
Maikbrookerose1312: since ubuntu budgie is a official flavor it's ok to ask here.00:01
brookerose1312ah, gotcha.00:01
Maiki guess the ubuntu budgie channel is good for asking about Ubuntu Budgie specific things. The core in every flavor is ubunut after all.00:02
brookerose1312It seems as if the workaround for the intel (14iil05) version isn't covered in the linked post, only the ryzen one.00:04
brookerose1312So I did cat /proc/bus/input/devices and I don't even see a touchscreen input device, which maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spot.00:08
Bashing-ombrookerose1312: ' apt policy xserver-xorg-input-all ' show installed ?00:11
tomreynbrookerose1312: to identify the touchscreen: sudo acpidump | grep -C3 ELAN00:13
brookerose1312I see ELAN2097 only, which I'm assuming is the touchpad but I might be wrong.00:14
brookerose1312no, wait. that should be the touchpad.00:14
brookerose1312the apt policy xserver-xorg-input-all on their computer shows `installed: (none)`00:22
brookerose1312also they didn't have acpidump on their system, but it's the same as my system (exact same model) so it's going to be ELAN209700:23
brookerose1312(also when I said that should be the touchpad I meant touchscreen, running on very low energy right now haha)00:23
Bashing-ombrookerose1312: tomreyn: See ' apt show xserver-xorg-input-all' and then consider to install ?00:25
brookerose1312would `sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all` work? or should I do that instead00:26
Bashing-ombrookerose1312: "show" is to look and think about it . I expect however the install to pull in additional drivers.00:27
brookerose1312it's installed00:27
tomreyn"grep -rFi ELAN" on the xf86-input-libinput.git returns no output00:35
brookerose1312I *think* the i2c-hid kernel module needs to be enabled?00:36
brookerose1312and it isn't.00:36
tomreynxf86-input-libinput.git is the source for package xserver-xorg-input-libinput which (in addition to a recommends against a a wacom package) is the only package xserver-xorg-input-all depends on, at least on 18.0400:37
Towsernow, being open source and all, how do you make your own ubuntu distribution? like install it, customize it and pack it all up? if you're allowed to do it00:37
soft_concreteTowser: you're allowed to do it. There are ubuntu derivaties, such as xubuntu00:44
soft_concreteLinux Mint, I believe, is also based on Ubuntu00:44
Towserok so how do you like make your own distro?00:48
brookerose1312That's a big ask, afaik.00:52
guivercTowser, if I was going to do it, I'd look at someone who has done it and read their blogs.. eg. makulu linux used to be based on debian, when it switched to being based on Ubuntu, the main dev blogged about it, grabbing a script & modifying it for his own purpose, providing links to that too....00:54
RonWhoCaresHP520How do I change the default image viewer to "Shotwell" in Ubuntu 20.04 ?00:58
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ubonei must have removed /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available how to get it back03:01
matsamanubone: apt-file would probably be able to tell you03:03
matsamanprobably from update-notifier-common03:04
geosmilessh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p bastion-host" remote-host ----> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host. ProxyJump is not working either - same error. Any ideas why?03:16
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geosmileI have a usb stick that is read only for some reason. Any ideas  on how to fix that?04:38
mnathaninetplan syntax : tabs or spaces, and how many?04:38
robertparkerxwhat is the proper way to stop rtorrent? I've read some mixed things...04:45
Jordan_Ugeosmile: What filesystem? How are you mounting it? Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".05:11
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gnoobgeosmile: I think they do that sometime when the go bad.05:33
cthulchu|wow, Plasma KDE is amazing05:41
cthulchu|it's actually such a pleasure05:41
cthulchu|and I'm running it on a 2015 laptop05:41
cthulchu|Gnome is great too. Running it on a 2005 laptop05:41
cthulchu|If it's gonna be as good as it is now, I will switch the rest of what I have to Ubuntu next year05:42
guivercyeah I've been impressed with KDE Plasma too lately... gnome running great on a 2005 laptop though makes me wonder how high your standards are... (didn't like unity7 on a pentium 4 so never tried modern gnome)05:43
cthulchu|I feel kinda dumb for being a microsoft slave all these years05:43
cthulchu|oh, well, Gnome is somewhat glitchy on it, but I'm only using it as a home server and to watch movies with my wifey before sleeping05:44
guivercsorry, I didn't realize the channel..05:44
cthulchu|what's with the channel?05:44
guivercit's the support channel, I thought this was -offtopic or -discuss05:44
InteloI want to upgrade obs studio to 25.0.8 but my distro 20 lts only have 25.0.3. What should I do?06:19
lotuspsychjeIntelo: try the obs studio snap06:20
Intelolotuspsychje: which version is this? https://snapcraft.io/obs-studio06:30
lotuspsychjeIntelo: obs-studio                   25.0.8                   snapcrafters        -        OBS Studio for live streaming and screen recording06:31
Intelothanks. so I remove the old one?06:31
lotuspsychjeIntelo: test the snap first, to see if you like it06:32
EliteGod^hello folks. my VPS is having some connectivity issues. while the ZNC and other processes disconnect from time to time, SSH seems to be available even ten. any logs I can provide to help me debug this issue?06:39
Intelolotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TQDZfKZqms/06:42
lotuspsychjeIntelo: for snap support please contact the maintainer: contact:   https://github.com/snapcrafters/obs-studio/issues06:43
rfmEliteGod^, does not sound like a Ubuntu problem, more something like your VPS provider is doing.  Would not expect any help here.06:52
Intelolotuspsychje: whats the obs channel?06:54
EliteGod^I was wondering if could be some misconfiguration on netplan or even in ufw, but my ufw rules are only for incoming traffic and from specific IPS06:55
EliteGod^said issue started yesterday and so for the hosting provider says that they had no complaints about server connectivity from other clients ¯\_(ツ)_/¯06:58
