
makara1what's a nice way to serve cloud-init configuration?07:21
makara1put 'python3 -m http.server' in a unit file?07:22
=== hjensas__ is now known as hjensas|lunch
makara1can I get cloud-init to download a git repo and kick off a build?13:42
beantaxiHow can I do the following with cloud-init: 1. Have a cloud-config session that does once-per-instance setup 2. A bash script that continues that once-per-instance setup, and 3. A bash-script that executes once-every-boot. I see in the docs how I could create a multipart mime which contains a cloud-config and 2 scripts, but not how to order them or to associate them with lifecycle. Thanks!13:52
otubosmoser, I'm reworking your code here: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/fix/1788915-vlan-sysconfig-rendering14:02
otubosmoser, should I add signed-off-by on the pull-request>14:02
meenahttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/521#issuecomment-678476067 ⬅️  this the use-case scapy? for https://scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction.html14:09
=== hjensas|lunch is now known as hjensas
otubosmoser, I'm gonna just leave a signed-off-by with your name, if you don't want it I can remove it. :)14:28
rharpermorning, blackboxsw_ fyi the daily PPA builds for bionic/xenial are failing,  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/494499147/buildlog.txt.gz  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/494499148/buildlog.txt.gz14:29
blackboxsw_morning folks.14:59
smoserotubo: thats fine with me.15:02
smosermeena: we have a use-case for cloud-init to be able to do a dhcp request and read the response.15:03
smoserone path to that is through scapy (and a seemingly simple one)15:04
smoserbut scapy's dependency stack is not small :-(15:04
smoserthe difficulty we had wehn looking at a dhcp client in python is that all the example solutions do not use raw sockets.15:07
smoserand thus... have an ip address already.15:07
=== waxfire7 is now known as waxfire
meena@smoser scapy would also allow to do a lot of the network discovery work without heaps and heaps of guesswork15:10
meenasmoser: what makes scapy's dependency stack so big? i thought it only depends on libpcap?15:12
ubot5Debian bug 907235 in python3-scapy "python3-scapy: Please provide package without large 'Recommends'" [Normal,Fixed]15:13
meenada fuck15:14
smoserthat is fixed in debian (and i think in ubuntu as aresult), but not in all versions of ubuntu and not in many other os15:14
meenawho does that? why15:14
meenathe way new packages get into old versions of debuntu remains a mystery15:17
minimalHi folks, so what's the current ETA for 20.3?15:31
meena"when it's done" ;P15:33
minimalis anything ever done? ;-)15:33
smosermeena: they *don't* get into old versiosn of ubuntu.15:55
smoserby design. stable things are stable.15:55
blackboxsw_smoser: thanks for the review last week https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/543 in response. no longer handling non-decodable or non-gzipped content for user-data16:03
smoserACK'd thanks16:06
beantaxi_Hello all ... the docs give this example of combining a cloud-config and a bash script in a single mime multipart: % cloud-init devel make-mime -a config.yaml:cloud-config -a script.sh:x-shellscript > user-data16:24
beantaxi_However, I'm not sure how that specifies the run order of cloud-config vs the shellscript, or how it specifies how often the shell script runs: per once, per instance, or per boot. Thanks!16:25
smoserx-shellscript run per-instance.17:19
smosercloud-config is parsed before x-shellscript.17:19
beantaxi_smoser: Thanks. So cloud-config runs before shell scripts no matter what. That's fine for me, and I'm guessing if that's a showstopped then run-cmd is your friend. Just checking.18:40
meenasmoser: what about … fixing broken packages in older versions of Debuntu? like when somebody accidentally made switched Recommends and Suggests?18:41
smoserruncmd runs ~shell-script time frame.18:42
smoseractually... odly based on filename. those actually (iirc) get thrown in a dir, and then run with rhnparts. and the runcmd script name is 'runCmd'. so its wierd.18:42
beantaxi_As for 'x-shellscript run per-instance' ... I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean. I do see in the code, that it looks like lifecycle gets controller by the /var/lib/cloud/per-[once|instance|boot] folders, but I'm not sure how to use cloud-init to populate those folders. Thanks!18:43
smosermeena: it all kind of depends.18:43
* meena is a big fan of "if broken it is, fix it you should"18:43
smoserif you really reallly wanted to get that change in, you have to convince someone on the SRU team that it is important enough.18:43
smoseri tend to be a fan of keeping behavior the same.18:44
smoseras the primary value of a platform is to put things on top of. its harder to build on a platform if the platform is changing.18:44
smoserthus.... the value of a "stable platform" is almost *entirely* the stability18:44
smoserbut... its not me that has to be convinced, and, while ubuntu has guidelines on such things, they're not always 100% consistently applied.18:45
meenasmoser: well, yes, but the behaviour did change, no?18:45
smoserit changed from one stable platform to the next. and thats fine.  when yo u start to move your house to that next stable platform, then you deal with it.18:46
