
tewardRAOF: I think the removal of those packages for py3.8 lack of support has caused a number of other more... concerning... regressions?04:42
tewardor is this still the same issue?04:43
RAOF"teward" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_teward:matrix.org): what do you mean? It shouldn't have resulted in anything being broken that wasn't before?04:45
tewardunless i can't read right04:45
tewardRAOF: only seeing the latest messages in the chain because my email server asploded04:45
tewardso my bad04:45
RAOFGood, good.04:47
tewardah right you yanked those packages from proposed04:48
tewardi was looking for the debdiff'd packages 'cause im' bored :p04:48
tewardi should probably do that in the morning instead of at 00:48 :p04:48
teward*goes to pass out in bed*04:48
ginggssil2100: pyhst2's ppc64el binaries have already been removed from -release.  pyhyst2 is now blocked by nvidia-graphics-drivers-450, which is blocked by linux restricted modules07:33
ginggsI think removing pyhst2's binaries on amd64 will allow nvidia-cuda-toolkit to migrate, and pyhst2 can migrate when n-g-d-450 and l-r-m are sorted07:34
ginggsi'll ask in #ubuntu-release07:34
tewardRAOF: do the autopkgtests for the affected regressed packages need fixed or is it the packages which were yanked from proposed that need fixed, on that py3.8 thing13:08
tewardasking because reasons :)13:08
AsciiWolfkenvandine, hi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/1873040 - is there any chance this issue will get fixed? :) and is there any way I could help? I am not a devel, but I can do testing, debugging etc.16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873040 in snap-store-desktop "Source for deb apps in dropdown menu is empty" [High,Confirmed]16:54
AsciiWolfhowever, when I tried debugging this issue the last time, there was nothing in verbose logs and I was not able to find anything related to why the deb menu is empty :/ anyway, feel free to ping me if you want any help with this issue... it would be great if this was finally fixed :)16:58
kenvandine@AsciiWolf yeah, we plan to fix that.  It's not trivial and we have other priorities ahead of it17:39
udevbotError: "AsciiWolf" is not a valid command.17:39
kenvandineAsciiWolf yeah, we plan to fix that.  It's not trivial and we have other priorities ahead of it17:39

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