EliteGod^s/so for/so far/06:59
lotuspsychje!alis | Intelo06:59
ubottuIntelo: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"06:59
WoetEliteGod^: did you run a MTR?06:59
EliteGod^Woet: and how do I do that?06:59
WoetEliteGod^: install MTR, run it.07:00
EliteGod^Woet: any specific arguments that I should use?07:00
WoetEliteGod^: nope07:00
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EliteGod^Woet: thanks. I'll do it and see the output if the VPS fails again07:05
Adam__I have 2 logs that somehow unexplicably filled up with over 200GB of data, anyone have any advice in looking into it? I'm concerned it might be a security compromise07:21
Adam__any known bugs that could lead to this?07:21
lotuspsychjeAdam__: pastebin a part of it so volunteers can see whats about, wich logs are they?07:22
Adam__which part? it's 200gb...07:23
Adam__`/var/log/syslog` and `/var/log/syglog.1`07:23
lotuspsychjeAdam__: wich ubuntu version is this?07:23
lotuspsychjeAdam__: ok, pastebin a part of it, where you think a lot of the same kind of errors are showing07:24
Adam__it's 200GB. I have no clue07:24
Adam__what's a good way to identify duplication?07:24
Adam__any suggestion on a tool to view the logs?07:24
lotuspsychjeAdam__: without any clue, we cant grep any keywords07:25
Adam__well, that's my issue07:25
Adam__what clue can I give from a 200GB log?07:25
Adam__it's not like anything stands out from what I could see07:25
Adam__I looked at the last 500 lines, looked ok07:25
Adam__first 500 or so, same07:25
lotuspsychjeAdam__: common sense is needed here, search for very repetitive errors07:25
Adam__how do I know what's repeated when I can't see the vast majority of the file????07:26
Adam__what can I use to look over the file easier?07:26
lotuspsychjeAdam__: you could pastebin your dmesg, and meanwhile when investigating things, open a realtime: journalctl -f to see whats going on07:27
Adam__lotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/xV1jQ4iU07:31
lotuspsychjeAdam__: dmesg looks pretty sane to me, unless the snap apparmor error about yaru icons07:34
lotuspsychjeAdam__: do you get those a lot in your realtime journal?07:34
Adam__nothing is happening really in the realtime journal, it spot out stuff at the start, then nothing07:34
lotuspsychjeok thats good news then07:35
lotuspsychjeAdam__: how about items in your /var/crash ?07:35
Adam__brave, gnome shell, nemo, virtualbox07:37
Adam__nothing crazy07:37
lotuspsychjegnome shell crashes could lead to filling logs with errors07:38
Adam__these crash reports look big07:39
Adam__one sec07:39
Adam__lotuspsychje ^07:42
lotuspsychjeAdam__: there's a few things you can try, is open your syslog anyway with command line editors or keep your journalctl -f open for a longer time and launch every one of the potential crash programs07:42
lotuspsychjeAdam__: find the root cause of whats spamming your logs07:43
lotuspsychjeAdam__: like, we know dmesg showed a lot of snap yaru errors, i would try the software centre for example07:44
Adam__is there any good tool for trying to read a log that size?07:44
lotuspsychjeAdam__: well, bigger text files will always lag a bit with any kind of tool, but perhaps pastebinit or nc to termbin can help out07:45
Adam__I mean, 200gb though...07:45
lotuspsychjeAdam__: can try, cat ~/some_file.txt | nc termbin.com 999907:46
Adam__I doubt a browser could even handle a 200gb file07:46
Adam__I need to view it in pieces07:46
lotuspsychjeAdam__: grep can help, but in your case we dont know whats causing things yet07:47
inkHello, How can I back my Kubuntu OS, and use it in other computer?07:48
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Adam__I found something07:51
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Adam__lotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/QPMyrQUc08:01
lotuspsychjeAdam__: ok, a lot of polari errors08:12
JeroenKNot sure how to solve this wisely. Its about Run Command, Alt+F2. F2 and F3 are also my volume keys. And whenever I do Alt+F2 all that happens is lowering the volume. Maybe its an idea to put Run Command in the favourites bar? Dunno how though.08:39
finishПривет всем08:47
EliteGod^so, I seem to be on a dead end. `mtr` w/o any parameters show no packet loss, but some processes (like ZNC) did disconnected from IRC networks08:53
snake-venomShould i migrate my desktop Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS to Ubuntu 20.x LTS ?09:05
jellysnake-venom, sure, but you can't do that yet09:06
snake-venomis migration will effect on my files ? or is there any method to migrate ubuntu from old to new without effecting internal setting like installs packages and files system09:06
snake-venomjelly, "but you can't do that yet" sorry did not get you ,09:07
jellythere is an in-place upgrade mechanism, but it's not ready yet for 18.04 -> 20.04 release upgrades09:07
snake-venomso means i should not take any chance to make it more hard :) i will wait for internal tool to migrate..09:08
jellyeven with that, expect some breakage and changes in GUI and GUI-adjacent tools09:08
revolt112EliteGod^, what does your mtr to chat.freenode.net look like?09:08
jellygoing from 16.04 to 18.04 broke Unity quite a bit09:09
jellyhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/17604 ... aaand you left!09:13
EliteGod^revolt112: I do see some packet losses in two hosts when using `mtr chat.freenode.net`09:16
revolt112some packet loss should not be mission critical09:16
EliteGod^now 3 hosts and two of them above 50% loss09:17
revolt112but pinging works without timeouts?09:18
revolt112do you tried running znc in foreground and look at the output?09:18
revolt112some usefull hints?09:18
EliteGod^weird fact is that this started to happen just yesterday, and I've updated the VPS from Eoan to Focal more than 40 days ago09:20
EliteGod^I'm guessing there's something going on with the providers routing or something?09:20
WoetEliteGod^: where did you run a MTR to?09:20
Woetoh, chat.freenode09:21
Woetit's a round robin, it's best to make it match your actual server09:21
Woet[11:21:22] EliteGod^ is connected on adams.freenode.net (Budapest, HU, EU)09:21
Woetthe most important thing is that the last hop has no packet loss09:21
EliteGod^well, the nick in question is PeGaSuS. so I assume that `mtr wolfe.freenode.net` is the command?09:24
