=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === az is now known as Guest56941 [15:38] is there a different way to scale my resolution for high DPI displays? The method I found only accepts integers (which is too much for my uses) [15:44] jjosh: but anything in-between will give you a blurry result [15:45] jjosh: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=13256 [15:47] aw that's a bummer [17:08] HOping someone can help me build a bootable USB stick. I need to install a file into the /BOOT/EFI/ directory to get my laptop to register for EFI booting (using a 32bit UEFI file to boot a 64bit OS) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to push this file into the directory - Can't even ' sudo cp **file** /media/**USER**/**OS**/BOOT/EFI/**file** ' It marks this directory as read only. [17:14] TheMadDrizzle, i can give you a script to make a live usb where you can put anything you like, but first tell me what distro you runing. [17:16] diogenes_, I'm running this all from UbuntuStudio 20.04 and have the usb drive already burnt for Xubuntu 20.04 to install onto my old laptop. [17:17] diogenes_, I just need to install boot32ia.efi into the /BOOT/EFI/ directory of the USB stick but I can't figure out how to change the owner of this drive - it just tells me that the usb drive is a ' read only file system ' [17:18] TheMadDrizzle, you can't modify a usb drive like that because it's read-only that's why you need a live usb multiboot. [17:20] diogenes_, So do I just need to reburn this usb stick? [17:22] no, you need to erase it, create partitions, install grub on it and copy the iso then create a menu entry for it. [18:08] diogenes_: i just used usb-creator-gtk to write an ubuntu (not xubuntu) 20.04.1 amd64 iso to a usb stick, then unomunted all of the mounted file systems off it, then used sudo mount /dev/disk/by-id/usb-*-part2 /mnt to mount the ESP writable (to root only), and wrote a file there (as root). [18:08] so at least placing another efi boot loader on the ESP should be possible. [18:09] i'm not sure whether this would apply to xubuntu, though [18:10] tomreyn, no clue i've never tried that method. [18:11] it wouldn'T work for any of the data ont he first partition, though, which contains anything that's not on the efi system partition [18:13] also what size is there by defaulf for the efi partition? like 10Mb? [18:17] fdisk reports 3.9MB, indeed this could be a problem [18:18] diogenes_: good point, there are only 10 KB available, so this approach wouldn't work without repartitioning. [18:19] yeah no go. === Rtfsc9 is now known as Rtfsc8 === sorinello1 is now known as sorinello