smoseri dont remember the exact values here, but lets just say:18:47
smoser 16.04: little recommends18:47
smoser 18.04: big recommends18:47
smoser 20.04: little recommends18:47
smoserthats perfectly fine. it sucks that 18.04 is got this wart there, but people that are building on it expect the wart.18:48
smoserbut again... these are *my* feelings towards that sort of thing.  the person who decides is a Stable Release Team member, and (in my experience) their individual opinions and behaviors differ.18:49
meenabut  yeah, i agree that having a dedicated python3-scapy only package without the kitchensink would be preferable… which of course won't be backported, eh?18:49
smoserand sometimes even differ based on the time.18:49
smoserthe are humans, and as a result have a very hard time remaining consistent.18:50
smoserlargely RHEL and SuSE have simmilar processes/values18:50
meenasome people make horrible decisions if they didn't have breakfast, or if their underpants are too tight.18:50
smoserso to depend on scapy, i think for the near term, the thing we have to do is make it optional, with a fallback to the questionable decision that I made some years ago to use dhclient like we do18:52
smoser(see.... consistency  hard for people!)18:52
meenasmoser: see, if you had gone with scapy years ago, you could've kept it from balooning in size in certain versions of debuntu… and we'd… have a very different networking refactor on our hands rn ;)18:59
rick_hminimal:  meena sorry, didn't open this up yet today. We're waiting on one final PR and will start the release/SRU processes. falcojr has the PR up but needs review/etc so hopefully that goes through today and we'll start the release tomorrow.19:10
meenarick_h: oh, so it *is* an SRU release19:11
meenaalso, i forgot what that means again19:11
powersjstable release upgrade, the exception to the don't update stable releases19:14
powersjfor cloud-init we take the latest upstream code, push it to the devel release and then test it against the supported releases19:15
powersjin this case xenial, bionic, and focal19:15
beantaxi_smoser: I am quite confused ... but as best as I can tell: I can add bash scripts to my multi-part mime, and they will be run once per instance, unless I override scripts-user in my cloud-config to [scripts-user, always], in which case my bash scripts will execute on boot.19:22
beantaxi_As for my wanting to have one script execute per-instance, and one execute per-boot ... it looks like I could only achieve that by manually copying files to the /var/lib/cloud/per-boot and -instance folders. There's no way to do that otherwise. Is that all correct?19:22
rharperbeantaxi_: I suggest that you you use write_files and then emit them into the different scripts-per frequency desired,  /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-{boot,instance,once} ;19:29
smoserit does seem useful to have a way to put those in user-data. but as it is, writing files to /var/lib/cloud/per-boot is the only real way.19:31
beantaxi_Ah, so in a pinch write_files can be used to put whatever files I want, wherever I want them. That's useful.19:36
beantaxi_Would it be technically possible to implement something a bit more like I'm describing, by eg allowing an optional header for a dest folder (or more indirectly specifying a 'per19:42
beantaxi_')? Or is the mime-parsing code handled by the cloud providers rather than by cloud-init19:43
smoserby cloud-init19:43
smoserwe could absolutely improve cloud-init to do what you're after.19:43
beantaxi_I'm happy to take a lame swing at it ... but I'd want to make sure I'd set expectations sufficiently low19:44
beantaxi_In my specific use case, I have a little family of VM initialization scripts, where each VM has an init-image and an init-vm script. Naturally I found out about cloud-init about 5 minutes after I was done.19:46
smoseryou could use a part-handler to do what youre after.19:47
beantaxi_So I'd like to use the scripts as-is -- where init-image is per-isntance and init-vm is per-boot, and also start transitioning my per-instance stuff to cloud-config, which I am sure over time I will prefer.19:47
beantaxi_Ok nice. I was not quite sure what those were for.19:47
beantaxi_K, this is making total sense19:48
beantaxi_The part-handler docs link to a blog post from 2011 from 'Foss Boss'. Is this info likely still current?19:49
blackboxsw_falcojr: did you have an azure instance up that exhibits https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/539?19:58
* blackboxsw_ is trying to get that review complete so we can cut 20.319:58
falcojrblackboxsw_ bah, sorry, didn't get the notification20:36
falcojrI have one with the fix currently20:36
falcojrI could spin one up quickly that shows the problem though20:36
falcojrit just needs to have accelerated networking (on the network tab if you're in the UI)20:36
falcojrI used a focal DS2 v2 instance20:37
blackboxsw_+1 I'll launch an instance. were you using amazon linux or ubuntu?20:46
powersjO.o amazon linux on azure?20:47
blackboxsw_oops brain fail20:47
blackboxsw_probably not a product that azure is currently selling :)20:47
falcojrhaha, it should happen on focal or bionic. I used bionic20:50
blackboxsw_falcojr: strange as I've added accelerated networking on a DS2v2 instance and not seeing the delay on bionic21:00
blackboxsw_ubuntu@test-b1:~$ systemd-analyze blame21:00
blackboxsw_          8.553s cloud-init.service21:00