EliteGod^I'm very newbie regarding this kind of commands tho09:26
revolt112EliteGod^, give it a go09:28
EliteGod^the loss for that specific server is 0%. is there any way to show the output of MTR in real-time?09:29
EliteGod^I mean, for outsiders09:29
revolt112what does znc say?09:30
EliteGod^Welp.. I guess that my provider needs to take actions. I lost SSH connection and can't reconnect -_-09:31
EliteGod^so, it's not an Ubuntu issue or misconfiguration on my end for sure09:31
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JeroenKAnyone knows how I can do Run Command? See above question. Thx!09:40
tomreynJeroenK: is this on a laptop?09:42
JeroenKyes, Lenovo laptop09:42
tomreynyou probably have a Fn (function) key there?09:42
tomreynenter the bios setup and disable the option which makes F1-F12 keys work as function keys no matter what09:43
tomreynso that you'll have to press the Fn key + F2/F3 to actually change audio09:44
JeroenKAh, so basically everything stays the same, but I need to press Fn to make it work?09:45
tomreynfor the volume keys, yes, but not for the command prompt (Alt-F2)09:45
tomreyni don't know for sure whether your bios has this option, of course, i'm speculating, but i've seen this on ther laptops09:46
JeroenKSuppose I want to do refresh, it will be Fn+F5 instead of just F5? Also F10/11 are for brightness, after your suggestion it would be Fn+F10/F1109:47
JeroenKI will check the bios and see what happens.09:48
tomreynall the functionality depicted by icons on (or next to) the F1-F11 keys will only work while also pressing Fn09:55
exprosichi all, does anyone know what happened to the input method in the latest live cd? I can't find that ibus icon among the system tray like all the youtube videos of ubuntu livecd have, and manual 'ibus-daemon -d' has no effect.09:56
InteloWhen I plug audio interface behringer um2 for mic, the mic works fine but I cannot hear any audio from computer. I have pav control and the audio line vibrates but I can't hear anything. Whats wrong?09:59
tomreynexprosic: can you be more specific than "latest live cd"?09:59
tomreyna file name may already help10:00
exprosictomreyn, sure, ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso10:02
exprosictomreyn, with unity, booted into the live cd without installation10:04
tomreynexprosic: unity?10:04
tomreyni don't think there's any support for the unity desktop on this iso10:06
tomreynUbuntu 16.04 LTS was the latest LTS release defaulting to Unity.10:07
tomreyn18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS use mutter/gnome-shell10:07
tomreyni'm downloading ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso right now, will run it in a VM and see if i can bring up ibus.10:08
exprosictomreyn, sorry i have indeed missed years of ubuntu history. I should be gnome but looks very similar with unity. Anyway it's the one I've downloaded from the official website minutes ago without choosing specific desktops or so10:08
exprosic*it should be10:09
exprosictomreyn, thanks dude10:09
dragosikuhi all10:14
tomreynexprosic: when you go to Settings -> Region & Language -> Manage installed Languages and confirm to install the missing components, then close it, does the Language Support window say "Keyboard input method system: IBus" on the bottom?10:14
dragosikuhi all10:15
dragosikuwho can hep me with a problem10:15
tomreyn!ask | hi dragosiku10:15
ubottuhi dragosiku: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:15
dragosikui bought a OVH vps and i have few domain names, i wish to configure the VPS server to receive all emails for individual domain name10:16
dragosikuto receive and send from the VPS and also the VPS server to have mail server configured for all domains individual10:16
exprosictomreyn, I've tried that moments ago, the only thing it installed was some cjk fonts which I don't need, and after that the ibus icons was still missing. I'll try again with a fresh bootup10:17
tomreynexprosic: i'm not really into ibus, so may just be missing something, not sure how to test it.10:18
tomreyndragosiku: which ubuntu variant and version do you have installed there? which kernel version is running?10:19
dragosiku5.4.0-40-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 23 00:01:04 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:20
exprosictomreyn, did you find the ibus icon after installing the missing components?10:20
dragosikuWelcome to Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-40-generic x86_64)10:20
talxhello guys, good week! -- I have a problem I can't figure out how to resolve. ---- when trying to run pycharm-community, I get "cannot open path of the current working directory: Permission denied" ... everything I know of has the right permissions and I think I visited any link in google regarding this10:21
talxanyone has an idea what should I check ?10:21
tomreynexprosic: hmm, no, i wouldn't know what provides this icon in the first place, or what it would do exactly.10:24
tomreynexprosic: there's "ibus-setup", a command you can run,maybe this helps?10:25
exprosictomreyn, no it didn't. funny thing: the reason I booted ubuntu was to test another ibus functionality (more precisely: bug) which allegedly works in GNOME, so I tried the canonical GNOME distro.10:27
tomreyndragosiku: you'll need to setup a mail server (such as postfix) with virtual mail domains. generally, ubuntu server support is also available in #ubuntu-server.10:28
exprosicthe ime sucks exactly like 10 years ago.10:29
dragosikutomreyn up to there i need to manage DNS from provider, can you help me that ?10:29
tomreynexprosic: sorry, i don't think i can really help there. good luck!10:29
exprosictomreyn, no problem, thanks anyway10:31
tomreyndragosiku: i wasn't talking to you there. you'd need to point your domains' mx record to your vps's ip address, with a priority of e.g. 10. but you shouldn't do this before you've set things up properly on the vps, to not loose mail.10:32
dragosikutomreyn can you point me how to do that please ?10:33
JeroenKK, forgot the nick of the person who helped me with Run Command, but I'm @ Bios now https://upload.picpaste.me/images/2020/08/23/15981786091089215210919558517533.jpg10:33
JeroenKI assume I need to disable hotkey mode?10:34
