
callmepkgood morning02:35
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:03
jibelGood morning all06:09
oSoMoNsalut jibel 06:10
didrocksgood morning06:12
dufluGood afternoon/morning callmepk, oSoMoN, jibel, didrocks 06:17
callmepkgood morning/afternoon duflu oSoMoN jibel didrocks 06:18
oSoMoNhey duflu, callmepk 06:19
jibelbonjour duflu callmepk 06:21
didrockshey duflu , callmepk, oSoMoN, jibel 06:45
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:46
pieqHello everyone!06:50
pieq(yes, I cheat)06:50
callmepklol hello pieq 06:51
didrockshey pieq 06:54
oSoMoNhey pieq 06:54
dufluHi pieq 07:03
dufluAlthough by cheating you may expect billions of replies07:04
dufluOr the subset in this channel07:04
pieqit's a good way to check who's actually reading this channel :P07:04
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk oSoMoN jibel didrocks duflu pieq07:06
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 07:07
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson 07:08
seb128goood morning desktopers07:10
marcustomlinsonmorning seb12807:10
seb128hey marcustomlinson , how are you?07:11
marcustomlinsonseb128: doing alright thanks, you?07:11
seb128I'm alright!07:11
didrockshey marcustomlinson, salut seb128 07:14
callmepkgood morning marcustomlinson seb128 07:15
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ? bon w.e ? ca va comme vous voulez les travaux ?07:15
seb128hey callmepk 07:15
didrocksseb128: difficile, mais on avance petit à petit, merci :) et toi, week-end relax ?07:16
seb128didrocks, ça va oui, aussi relax que ça peut être avec les gosses ... :-)07:18
* seb128 doesn't have a phone anymore, #repairfail07:18
seb128(went to change the usb-c port which was moving/problematic for a while, but they said it was not the port, after putting the new one it was still not connecting, but not at all rather than randomly, result I can't charge anymore and it's flat now :/)07:20
didrockswent there as well, tried to repair 2 phones, 2 failures…07:21
dufluMorning seb128. Wireless charging next time?07:21
oSoMoNsalut seb128 07:22
seb128oSoMoN, lut! wb! had nice holidays?07:22
duflu(as in check that the next phone supports Qi)07:22
oSoMoNseb128, yes, very nice and relaxing, thanks!07:22
seb128duflu, I guess, though I was reading an article about how it uses quite some more power to charge, waste of energy :-/07:23
dufluseb128, well, yeah, add it to the list of other luxuries that are a waste of energy07:23
marcustomlinsonwelcome back oSoMoN07:24
dufluOh, seb128 was your broken phone a Nokia?07:25
dufluI recall my father went through two of those with faulty USB-C recently07:26
seb128duflu, no, samsung07:27
didrocksthe 2 samsung tablets I had got exactly the same issue07:28
seb128now to decide on a new one07:28
didrocksconsequence: I don’t have any tablet anymore :p07:28
seb128usb-c seems fragile, I don't think it's vendor specific07:28
didrocks(but it was not usb-c, still already fragile)07:28
dufluseb128, good timing at least. Pixel 4a is almost in stock, if Android is what you want07:28
seb128though I've been annoyed with that phone from almost the beginning by the fact that it was often telling me there was humidity in the port (which was buggy) and that blocked the charge :-/07:29
seb128duflu, right, it's a bit on the expensive side for me, I don't like to spent too much on phones :-)07:30
dufluI guess you should also factor in how frequently they get replaced, and the length of software updates. I think iPhones are around 6 years now07:30
dufluOr if you're like my cousin then estimate there's only ever 12 months before it gets dropped in the ocean or otherwise destroyed07:32
RAOF"seb128" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_seb128:matrix.org): Hey, we in the SRU team were wondering about the scope of the GNOME MRE. Particularly: it's restricted to core GNOME apps and components. Is there a list of what is a core GNOME component anywhere?07:40
seb128RAOF, hey, I replied the other day that I was unsure how those are handled nowadays07:57
RAOFAh, sorry. I obviously missed that.07:58
seb128using https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/ doesn't sound like a match of what we want...07:58
seb128no worry07:58
seb128so yeah, sorry, we probably need to give that some extra consideration ... is there a mailing list discuss or something on the topic?07:59