blackboxsw_          8.553s cloud-init.service21:00
blackboxsw_          6.857s cloud-init-local.service21:00
falcojrdid you reboot?21:07
falcojrblackboxsw_ ^21:07
falcojrit doesn't happen on first boot21:08
blackboxsw_falcojr: rebooting now. sure enough     1min 31.262s cloud-init-local.service21:48
rharperblackboxsw_: if you're one a box now, I just posted some questions on that PR; would be nice to see requested info attached to the bug that PR addresses;21:49
blackboxsw_+1 rharper21:49
blackboxsw_I'm also seeing the type of failure mode I think we were looking for on current bionic images, like a failed "rename3" interface lying around post reboot21:50
blackboxsw_with matching mac addr21:50
rharperyeah, I'm super interested to confirm whether there are two hv_net nics, or if there's a different sriov driver name (we already blacklist the mlx4_core)21:51
rharperblackboxsw_: I wonder if we just dropped including the driver value in the emitted netplan22:00
blackboxsw_rharper: checking now. we only blacklist mlx4_core on fallback network right?22:00
blackboxsw_on azure22:00
* blackboxsw_ double checks22:01
rharperthat can't be right22:01
blackboxsw_also responded first here: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/539#discussion_r47591845722:01
* blackboxsw_ tries to recall how to attach binary (cloud-init.logs.tar.gz) to github comments22:01
blackboxsw_if that's even possible22:01
rharperyou can attach to the bug it references22:02
rharperlooks like we'll need to blacklist both 4 and 5 (and fix non-fallback path to include drivers)22:03
rharperdo we know if IMDS reports the sriov interface at all ?22:03
blackboxsw_rharper: nope ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CFjtY7JHm4/22:16
blackboxsw_well "yes" in that it only reports one interface22:16
rharperyeah, I don't think it did22:17
blackboxsw_and both share the the same mac22:17
rharperI recall asking in the past22:17
rharperblackboxsw_: I replied;  I think the fix is good;  but let's update the commit message;  the issue here is that once we started rendering from IMDS, we regressed Accelerated Networking setups  due to not including the hv_netsvc driver name in our match;    when we were v1 rendering, that emits a udev rule which matches the MAC and   DRIVER != $blacklist ;22:19
rharperthe fix for netplan is what's there (binding the emitted netplan to the hyperv driver nic)22:19
rharperon the fallback path, we need both mlx4 and mlx5 core (xenial running on AdvNet instances with mxl5 will likely have this hang as well )22:20
blackboxsw_rharper: adding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-azure/+bug/1830740/comments/11 while I look at this22:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1830740 in linux-azure (Ubuntu) "[linux-azure] Delay during boot of some instance sizes" [Undecided,New]22:20
rharperI wonder if sysconfig rendered instances see failures, depends on what the udev rules look like22:21
blackboxsw_why wouldn't we want to just blacklist on the mlx* IMDS-based network config22:22
blackboxsw_and on fallback config22:22
blackboxsw_ok confirmed eth0 is driver/module: module -> ../../../../module/hv_netvsc     rename3 :   module -> ../../../../module/mlx5_core22:30
blackboxsw_so yeah, just wondering if maybe we should make sure we blacklist both mlx5_core and mlx4_core in both fallback config and imds-based config we write22:30
blackboxsw_so we don't unintentially ignore other device types.22:31
blackboxsw_or are there any other device types that would present "hv_netvsc" for one interface and bool(not any(['mlx4_core', 'mlx5_core']))22:32
blackboxsw_guess that's a question for both falcojr and rharper22:32
rharperblackboxsw_: so blacklist only works for eni and sysconfig which emit udev rules22:33
blackboxsw_ohhh doh22:33
rharperfor netplan, the 50-cloud-init.yaml needs to use the match driver=hv22:33
rharperwith the mac22:33
blackboxsw_ok ok, so drive matching is the inverse approach for netplan22:33
blackboxsw_driver* matching22:33
rharperwe know (for now) that any rendered interface in IMDS on Azure is hv_22:34
rharperblackboxsw_: well, we could emit a driver != I think ... let me confirm22:34
rharperyeah, we could emit:  Driver=!mlx4_core\nDriver=!=mlx5_core22:35
rharperhowever, I'm not sure if netplan likes that ...22:35
blackboxsw_right, or it it only honors the latter of the settings etc22:37
* blackboxsw_ tries a generate 22:38
blackboxsw_and sees what systemd thinks22:38
rharperquoted it accepts the !driver22:38
rharperbut not sure about a list (or multiple22:38
rharperI suppose we won't have both22:38
rharperwell, that's not easily found22:38
rharperwithout finding the dup mac device (which may not be present)22:38
rharperI think the current code is safest22:39
blackboxsw_yeah I think so too at the moment, trying a clean and dirty upgrade and reboot with new code now22:43
blackboxsw_as the duplicate !driver matches may collide in systemd or netplan cfg with unintentional side-effects (or matching nothing)22:44
blackboxsw_like OR instead of AND22:44
blackboxsw_falcojr: at the moment, I'm still seeing 90 seconds times on reboot even with driver matching hv_netvsc22:49
blackboxsw_on dirty cloud-init upgrade/reboot22:49
blackboxsw_interesting but 2nd reboot was fixed.22:51
falcojrI didn't see it after a clean and reboot23:03

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