tomreyndragosiku: how to configure authoritative dns for your domain names will depend on how you're hosting it. most people do not host authoritative dns themselves, but use a hosted service for it. most of the time this is a service included with domain name registration or web hosting.10:35
tomreynJeroenK: that was me. and yes, i'd say that's the option you're looking for.10:35
tomreynJeroenK: you probably also want to enable SVM support while you're there10:36
dragosikutomreyn i have 2 domains name, bistrita.xyz and dragos.xyz for the moment, i need to point for both of them on OVH provider for forward the emails for individual one10:36
JeroenKO darn, just now left bios, I will return, sec10:37
tomreynJeroenK: it's entirely unrelated, though, SVM is for hardware supported virtualization10:37
tomreynif you'll never use virtualization, keep it disabled.10:38
tomreyndragosiku: get support from ovh on how to do this, they're hosting your authoritative dns servers10:39
JeroenKWhat is SVM support about anyway?10:39
dragosikutomreyn i did not pay for the support package :D10:39
tomreyndragosiku: it's outside the scope of ubuntu support, though10:41
tomreynJeroenK: see the wikipedia link i posted10:41
dragosikuif i print screen and upload the DNS page setup can you point me ?10:41
JeroenKK, both done, let's see what happens10:42
JeroenKAlright, shit seems to work :)10:45
tomreyndragosiku: personally i'd recommend against hosting your own mail server if you're not into configuring authoritative dns, yet.10:50
dragosikuhow to  configuring authoritative dns10:51
JeroenKO,  ow I seemed to killed off Fn+F11 for full screen. But thar10:55
JeroenKthats okay ;)10:55
lotuspsychjedragosiku: also update your system to latest11:04
dragosikulotuspsychje all done, ready to forward DNS if you can help me please11:13
lotuspsychjedragosiku: i think tomreyn adviced you right already, you're in good hands at the server channel11:14
dragosikui need to point them to MY VPS's IPv4 address is:
lotuspsychjedragosiku: just wanted to point out your kernel was a bit behind11:14
dragosikuno one answer there11:14
lotuspsychjedragosiku: its sunday, might have a bit of patience today11:14
lotuspsychjedragosiku: usually more active users at weekday, US wakeup timezone in -server11:15
InteloMy headphones not working. What could be wrong?11:18
Intelo https://imgur.com/o4qLe5i.png   https://imgur.com/olU6x2g.png11:18
AscavasaionWhat do I install to connect to an IRc network that requires identd?11:50
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: for irc questions in general please join #freenode11:52
AscavasaionI found it.. oidentd11:52
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje: It was an ubuntu Q11:52
Mat63Hello, in the command line user, I type:11:58
Mat63su -11:58
Mat63then I digitize the same password that I use to enter Ubuntu every time I start section.11:59
Mat63su: Authentication failure12:01
Mat63many times I download programs and it asks for my password, then I enter the password and it works. But now that I want superuser permission the message is Authentication Failure12:02
Mat63It may be that for superuser you have another password?12:03
InFlameslotuspsychje: I'm the one who was asking for help on the logs, turns out Polari was somehow causing this massive amount of logs, all logs shrunk to 2MB max after cleaning this app out of them. Thanks again12:08
lotuspsychjegreat to hear InFlames12:08
InFlamesI am surpised with the default log rotation and compression of Ubuntu that it was able to fill the log like that12:12
lotuspsychjeInFlames: these days logs are handled by journal12:13
Sven_vBhi! In lspci, is this a wifi antenna? which kernel module would be appropriate to use it? 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 3e)13:16
Sven_vBI'll try the options from https://slackalaxy.com/2020/03/29/centrino-ultimate-n-6300-not-responding/13:19
Towserlet me be a bit more specific about yesterday's question. how do you make your own ubuntu distro like something that uses ubuntu but it's highly changed around to be a different distro13:20
NetTerminalGeneis wayland default for 20.04?13:20
NetTerminalGeneok nevermind. it is13:22
Sven_vBTowser, I think that question would be more suitet in #ubuntu-offtopic13:25
Mystifiedduring installation I did not activate fingerprint reader as a login method13:39
MystifiedI've looked under users & there is no option to activate the fingerprint security feature13:40
Mystifiedanu suggestions please13:40
Mystifiedbtw I have a lenovo yoga13:40
Mystifiedthanks in advance!13:41
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lotuspsychjehey ioria o/15:20
iorialotuspsychje, hey, how you doing ?15:20
lotuspsychjeall good over here ty ; )15:21
nitindoHi, is anyone facing GDM and top bar of gnome shell being too big after recent updates? I have to go to display and change fractional scaling and revert them to get expected size of top bar15:24
lotuspsychjenitindo: is it only top bar, or your whole resolution?15:32
nitindojust the top bar after login, but for GDM its the whole screen15:33
lotuspsychjenitindo: can you check if your graphics driver is installed correctly: sudo lshw -C video15:34
lotuspsychjenitindo: at bottom should show driver= here15:35
nitindoIts fine. I can play RDR2 :) configuration: driver=nvidia latency=015:35
lotuspsychjeyeah that seems good15:35
lotuspsychjenitindo: can you pastebin your dpkg logs from the date you suspect your issue started?15:36
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geosmilefor 20.04 - what is a good replacement for xpdf. evince is too slow for that15:39
nitindolotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VNznPfbWvR/15:39
crorafioria, hi, yesterday i came back after 9 months, remembering how you and me solved that pesky HP Omen, Wayland bug. Was hell of a battle. Do you remember https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1852636?comments=all ?15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1852636 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot install any release on HP Omen 17-cb0013nm " [Undecided,Confirmed]15:40
crorafAfter 9 months I still have microphone issues.15:40
lotuspsychjenitindo: i see some gnome related updates and also mutter updates, let me see if i can find relevant recent bugs15:41
ioriacroraf, yes, i remember; sorry to hear that; what about the mic problem ?15:42