RAOFSo, we found https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta/-/tree/master/elements/core which seems reasonable?07:59
RAOFWe have neither a SRU-team mailing list, nor an archive-admin mailing list.08:00
RAOFWe probably should! :)08:00
ricotzin addition to "core there is "sdk" -- https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta/-/tree/master/elements/sdk08:04
ricotzgood morning desktopers!08:04
marcustomlinsonhey ricotz08:04
oSoMoNhey ricotz 08:13
RAOF"ricotz" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_ricotz:matrix.org): yeah, but SDK clearly contains non-GNOME things. I don't think you'd get many takers if you claimed krb5 under the GNOME MRE 😉08:34
RAOFAlso, hi!08:35
dufluseb128, do you want me to get the fix for bug 1866194 committed for focal? I don't have a test environment for it but SRU testing would work08:41
ubot5bug 1866194 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Focal) "External audio device shows up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker, or none at all." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186619408:41
dufluThe OEM guys are pretty busy with focal laptop enablment so we could just drop it into git and wait in line08:44
ricotzRAOF, hey, yeah, but sdk actually contains the "core", glib and gtk ;)08:50
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
seb128duflu, commiting to git sounds fine to me yes09:20
dufluHeh. Just when I had started on another gnome-shell task and cooking dinner. I'll see how many of those I get done today09:21
pieqduflu, I gotta run, but if you need help with validation of this bug on given hardware or with a given scenario, just let me know. You could also get in touch with Rex Tsai on that matter, I think09:26
dufluNo hurry today09:26
dufluGood night09:26
pieq(I'm talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1866194 )09:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1866194 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Focal) "External audio device shows up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker, or none at all." [High,In progress]09:26
* pieq bye09:27
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 88ad0e7 Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog patches/0009-lock-Add-Lock-Screen-on-Suspend-option.patch patches/0015-connectivity-add-network-connectivity-checking-toggl.patch * https://deb.li/3ysQN10:47
KGB-0* d/p/0009-lock-Add-Lock-Screen-on-Suspend-option.patch,10:47
KGB-0  d/p/0015-connectivity-add-network-connectivity-checking-toggl.patch:10:47
KGB-0  - updated to work correctly with the new libhandy10:47
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 2deb4f2 Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog patches/series patches/ubuntu_restore_sharing.patch * https://deb.li/EsJc10:47
KGB-0* debian/patches/ubuntu_restore_sharing.patch:10:47
KGB-0  - restore the ability to share the screen using vino, upstream is using10:47
KGB-0    gnome-remote-desktop but that's not enabled in Ubuntu10:47
WimpressMorning o/11:21
WimpressI am PTO today. Working on some community projects.11:21
Wimpressseb128: Can I ask a favour?11:21
Wimpressayatana-indicator-sound is in the upload queue for Groovy. 11:22
WimpressAs far as you can tell, is there anything going to prevent it from migrating from proposed?11:23
WimpressIt is the last component from the Ayatana project I require to migrate Ubuntu MATE.11:23
WimpressSomething I'd like to do later today if possible.11:23
seb128Wimpress, hey, sure, let me review it12:17
didrocks999seb128: if you need anything for me, do not hesitate12:17
seb128thanks but it should be alright12:18
marcustomlinsonmorning kenvandine13:06
kenvandineGood morning13:06
kenvandineOr afternoon :-)13:07
luna_hello 13:10
luna_Watching Debconf but 20 minutes pause currently13:11
hellsworthgood morning folks14:42
didrocks999hey hellsworth 14:49
hellsworthhiya didrocks999 how's it going?14:49
hellsworthi don't know why https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages says that libreoffice is waiting on essentially all builds.. when all of the builds passed just fine14:52
didrocks999hellsworth: still busy time, but good :) You?14:55
