configuration to the bug, along with the 'this is what happened at the last kernel upgrade' configuration -- and the diff -u between the two [23:43] you're talking about the grub.cfg? I can do that [23:44] I can also through up my /etc/default/grub if it's not there already [23:44] s/through/throw/ [23:45] good idea; you never know..