crorafjust to say once more. you were so great at that issue :) . I wanted to quit few times, and you kept debugging. Finaly when you quit some god's hand led me to the Wayland disable solution :D15:43
lotuspsychje!info mutter15:43
ubottumutter (source: mutter): Example window manager using GNOME's window manager library. In component main, is extra. Version 3.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 (focal), package size 124 kB, installed size 390 kB15:43
nitindolotuspsycheje: Thanks, I can help debug the issue as well if you need.15:44
lotuspsychjenitindo: can you check if bug #1892605 is what you experience?15:44
ubottubug 1892605 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Since mutter updated to 3.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, the nvidia-390 driver package from apt does not work properly. On every start the top panel and font size in gnome is shrinked." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189260515:44
crorafBasically the internal microphone is not working, the jack plug microphone is working, and bluetooth mic stopped working after 20.04 update last month.15:44
crorafI dont know if you are good with audio, and you are interested in the bug, have time, we can take a look (but slowly).15:44
lotuspsychjecroraf: i found a bug you commented on, related to what nitindo experiences, can you confirm?15:45
lotuspsychjecroraf: bug #189252115:46
ubottubug 1892521 in mutter (Ubuntu) "UI bug - system fonts enlarge after every reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189252115:46
crorafthis is already reported15:46
ioriacroraf, honestly, not very good at audio; i usually check if the device is detected (arecord -l) and if not i  use hdajackretask15:47
nitindoThis matches yes :)15:47
crorafhow do you know i have the same?15:47
lotuspsychjecroraf: read the bug link, your name is among the answers15:47
crorafoh ok :D15:48
lotuspsychjenitindo: please affect the bug on the left upper corner15:48
hydrianEllo all15:48
crorafi got ubuntu patch yesterday, hoped it will get fixed but it didnt :/15:48
hydriandoes anybody know how to forbid the current version of the kernel? It is causing X to segfault for me. I don't want it to stop upgrading when the next version comes out.15:49
lotuspsychjenitindo: please feel free to add your experience to the bug too, and add a screenshot of the bigger bar15:50
crorafioria, yes, after some time i found one suggestion that suggested this hdajackretask15:50
crorafi think this is the solution15:51
crorafbut would be tedious to set it up correctly, right?15:51
ioriacroraf, nope, just select unconnect pins ans scroll down the devices and15:51
crorafThere are those alsa-base.conf options like "options snd-hda-intel model=inv-dmic" but my codec is not in the list, so i dont know which to select15:52
ioriacroraf, enable yours15:52
crorafAre those model's like a preset to what is done manually in this tool you suggest.15:52
ioriacroraf, i don't think so15:53
crorafbecause when i change the "model" value there some mics do show. Like I managed to show "rear microphone" but it collects sound from my laptop and loops it back15:53
geosmileany recommendations for xpdf replacement on 20.04lts?15:54
crorafioria, https://pasteboard.co/JnItsHC.png15:54
crorafI guess my internal microphone should be on the Intel device not the Nvidia one?15:55
ioriacroraf, tick 'unconnected pins'15:56
crorafhttps://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/c06395354.pdf HP Wide Vision HD Camera with integrated dual array digital microphone15:56
hydrianand not have it uninstall the virual kernel package15:56
nitindoCoolio will do thanks15:57
crorafioria, ok i have a lot of them from 0x12 - 0x2115:57
lotuspsychjenitindo: thank you for helping the community and the devs15:57
crorafioria, but i do see Internal Speaker as connected15:57
ioriacroraf, i gues you want interl mic not internal speakers15:58
crorafoh, sorry, yes15:58
ioria *internal15:58
lotuspsychjehydrian: a bit more info and details please of your ubuntu version and kernel?15:59
crorafioria, if i select Override on some i do see a list of 8 devices to set on the pin15:59
crorafactually not all pins give the same list16:00
crorafsome pins give only internal mic16:00
ioriacroraf, sy, i have to leave for now; good luck16:01
crorafnp, have a nice day :)16:01
hydrianlotuspsychje:  5.4.0-42-generic it is causeing X to segfault.16:01
lotuspsychjehydrian: can you confirm a previous kernel version is not segfaulting?16:02
hydrianI'm running a AMD Ryzen 3700U APU16:02
hydrianIf I rollback to 5.4.0-26-generic, I don't have a problem.16:02
hydriansystem is fully updated with not external PPAs.16:03
hydrian(Brand new install)16:03
lotuspsychjehydrian: could you pastebin your dmesg please?16:04
hydriandmesg doesn't show anything. It was showing a segfault in Xorg.log16:04
hydrianThe system would boot, but when lightdm would start, the video would hang (not the system). I could do an Alt-ctrl-delete with a clean shutdown.16:05
hydrianI booted into single user mode and checked the logs, nothing in dmesg/kernel.log16:06
hydrianXorg had an issue.16:06
hydrianAnother odd thing was that the new kernel would work from a warm reboot, but not from a cold boot.16:07
hydriani.e. boot to rescue.target, 'shutdown -r now' and the normal boot would work fine.16:08
hydrianboot from  poweroff, I'd get a seg fault16:08
lotuspsychjehydrian: did you file a bug against the kernel yet?16:08
hydriannot yet.16:08
lotuspsychjehydrian: ok, lemme see if i can find relevant recent ones16:09
hydrianMy wife has been needing this computer for a week now. Not sure if I'm going to have type to deep dive it it.16:09
lotuspsychjehydrian: cant find one right away related to yours, could you file a new !bug please?16:13
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:13
hydrianI'll give it a try.16:13
lotuspsychjehydrian: just ubuntu-bug linux, from terminal will do the trick16:13
lotuspsychjehydrian: you have a launchpad account?16:13
hydrianlotuspsychje: For many years...16:14
hydrianI've been using/fighting with linux since the 1990's.16:14
hydrianI was one of those psycho's that ran gentoo as their daily driver. Then I had kids.16:16
lotuspsychjehydrian: after sending the bug report, you can add a title + description of your segfault16:16
