
jrwrenanyone have issues with python/requests... actually all of ubuntu... not supporting LetsEncrypt root certs?  python/requests/curl fails for me, but on my mac the same root cert works.02:11
jrwrenI get * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, handshake failure (552):02:11
jrwren* error:1414D172:SSL routines:tls12_check_peer_sigalg:wrong signature type02:11
cmaloneyWhich version of python / requests?02:14
jrwrenpython 3.8, not sure about requests.02:21
jrwrenbut it seems to be system wide as curl is also effected.02:21
jrwrencan anyone compare this file on tehir system?02:21
jrwren 200348 Jun  3 22:15 /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt02:21
jrwrengah, I thought maybe it was ipv6, but no, evne on ipv4 same error.02:21
jrwrenmy only guess is ca-certifactes.crt is no good.02:21
jrwrenca-certificates is already the newest version (20190110ubuntu1.1).02:25
jrwrenthat does seem too old.02:25
jrwrenhrm... or not... despite the version it is from June of 202002:26
cmaloneyDoes it work on other sites?02:31
jrwreni'm thinking it is this, but the fix didn't work for me.02:37
jrwrenyeah, adding --ciphers DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1  to the curl command makes it pass, but I've no idea how to set default openssl client ciphers02:41
jrwrenwell, curl is excellent, so ciphers = in ~/.curlrc works great, but that doesn't fix requests.02:43
jrwrenhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1233186/ubuntu-20-04-how-to-set-lower-ssl-security-level  WINS02:48
jrwrenwell that was really interesting02:51
cmaloneyWow, that's fun. :)11:56
jrwrenit really was. I'm glad I solved it.12:10

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