
lotuspsychjegood morning02:03
ducassegood morning07:54
crorafUbuntu Bionic (16.04) had "bionic linux-hwe" kernel flavors, which were like "advanced" kernels matching some of the latest mainline kernels?16:13
oerheksno, backported kernels from next release16:15
crorafoerheks, so each time the LTS "point" realese happens an "hwe" version is created?16:20
oerheksyes, when next Groovy 20.10 is released, HWE will be available16:21
crorafbut i dont understand what is the difference, because the "regular" kernel is also updated16:21
crorafoerheks, and also the bionic linux is based on 4.13-4.15 mainline kernels16:22
crorafbionic linux-hwe is based on 4.18-5.3 mainline kernels16:23
crorafand bionic linux-hwe 5.0 is based on 5.0 mainline kernel16:23
crorafSo there is no rule basically.16:24
oerheksdon't look at the 'mainline stuff' ..16:25
oerheksthose are for testing16:25
crorafOK. But for example bionic-linux has 4.13-4.15 ubuntu kernel version16:25
crorafbionic linux hwe has 4.18-5.3 and bionic linux hwe 5.0 has 5.0 versions16:26
crorafthere is also hwe 5.416:26
crorafSo if I understood correctly each new point version comes with the new kernel "flavor"?16:27
crorafLike 16.04.1 came with hwe, 16.04.2 came with hwe 5.0, 16.04.3 came with hwe 5.4?16:27
crorafActually from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=18.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.svg I see that:16:33
Maikcroraf: after each new ubuntu release you should get a new kernel with HWE afaik16:34
Maiksome time after that is16:34
crorafHmmm, I dont think this is how it goes16:35
Maiksay Ubuntu 20.10 will ship 5.7 or 5.8, you'll get that on the LTS release as update/upgrade16:35
Maikwell... i don't know any different way it should go16:36
Maiki could be mistaken (just woke up)16:36
crorafI was checking this link, it is extremely confusing and out of date Maik16:37
ducasseevery new release means a hwe kernel for older lts releases16:37
Maikit's still the same procedure croraf16:38
Maikducasse: so i was basically right?16:38
ducasseyeah, you are16:38
crorafducasse, so every major release?16:38
crorafnot point releases?16:38
ducassethe point releases come with hwe16:39
crorafSo when 18.10 came out the bionic-hwe came out? When 19.04 came out the bionic-hwe-5.0 came out and when 19.10 came out the bionic-hwe-5.4 came out?16:39
ducassebut a little after the release16:40
crorafThats why we have only 3 hwe for 18.04 and we have 4 releases after 18.04?16:40
croraf18.10 19.04 19.10 20.0416:40
crorafwe should have 4 hwe kernel lines for bionic.16:41
crorafducasse, Maik16:41
ducasseif the 20.04 kernel has been released yet for bionic, i'm not sure it has16:41
crorafI see now that eon ermine (19.10) didnt come with the kernel line16:43
crorafAnd focal (20.04) came with 5.4 kernel. So it might be that 20.04 is mapping to "bionic linux hwe 5.4"16:44
crorafAnd that 19.10 didnt come with a hwe.16:45
Maikbionic should have 5.4 now16:45
crorafYes, it has "bionic linux hwe 5.4" kernel line16:45
lotuspsychjeubottu> linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image (dummy transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 17 kB16:46
crorafBefore that there was "bionic linux hwe 5.0" kernel line16:46
crorafIt might be that only .04 versions come with a kernel line?16:47
croraf18.04 19.04 20.0416:47
crorafAnd if you check this image https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=18.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.svg16:47
crorafThen you have complete mess and confusion.16:48
Maik19.10 had 5.3 and was also HWE, except 5.3 is EOL now and wasn't a LTS kernel16:51
Maikso what's your point actually16:51
Maikthat the documentation isn't up to date?16:51
crorafI want to understand how and when these kernel lines come? Maik16:52
Maikas we said a couple of times before now: they come to LTS after a while when a new version of Ubuntu is released16:53
ducassethis is really more of a topic for -discuss, it's not really a support issue16:53
Maikwe are in -discuss? ;)16:54
ducasseoh, sorry, me blinking :)16:54