geosmile anyone has any recommendations for xpdf replacement on 20.04?16:20
lotuspsychjegeosmile: not sure whats your endgoal, but a lightweight pdf reader is mupdf16:21
tomreynhydrian: you're saying the X segfult is not on the current dmesg. i assume you rebooted since. if so, you should be able to access the previous sessions' logs using    journalctl -b -116:40
tomreynjournalctl --list-boots to show the runtimes which have been logged (the first column of which is what you'd pass to -b)16:41
tomreynin case you're using the priprietary amd driver overlay ("amdgpu-pro"), be sure to point this out.16:42
nitindoUpdated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1892521.16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1892521 in mutter (Ubuntu) "UI bug - system fonts enlarge after every reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:45
hydriantomreyn: The seg fault is in the Xorg log, not dmesg16:45
lotuspsychjenitindo: thank you for affecting the bug, and adding a screenshot! the community thanks you16:46
tomreynhydrian: okay, it'll be in journald, too, though.16:47
TheMadDrizzleI have a USB stick that I'm building to install xubuntu onto an older BayTrail laptop that won't boot a standard 64bit UEFI, so a translator file is required in the ' ../BOOT/EFI/ ' directory of the stick.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to push this file to the directory as it's marked as a read only drive.  Permissions change and using sudo cp or sudo mv will not push this file.17:04
coconutHas the partitioner of the ubuntu 20.04.1 installer the same source code as the one of the ubuntu mate 20.04.1 ?17:19
cobradabestHey, can someone help me? I'm trying to connect my Xbox One controller via USB, and it doesn't work.17:24
cobradabestWhen I plug it in, it just briefly vibrates, and then nothing.17:24
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ltpkunskapzhi, i'm trying to mount an external usb dvd in ubuntu.17:36
ltpkunskapzhowever it doesn't show in /dev17:36
ltpkunskapzand i can't really localize it using lshw17:37
ltpkunskapzas it doesn't really show up at all17:37
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: USB?17:38
ltpkunskapzit is an IDE DVD with an USB adapter17:39
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: Is there a DVD in it now?17:39
cobradabestCan someone help me with my problem with the Xbox One controller?17:39
ltpkunskapzhmm not showing up in windows neither. when i did the same with an IDE CDROM it worked in windows.17:40
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: try this: go to a terminal window and type "eject" ...17:40
ltpkunskapzand in ubuntu17:40
ltpkunskapzeject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom'17:40
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: try "lsusb"17:41
ltpkunskapzrjwiii: it's not showing17:42
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: silly question: do you have power running to the DVD drive?17:42
ltpkunskapzan assortment of usb root hubs17:42
ltpkunskapzthe LED is flashing and all :)17:43
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: I've never used a IDE to USB converter ... I just bought a USB DVD drive ... they're cheap ...17:44
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: Maybe the converter needs a driver?17:45
ltpkunskapzrjwiii: it's weird because the other old CDROM worked17:49
ltpkunskapzbut it's gear so17:49
ltpkunskapzold gear*17:50
bostongeek36who uses cd-roms anymore?17:50
rjwiiiltpkunskapz: has the drive worked before?17:50
bostongeek36you still use buggy whips?17:50
helocdroms work great for scraping frost off of a windshield17:51
rjwiiibostongeek36: Hey, I still have a flop;y drive ... : )17:51
cobradabestImagine picking on someone because of the format they prefer to use.17:51
cobradabestI use all kinds of formats, myself.17:51
bostongeek36zip drives17:52
rjwiiibostongeek36: and it's 5 1/4 ...17:52
cobradabestAnd people like above only make me want to do it more.17:52
bostongeek36still got them wax cyinders going17:52
tomreynltpkunskapz: disconnect it on the computers' end, run    journalctl -f    in a terminal window, and keep the temrinal window visible, then connect the cdrom, and see what gets logged.17:52
bostongeek36tell your teenagers to turn on the recordplayer17:52
bostongeek36your gonna need a young priest and a old priest17:53
tomreyn!ot | bostongeek3617:53
ubottubostongeek36: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:53
bostongeek36i am17:53
bostongeek36so thanks ubottu17:54
ltpkunskapztomreyn: nothing17:55
ltpkunskapzthe USB converter also has lights on17:55
tomreynltpkunskapz: which ubuntu release are you running there?17:56
ltpkunskapzbut it's yellow, not sure if that's the right color17:56
tomreynlsb_release -ds17:56
tomreynand what's the output of    cat /proc/version17:56
ltpkunskapzUbuntu 18.04.5 LTS \n \l17:56
ltpkunskapzit's a new kernel and gcc 7.5.017:58
tomreynis it a stock kernel?17:58
tomreynan ubuntu kernelk?17:58
bostongeek36doesnt support cdrom17:58
tomreynltpkunskapz: which one?17:59
bostongeek36i used cds as good frizebees17:59
tomreynbostongeek36: please don't chat on this very channel, it's really only for ubuntu support Q&A17:59
bostongeek36fine i won't make fun of people using old tech18:00
cobradabestAt least we aren't lapdogs of any mega corporations.18:01
tomreynltpkunskapz: disconnect all usb devices you don't strictly need, and connect the cdrom to a differen usb port, if possible on the opposite side of the computer.18:01
ltpkunskapzstill doesn't show up18:07
tomreynltpkunskapz: try on a different computer then, but it's likely some broken wire or hardware18:10
ltpkunskapzit didn't show up in windows neither18:10
ltpkunskapzbut the light is on and i can hear it speed up18:10
coconutHas the partitioner of the ubuntu 20.04.1 installer the same source code as the partitioner of ubuntu mate 20.04.1 ?18:11
tomreyncoconut: stock ubuntu uses the ubiquity installer. i'm not sure which installer mate uses.18:14
tomreynltpkunskapz: you can try replacing the wire, andf seek support with what so far looks like broken hardware in ##hardware18:15
ltpkunskapzok, tried the cdrom for reference18:16
ltpkunskapzit works without problem18:17
ltpkunskapzis assigned to /dev/sr018:17
