
maggotbrainman. on a fresh install of 20.04 (in a VM), adding a ppa via the gui is borked. just hangs and give an internal error. :-(02:11
maggotbrainand the anti-pattern of prompting for the apt source before prompting for admin creds is not good.02:15
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Translate /usr/bin/po/thunar-print.pot in zh_CN @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/ffae56c501a53ffd9f8188e0ccfeb1df40822a4b (by transifex-integration)08:08
ochosiquite the release party ^ ;)08:13
Unit193Sean! \o/11:47
Unit193bluesabre: Hey!  I saw you got someone interested in QA!11:47
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, just got pinged by them and pointed them at some resources.11:48
bluesabreYay life! :D11:48
Unit193Also I should likely look at your doodle. >_<  But as always, late evenings tend to work best.11:49
jphilipsmaggotbrain: how exactly did you add a ppa via the gui, as i didn't any any problems doing it when i did it12:01
maggotbrainvia Software * Updates -> Other Software -> Add13:47
jphilipsmaggotbrain: on the apt line field, did you simply put in the ppa entry like so - ppa:xuzhen666/dockbarx15:38
maggotbrainno. "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/phoerious/keepassxc/ubuntu focal main" it is accepted and shows correctly. Then freezes on the "refreshing software cache" and eventually (~2+ min) crashes with an internal error.15:45
maggotbrainadd-apt-repository from the cli works fine.15:46
maggotbrainapparently it's a dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/183205715:49
ubot93Launchpad bug 1829401 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "gi.repository.GLib.GError: pk-client-error-quark: could not do untrusted question as no klass support" [High, Triaged] [duplicate: 1832057]15:49
jphilipsmaggotbrain: i remember having problems when it was refreshing the software cache and i didn't import the key file and it looped forever when i tried closing the window.16:18
jphilipssad that doing it from the GUI isn't as simple as the commandline and the GUI should take you step by step through the correct process to provide a good UX16:19
jphilipslinux mint makes it quite user friendly - https://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/07/add-ppa-to-linux-mint-100594418-orig.png16:23
maggotbrainyeah sad indeed. This is the 1st time I have done a clean install in a year or two. All of my other xubuntu machines are upgrades.16:23
=== marco is now known as Guest9184
maggotbrainand both the bug I linked and its dupe are over a year old.20:26

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