Maikhehehe... had that to a while back16:54
ducassei'm following too many things at once16:54
Maikno problem, same here :)16:55
ducassethere were some changes to how hwe works a while back, you might find that in uwn16:55
ducassei don't recall the details16:55
ducasseiirc, they were mostly regarding how hwe is pulled in and when, but they clarified the whole deal16:57
croraflotuspsychje, hehehe, 4th time someone gives me this link :)16:57
crorafMaik, if this is true, why are there 4 releses after 18.04 but only 3 hwe?16:59
ducassethe latest bionic is .517:00
Maikcroraf: ^17:01
ducasse.1 did not come with a hwe kernel, that leaves .2, .3, .4 and .517:01
Maikyep, so that makes 417:02
ducassethen we agree on the math :)17:02
crorafBuuuut, there are only 3 hwe kernels, not 4.17:03
crorafMaik, ducasse17:03
crorafthe bionic hwe, bionic hwe 5.0, bionic hwe 5.417:03
Maikand 5.317:04
crorafMaik, there is no such: https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html17:04
ducassethere's a table here - https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Ubuntu_LTS_Hardware_Enablement_Stack_information17:04
crorafducasse, nice that you found this :)17:05
ducasse4.18, 5.0, 5.3 and 5.417:05
Maik18.04.4 (RN)5.3(from Ubuntu 19.10)HWE KernelFebruary 2020August 202017:05
coconutyes, firefox 80 is now updated in focal :)17:05
Maikfrom that table17:05
* Maik uses Chrome17:06
crorafChrome also updated today to 8517:06
ducassecroraf: does that answer your question?17:06
crorafBut how come this does not match in my table ducasse Maik - which is official17:06
ducassewhich table?17:07
crorafAnd also the 16.04 only have 4 versions17:07
Maikcroraf: again, because it hasn't been updated maybe? Volunteers work on the documentation afaik17:07
crorafducasse, https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html17:07
crorafI posted this before at :04:3817:08
crorafMaik, I mean this table is very much up to date always17:08
crorafAnd this Thomas Kren site is unofficial17:08
Maikbut what's your problem with it? You have the latest kernel and it runs fine doesn't it?17:09
crorafIt does not17:09
* Maik doesn't have any issues17:09
crorafI do have 20.04 GA latest though17:09
croraflet me check my table to see the hwe for 16.0417:10
Maikneed to get ready for work in a few, see you all later :)17:10
crorafxenial has only 1 hwe in my table .... :(17:11
crorafok have a nice day Mail17:11
ducasseyou need to ask the kernel team about the table, i can't comment on it17:12
ducasseif you have a problem with your kernel then that is a support issue :)17:13
Maikthank croraf,  but actually night :)17:13
crorafducasse, i know but i want to understand the context to actually be able to solve17:18
crorafnow i've been suggested to install the oem kernel17:18
crorafHow does the "oem" line differ from "hwe" line?17:19
ducasselotuspsychje: can you answer this? ^^17:27
crorafducasse, on top of this, if I install this oem kernel, would I be able on boot to choose which kernel to boot with?17:28
croraf*will I be able17:28
ducasseyeah, you should be able to choose from grub17:29
crorafcool, so I'm actually safe to try this, with respect to crashing my system or losing data?17:29
crorafI can always simply switch to the current kernel17:30
ducassei've never used the oem kernels myself, but i would think it's pretty safe to try one out17:30
coconutWhat kind of privileges do one need to edit !factoids ?17:51
ducassei think only certain ops can do that17:55
ducassemaybe all of them, not sure17:55
coconut:) i ask this because i saw a typo in one of them coming by17:59
ducasseif you report it in -ops they will fix it18:00
coconut#ubuntu-quality: !support18:00
coconut<ubot5> Ubuntu 20.10 (Focal Fossa) support in #ubuntu+1. This channel is for testing 20.10 and reporting results here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/413/builds18:00
coconutok, will try that, thank you :)18:01
ducasseyou can also try -offtopic, several ops hang out there18:04
ducassei'll also mention it if i see one18:05
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