coconuttomreyn, is the partitioner then basicly just gparted ?18:17
tomreyncoconut: i *think* its part of ubiquity itself.18:19
coconuttomreyn, ok then thank you :) (having a bug here on the partitioner where doing a custom option set of paritions, make the already existing partitions one MB bigger(which i think will go wrong...))18:22
tomreyngood luck18:24
ltpkunskapzno dvd for me18:26
ltpkunskapzback to xvid18:26
hydrianlotuspsychje: tomreyn : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JmDt8HBrMH/18:26
ltpkunskapzthx for the help tho, i appreciate it tomreyn18:26
hydrianthere's the dmesg from the same boot18:26
bostongeek36i have a dvddvddvddvd18:31
tomreynhydrian: so a gpu ring timeout. you may be better off with a newer graphics stack + kernel. can you share the full kernel log?18:31
carlescI am currently running socat to listen to a TCP port and redirect a serial port to it whenever a client connects. Can I also execute a script using socat *after* the client connects but *before* the serial port redirection begins?18:32
lotuspsychjebostongeek36: can we help you?18:32
tomreyn!uptodate | hydrian: you're actually running an outdated kernel image18:34
ubottuhydrian: you're actually running an outdated kernel image: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.18:34
tomreyn(or were when this was logged)18:34
lotuspsychjetomreyn: think the -26 was the one he didnt have the segfault on18:35
bostongeek36guess you don't watch jeffery ross lotuspsychje18:35
lotuspsychjebostongeek36: lets keep it ontopic here tnx : )18:35
tomreynlotuspsychje: hmm, yes, this can be why hydrian posted this one instead.18:37
lotuspsychjehydrian: when kernel -42 segfaults can you still enter system?18:42
tomreyniks there a bug report on this, yet?18:44
lotuspsychjetomreyn: i asked him to file it, but didnt came in yet18:44
tomreyni see, thanks.18:45
hydrianlotuspsychje: I can try. I have to reinstall that kernel again18:51
lotuspsychjehydrian: kernel -42 is current kernel on 20.0418:52
tomreynhydrian: if only X segfaults you should be able to switch to a tty with ctrl-alt-f3 without problems18:52
tomreyn!sysrq| hydrian: or, worst case18:53
ubottuhydrian: or, worst case: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:53
hydrianhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rrzBmyZKjN/ - updated kernel18:58
hydrianIt looks like this isn't a regression18:58
hydrianI think the issue is just intermittent...18:59
lotuspsychjehydrian: try to proceed with your bug, you will help yourself and the community19:00
lotuspsychjeubuntu-bug linux19:00
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jemHi, this is just a curiosity, I just got accidentally this: ㏚ (Square pr, Unicode 0x33DA) when trying to type "Pr"; I pressed some wrong keys but I can't know which ones19:30
jemThat was in plain bash19:30
jemAnd it's not the first time, it happened with other letter combinations and never figured out19:31
jemSearching, I can find about Ctrl+Shift+U33DA but nothing involving P and R19:32
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Sven_vBjem, it's in the Cjk Compatibility block. do you happen to have some asian keyboard layout set up?20:00
Sven_vBjem, I could imagine it's typed by some compose key, then P, then r20:01
jemSven_vB: No, Spanish keyboard, no special configuration20:06
jemI imagine the same but I can't reproduce it20:06
RonWhoCaresHP520Does anyone know the path to where network printer settings are stored?20:11
RonWhoCaresHP520(the file path)20:11
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hydriantomreyn: Definitely a kernel bug. Found a blog saying it is fixed in 5.6 which you can get with linux-oem-5.6-20.04 package20:17
AavarRonWhoCaresHP520: I dont know, but from a curiosity standpoint. Why?21:25
oerheksAavar, i helped him find the deb driver for his printer, i have no clue euther21:32
oerheksand he must be crossposting..21:32
craigbass76Does the cinnamon version of Ubuntu (20.04) have a support channel, or am I better off asking over in the Mint room on another IRC network?21:37
oerhekscraigbass76, cinnamon is in our repos, no dedicated channel AFAIK.21:39
oerheksi have no clue about cinnamon myself.21:40
craigbass76I can't figure out how to drag my windows list app over to the left. I almost went XFCE, but thought I had trouble a year or so ago with dropbox or something.21:41
AndreYuhaiHow can I always open gnome terminal without the toolbar? I am using i3.21:47
craigbass76AndreYuhai, Ctrl Alt t is how I have always done it, but that's not always the default21:52
AndreYuhaicraigbass76, yes, but I meant configuring it to open always without the toolbar on the top.21:53
craigbass76Ahh. No idea then.21:54
AndreYuhaiI've read somewhere gnome terminal doesn't have a config file but not sure so I wanted to ask here.21:54
craigbass76Wonder if you can snag another default terminal and monkey with that instead.21:57
AndreYuhaiOh I just didn't want to install another terminal just because of all the configs and stuff but looks like I will. :D21:59
AndreYuhaiI've just installed alacritty from source but when I want to switch to it as default terminal it doesn't show up in the select screen of the command "sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator"22:37
AndreYuhaiHow do I go about it?22:37
UndeadLeechAndreYuhai: Did you install the desktop file?22:40
UndeadLeechI think you can also just pass the path to update-alternatives, like /usr/bin/alacritty. But I'm not on Ubuntu so I can't verify it.22:41
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, No.22:41
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, oh if I can do that then that would be nice22:41
AndreYuhaiI will try22:41
UndeadLeechYou should probably install the desktop file, I'm not sure if that's required or not. But if you run a DE you probably want it anyways.22:42
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, I have i3 installed as well. Not sure whether I still have to install the desktop file.22:43
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, by the way that command does not seem to accept the path but I am checking the manual now.22:43
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, actually it does have an option to give a path but then I get "error: alternative /usr/bin/alacritty for x-terminal-emulator not registered; not setting"22:45
