
lotuspsychjegood morning01:31
=== dominic35 is now known as dominic34
marcoagpintoThe cola demon!05:25
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: What are you trying to do?05:55
lotuspsychjewaking up ubot905:56
lotuspsychjethink its still sleeping :p05:56
ducassegood morning06:10
=== coconut__ is now known as coconut
croraf_lotuspsychje, am i banned?14:32
croraf_on ubuntu?14:32
lotuspsychjecroraf_: no, auto anti flood with a time limit14:32
croraf_so i was banned for 1 min?14:35
coconutCodeLyoko, you have been auto silenced for a minute because of pasting too many lines at ones14:40
coconut*at once14:40
coconutcroraf_, try to use termbin of pastebinit next time for multiple lines, so that the servers don't get in trouble14:44
croraf_I know. The newline was obscured when I pasted coconut . So I didnt know it would trigger new line15:03
coconutcroraf_, well, no problem then (that is one reason why +s is used before banning)15:09
EMH-Mark-IAre there any strong opinions of Ubuntu based distributions that still use the Ubuntu main repositories, instead of running and maintaining their own? Such as, could it be considered as “freeloading?”15:17
ducassewe don't support or discuss non-ubuntu distros at all15:19
tomreynEMH-Mark-I: #ubuntu-mirrors might have an opinion on it. my impression is that the bandwidth cnaonical pays for the main mirrors is indeed costly. on the other hand, my impression is that they've never gotten in the way of derivatives - unless when it comes wo the 'brand' name Ubuntu.17:43
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
EMH-Mark-Itomreyn: Oh ok, I could ask there. I figured it would make for some discussion since I'm interested in it.18:18
tomreynif you don't have a use case (say, by developing one of those derivates), then don't bother, i'd say.18:21
EMH-Mark-II really don't have a use case for myself. I'm interested to see what people might think of it. I believe it’s quite charitable of Ubuntu (or other distributions) to extend access to their repositories for others to use, instead of restricting it.18:26
EMH-Mark-ISince there is a cost and a lot of orchestration involved.18:26
=== dominic35 is now known as dominic34

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