
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara
NaccNi have question21:02
NaccNwhat are the system requirements for Lubuntu 20.04?21:03
wxlNaccN: not much. amd64, for sure, though. what is your particular concern?21:10
lubot<N0um3n0> @wxl [<wxl> NaccN: not much. amd64, for sure, though. what is your particular concern?], with two cores and two gigas of ram, it goes perfect21:16
wxlwith less, it still works :)21:17
NaccNi have a 1.6ghz cpu and 2gb ram. will it work well? It's an old computer21:34
tomreynhi NaccN (aka Copesito?)21:37
tomreynwxl will know better, but i assume 2 gb ram is not really enough21:38
lubot<N0um3n0> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> wxl will know better, but i assume 2 gb ram is not really enough], it is enough for normal use21:56
NaccNshould i stick with 18.04?21:58
guivercNaccN, 2gb ram, in my opinion it'll depend on what you do, and expect from the box. I still use devices with 1gb, but I'm very careful with what I do & how I do it when ram is <4gb  (even at 4gb I tend to think before I start programs & consider what else is using ram)22:02
tomreynmy "normal use" involves firefox with dozens of open tabs22:12
tomreyneven with fast ddr4, zram, swapping to nvme, this would be a pain with just 2gb ram22:13
tomreynand if you're unlucky those 2 gb are actually less due to integrated graphics eating some of it for video memory22:14

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