ioguiDesktop files seems to be useless for i322:45
UndeadLeechBasically, yeah. Though you can run DE with i3 too. Just depends on what you're doing.22:47
UndeadLeechAndreYuhai: What's the full command you're running?22:47
AndreYuhaiUndeadLeech, sudo update-alternatives --set x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/alacritty22:48
ioguiUndeadLeech: what is DE?22:48
UndeadLeechupdate-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/alacritty 2022:48
UndeadLeechYou can try that, but I don't remember exactly what it does^22:48
UndeadLeechBut that's what has been done in the past automatically for the .deb.22:48
UndeadLeechiogui: Desktop Environment. Like GNOME/KDE.22:48
ioguiUndeadLeech: If I'm not missing some point here, Desktop Environment and window manager are the same, right?22:51
AndreYuhaiI am trying that command22:51
ioguiAndreYuhai: why not just edit the bindsym $mod+Return on your i3 config file?22:53
UndeadLeechiogui: That's incorrect.22:54
UndeadLeechKDE's window manager by default is kwin for example.22:55
AndreYuhaiiogui, oh yea lol I never thought about that. All these config files and installations and stuff got me high.22:55
UndeadLeechi3's i3-sensible-terminal will also find Alacritty by default if you don't have any other terminals installed.22:55
tomreynsudo update-alternatives --set x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/alacritty && sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator22:56
tomreynactually that wont work if its not registered already22:57
AndreYuhaitomreyn, no, it didn't22:57
tomreyn--install is correct22:57
AndreYuhaibut when I try install I get an error as well22:57
AndreYuhaiLet me share22:57
tomreynmaybe you missed to specify priority22:58
AndreYuhaiOh yea it worked now haha22:59
AndreYuhaibefore it was saying something like x-terminal is already being used by something els22:59
AndreYuhaiNow everything is good I've changed it, thank you!23:00
tomreynUndeadLeech really provided the full command to add it earlier23:00
ioguiUndeadLeech: My point is, if you are using i3 as your window manager, it doesn't really matter what is yout desktop environment becouse you don't need it23:01
UndeadLeechYou can still run a DE and i3.23:01
ioguiUndeadLeech: maybe but if you are really using i3, it doesn't really matter. You will stay way from it anyway23:04
UndeadLeechI've seen people run i3 with DEs. I wouldn't make any assumptions just because someone's running i3.23:05
davido_My Ubuntu 20.04 system seems to be having trouble with the Thunderbolt 3 dock. The dock appears to be working fine, but every few seconds: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YbxTM7gdHp/23:06
ioguiUndeadLeech: and i3-sensible-terminal will not find any terminal if you are not using i3-sensible-terminal in yout i3 config file23:06
davido_I could almost be ok with it, except it's certainly wasteful, and it causes a little icon to appear in the ribbon at the top of the primary monitor for a few seconds, then disappear, then return again. That part is really annoying.23:07
tomreyn!uptodate | davido_: is your system fully updated? here's how23:08
ubottudavido_: is your system fully updated? here's how: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.23:08
davido_tomreyn yes, it is. I do so almost daily.23:09
tomreyndavido_: what's the output of     cat /proc/version23:09
tomreynand which dock is it exactly?23:11
davido_Linux version 5.4.0-42-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-038) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2)) #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 202023:11
davido_It's a ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 doc. I'll grab the model... just a moment.23:12
tomreyndavido_: please:   sudo lspci -knn | nc termbin.com 999923:13
davido_40AC0135US is the model23:14
davido_This seems similar: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20610923:16
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 206109 in PCI "Boltd probing is timing out" [Normal,Reopened]23:16
davido_I actually have two of these identical laptops. The other is running centos7, and doesn't have the same behavior. I don't have it up at the moment, so I don't remember what kernel version it's on.23:16
tomreyndavido_: likely a lower kernel version then, and the bug report you pointed to suggests it started with 5.423:18
davido_probably. It also only recently began. I've been using Ubuntu 20.04 for awhile now, but began noticing it last week.23:19
davido_though I don't always use the dock with this LT. It could have started a week or so before that without me discovering it.23:20
davido_alright, I suppose i'm stuck with it this way awhile until a bugfix comes out.23:20
tomreyndavido_: just grep over journalctl for this:      probing: timeout, done23:20
tomreyn...and you'll know when it started23:21
davido_well, there ya have it: Began May 1, but I didn't start seeing the icon popping up and going away repeatedly until a week or so ago.23:22
tomreyndavido_: you should probably file a bug against ubuntu's boltd as well (if there isn't one alreadY), then comment on and refer to it at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bolt/bolt/-/issues/156 as well, and maybe try a newer boltd23:23
craigbass76Anyone else had trouble with older samsung notebooks not wanting to boot off anything but the hard drive? I've got boot priority set to DVD and USB, but it's not spinning up the drive or making the thumb drive blink.23:23
craigbass76Well, I get blinking after WIndows is booted...23:23
davido_I've never filed a bug in Ubuntu's RT. This'll be a first, I guess.23:23
tomreyn!bug | davido_23:24
ubottudavido_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:24
davido_How long should I expect the browser to keep refreshing ?23:28
tomreyndavido_: usually no more than 2 minutes23:28
tomreyndavido_: if this doesn't seem to work, just close the tab and re-run    ubuntu-bug bolt     # and if this still doesn't work, you can also report the bug here for now https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bolt/+filebug23:31
davido_Ok, reported. thanks.23:35
tomreyndavido_: it'd be good to also add a full dmesg and lspci -knn23:39

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