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 14:55
hellsworthi'm ok.. there are large mountains on fire here so the air is very smokey14:55
didrocks999urgh :(14:57
didrocks999hellsworth: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html has more info15:02
didrocks999libreoffice-nogui/amd64 in main cannot depend on libreoffice-impress-nogui in universe15:02
didrocks999so yeah, the message is misleading on the other page15:02
didrocks999libreoffice-nogui/amd64 in main cannot depend on libreoffice-writer-nogui in universe15:02
didrocks999(and so on…)15:02
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
didrocksis that a package split or anything?15:03
hellsworthyeah hmm thank you didrocks 15:03
hellsworthi have no idea.. going to look into it now though15:03
hellsworthricotz: fyi ^^15:03
didrocks2 things: either it’s a split, we had the -writer and other in -no-gui and we can promote those to main15:03
didrocksor -no-gui is not needed in main15:03
didrocksthose 2 are straightfoward to fix (if you ask any AA like seb or I)15:03
hellsworththank you :)15:03
hellsworththe advice is appreciated :)15:03
didrocks…or we gain new functionality, and depending on the code, we need a quick pre-MIR-check review (which I can do)15:03
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
=== tintou_ is now known as tintou
ricotzdidrocks, libreoffice-nogui should be good in universe15:06
ricotzhellsworth, the new metapackage libreoffice-nogui can be demoted to universe where the other -nogui packages are15:09
hellsworthalright that sounds good. any thoughts on how to do that? im going to go ask the internet too but never hurts to ask :)15:14
hellsworthyeah it would be great if there was a key/value pair for setting the archive the libreoffice-nogui package could be submitted to15:22
ricotzhellsworth, this has nothing to with the packaging, only the ubuntu archive itself15:29
ricotzso some archive admin would need to flip some switch :)15:30
didrocks999I probably was disconnected at the start of the discussion, mind pasting it?15:30
hellsworthi'd be happy to didrocks999 15:30
didrocks999hellsworth: I got starting from "17:22:34      hellsworth | yeah it would be great …"15:31
ricotz<ricotz> didrocks, libreoffice-nogui should be good in universe15:31
ricotz<ricotz> hellsworth, the new metapackage libreoffice-nogui can be demoted to universe where the other -nogui packages are15:31
ricotz<hellsworth> alright that sounds good. any thoughts on how to do that? im going to go ask the internet too but never hurts to ask :)15:32
didrocks999ack, let me check reverse dependencies :)15:33
didrocks999(note: it’s not seeded directly)15:33
didrocks999ack, thanks!15:34
hellsworthdidrocks999: i cut out all of the connection info since it seemed like there were a lot of reconnections15:34
didrocks999I will just look at what is pulling it in the new package15:34
didrocks999probably a recommends of something15:35
didrocks999interesting, nothing is pulling it15:38
didrocks999I think what happened is that an AA NEWed libreoffice-nogui without overrides and so, it ended up in main wrongly15:38
didrocks999demoting it, anyway, I’ll check if something want to put it back15:39
didrocks999but no recommends/depends I can see, nor any regexp in the seed15:39
hellsworthoh interesting indeed. thank so so much didrocks999 :D15:39
didrocks999(too many 9, so too many disconnections :p)15:40
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
didrockshellsworth: ricotz: done (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F5nd7k7Mrj/)15:41
hellsworthdidrocks: since you just demoted libreoffice-nogui then can we go ahead and launch rebuilds to get it through proposed?15:41
didrockshellsworth: oh, no need for rebuilds15:41
hellsworthnice and thank you!15:41
didrocksjust wait for the archive to notice it15:41
hellsworthok cool15:41
didrocksthen, if all autopkgtests pass, it should migrate15:41
didrocksthe message in the #by-team variant is just wrong, it’s not missing binaries15:42
hellsworthok it's nice to know that it was just wrong :)15:42
hellsworthmade it confusing15:42
didrocks(well, I think if #by-team is just looking at main, technically, the deps were missing there :p)15:42
didrocksbut still confusing message15:43

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