
justinclarkUpdate: I haven't been able to confirm, but I think my issue is that event.defer() might put the deferred event at the front of the event trigger queue - my code would only work if the deferred event got put at the back of the event queue. I'll find another way to do what I want to do.01:53
* Chipaca takes a break08:24
bthomasChipaca: I am thinking it would be useful to allow opslib k8s to be used outside charm context. For instance it would be use to me now to run the get_pod_status() method from a python console passing in my juju model, app and unit. What do you think ?09:16
Chipacabthomas: no objections09:17
bthomasWhat I am worried about is in the future if opslib picks up functionality that can only be run in a charm context (as is the case for operator framework) this will be problematic09:18
bthomasAs far as I can tell all that is necessary is to allow inject of service account credentials which I can easly do09:21
Chipacabthomas: which things in k8s depend on charm context today?09:24
bthomasChipaca: I do not see anything that depends on charm context. However it does require service account CA and TOKEN.09:25
bthomasA developer/client can always creat their own service account, if the have admin access to the cluster. I would think they should be able to inject such service account credentials into the APIServer class in k8s to then use it to query the juju cluster09:27
Chipacabthomas: wrt 'require service account ca and token', it's picking those up from disk, from their 'canonical' locations, isn't it?09:28
Chipacaie not charm-related09:28
Chipacaor is that something juju does for charms?09:28
bthomasChipaca: there is no /var/run/secrets in my host (ubuntu laptop) system. So I would expect that the service account details are coming from Juju or microk8s. Will dig a bit.09:30
bthomaskubectl -n lma exec prometheus-operator-0 -- ls /var/run/secrets09:36
bthomasshows that the service account details are available in the prometheus charm pods09:36
Chipacamy dog, fetching individual treats and scritches for each opcode, would still run test_main.py faster than windows does10:03
facubatista¡Muy buenos días a todos!11:09
Chipacathat was a short day11:12
bthomasGood Morning11:17
bthomasIs there any method call in the Operator Framework that a charm needs to make in order to ensure that the juju init container runs to completion ?11:43
Chipacabthomas: what do you mean by the 'juju init container'?11:50
bthomasChipaca: when you deploy a charm juju creates a container called juju-pod-init. This is a kubernetes "init container". As far as I understand this must run to completion before other pods will start.11:51
bthomasopps i meant other containers will start11:51
* bthomas breaks for lunch11:58
facubatistaChipaca, what we discussed: https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/13712:40
mupPR charmcraft#137: Fixed global options behaviour <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/137>12:40
facubatistabthomas, reviews appreciated ^ thanks12:40
bthomasfacubatista: looking now12:42
bthomasfacubatista: args.verbose_global and args.quite_global seem to be exactly opposite things. So I do not understand why have both and use both.12:49
facubatistabthomas, the user needs the option to use one or the other12:51
justinclarkGood morning !13:22
facubatistahello justinclark13:24
bthomasInside my operator charm pod the pip3 installed in /usr/local/bin/pip3 gives the error "AttributeError: module 'platform' has no attribute 'linux_distribution'" . Oddly enough even though dpkg -L python3-pip shows it has installed a pip3 at /usr/bin/pip3 when trying to run /usr/bin/pip3 I get the error "No such file or directory".13:50
* bthomas is perplexed13:50
bthomasAny idea why there are two pip3's in a charm pod ? The one in /usr/local/bin/pip3 seems to be outdated.13:52
Chipacabthomas: what put /usr/local/bin/pip3 there, and why are you even running pip3 on a charm pod14:03
bthomasChipaca: I do not know what put /usr/local/bin/pip3 there. The pod is called prometheus-opeartor-0. I am install python modules to help in remote debugging of operator hooks.14:05
Chipacabthomas: so does /usr/bin/pip3 actually exist? (or is it a dangling symlink)14:06
bthomasChipaca: /usr/bin/pip3 does not exist14:06
bthomasChipaca: Very Very odd that dpkg -l python3-pip reports that the deb is actually installed14:07
bthomasI can not find any other way to debug this charm. Without being able to get pip3 working I have to thow up my hands in despair.14:10
Chipacabthomas: why not 'apt instlal --reinstall python3-pip'?14:15
Chipacaor the same without typos14:15
bthomasChipaca: result = "Reinstallation of python3-pip is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.". I am going to retry after apt update14:16
* bthomas does cartwheels14:17
bthomasupdated followed by install worked14:17
bthomasChipaca: still aren't there issues here that need to be reported or a bug filed ? If so would you like me to do it and where ?14:17
Chipacabthomas: are these things in the operator pod, or the application pod?14:23
bthomasChipaca: operator pod14:23
Chipacabthomas: does sound like a bug yes14:24
bthomasChipaca: if it is a bug report for our team I can create a bug report describing what I said above. Would you like me to do it ? If it is for another team I would rather you do it knowing more about the issue, but will be happy to help.14:25
