
runelind_qI'm having issues with Ubuntu 20.04 on my rpi4.   linux-image-raspi is being held back because it depends on crda which is not installable02:45
=== StathisA_ is now known as StathisA
Aison0I converted my root fs to btrfs10:00
Aison0and then I added a 2nd drive and converted the btrfs to raid110:01
Aison0so far so good10:01
Aison0Now I would like the possiblity to boot from both devices10:01
Aison0update-grub creates the entries as expected10:01
Aison0but booting from one disk fails, because initramfs claims that there is no /sbin/init10:03
Aison0BTRFS info (device sdb2): balance: ended with status: -2810:06
RoyKperhaps try #btrfs10:14
dragosikuhi all10:30
dragosikuwho can hep me with a DNS setup from my provider for forward for email server with ubuntu vps ?10:31
RepoxHello. I'm having some issues with the Nginx service stopping sometimes. Doing a nginx -t gives no errors or warnings. This is what is in the syslog: https://hastebin.com/pevosovumo.log (doing a cat syslog | grep nginx) . Might anyone know here to look?11:16
tdsRoyK: the timing there seems a bit suspicious; does that always happen at midnight?12:51
tdsugh, repox12:51
tdsoh, they're gone :/12:51
lystraHi. We are upgrading a server from Ubuntu 16 to 20. On the 16 server, we are using getuid_callout in /etc/multipath.conf to fetch the WWID. This is deprecated in Ubuntu 20 so we are using "uid_attribute ID_SERIAL" instead. However, when I do this, multipath -v4 -ll shows entries like "sdc: serial =" (https://gist.github.com/twwlogin/77abf960c964f03e0ca746f7dbe1157f). So, whatever multipath is doing to detect the WWID isn't work.23:21
lystra/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/sdx does work so how do we get multipath to use that?23:21
lystraWhat's odd is that "udevadm info --query=all --path /sys/block/sdc | grep ID_SERIAL" returns a valid WWID.23:32
tomreyn!yy.mm | lystra23:44
ubottulystra: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle23:44
lystraYeah, just shortening 20.04.1 -> 20 and 16.04.6 -> 16.23:52

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