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FedericoXubuntuHi everyone! :)  I'm currently using Xubuntu 20.04. I've installed a few snap applications, when I try to opening a url from a snap application (i.e. skype or slack) it looks like it starts a new firefox session (because it isn't customized as my default firefox session). What could the problem be?06:51
diogenes_FedericoXubuntu, you probably have to play around with mimetype settings.06:55
FedericoXubuntuYeah I guessed so, I tried to look over the mimetype settings but couldn't find the issue06:58
tobiasBoraHello, I'd like to install xubuntu on a cpu  AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor07:03
tobiasBoraHowever, I can't find if this processor is 32 bits or 64 bits. Indeed, if I type "lscpu", it's written that the arch is i686 (so 32 bits), but the CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit07:04
pmjdebruijntobiasBora: cat /proc/cpuinfo07:04
pmjdebruijngrep lm /proc/cpuinfo07:04
tobiasBorapmjdebruijn: grep lm gives some result (lm and lahf_lm in the flag line)07:05
pmjdebruijn'lm' means long mode, which means 64bit07:05
tobiasBorapmjdebruijn: ok cool, thanks. But then, any idea why it's written "arch i686" which is supposed to be 32 bits? Is it the arch of the current system that is given here?07:06
tobiasBora(I may installed a 32 bit version a while ago)07:06
tobiasBoraoh ok cool, thanks a lot!07:06
pmjdebruijnso that reflects your OS07:07
pmjdebruijnat least in uname07:07
pmjdebruijnnot sure about lscpu, never used it07:07
tobiasBoraok, thanks a lot for the help07:07
pmjdebruijnbut, regardless, it's easy enough to see of xubuntu 64bit boots or not07:08
tobiasBorapmjdebruijn: sure, but I've a shitty bandwi07:08
tobiasBorabandwith* here, so don't want to download 2 iso07:08
pmjdebruijnwell, it's very very likely 64bit will work for you07:08
tobiasBorayep, thanks a lot07:10
tobiasBoragnrp: sorry, I just saw your message today. Thanks a lot, good to know that apt is still on the road07:12
reqHi. I know I can snap windows to quarters alt-dragging them to screen corners. Can I adjust the zones somehow? I often use a different window layouts, none of them the default quarters or halfsies.12:28
gnrpreq: I would recommend you to use a different window manager. There are dozens of tiling window managers that are made for exactly hat12:29
reqI guess I could try that. I tried i3 and some others way back and the experience was not at all good12:31
reqHmm, is it possible to use one of them inside xfce somehow?12:32
gnrpsame for me. As much as I like the concept of tiling, the software seemed to be trying hard to be nerd-only12:32
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