Chipacabthomas: it isn't for us, it'd be for juju probably14:29
bthomasAdding a pdb set_trace() call in a hook does not do anything. I would expect that it should have halted the charm hook execution at that point. I can actually see the hook being called by watching juju status .14:38
bthomasHmm. I tried adding my python modules to requirements.txt and find they are not installed in the operator pod. I guess this means they are only installed in the application pod.14:41
Chipacabthomas: how are you building the charm?15:08
bthomasChipaca: charmcraft build15:09
Chipacabthomas: and where are you looking for those python modules?15:09
bthomasChipaca: in prometheus-operator-0 where the charm.py file is located.15:09
Chipacabthomas: and where in there?15:10
bthomasChipaca: /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-prometheus-0/charm/src/charm.py15:10
Chipacabthomas: and where in there are you looking for the libs?15:13
bthomasChipaca: by launching python3 after kubectl exec -it -- /bin/bash15:13
Chipacabthomas: try « PYTHONPATH=/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-prometheus-0/charm/venv python »15:17
Chipacaor rather python315:17
Chipacabthomas: « PYTHONPATH=/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-prometheus-0/charm/venv python3 »15:17
bthomasthanks will do15:17
* Chipaca gets tea15:26
mupIssue operator#392 opened: Testing harness does not re-emit deferred event <Created by justinmclark> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/392>16:11
justinclarkHere's the issue I mentioned during stand up today ^^16:12
Chipacajustinclark: thank you16:16
Chipaca39 failed, 321 passed in 375.80s (0:06:15)16:18
Chipaca*SIX MINUTES*16:18
Chipacabut also, only 39 failed :-D16:18
bthomasChipaca: Can one expect k8s.get_pod_status() to return an empty dictionary if it is given valid model, app, and unit ?16:32
Chipacabthomas: if everything is valid, it should not return an empty dict no16:33
bthomasChipaca: Ok thinks. I am seeing an empty dictionary using pdb. But let us not get alarmed right now. I will try and dig a bit more for the rest of the day (although I really could do with a break for today :-) )16:34
* Chipaca ← 34 failed, 326 passed16:48
* bthomas Chipaca exercises windows muscle 💪16:52
moon127facubatista: thanks for the initial comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~moon127/charm-k8s-unifi-poller/+git/charm-k8s-unifi-poller/+merge/389643 - I added a response on the required settings code change, mainly as I'd tried it before and found juju deploying for real in microk8s behaved differently.  I could use some feedback on that.17:02
facubatistamoon127, let me see...17:05
facubatistamoon127, ah, oh, mmm... it looks like options are *always* there, but by default in ""? So probably it's a misname to search for "missing" values, better if we call them "emtpy"?17:09
facubatistamoon127, are we sure that "" is never a valid value?17:09
moon127never valid value for my use case indeed17:11
moon127thanks for confirming I am not going mad!17:12
moon127you are right though if I don't explicitly declare the config option as at least "" in the test harness it does raise a KeyError... but I guess internally for real deployment as you say juju always has the option there.17:13
Chipacawhile we can confirm that this particular instance is not evidence of you going mad, we do not mean to imply the more general statement17:13
moon127ha yeah true dat17:14
Chipacadown to 28 failures17:26
Chipacaand off for evening run + evening meal + evening evening17:26
* Chipaca will bbl for more windows tests17:26
facubatistamoon127, the tests should reflect reality, so I'm ok with your "not config['foo']", but let's just rename missing to empty, so when reading the code that's more clear; extra points for a comment17:28
facubatistaChipaca, and this is the other PR that I want for before release: https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/14019:24
mupPR charmcraft#140: Always log the charmcraft version when indicated <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/140>19:24
facubatistabthomas, justinclark, review appreciated ^ (thanks!)19:24
Chipacafacubatista: but does it run on windows19:25
* Chipaca sets python.exe on fire and runs away19:25
facubatistaChipaca, of course19:25
bthomasfacubatista: I had already reviewed and approved "Fixed global options behaviour". This looks like the same pull request with another commit "Always log the charmcraft version when indicated." I did a quick review of that. +119:58
facubatistayes, it depends on the other one19:59
* facubatista eods21:00
Chipaca360 tests passed, 8 skipped (4 of those still need work)23:30
* Chipaca EODs23:30
drewn3ssIs there a reason relation data must be a string in operator?  https://github.com/canonical/operator/blob/master/ops/model.py#L68723:47
drewn3ssI'm seeing historical code in reactive that works both with dict structures and strings.23:47
drewn3ssperhaps the code we used to use was providing the serialization on the backend and operator wants it done by the operator?  I'm seeing interfaces that prefer the deserialized data.23:48
drewn3ss(though handle both, thankfully)23:49

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